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New Member
Nov 29, 2019
So like when/if is this game going to get actual egg laying/ovipositor scenes for players? the bee/spider stuff in coc was so good -_-


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
So like when/if is this game going to get actual egg laying/ovipositor scenes for players? the bee/spider stuff in coc was so good -_-
never, someone who cares for searching an author or the doc or post saying that eggs are never going to be featured in-game due to no one wanting to account for all those parsers


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
This was probably suggested already but:

I would like a option to purchase property on New Texas so that you have a place for your lovers that get pregnant by you.

Reason I suggest this because I don't think all your lovers would want to be separated from their children put in the nursery for example can you see 'Brandy' taking a ship to visit her children.

Also it would be interesting to have a home that you can upgrade where your growing herd of 'Treated' partners and offspring can meet.


Sep 14, 2022
It would be pretty cool if we could drop off more members of our more slutty crew off at Bizzy's. Like Penny, since if she becomes a camwhore on your ship you can't drop her off anywhere, and seeing how Bizzy's is a place for camshows it only seems logical to centralize it and increase our income from Bizzy.

I will be honest, I just want to increase Bizzy's income to over 15,000 to offset my taxes to Lane, and you can't convince me to detox from my abusive hypnotist lover.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
There's quite a bit I want added or changed, but what I most want at present is another animation toggle. We've got three animation toggles in the options now with the scanlines, but I want to have a toggle for the Codex notification animation. You know, the one where, on top of the giant glowing circle on the box, the box is also pulsating with glowing waves. I know it's meant to grab attention, but the pulsing hurts my eyes, and I want an option to make it be static.


Sep 3, 2022
Relatively minor complaint but a transformative or npc (some kind of trimming?) that can reduce horn length would be appreciated, as someone going hard onto the Lucifier Demon transformations I typically end up with 6 pairs of 14 inch horns by the time I get all the other features I wanted, Reductpro could reduce the number of horns back down to a single pair but the length would still look kind of ridiculous on my relatively short character. the only way I've found so far to do so was to take something like hornitol to overwrite them and then take even more lucifier to get the demon horns back and hope they land on the right length and number I want
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Active Member
Aug 23, 2022
I'd like to see a Slyveren tf, as well as a tf to gain a Zaika tail.

And I know that GaloMax pills exist but there isn't a good way to become Rahn-like, you can either be some variation of goo-morph or Galotian.

Speaking of being a Galotian, the PC can't really be a true galotian and have similar functions to what Celise, Roz, or even the Goo-Armor can do. I'd love to do things like goo-sleeving or multi-orifice fucking crew members/lovers or other mischievous sex you can get up to. At the very least, I want further customization options such as the ability to create/modify/add genitals to wings, tails, etc. Being an amorphous blob that's resistant to tf items, the more options to modify yourself the better.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And I know that GaloMax pills exist but there isn't a good way to become Rahn-like, you can either be some variation of goo-morph or Galotian.

If you don't take the final dose of Galomax, you are essentially a pseudo-Rahn. Your body is squishy, semi-solid gel, rather than liquidy goo. That's as close as you'll ever get to being a Rahn, since they are massive single-celled organisms.


Active Member
Aug 23, 2022
If you don't take the final dose of Galomax, you are essentially a pseudo-Rahn. Your body is squishy, semi-solid gel, rather than liquidy goo. That's as close as you'll ever get to being a Rahn, since they are massive single-celled organisms.
Yea fair enough, that's what what I did on a previous character but I guess I wished the game would referenced you as such. What galomax cant't do though is give you is a racial Rahn trait based on your color like how Cherry, a red rahn, her body can paralyze you if you touched it directly, but I can understand why it wouldn't be implemented.
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New Member
Sep 28, 2022
Long time player, first time poster. I love Fenoxo's IF games for the variety characters with their own backstories, development, and personalities...So thank you!

There are a few things I'd love to see.

Delilah - Let there be some way to release him!! Whether it be to fight Carver, rescue her (sneakily)...Or maybe convince Attica & Teron on Tavros to buy his contract and let you buy it from them.

Mitzi - I love greenies (goblins/orcs) but I hate the humongo tits she has. Since she is mod happy, it would be cool to give her TFs and see the results. In reality though...I just want to make her have normal or tiny breasts.

Liamme/Cameron - Let them be Recruitable!! I just want a femboy harem T-T


Active Member
Aug 23, 2022
I'm not sure how annoying it was for the team to create an image pack version for TiTS Flash, but I hope they eventually make Android/iOS versions of TiTS JS with original resolution images. The mobile versions' images are significantly compressed and can be somewhat pixelated.

While yes the file size is smaller and than can be useful to some people with stricter data limits, I would argue that playing the browser version which contains higher rez images that have to be streamed in could use more data over time than just making a full rez image pack apk.

CoC II doesnt seem to have this issue, although I guess its image count isn't as large as TiTS'.


