What kind of Champion are you?!

Gear Grinder

Jan 6, 2016
Name: Yashir
Race: Dragon-morph
Gender: Futa

You began your journey as a human, but gave that up as you explored the dangers of this realm. You are a 10 foot tall dragon-morph, with a fit, somewhat thin body and rippling muscles all over. You are currently wearing your leather armor segments and using your large axe as a weapon. Your face is that of a lizard, complete with a toothy maw and pointed snout. Reflective orange and black striped scales complete the look, making you look quite fearsome. It has a nice set of cheekbones and lips that have the barest hint of pout. The ass-length, shiny black hair atop your head is parted by a pair of rounded protrusions with small holes on the sides of your head serve as your ears. Bony fins sprout behind them. A snake-like tongue occasionally flits between your lips, tasting the air. Two huge horns erupt from your forehead, curving outward at first, then forwards. The weight of them is heavy, and they end in dangerous looking points.

You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Magnificent wings sprout from your shoulders. When unfurled they stretch further than your arm span, and a single beat of them is all you need to set out toward the sky. They look a bit like bat’s wings, but the membranes are covered in fine, delicate scales and a wicked talon juts from the end of each bone. You have flared, fertile thighs that make it look like you’ve birthed many children, and your big, burly derriere threatens to bust out from under your kit each time you clench it. A thin, scaly, prehensile reptilian tail, almost as long as you are tall, swings behind you like a living bullwhip. Its tip menaces with spikes of bone, meant to deliver painful blows. Two human-like legs grow down from your waspish, voluptuous hips, sheathed in scales and ending in clawed feet. There are three long toes on the front, and a small hind-claw on the back.

You have two jugs, each supporting one 1-inch ebony nipple. You could easily fill a large MMM-cup bra.

Your flared stallion-cock is 12 inches long and two inches wide. It’s mottled black and brown in a very animalistic pattern. The 'head' of your shaft flares proudly, just like a horse’s. It’s covered by a lacey dark green cock-sock accented with red rose-like patterns. Just wearing it makes your body, especially your cock, tingle.
A scaley ballsack filled with a pair of balls swings low under your flat-tipped horse-member. You estimate each of them to be about 12 inches across.

You have a loose, black muff, with a 3-inch clit. Occasional beads of lubricant drip from your loose snatch, its lips slightly parted.

You have one moist tight pucker, placed between your butt-cheeks where it belongs.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
While I go around trying various champions the one I usually go back to is:

Name: Kharn Starius (in game name Kharn)

Gender: Originally male, but Essrayle decided to give him a little something extra to more toward Dickgirl/shemale (sorry if anyone is offended by the term though)

Race: Kitsune based Fox-morph

Gear: Spider-silk Robe (now Dragonhide Robe) with a Wizard Staff (I have the Wizard robe, but lack the Wizard hat to wear with it)

Usually a magic based champion with the CoC Revamp. Corruption is low to no more than 20 usually, but the temptations of magic sometimes steer her toward a more dark path. I originally was neutral to Joy not wanting to lose Jojo for her, but she grew on me.
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Apr 14, 2016
Name: Kait

Race: Bunny-morph

Gender: Male [?]

Appearance: Ebony skin, Pink Fur

You are a 4 foot 3 inch tall dickgirl bunny-girl, with a fairly thin form and soft, cuddle-able flesh. You are currently wearing your stockings and garters and using your eldritch staff as a weapon. Girding one of your fingers is fertite ring.  Under your pink fur you have a human-shaped head with ebony skin. The constant twitches of your nose and the length of your incisors gives your visage a hint of bunny-like cuteness. It has a nice set of cheekbones and lips that have the barest hint of pout. Your eyes are solid spheres of inky, alien darkness. A pair of floppy rabbit ears stick up out of your short, pink hair, bouncing around as you walk.

You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have pleasant thighs, and your big, slappable ass fills out your clothing nicely. A short, soft bunny tail sprouts just above your pleasantly plump ass, twitching constantly whenever you don’t think about it. Two normal human legs grow down from your waist, ending in normal human feet.

You have two perky breasts, each supporting one 0.2-inch erect nipple. You could easily fill a A-cup bra.

Your tiny cock is 2 inches long and 1 inch thick.

