What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Making the scene telling Syri you have her original pussy available after she becomes crew. I forgot to do that before recruiting her and now I am locked out of seeing Syri masturbate with her own pussy.

Thinking on it, Anno would be interested in playing with Syri's Bioncahole both with and without Syri present.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Going over the Zheng Shi content, I would like to be able to return Sela's weapon I got for defeating her on Mhen'ga, just like I did for Dane. A minor victory for all the weapon hoarders out there.


New Member
Oct 18, 2024
I don't know if it was asked already, but I want an option to take condensol in dialogue when game asks you how you wold like to fuck. My charachter has relativly big cock (30 inch) and some characters can't take it. But condensol do the trick. But sometimes I don't know will the charachter be able to take it. So i want an option which allow you to take condensol in dialogue


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Yeah remembering to pop condensol was annoying enough that I just made one dick a different length than the other, as long as you have one dick that fits scene requirements the scene will pretend they are all within acceptable range.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I don't know if it was asked already, but I want an option to take condensol in dialogue when game asks you how you wold like to fuck. My charachter has relativly big cock (30 inch) and some characters can't take it. But condensol do the trick. But sometimes I don't know will the charachter be able to take it. So i want an option which allow you to take condensol in dialogue
Yeah remembering to pop condensol was annoying enough that I just made one dick a different length than the other, as long as you have one dick that fits scene requirements the scene will pretend they are all within acceptable range.
EasySlip Stud should help (unless you're really big).
Oct 16, 2024
How about a world tarraformed to be all extremes. Its a place intended for high levels that want to break the level % cap and has monks there that can help train you to reach new limits and with discipline and enough training you gain a 20% lust resisting perk Success is strongly determined by existing will level. ITs a world you stumble on by luck and can make first clam. The training and everment is so extreme it causes the nanobots in our body to respond by renforceng and augmenting your body to survive it.
Oct 16, 2024
Add for when verillity is out of control a mad that lets the excess cum production just endlessly gush out of your cock so you dont have to worry about overburdened nuts even if your stuck being a mess.
Oct 16, 2024
How about suggesting to the ice dragon the idea of speading kips across the galixy. Tell the about sperm banks and surragets and the like. Leads to new item called MEGA bubble buddy psyonic blocking helmet to that is both for the kid ot block out thoughts it dont wanna hear have the devlupment of a device that records messiges from our dragons for the kips that will be born across the galix from there seed. Thinns like explaning the insincts they will be dealing with growng up advice on how to handle them. Messige that even if there not there to raise them as there own they still love them and would be happy when they come of age to visit. You will allso have some insentive to fund to tweek the dna of the kips thaat will be born like Reducing how much (dang ti forgot pyonic elament) is required for them to use there ability's and be healthy. Body heat producton control so they can handle existing on NON FROZEN worlds. Able to keep up with multitrack thinking or thinking a larger number of things or at leas handle how most races have lots of thoughts all at once. You will also have to donate sivicite for supamnting there dietary needs. You will allso set pryority on what kid of races/beings will get the sperm. I would set it to othere races that have inharent psyonic ablity themself at the very least lattent ones. another idea is there is ANOTHER ice Dragon but insted of adding it toyour dragon harem you play mach maker. There is a lonely outpost lady that could use some company and that snake lady at the docks would have valuable trates/psyonic dna to share with there clusch. Why would you add this? So our kids will have well others to breed with without resorting to incest and all the genetic issues that come with it.
Hey, all!

I'm currently brainstorming ideas to for things I'd like to see added to TiTs--in terms of combat encounters and sex scenes--and I'm wondering what you, as players, would like to see more of included in the game.

This can be anything as simple as: "I'd appreciate more hypnotism content!" to "It'd be great if X or Y combat encounter had a scene specific to Taurs or Multi-cock PCs!"

Arcane Howitzer

Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
Strange as it might be to say it, there are some gaps in customization that I think could use filling.

First off, there should be something that lets you reshape vaginas like the Dong Designer does for penises. Presently, the only way to change vagina type is through racial transformatives, which can be unreliable to say the least.

