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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Wish there was a way to track any/all npc pregnancies a lot of them have great scenes if you manage to be present for them but it's pretty easy to miss them right now.

A three way sleep with option for Anno and Syri would be nice too.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2021
Wish there was a way to track any/all npc pregnancies a lot of them have great scenes if you manage to be present for them but it's pretty easy to miss them right now.

A three way sleep with option for Anno and Syri would be nice too.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Feel silly for only just now noticing the interact features for hardlight underwear from the equipment menu and I feel like those not showing up as options more for the player is a big missed opportunity. Not as in checking for if you have them on and which ones that'd get really involved, just if you've got hardlight underwear.

Kyubi Xiaolong

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2022
the ability to recruit dane to the crew (i know its in the works according to the wiki), the ability to kill or recruit jill/jack...... specially after all the shit they cause you to deal with, and a logical reason on why jack/jill reach every probe location before you even the ones where they have no way of knowing where it is like (the one after zhang shi)


Jul 23, 2022
I could really go for an upgraded debug weapon. The Tachyon Beam Laser is decent but still not powerful enough for my tastes. Really wish we had a gun or melee weapon that could take out anything in just a few shots, mainly the Zheng Shi and Dhaal enemies...
On that note, the DBG shield could use an upgrade as well...
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
chat menu stat points to distribute, just like you can get money or xp, it would be nice to not have to grind on NT for stats for us cheaters
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Active Member
Sep 3, 2021
Being able to alter the Combat Tail implant's traits, like a mode to give it a ranged attack but with slightly lower damage. Its a strong implant for drone-build tech specialists already, so I do not think it's underpowered. But being able to alter how it attacks (such as with a codex menu like you use for other implants like the synthwomb) would be fun from a roleplay aspect. Like having it be ranged for a low-physique small character or melee for a Steele who beats people up with a wrench.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Speaking of, I'd like to be able to add tail genitals to it. Given that the Zaika's tails are genitals, you'd think it would be capable of that function. You can use console commands, but still.

Also, a couple of enemies Fly after being hit with a Melee attack (Milk Thief, Gel Zon/Storm Lancer). I'd like it to still be able to hit if you're using Wings or the Light Jetpack to attack Flying enemies with Melee. As it is, it's counterintuitively better for Ranged, since they don't trigger Flight.