Your beanbag clings tightly to your groin, holding snug nuts merged into a cute, spherical package snugly against you.

A solitary fertite eyebrow-ring adorns your eyebrow, looking very stylish.
Your ears are pierced with fertite earrings.
A fertite nose-stud dangles from your nose.
Shining on your lip, a fertite lip-stud is plainly visible.
Though not visible, you can plainly feel your fertite tongue-stud secured in your tongue.
Your pierced perky nipples are pierced with fertite nipple-studs.

Objective: Urta.

After getting in a lot of trouble trying to fight Minotaurs in the mountains, she found herself (let her self get [?]) addicted. She went through withdrawal. Serious withdrawal. The only thing tiding her over was a near constant intake of Black Cat Beer. Then she met Urta, apparantly swapping a physical addiction for a mental one. Eventually devolving into a Subby-Bunny Cumslut.
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Apr 12, 2016
All I can say is my Champion is a slutty cowgirl with an addiction to Minotaurs. I have nothing else to input about her because she's that shallow.

Being a big, dumb cow with an addition to cum does that to you. 

Now. That is a Champion! 


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2015
Oh man, I'm a little surprised by all the paladin-types. Definitely more than I expected. 

Xila's my default, sort of a "do everything, see everything, fuck everything" gal. Occasionally I give her a dick, but generally I play her as this voluptuous-fertility-goddess-type. Not really seductive so much as she just likes sex. Constantly pregnant, been knocked up multiple times by anything that can have kids, but generally pretty pure and sweet-hearted. White hair+dark skin combo with bunny ears and huge nipples. She's not very deep as a character though, haha. 

And then my other main guy is Yasu. Made him after I'd done everything with Xila. Basically, this pure, chaste monk-type character. Starts the game as a total wimp. Weak, cowardly, quick to run away, but ultimately very... true to his principles? Eventually grows into this powerful holy knight. Reaches enlightenment, drops corruption down to zero, all that good stuff. With the final dungeon out, he's beaten the game without ever having sex or using tease attacks. Unfortunately, so many characters are gated behind sex, so he only gets Jojo, Rathazul, and the milk girl as followers. (Sorry Adrian, didn't mean to trap you in an endless loop of masturbation, I forgot there was no option to turn you down.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh man, I'm a little surprised by all the paladin-types. Definitely more than I expected. 

Xila's my default, sort of a "do everything, see everything, fuck everything" gal. Occasionally I give her a dick, but generally I play her as this voluptuous-fertility-goddess-type. Not really seductive so much as she just likes sex. Constantly pregnant, been knocked up multiple times by anything that can have kids, but generally pretty pure and sweet-hearted. White hair+dark skin combo with bunny ears and huge nipples. She's not very deep as a character though, haha. 

And then my other main guy is Yasu. Made him after I'd done everything with Xila. Basically, this pure, chaste monk-type character. Starts the game as a total wimp. Weak, cowardly, quick to run away, but ultimately very... true to his principles? Eventually grows into this powerful holy knight. Reaches enlightenment, drops corruption down to zero, all that good stuff. With the final dungeon out, he's beaten the game without ever having sex or using tease attacks. Unfortunately, so many characters are gated behind sex, so he only gets Jojo, Rathazul, and the milk girl as followers. (Sorry Adrian, didn't mean to trap you in an endless loop of masturbation, I forgot there was no option to turn you down.)

I think you can be paladin and have some fun, just don't be asshole to good people.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
Seattle, WA
I've run through a ton of champs, but I tend to go back to the same character because foxes are cool and rogues are cool:

NAME: Llwyn

GENDER: Female

RACE: Fox-morph.  Sometimes kitsune, sometimes not. 

SKILLSET: I tend to focus on speed and intelligence early-game, getting rapier and charge weapon as quickly as possible.  

MORALITY: Generally pure and chaste, but not an ass about it.  No need to be a judgemental asshole, unlike a certain someone who lives in the town ruins.

FOLLOWERS: Jojo, Rathazul, Helia and/or Kiha. 

GEAR: Inquisitor Robes and Jeweled Rapier. 

