Fallout 4


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What do you guys think of it so far? I've seen it get a lot of flak and praise. Personally it's surpassed my expectations.

in other news, favorite companions, guns, armor etc.

Male, BOS heavy combat armor with one shoulder being a medium variant, patrol glasses and a militia hat. Currently using a gatling laser, Curie (who is best waifu :#) is using ashmaker (Fiery mini gun) and wearing helmeted cage armor.

Favorite companions are Curie and Nick so far, gonna do Macready next.
I've only done the BOS ending so far, it was cool, but jesus christ they are nazi's. Especially with that opening speech on the prydwen...  Also the Dunwich quarry man @_@
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So far in my playthrough, I think it's pretty good. The only complaints I have are small ones, like the ability to see your holstered gun being removed from the previous titles in the series. Definite GOTY for me.


Female, Leather armor, all of them legendary, Vault 111 suit fully upgraded, Using Experiment 18-A and Tinker Tom Special, Deacon as the companion
Curie, Piper and Deacon are my favorites for their random dialogue. Cait can be a hard ass at first but once you get to know her, she can be pretty alright.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
only seeinbg things so far. looks cool to me. i heard settlement building is a little weird though. I love how they did Power Armor though.


Oct 21, 2015
It was everything I wanted and more. Boston is so awesome to wander around in. I am quite pleased.

As for favorites: As of right now, I'm using the overseer's guardian (a combat rifle that you can get from Vault 81 that basically does double damage) kitted out with a .308 receiver, and all other available upgrades, as well as a reflex sight.

A completely upgraded hunting rifle into a .50 caliber sniper that just makes the most beautifully loud sound when fired. 

A completely upgraded legendary EXPLOSIVE combat shotgun that wrecks everything (Mr. Torgue would be proud).

I also have a legendary staggering minigun that has a chance to stagger an enemy with every hit, so combine that effect with a minigun and you can keep anything pinned, really helpful with large enemies.

Found me a full suit of X-01 power armor. Working to get my armorer perk up to get it titanium plating.

As for companions, I romanced Piper, because lesbians. Also, best girl.... so far. Have her in the Grognak outfit. G-d, loincloths are sexy.

But I mostly travel around with Dogmeat. 'Cause dogs don't judge you for everything you do..... and his pinning thing is nice, as well as the fact that it's somewhat easier to move him out of a doorway.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not very far in the game (Only 18 hours), but so far I'm loving the shit out of it. Updated gunplay, power armour and the new VATS system makes it far superior in terms of raw gameplay to 3 and NV. Though whether it overtakes 2 as my fav remains to be seen.


Aug 29, 2015
It's what I've come to expect from Bethesda and anyone that collaborates with them: awesome. I just wish I had more time to play it because it eats up hours like crazy. Ran into some buggy things but nothing to over the top. Getting tired of being blown up by shit every 15 minuets though.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Yeah in the past 10 years the Eastern BoS (Remeber they are split into two factions) have gotten a lot less about helping the everyday citizen and more 'For the Emporah!'

Guess that's what happens when your age old Nemesis, the Enclave, has been defeated and you need more enemys.

Though too be fair, all factions outside of the Minutemen have flaws in their judgement which makes you not want to help them. Kinda the point really; all factions except the first are huge grey area groups.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Though too be fair, all factions outside of the Minutemen have flaws in their judgement which makes you not want to help them. Kinda the point really; all factions except the first are huge grey area groups.

It's almost as if people will do whatever is necessary to survive in a nuclear wasteland. Kinda glad we don't have anymore Lawful Evil Enclave to deal with, and instead a bunch of Neutral-ish factions (Minutemen notwithstanding.) with their own ups and downs. Though in general, I find the people within factions to be more reasonable that the factions in a vaccum. Fuck, that's basically every group of people, ever.


We finally get to explore a still-functioning Vault outside of tutorials: Vault 81, which is fucking awesome! (Do the sidequest if you like jumpscary Mole Rats (fuck those guys))


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's almost as if people will do whatever is necessary to survive in a nuclear wasteland. Kinda glad we don't have anymore Lawful Evil Enclave to deal with, and instead a bunch of Neutral-ish factions (Minutemen notwithstanding.) with their own ups and downs. Though in general, I find the people within factions to be more reasonable that the factions in a vaccum. Fuck, that's basically every group of people, ever.