New Member
Apr 10, 2022
Hello everyone (I hope the translator won't create a new context). To put it briefly, I have a suggestion (most of which probably someone before me suggested, and they have more thoughtful ideas) about complexity modifiers and some other things tied to changing numbers (and adding three words of text that I could have written in my rude and mediocre style, but didn't want to (also I took random numbers ignoring the game balance)) such as, special items, mechanics and perks.
1. Evasion Tactics - After taking health damage, the chance of evasion increases by 35% during the next round. It does not add up.
2. Acrobatic trick - adding the ability to "lie down". It translates to a prone position and requires a move. After the stroke in the prone position, the power of the long-range weapon is additionally increased by 40%, and if the shot occurred, it returns to the standing position. If you spend more than 2 rounds lying down, the bonus disappears.
3. Beer Warrior - Being drunk increases physical damage resistance by 15% and stun resistance by 25%.
4. Pyrosadist - Every time you deal heat damage, your physical damage resistance increases by 20% in the current round. Your heat damage increases by 15%.
5. Olympic development - Increases the maximum value and the current value of the characteristics twice, but not more than 72.
(There cannot be more than one secret of the ancients)
6. Secrets of the ancients. Strength - All melee damage is increased by 100%. The use of restoring (health) items does not have an effect. Recovery of health outside of combat is slowed down by 10 times. (The coating of extremely sharp growths on the hands made it possible to make an essentially mobile and crushing mace out of them, but it became harder for nanorobots to move around the ivory body.)
7. Secrets of the ancients. Durability - Increases maximum health by 75%. Sets the heat damage resistance to 90%. Reduces the chance of evasion by 50%. (Your skin has a dark brown color, and it feels extremely hard, rough and bumpy, which makes you look like a rock.)
8. Secrets of the ancients. Strategy - Lowers the maximum value of health to 1. 1/4 of the selected health goes to the maximum value of shields. The first 3 enemy attacks are guaranteed to be blocked by the shield. Each turn, the shield is restored by 8% of its maximum value. (Your skin glows with a bright white light, which makes you look like a lantern.)
Difficulty modifiers: (according to the idea, they should be activated at the beginning of a new game and will not turn off until the end)
1. Simpleton Mode - All the values of the characteristics are equal to 1. Focusing skills increases their value by 2.
Unique items:
1. Prohibited programs for nanorobots (Not available if there are secrets of the ancients or other programs) (not available to Halotians and cyborgs)
1.1. Regenerator is a military program for creating immortal soldiers. It was said that there is a factory for the production of nanorobots in this syringe. How good is the idea of becoming immortal?
Stage 1.
After the battle, health is fully restored.
The entire shield switches to creating nanorobots, which is why you will fight without shields.
Passive health recovery during combat by 1\8% of the maximum shield size.
If health has never been damaged during the day, then the current health value increases by 15% without increasing the maximum health value, that is, going beyond the maximum health.
Stage 2 (Health exceeds the maximum value by 15%)
Random mutations are available. The maximum output beyond the limits is 90%. The maximum number of mutations is 6. Every 15%, the maximum number of mutations is increased by 1. If health is lost, the mutation is also lost.
Hypersensitive sensors - During the day, the accuracy of the hit decreases by 15%, and at night it increases by 15%. (You feel a throbbing pressure in your temples and in the back of your head. Although your hearing and vision have become sharper, but the light makes your eyes feel irritated and watery at the same time.)
Insomnia - you can't sleep. You will have to drink energy drinks or other liquids. (you feel like something is forcing you to stand on your feet, not allowing you to rest).
Adrenal overexertion - your chance of hitting and chance of evasion increases by 30%. In battle, every round with a 57% probability, you are stunned for 1 round, ignoring all resistances and immunities. (You feel like time is literally squeezing through you, but your heart is pounding so furiously that it is about to break)
Active regeneration - the ability " regeneration" is added. When using it, 50 of energy is spent and health is fully restored.
Acid saliva - You have learned how to regulate the acidity of saliva. The ability to "spit" appears. When using it, you spend 20 energy and deal 20 units of long-range corrosive damage, the damage of this attack doubles in armor. (You feel how huge and powerful your muscles are around the mandibular canal, so much so that you can spit for several meters, it is also impossible not to notice that your saliva tastes sour).
Meat Tank - Sets the value of femininity to -100, and the value of muscle tone and thickness to 100 (These values will remain unchanged until the perk is lost). The mass of the skeleton increases. Increases maximum health by 25%, resistance to stun, fall and drugs by 20% and melee damage by 15%. (Surprisingly, your muscles grow by themselves, and bones feel heavier.)
Adapted body - the energy consumption of abilities is reduced by 60%.
Over-regeneration of nerves - You cannot be stunned. Allows you to transfer a fatal blow, saving 1 unit of health. Increases energy consumption by 50%, energy recovery in combat is reduced by 30%.(you feel heaviness and warmth inside your chest.)
Psychopathic desire for battle - Adds a special status effect. Entering an unsafe zone, you need to win at least one battle to get out of the danger zone. (There is warmth and heaviness in the forehead, but only rage in the mind.)
Stage 3 (Health exceeds the maximum value by 90%)
Suicide Explosives - Every 12 hours, the belly increases by 1. When taking damage in battle, damage is inflicted on EVERYONE. At the maximum value of the belly, it deals you damage equal to 90% of the current health value, and 200 explosive damage to all opponents.
A neuro-generator is a solution of nutrients with a clutch of eggs of brain parasites contributing to the creation of new and rebuilding of old neurons, axons and synapses.
Stage 1. Intelligence is reset to five. The increase in intelligence starts at 1 every 10 days. After a week, the increase is reduced to 1 day. Every 5 intelligences give a bonus and a penalty. After each neural enhancement, new improvements are available.
Neural enhancement 1. Increases intelligence by 10%. (The penetration of parasites into brain cells has led to the modernization of DNA and neural pathways.) - absolutely.
Brutalization is a free ability that gives a passive "Brutality" effect for the entire fight. "Atrocity" - each attack spends 5 energy, at the cost of increasing accuracy by 25% and attacks by 10%. Each round with a probability of 67% intelligence drops by 1 unit. After the third time of use (for all the time), the intelligence ceases to disappear until a new neural improvement is obtained. (in moments of rage, overexcitation of the nervous system kills nerve cells, of which the most persistent survive)
Masking algorithms - if an attack occurs in hostile territory while waiting or resting, then at the beginning of the battle a special status will be valid for one round, giving + 100% to the chance of escape. (quick escape planning and the provided disguise of the place of temporary stay allow you to quickly get away from the fight)
Lesion of the vessels of the eyes - The eyes turn parchment red and the parchment status of "partial blindness" appears, halving the values from the state of "blindness". (Hemorrhage covers the entire field of vision with a red veil)
Neuro-Enhancement 2. (Neuro-Enhancement 1 is needed) Increases intelligence by 20%. (Deeper penetration of parasites into brain cells led to modernization and formation of new neural pathways) (opens the abilities described below.)
Eye bleeding (Damage to the vessels of the eyes is necessary) - The eyes turn dark red, and a dark red solid, flushable strip appears under each one (after a while they will appear again) and the parchment status "weak blindness" appears, a decrease of 3/4 of the values from the state of "blindness". (the heat hits my eyes, knocking out hot and sticky blood.)
Coughing up blood - reduces maximum energy by 20%. (the defeat of the bronchi led to the accumulation of blood in the lungs)
Disorienting patterns - reduces the chance of meeting enemies by 16% and increases the chance of an enemy's miss by 15%. (impossible patterns created by your brain interfere with correct perception from the outside.)
Neural Enhancement 3. (Neural Enhancement 2 is necessary) Increases intelligence by 35%. Increases the maximum intelligence value by 25%. (aggressive restructuring of the nervous system leads to radical changes)
Understanding technology - Increasing the efficiency of high-tech equipment by 25%. (extremely inflated intelligence additionally accelerates weapons and armor beyond measure)
Not completed.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
More sex options with the Raskvel Dockmaster such as burying your face in her ass, muff diving, eating her pussy, have her eat your pussy, sucking your dick, and 69 her.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
It might depend on where you're looking. The Class/Level Up screen shows only the Class perks, the Perks list under Appearance shows all of them.