PHYSICALITY:  Sometimes, you've gotta step back, stop being a cum-addicted bimbo, and just play as a scrappy tomboy- by tomboy, I mean lithe and wiry, generally adhering to a B cup.  I stick with either grey or white fur, and always go for the black eyes, nipples, and genitals offered by trap oil.

So no tentacle cocks, no massive chest, no outrageous powers or skills.  Just a generic feel-good rogue who dabbles in magic and tries not to rape anyone.  I'm an incredibly boring person.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I've run through a ton of champs, but I tend to go back to the same character because foxes are cool and rogues are cool:

NAME: Llwyn

GENDER: Female

RACE: Fox-morph.  Sometimes kitsune, sometimes not. 

SKILLSET: I tend to focus on speed and intelligence early-game, getting rapier and charge weapon as quickly as possible.  

MORALITY: Generally pure and chaste, but not an ass about it.  No need to be a judgemental asshole, unlike a certain someone who lives in the town ruins.

FOLLOWERS: Jojo, Rathazul, Helia and/or Kiha. 

GEAR: Inquisitor Robes and Jeweled Rapier. 

PHYSICALITY:  Sometimes, you've gotta step back, stop being a cum-addicted bimbo, and just play as a scrappy tomboy- by tomboy, I mean lithe and wiry, generally adhering to a B cup.  I stick with either grey or white fur, and always go for the black eyes, nipples, and genitals offered by trap oil.

So no tentacle cocks, no massive chest, no outrageous powers or skills.  Just a generic feel-good rogue who dabbles in magic and tries not to rape anyone.  I'm an incredibly boring person.

Judgemental? I mean it's not like that village she lives in wasn't literally raped off the face of mareth or that she knows people like in Tel'adre. Or if by the time she freaks out on you, you no fooling consider raping her mind away. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Judgemental? I mean it's not like that village she lives in wasn't literally raped off the face of mareth or that she knows people like in Tel'adre. Or if by the time she freaks out on you, you no fooling consider raping her mind away. 

She freaks out at 25 corruption. To compare: Tel'Adre, being under demonic threat, only won't let you in with 70+ corruption. Beautiful Sword would only leave you at 35, and it is weapon of purity. Many non-corrupt followers have actually quite high corruption: Valeria - 50, Kiha - 66, Izma - 40, Isabella - 40, even Kid A have something between 35 and 50 (can't use B.S, and should be less than generic Anemone's 50).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
She freaks out at 25 corruption. To compare: Tel'Adre, being under demonic threat, only won't let you in with 70+ corruption. Beautiful Sword wouldonly leave you at 35, and it is weapin of purity. Many non-corrupt followers have actually quite high corruption: Valeria - 50, Kiha - 66, Izma - 40, Isabella - 40, even Kid A have something between 35 and 50 (can't use B.S, and should be less than generic Anemone's 50).

Tel'adre is  huge, warded, and can thus turn out a ridiculous amount of people and as a matter of gameplay and story segregation is far more lax that it should be because it's a hub city, and you are like instantly banging with a guard captain. 

You're not actually making a good argument  on the other non corrupt followers considering it's a slime in armor working with a rape camp of pheonixes, Hyper agressive lethice experiment buying in corrupt rough housing, someone who lived in the lake and is five fights away from going rape harem building, the giant cow morph who sleep fucks you,  and a literal monster born of a lake.

And beyond that her tolerance to bolt after coming into camp is much higher and far more peaceful. Cause she get to know people of races far more stable  under higher levels of corruption for a given value of stable. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And beyond that her tolerance to bolt after coming into camp is much higher and far more peaceful. Cause she get to know people of races far more stable  under higher levels of corruption for a given value of stable. 

Well, I can understand her being nervous, but still interesting how she manages to stay almost pure (10 corruption) and manages to such easily detect corruption level. And her spars with Jojo... She should have skeletons in her closet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, I can understand her being nervous, but still interesting how she manages to stay almost pure (10 corruption) and manages to such easily detect corruption level. And her spars with Jojo... She should have skeletons in her closet.

Magic of Mareth solves everything xD

Or was it that she was one of first camp members and later when some new npc in camp was...less demanding compared to corruption lvl made her the only one to freak out at slight amount of pc corruption?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, I can understand her being nervous, but still interesting how she manages to stay almost pure (10 corruption) and manages to such easily detect corruption level. And her spars with Jojo... She should have skeletons in her closet.