New Member
Oct 3, 2022
My favourite part about TiTS is the RPG elements presented in a text-based system. The mechanics, the controls, the combat, the detail, I love them all, and I want more. More than that, I want my choice to matter. I wouldn't mind if certain status effects changed certain lines of text, whether it be a partner noticing that I don't need lube because ten minutes ago I was both gaped and creampied by a centaur in heat. There are also quite a few moments where NPCs won't acknowledge certain things, which makes the game feel just a bit too arteficial. I know it's unreasonable to ask for 100% dynamic and responsible, but it'd still be nice.

I'm not one for coding (though I could learn), but I am a creative writer, so I could certainly volunteer my time to either writing alternate scenes or just edit a select few scenes to include some dynamic changes based on certain status effects.

I would also like more information going in. I know the PC version lets you hover over choices and find out more (the mobile version is a bit more temperamental, imo) but it doesn't do that all the time, and there are some decisions I feel require some more information going in. As someone ytrying to play an unmodded female human who wants to retain her vaginal virginity... well, it's really upsetting to find out that I can't return to Mhen'ga because the gamer dog-girl with a dick who I've been seducing will take my PCs vaginal virginity the second I return.

Finally, I'd adore it if there was music and or sound effects in the game. At present, it just sounds a bit too quiet, and I feel like some ambiance could help. Ambiance when wandering through the map, ambiance in combat, sound effects whether it be blasters or melee or special abilities, as well as some generic NPC sounds, too, like some garbled vaguely word sounding audio bytes that stand in for someone speaking (like in Hollow Knight).


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I would also like more information going in. I know the PC version lets you hover over choices and find out more (the mobile version is a bit more temperamental, imo) but it doesn't do that all the time, and there are some decisions I feel require some more information going in. As someone ytrying to play an unmodded female human who wants to retain her vaginal virginity... well, it's really upsetting to find out that I can't return to Mhen'ga because the gamer dog-girl with a dick who I've been seducing will take my PCs vaginal virginity the second I return.
Just do what I do and save scum out the ass. I always make sure to keep a backup.

Finally, I'd adore it if there was music and or sound effects in the game. At present, it just sounds a bit too quiet, and I feel like some ambiance could help. Ambiance when wandering through the map, ambiance in combat, sound effects whether it be blasters or melee or special abilities, as well as some generic NPC sounds, too, like some garbled vaguely word sounding audio bytes that stand in for someone speaking (like in Hollow Knight).
I totally agree.

What I'd absolutely kill for though is some kind of animated faux trailer for the game. That would literally be the best thing in the history of forever.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, back to playing this again for the first time in years.

One potential thing I would like to see in the future is a new upgrade for Goo Girl Armour. It's been awhile since the last one (The potentially missible Uveto removing electrical weakness I think) so it would be nice to see a potential upgrade from Zheng shi or Dhaal.


May 26, 2020
Ramis and Kase. Anno and Erra, Anno and Kaede, Shekka and Anno, (seeing a pattern). Kase and Ramis need love. I am fine with Ramis being my girl-bro, but she and Kase seem like they would be a lovely fit.
Jumper Crew. Luv Dem Buns.
Rodenian Crew- Ear Sluts Forever.
Slyveryen crew (pirate girl would be awesome. Maybe after defeating her x number of times, she could decide to 'Learn from the best'. Maybe have her conditional to Kiro, Paige, or both?
Azra missions
MITZI BREEDING. Please, please, please.
More rival content. a random encounter in various non probe locations would make them seem more present in the world of the game. Maybe with some kind of behavior tracking for the encounters, where their behavior could move from Hard, to Mischievous, to Nice, depending on the MCs choices. Still a competitor, but moving from contempt to respect, to friendly competition.
More Colenso. Weird and wild conspiracy quests.
Han So. More, please.


Well-Known Member
Slyveryen crew (pirate girl would be awesome. Maybe after defeating her x number of times, she could decide to 'Learn from the best'. Maybe have her conditional to Kiro, Paige, or both?
Good news: one of Doots's current projects is enslaving a Slavebreaker to take on your crew.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
A comment on discord gave me this Idea. A custom race input system. Done in a way that you can control what your race outputs and race cute outputs are. Whilst still preserving most of the race parser system.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
I'd rather have my Steele as the enslaved one but at least we get a snake lady crew member
I get it's a kink thing and this is fiction. It's just such a downer and kills any eroticism for me personally.

Still holding out for a Rodenian crew member from the collection of races on the station. Hopefully another of the monkey paws fingers aren't curling!


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Azra missions
This has been on the backburner for a long ass time actually. There's already been additional busts for her made and everything. Idk what state it's in though, or even if it's still being worked on.
Han So. More, please.
One of two things is going on with Han So: Nonesuch either has something absolutely amazing in the works for him that's going to totally steal the show, or he's completely forgotten about it. Let's hope we win this coin flip!
Ramis and Kase.
This has to be done. There is no excuse for it not to be.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I get it's a kink thing and this is fiction. It's just such a downer and kills any eroticism for me personally.
I feel ya dude. The reason I haven't done the sub tuner content is cuz it gives you a permanent tattoo, which I just find to be too much. A collar or rings or whatever you can take off, but for some reason the idea of having a permanent addition to your body for that just rubs me the wrong way.

Who knows, maybe someone will make it so we can just ask for an ID card or whatever. But until then, I'm keeping away from it on my main save.