I've noticed that in Flash, they were sorted alphabetically. In JavaScript, they're sorted in order of acquisition. I'd like an option to sort alphabetically. It makes it easier to see if you have a particular Perk.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
I've noticed that in Flash, they were sorted alphabetically. In JavaScript, they're sorted in order of acquisition. I'd like an option to sort alphabetically. It makes it easier to see if you have a particular Perk.
Thankfully, you can do it in the console.
Just copy and paste this to have it alphabetically:
function perkSort(a, b){
  if (a.storageName < b.storageName) {
    return -1;
  if (a.storageName > b.storageName) {
    return 1;
  return 0;
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
It might depend on where you're looking. The Class/Level Up screen shows only the Class perks, the Perks list under Appearance shows all of them.

I've noticed that in Flash, they were sorted alphabetically. In JavaScript, they're sorted in order of acquisition. I'd like an option to sort alphabetically. It makes it easier to see if you have a particular Perk.
Options? I like those. I also like that specific option. Even if you can do it with browser commands, since I like not messing around with (and breaking) stuff I don't understand 'under the hood.'


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
Dong Designer Mini! Like a mechanical cock ring we can wear to change our penis type on the fly, but also so we can change our penis size before sex, too. If we click on an option our penis isn’t the right size for, it’ll play a little blurb about how we don’t think we’re the right size for that, and our Steele adjusts the settings until we’re the minimum/maximum size permissible whether we’re going up or down respectively, then the scene plays as normal.

—signed, a player that wants to fuck Able in the butt but doesn’t want to shrink their penis or buy condensol* all the time.

*let us pop a condensol in the sex menu too while we’re at it.