Actually, The Enclave wasn't that bad *Ignores the horrors of Fallout 2 and Frank horrigan* They wanted the purifier to control the wasteland through resource instead of violence, colonel autumn was trying to be good, president eden was the only one who wanted to poison it
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
They weren't horribly bad, but they where very shady, and being control by the left over ai/brain of a vice-president didn't help their cause.

But seeing as they didn't invent the water purifier they had no say in it's use, end of story,


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
They weren't horribly bad, but they where very shady, and being control by the left over ai/brain of a vice-president didn't help their cause.

But seeing as they didn't invent the water purifier they had no say in it's use, end of story,

When you're going to president eden after he has told you to and colonel autumn says otherwise, who do the soldiers listen to? Eden is not in-charge


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Not how I remember he expansion going down, but it's been... what 7 years since I played it, so I might be remembering things wrong. Regardless, Enclave where fractured rements of a broken government that nobody wanted anymore due to them not truly wishing to help people but simply gain control.

The enclave where no better than Caesars Legion, and I was not sad to see them nuked into oblivion in the name of America.

Regardless, I think some survivors of the Enclave have infected the Eastern Brotherhood, as they did get a lot more 'Purge-y' than they where.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not how I remember he expansion going down, but it's been... what 7 years since I played it, so I might be remembering things wrong. Regardless, Enclave where fractured rements of a broken government that nobody wanted anymore due to them not truly wishing to help people but simply gain control.

The enclave where no better than Caesars Legion, and I was not sad to see them nuked into oblivion in the name of America.

Regardless, I think some survivors of the Enclave have infected the Eastern Brotherhood, as they did get a lot more 'Purge-y' than they where.

Nah, you can meet the new elder 'Elder Maxson' in Fallout 3, who was a kid called Arthur, he had a crush on Sarah Lyons, unfortunately this is just the Brotherhood going down a bad path, if anything the outcast are the most logical reason


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Nah, you can meet the new elder 'Elder Maxson' in Fallout 3, who was a kid called Arthur, he had a crush on Sarah Lyons, unfortunately this is just the Brotherhood going down a bad path, if anything the outcast are the most logical reason

True;, but I've heard several members of the brotherhood calling the Western Brotherhood Weak fools. Might be filler dialog, or might be hinting to a brotherhood fight style xpac. Still have no clue where we are going in the expansion, and someplace like California to fight the Western brother hood (Who would probably be on the defensive.) could be interesting.


Aug 27, 2015
You can't ignore Fallout 2 just because you don't like it. I think Bethesda's attempts at lore-building are awkward and cringe-y in comparison to Obsidian's, but I accept that what they've come up with is canon. The Enclave were therefore always a fascist bunch of cunts, and nothing they did can be classified as "not that bad". The mistake Bethesda made in F3 was deciding that that had to make the BoS lawful good types, when they are anything but. Thankfully they've done a decent job of re-establishing what they're really like in this one.

someplace like California to fight the Western brother hood (Who would probably be on the defensive.) could be interesting.
Putting aside the fact the Western BoS has more or less been dissolved at this point, I very much doubt Bethesda will do anything on the west coast, particularly not since New Vegas. They are deliberately avoiding touching stuff Black Isle/Obsidian have come up with and setting their own shit far, far away. I think there's a single mention of the NCR in the entirety of F4, and they didn't even adopt solid and innocuous gameplay elements that NV introduced, like ammo stations. That's how much they want to keep their lore separate and exclusive. There's plenty other areas they could use that haven't been seen yet; I understand the US is a fair sized nation.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You can't ignore Fallout 2 just because you don't like it. I think Bethesda's attempts at lore-building are awkward and cringe-y in comparison to Obsidian's, but I accept that what they've come up with is canon. The Enclave were therefore always a fascist bunch of cunts, and nothing they did can be classified as "not that bad". The mistake Bethesda made in F3 was deciding that that had to make the BoS lawful good types, when they are anything but. Thankfully they've done a decent job of re-establishing what they're really like in this one.

