What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Making the scene telling Syri you have her original pussy available after she becomes crew. I forgot to do that before recruiting her and now I am locked out of seeing Syri masturbate with her own pussy.

Thinking on it, Anno would be interested in playing with Syri's Bioncahole both with and without Syri present.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Going over the Zheng Shi content, I would like to be able to return Sela's weapon I got for defeating her on Mhen'ga, just like I did for Dane. A minor victory for all the weapon hoarders out there.


New Member
Oct 18, 2024
I don't know if it was asked already, but I want an option to take condensol in dialogue when game asks you how you wold like to fuck. My charachter has relativly big cock (30 inch) and some characters can't take it. But condensol do the trick. But sometimes I don't know will the charachter be able to take it. So i want an option which allow you to take condensol in dialogue
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Yeah remembering to pop condensol was annoying enough that I just made one dick a different length than the other, as long as you have one dick that fits scene requirements the scene will pretend they are all within acceptable range.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I don't know if it was asked already, but I want an option to take condensol in dialogue when game asks you how you wold like to fuck. My charachter has relativly big cock (30 inch) and some characters can't take it. But condensol do the trick. But sometimes I don't know will the charachter be able to take it. So i want an option which allow you to take condensol in dialogue
Yeah remembering to pop condensol was annoying enough that I just made one dick a different length than the other, as long as you have one dick that fits scene requirements the scene will pretend they are all within acceptable range.
EasySlip Stud should help (unless you're really big).


New Member
Oct 16, 2024
How about a world tarraformed to be all extremes. Its a place intended for high levels that want to break the level % cap and has monks there that can help train you to reach new limits and with discipline and enough training you gain a 20% lust resisting perk Success is strongly determined by existing will level. ITs a world you stumble on by luck and can make first clam. The training and everment is so extreme it causes the nanobots in our body to respond by renforceng and augmenting your body to survive it.


New Member
Oct 16, 2024
Add for when verillity is out of control a mad that lets the excess cum production just endlessly gush out of your cock so you dont have to worry about overburdened nuts even if your stuck being a mess.


New Member
Oct 16, 2024
How about suggesting to the ice dragon the idea of speading kips across the galixy. Tell the about sperm banks and surragets and the like. Leads to new item called MEGA bubble buddy psyonic blocking helmet to that is both for the kid ot block out thoughts it dont wanna hear have the devlupment of a device that records messiges from our dragons for the kips that will be born across the galix from there seed. Thinns like explaning the insincts they will be dealing with growng up advice on how to handle them. Messige that even if there not there to raise them as there own they still love them and would be happy when they come of age to visit. You will allso have some insentive to fund to tweek the dna of the kips thaat will be born like Reducing how much (dang ti forgot pyonic elament) is required for them to use there ability's and be healthy. Body heat producton control so they can handle existing on NON FROZEN worlds. Able to keep up with multitrack thinking or thinking a larger number of things or at leas handle how most races have lots of thoughts all at once. You will also have to donate sivicite for supamnting there dietary needs. You will allso set pryority on what kid of races/beings will get the sperm. I would set it to othere races that have inharent psyonic ablity themself at the very least lattent ones. another idea is there is ANOTHER ice Dragon but insted of adding it toyour dragon harem you play mach maker. There is a lonely outpost lady that could use some company and that snake lady at the docks would have valuable trates/psyonic dna to share with there clusch. Why would you add this? So our kids will have well others to breed with without resorting to incest and all the genetic issues that come with it.
Hey, all!

I'm currently brainstorming ideas to for things I'd like to see added to TiTs--in terms of combat encounters and sex scenes--and I'm wondering what you, as players, would like to see more of included in the game.

This can be anything as simple as: "I'd appreciate more hypnotism content!" to "It'd be great if X or Y combat encounter had a scene specific to Taurs or Multi-cock PCs!"