She's a fucking ninja, and she's  properly paranoid.  She actively shanks corrupt fools that get in her grill, is incredibly picky with her food,  cooks it and is hyper cautious in every but her desire for companion ship. He skeletons is that she kills things and that she bolted.   She's also a rat and demons and corrupt increasingly become sluts. She's probably smells for the stench.   Or just has a magic talent. 


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
Seattle, WA
Eheheh. I find it a little odd how over-the-top judgemental she gets over hermaphrodites.  That and her derisive comments when you go from M-->F, as if you're doing it just to spite her.  Very amusing. 

But then she just gets a dick out of the blue if you have enough friendly, platonic conversations with her as a female, so perhaps she's merely externalizing something.  Amily is a strange one.  I'm much more fond of Jojo- still fighting for purity, but less of a jerk about people with unusual genital configurations.  Sure, Amily works past it, but Jojo is in a very similar situation and manages not to become a bigot in the first place. 

I find his tolerance for high-corruption PCs who refuse to treat their corruption strange, but I guess that's game mechanics over canon. 

...Or Jojo is just a doormat. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Magic of Mareth solves everything xD

Or was it that she was one of first camp members and later when some new npc in camp was...less demanding compared to corruption lvl made her the only one to freak out at slight amount of pc corruption?

The perfect excuse for something unreasonable, or thought to be kind of impossible in an RPG.


Eheheh. I find it a little odd how over-the-top judgemental she gets over hermaphrodites.  That and her derisive comments when you go from M-->F, as if you're doing it just to spite her.  Very amusing. 

But then she just gets a dick out of the blue if you have enough friendly, platonic conversations with her as a female, so perhaps she's merely externalizing something.  Amily is a strange one.  I'm much more fond of Jojo- still fighting for purity, but less of a jerk about people with unusual genital configurations.  Sure, Amily works past it, but Jojo is in a very similar situation and manages not to become a bigot in the first place. 

I find his tolerance for high-corruption PCs who refuse to treat their corruption strange, but I guess that's game mechanics over canon. 

...Or Jojo is just a doormat. 

Does it make me a bad person, that I laughed very hard at that last bit on the end of what you posted here..? xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
LoL OFC when you in pitch and not know why...Magic of Mareth come to your rescue :p

Also Mareth setting is magical fantasy not technological sci-fi like 14th space rush. Still Amily is odd case but as devs never decided to recton her up to date with later updates its not our place to ponder what if...


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
NAME: Zavos

ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good/Corrupt Good


RACE: Dragon-morph.  Mostly

SKILLSET: Magic, emphasis on black over white.  Agile attacks for dealing with the rabble.  Dragonfire, Corrupted Nine Tails.

EQUIPMENT: Black Silk Robe and Succubi Whip

APPEARANCE: Dragon muzzle, ears, tongue, wings, legs & dong.  White fur & 9 fox tails.  Demon horns.  Lethite ring peirced ears. 

FOLLOWERS: Rathazul, Ember, Isabella, Ceraph, Vapula, Bath Girl

Misc: Purity Blessing, Omnibus Gift, Exhibition Fetish


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Name: Nysis

Gender: Male

Alignment: Good*

Race: Nine-Tailed Kitsune (Foxmorph body but higher Kitsune score)

Skills: Spellblade Whore (Switches between sword, spells, and teasing)

History: Whore with messy orgasms

Followers: Ember, Jojo, Rathazul, Sophie

Lovers: Arian, Kiha

Equipment: Beautiful Sword and Inquisitor's Corset

Appearance: 5'11, Thin with little muscle, human structured face with jaw-dropping feminine beauty, flowing red hair with fox ears. Curvy hips with huge jiggling ass, nine fox tails, crooked fox legs. Two flat breasts. 12.5 inch long, 1.8 inch wide cock and standard 1 inch each balls.

*At the start of the game I had to get my corruption as high as possible.