I loved fallout 2, I'm just looking at the bright side of the shit pile that is the enclave.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Regardless of the changed Bethesda did; Fallout 4 is still overall an enjoyable self contained experience, a bit better if you ignore all other Fallouts.

It's a good standalone game. Especially the Powerarmor system. Hell I'd play the game if it was ONLY power armor parts. The system is amazing. Savaging Power cores, even resorting to sneaking up and stealing it out of a brotherhood soldier then sneaking away to power your own felt good... Until I had 40+ and had lvl 3 of the 0 Int perk.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Frankly I'm really disappointed,  mechanics (rip in pizza skills) seem dumbed down and the upgrade/weapon mod system is much less deep than I thought, the settlement building feels tacked on and the dialogue ranges from passable to cringe inducing. 

not going to say anything about the main story because spoilers but its pretty standard by bethesda standards which is not good.

Really felt like a step back from new vegas in almost every way.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Frankly I'm really disappointed,  mechanics (rip in pizza skills) seem dumbed down and the upgrade/weapon mod system is much less deep than I thought, the settlement building feels tacked on and the dialogue ranges from passable to cringe inducing. 

not going to say anything about the main story because spoilers but its pretty standard by bethesda standards which is not good.

Really felt like a step back from new vegas in almost every way.

Bethesdia didn't write for New Vegas; was pretty sure that was Obsidian.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Frankly I'm really disappointed,  mechanics (rip in pizza skills) seem dumbed down and the upgrade/weapon mod system is much less deep than I thought, the settlement building feels tacked on and the dialogue ranges from passable to cringe inducing. 

not going to say anything about the main story because spoilers but its pretty standard by bethesda standards which is not good.

Really felt like a step back from new vegas in almost every way.

I think that despite all the problems Fallout 4 has, it manages to be one of the best Fallout's in the series, maybe not better than Fallout 2 in terms of story and writing, but in everything else yeah.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I am gonna hold out for the GOTY/Complete edition. I would rather just get all the DLC and what not in one shot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I am gonna hold out for the GOTY/Complete edition. I would rather just get all the DLC and what not in one shot.

Understandable from a financial perspective, but I've been way too hyped for the game to not buy and play it on launch.

On a side note the buggy nature of Bethesda has finally caught up to me, along with the poor optimization. (Seriously, recon scopes drop more frames than I drop baddies.)


Aug 27, 2015
I loved fallout 2, I'm just looking at the bright side of the shit pile that is the enclave.

I quite like how the BoS has started calling them "traitorous rebels". History is written etc.

Frankly I'm really disappointed,  mechanics (rip in pizza skills) seem dumbed down and the upgrade/weapon mod system is much less deep than I thought, the settlement building feels tacked on and the dialogue ranges from passable to cringe inducing. 

not going to say anything about the main story because spoilers but its pretty standard by bethesda standards which is not good.

Really felt like a step back from new vegas in almost every way.

You should know what you're going to get with Bethesda. Big, massive sandbox which is great fun to explore, frustrating and rushed mechanics, awful writing. They've at least had a half-assed go at understanding what was great about New Vegas with the four factions/four endings thing, but didn't really get it.

If you play it on the PC, I can see settlements in particular becoming much more interesting and expansive with mods, I'm actually looking forward to that a lot. If you play it on the console... well, yeah. You should know what you're going to get. Also fuck you for being the reason for the dialogue system.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Also fuck you for being the reason for the dialogue system.

I don't mind dialogue wheels, but please make them more like *Deus Ex: Human Revolution (awesome game),where the entire line is shown when highlighting the option, and not DA.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
 They've at least had a half-assed go at understanding what was great about New Vegas with the four factions/four endings thing, but didn't really get it.

I love New Vegas so much cus of that 4 faction things, and its setting is prefect if you ask me. Even though NV is buggy as hell (Seen a lot of rad scrops stuck in the ground) Its still a lot of fun.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I love New Vegas so much cus of that 4 faction things, and its setting is prefect if you ask me. Even though NV is buggy as hell (Seen a lot of rad scrops stuck in the ground) Its still a lot of fun.

There's so much to love about New Vegas. (Exploring not-with-standing, that was definately a weak point.)