Speaking of the D.D., how hard would it be to add a "template" function, maybe locked behind the Upgrade? Like, just copy the exact shape, size and color of one penis of your choice, and be able to apply it to another penis. (Seriously, I have no idea how difficult that would be or what it would entail coding-wise, but it sounds simple in my head)

Also, I think the recoloring items (Rainbow Gaze, Pickmentation and Pleasure Palette) should have separate categories for "Glowing" and "Luminous" (right now "Luminous" colors are almost entirely crowded out, only accessible through racial TFs) and maybe one for "Other," like "Hot White" and the Foxfire/Frostfire colors. It would also make it easier to add new "special" colors (Vantablack, RGB, stuff like that)

And finally, some sort of TF-Lock to prevent transformations to a given bodypart. Maybe have it be a software upgrade to Steele's medical nanites that you have to go to that guy in Uveto and jump through some hoops to get, and afterwards you can tell the bots things like "don't change my legs", "don't change my head" or "don't change my skin". Some things like parasite tails or the Treatment would be able to override it, but most one-shot TF items would be blocked from changing the designated areas.


Mar 23, 2022
More pregnancy options between your crew members. (i.e. the ability to impregnate/get impregnated by more of them)
Chastity cages/belts that can be worn as constant accessories (treating you as if you don't have the applicable body part outside of specific scenes that take them into account) ((this would probably be impossible tbh but a man can dream))
Also more Azra content pls
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
First off, there should be something that lets you reshape vaginas like the Dong Designer does for penises. Presently, the only way to change vagina type is through racial transformatives, which can be unreliable to say the least.
The Muff Modeler was accepted, but I don't know what happened to it. It might still be in the 'To Code' pile, it might have been lost in the shuffle during the JavaScript conversion. The author hasn't been seen in years. I tried pinging lowercase_donkey, but got no response.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
More pregnancy options between your crew members. (i.e. the ability to impregnate/get impregnated by more of them)
Also more Azra content pls
Agreed and agreed. Who are you thinking in terms of which crew members?
Going down the list:
Adria: I don't think Dzaan are naturally cross fertile but we have met a few half Dzaan.
Amber: Can both be pregnant and impregnate Steele.
Anno/Syri: I am not sure if either of them is ready to be a parent. Kaede might be open to knocking up Anno. I am not sure if Syri has thought about knocking anyone up.
Azra: I don't think we are having penetrative sex yet, plus she might consider herself a little old for more kids. So would need more content first.
Ben/Bess: No one will touch this coding mess.
Celise: Galotians reproduce asexually.
Dizzy: Might be past what she would consider breeding age. I haven't explored her crew content, I usually stick her with Bizzy.
Eitan: Prime candidate for knocking Steele up.
Gianna/Nova/Olympia/Tika: All machines. I would not be surprised if Gianna or maybe Olympia has artificial wombs, but I would prefer using Bridget for that.
Kase: Can already knock Steele up, but it registers as a generic pregnancy. Could use an expansion.
Kiro: Definitely on contraceptives, but I believe she would be up for having a baby in her with someone she loves (ie Steele or her sister, since Paige doesn't have the equipment). She is too sexually active to risk knocking you up without tons of collateral pregnancies.
Mitzi: Another prime candidate.
Paige: I don't recall her mentioning her thoughts on kids.
Pexiga: Probably not cross fertile, would probably require another peril prone visit to Dr Badger.
Pippa: She could use some expansion in general.
Ramis: It's been a long time since I had sex with her, but I remember her preferring using her strap one on femboys then being penetrated.
Reaha: Another prime candidate.
Sam/Sera: You can already knock them up.
Shekka: She can knock you up with a horse cock. Could use some expansion in the Nursery with her kids.
Siegwulfe: When she is a Bimbo Domme she can kind of knock you up.
Varmit: Not sexable.
Yammi: We don't know enough about her species's biology to say much about her being knocked up, so it would be all new territory.