Warning: Giant wall of rambling text

How I start every game is that explore until I find the Desert and search for Tel'Adre. (Corruption will either be 2 or 0 depending on whether or not I run into Markus and Lucia) I continue searching the Desert for the storage box. I specifically do this so I can either store or sell bullshit that's cluttering my inventory. With that finished I wait until 18:00 and go study at the tower. Regardless of whether or not I learn something or not I use the main menu to save, keeping me at 18:00 for every trip until I learn all spells and get 100 INT.

I explore until I meet Giacomo and buy the Dangerous Plant book and survival guide. The most important one is Dangerous plants so I can avoid the Tentacle Beast. I then search the Forest until I find the Deepwoods and then search that. Everytime I run into Akbal I submit to him since he raises your speed and drastically raises corruption. I continue fucking Akbal until I get the "Whispered" and "Fire Lord" perks, then I ignore him.

Once my corruption is high enough I explore the Plains until I find the Bizarre Bazaar. With my high corruption I get in immediately. Then I explore the woods until I encounter Jojo and meditate to reduce corruption. I continue doing this until he comes to my camp. I spend every day meditating with him at 6:00 then spend the rest of the rest of the day grinding for Incubi drafts, storing those, and selling everything else. I the explore the Mountains until I find the Salon and the High Mountains. I search the High Mountains until I find Minerva and keep exploring until I remember the Oasis Tower location. I drink from her spring to cure corruption faster and take some pure peaches.

I talk to Jojo about training then exploit a glitch where instead of training I meditate to lose 1 corruption point per conversation. (Dialog that was intended for the Forest scenes so once in awhile it'll ask me if I want him to come to camp even though he's already there. I just say yes.) When corruption is low enough he teaches me for real. I gorge on Minerva's pure peaches after every training session so I reduce fatigue to continue training. Over time my corruption hits 0 and I continue training to get the "Controlled Breath" perk, the "Cleansing Palm" attack, and finally the "Enlightened" perk. (Which is super useful in dungeons)

I then take my Incubi Drafts and search the Lake for the Beautiful Sword and Rathazul. I have Rathazul purify the drafts until he moves into camp. Then I drink the drafts for no better reason than wanting a bigger dick. I then go to the Bazaar and check Benoit's inventory for Black Chitin. I come back the next day if he doesn't have any until I find it. I abuse the fuck out of an exploit involving buying 5 chitin from him, using main menu to save, having Rathazul make armor out of chitin, save again, sell the armor to Oswald in Tel'Adre, then repeat for quick profit.

Once I have one metric fuck-ton of gems I go to the Slippery Squeeze and buy the androgyny treatment from Joey. Then I go to the Salon and get mud facials until my femininity reaches max. I then get a lifetime membership at the Tel'Adre gym, run track until I'm as thin as possible, do yoga with (and fuck) Cotton to raise speed, gorge on cupcakes until I barely have visible muscles, then buy Reducto from Rathazul if I accidentally made my ass too big. Then I search the Deep woods for the Kitsune. (And rape the Erlking if I get the chance) I get as many Kitsune gifts as possible and store them.

I then go back to Tel'Adre's bakery and buy a shit ton of fox berries. I eat fox berries to either get a fox transformation or make my hips bigger. (I load my last save everytime I get a dog cock because personally I think they're gross) Once I have every fox morph part save for the cock and the snout I open my gifts from the Kitsune and load my last save everytime I get something other than Fox Jewels. Once I have more than eight I grind on enemies until I reach level 9. After that I go into the Deepwoods and search for the shrine to meditate at. After I meditate I get a new tail so I repeat this until I become a Nine-Tails. Then I use the Fox Jewels until my fur and skin change color so the description will call me a Kitsune and not a fucking fox morph.

Then after that I'm FINALLY done with all that fucking busywork and play the game normally, following a (mostly) pure path. (I make a new addition to my giant harem everytime I get the chance. Except for Marble and Isabelle because I'm not a fan of cow morphs.)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I go back and forth between 2 characters. One a human and the other a dog morph.

Name : Serlo
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Skills: Tough and smart
Alignment: Neutral good

Equipment: Fertite ring, crimstone tongue piercing, spidersilk armor, beautiful sword
Appearance: Human, fair-skinned, rugged appearance, moderately long brown hair and beard, slightly wide body with highly visible muscles, sports a 10" long 2.5" thick cock with a pair of estimated 2" balls (his favorite gals are edryn, kelly, and cotton with several children each).  He practically has a full camp. Only does targeted changes and reloaded when unwanted changes occured.