Well-Known Member
Going down the list:
My responses to these, if I have any:
Adria: I don't think Dzaan are naturally cross fertile but we have met a few half Dzaan.
Dzaan are naturally capable of crossbreeding with other races.
Anno/Syri: I am not sure if either of them is ready to be a parent. Kaede might be open to knocking up Anno. I am not sure if Syri has thought about knocking anyone up.
Correct, none of them are ready yet. As for each individual:
  • Syri's waiting until she and Steele can settle down enough to raise the kids properly, with none of this adventuring stuff to interfere.
  • Kaede is perfectly satisfied with just Kayla, but probably will wind up making a few more with Anno, especially if Steele's not willing to knock her up. I can't imagine she'd refuse to have kids with Steele, either. In either case, it'll have to wait until she's in a better place both financially and with regards to the Black Void.
  • As implied by the above, Anno's definitely going to have kids some day, and I don't think she's particularly concerned over whether Kaede or Steele (or both!) is the sire.
Azra: I don't think we are having penetrative sex yet, plus she might consider herself a little old for more kids. So would need more content first.
Her initial plans were that she'd officially declare Steele to be her new stud after the third expedition, and that would lead to pregnancy content - there were even busts made for this. If someone were to pick her up again, I think it's likely they'll stick to those plans.
Dizzy: Might be past what she would consider breeding age. I haven't explored her crew content, I usually stick her with Bizzy.
She's certainly an older woman, but that wouldn't stop her if she wanted more kids. Given that she already has three grown-up children, it's entirely believable that she wouldn't want more, but the same could be said of Azra, so she could honestly go either way.
Gianna/Nova/Olympia/Tika: All machines. I would not be surprised if Gianna or maybe Olympia has artificial wombs, but I would prefer using Bridget for that.
When talking about Azra, Olympia actually admits to some level of jealousy of her due to her own inability to conceive children - and even mentions that she could get an aftermarket incubator if she wanted to experience pregnancy. That said, the jealousy seems to be of a more... curious nature, than an "I want to but can't" nature.
I'd also presume that if Olympia could get an incubator, Gianna also could.
Kase: Can already knock Steele up, but it registers as a generic pregnancy. Could use an expansion.
Agreed. From what I've heard, his relationship with Sam could also use some expansion - and maybe he could knock her up, as well? If I were writing a Kase expac, that's something I'd definitely include if I were allowed to.
Kiro: Definitely on contraceptives, but I believe she would be up for having a baby in her with someone she loves (ie Steele or her sister, since Paige doesn't have the equipment). She is too sexually active to risk knocking you up without tons of collateral pregnancies.
Possibly, especially after KiroQuest if she wasn't bimbofied, but like Anno and Syri, she'd almost certainly want more stable living conditions for the kids if that were the case. The same is probably also true for Penny, who you forgot to put on your list.
Also, you can convince Paige to get a cock, so she's also a potential sire for Kiro's kids.
Mitzi: Another prime candidate.
I have no idea how she'd react to getting pregnant, and I'm not confident in her ability to be a good mother. The same could be said of the bimbo versions of Kiro and Penny.
Paige: I don't recall her mentioning her thoughts on kids.
Nor do I, but IIRC B said that if she were to get married, she'd want it to be monogamous. As such, not really compatible with most Steeles in that regard; whether that would extend to having children, I have no idea.
Ramis: It's been a long time since I had sex with her, but I remember her preferring using her strap one on femboys then being penetrated.
No, she generally prefers being penetrated (both by masculine men and by femboys, though they both need to have at least an average-sized cock), and the whole strap-on thing was introduced to her by Steele.
Shekka: She can knock you up with a horse cock. Could use some expansion in the Nursery with her kids.
Like with Kase, I agree her being a sire could use some expansion - especially since the email she sends you makes her seem so excited about it.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Regarding Mitzi: She would love the increased hormones and possibly bigger (and milky) breasts. I totally agree she would not be a good mother. If she is able to focus on her kids at all, she would spoil them rotten.

Regarding Kase: I definitely want to see some more interaction with Sam. Other than initially meeting her, I don't recall seeing them together at all.

Regarding Dzaan: Knocking other races up, or being knocked up? Also, the betas or the alphas? The only half Dzaan I can think of is Ari/Green, and I don't recall if we ever learned which character is which?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
The last post inspired another ask: more Tessa/Blue interaction. They met each other when Blue went on vacation, but with what we learn on her quest, they have more in common than just species. I want to tell them what I figured out (trying not to spoil for those who haven't done Tessa's quest).


Well-Known Member
Regarding Dzaan: Knocking other races up, or being knocked up? Also, the betas or the alphas? The only half Dzaan I can think of is Ari/Green, and I don't recall if we ever learned which character is which?
Both; Jasvalla can knock up Steele without issue, and the dzaan Codex outright states that alphas can be impregnated by other races. As for alphas v betas, I can't imagine there'd be any difference between them that'd cause one to be able to reproduce with other races but the other to not.
  • Ari's mother is the dzaan, while her father is the huskar.
  • Schora was originally a half-dzaan half-ausar, but that was retconned due to Adjatha drawing her wrong.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Jasvalla can knock Steele up?
* Will immediately head to Zheng Shi when current pregnancy ends *