Name : Fenris
Gender: Male
Race: Dog-morph (This is with some help from coc-ed)
Skills: Very strong and tough
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Equipment: Beautiful sword and spidersilk armor
Appearance: Dog's face, tail, ears, and digitigrade legs with caramel-colored fur. 7-9 in height, average body with perfectly defined muscles, 12" long 2" wide cock and 4" knot with baseball-sized balls. Crimstone studs on ears, nose, and tongue. Favorite spots are wherever kath, urta, brooke, and heckel are found.

Both builds got corrupted early to get bizarre bazaar and edryn. Then began a long journey to get purified. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
I should mention I've had even better characters but I lost my saves. Most of them are Kitsune femboys anyway.

Abadok VI

Jun 14, 2016
Name:Abadok IV (i just realized i messed up my username) with Abadok I, II and III characters that i lost one way or another.

Champion Hair: Red

Weapon of Choice: Huge warhamer

Armor of Choice: Goo Armor 

Race: Demon (6 horns giant bat wings claws and so on)

I am playing as a corrupted, abusive demon-morph(Masculine only) that loves sex and dominating his slaves. 

My favorite was breaking Kelt into Kelly an making her my personal big breasted cumdump.

I have also beaten Lethice multiple times.
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New Member
Mar 14, 2017
Name: Kaz
Race/Gender: Goblin/Male
Height: 3'10"
Skin/Hair: Blue-grey/Orange short cropped, trimmed beard
Genitals: Cock, balls, anus
Dick measurements: 15 inches long, 2 inches wide

Weapon of choice: Fists
Armor: Loin cloth

Fought and fucked his way across Mareth until he was 100% corrupted, searching for the testicle enhancing flowers of the forest. Mind melted by his wife Tamani after repeated heated encounters while searching for the corrupted glades. Frequents the deep woods often to keep her pregnant and swollen. Prefers not to fuck his daughters in favor of his wife. Obsessed with eating pussy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
A black-haired simple whore. Not particularly strong or smart, so guess she made a good "sacrifice" for the portal.

Post-portal, she managed to stay mostly human. Somehow got his black hair turned to black-white splotched (cow pattern, don't even know where that came from), six big boobs and spectral feet. A bit wide, brood-mother hips, a hint of muscle... hello Heckel, fuck off shark guy. Most of the time pregnant, Mareth's population probably doubled since she arrived.

Usually nude or goo armor, Harpy staff or Beautiful sword, relies mostly on getting her way with sex appeal rather than combat. If not, she has some nasty tricks... after all, going ghost or being Akbahl's buttslut has his benefits.
Not a paladin but definitely a do-gooder, she tries to bring the good side of everyone if possible, but not averse to kill (boo-bye Omnibus overseer). A bit mischievous, loves to tease and get "punished" for being suuuch a bad girl. And then come back with a revenge!

Brown hair and tall, found himself thrown on the portal because he never gave back the books he borrowed.

On Mareth, found he was actually quite though, beating his way to Tel Adre, managing to stay mostly human... except he grew to 6'10" and a extra horse dong w/ grapefruit balls. Two dicks... oh, well, gotta pitch'em all! Overusing the gym (for "all" types of physical work), got ripped and bulkier. And left most of the girls there bulkier too.

Likes to wear shirt with leather pants (suave!) or goo armor for benefits, and a big ass hammer for stunning. With zero magic skill, he relies more on multiple stunning attacks with massive damage, same when he's fucking someone.
While not being aggressive, he's not one to bend down, proof of this his still virging asterisk. Normally a do-gooder, he's not a Paladin but more of a Justicar, the likes of putting Heckel in place (and high-fiving Lottie), "punishing" big bad Onis, and beating the crap out of Minotaurs (given the chance he'd bend them down and put their cocks in their mouths to take a taste of their own)
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New Member
Mar 1, 2016
I also have a Tower Shield equipped. My gonads are 1 inch across, and I have a tight asshole.

Basically a Kitsune Knight. He fights for Justice, Honor, and those who need help! Has no true lovers. His shield use is what defines him most, as he bashes his way to victory!


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