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Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
Gimme that Olde Tyme Religion.

If Lumi & Tamani can exist in the T.i.t.s universe & we have several versions of Edryn, can we have Scylla as an NPC?

I'd love to see her role in the Church of the One. With Ultraporn star dimensions Steele would be a dream cum true for our favorite naughty nun.​

After the Kashima Incident, it would appear that there are demon/malignant threats to be dealt with. Her Demon Morph background would give her insights into that manner of menace.​

She could teach white magic/Kind Psionics to a righteous Steele. Establishing churches in probe/frontier worlds would also be interesting. It would be good to see Beatrice Reasner again. There needs to be more rewards for keeping a kind personality score. A Paladin/Eliminator/Theurge profession upgrade for Merc/Smuggler/Tech classes?​

If Steele is a descendant of the COC Champion, has Scylla been keeping an eye on the family line? Has Scylla's endless hunger & constant feeding made her grow into a giantess? Her confessional/Holy Glory Hole would have to be the size of spacecraft hangar doors. Steele Tech would do well to have an ally in an immortal spirit guide like Scylla.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I want condensol to last longer, and then a new item that lets you undo condensol on demand, having to wait 4 hours is annoying when you want it off, having it last only 4 hours is annoying when you want it on.
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Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
I want condensol to last longer, and then a new item that lets you undo condensol on demand, having to wait 4 hours is annoying when you want it off, having it last only 4 hours is annoying when you have it on.
Imagine if it wore off mid coitus...


Well-Known Member
Gimme that Olde Tyme Religion.

[a bunch of stuff]
There are a few things that mean this idea, as it stands right now, wouldn't work:
  • TiTS doesn't take place in the same universe as CoC; characters like Lumi, Tamani and Penny (EDIT: and, as Kesil pointed out below, Miko and Mai) are merely references to their CoC counterparts, and are otherwise unrelated. By extension, Steele is not descended from the Champion, and TiTS Scylla wouldn't be the same individual as CoC Scylla.
  • The Kashima Incident was an isolated incident; no-one knew that parasite even existed, and it's not indicative of any overarching evil/malicious threat. I don't think such a threat even exists in TiTS (unless you count exploitation by mega-corps, or criminals like the Black Void, but they're not threats Steele is capable of dealing with right now, and might never be capable of dealing with).
  • As I've pointed out before, Steele is not a space-Christian, so I don't think they'd help spread the Church of the One, regardless of their personality (Kind != religious; in fact, I could easily see Kind Steeles being even more opposed to the Church of the One than Mischievous or Hard Steeles).
  • Psionics, so far as we can tell, don't work like CoC magic; Steele can't naturally use it, no matter how much training they could theoretically receive. We're not even sure of how Steele is going to obtain psionics in the first place or what types of powers they'll get, let alone how they'll learn new psionic abilities, or even if they can be taught such abilities.
  • Personality score isn't meant to have that much of an impact in gameplay; locking an entire prestige class (if prestige classes are even going to be a thing) behind a specific personality is almost certainly not going to be allowed.
That said, there's nothing wrong in theory with having a Scylla-like character in TiTS, but you'd have to remove the more fantastical elements for it to work. And possibly tone down or remove the religious ones, especially if you make her part of the Church of the One; there's only one other member that Steele can fuck (Walt), and he's part of a highly unorthodox and much more permissive sect.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
i honestly would like to see some content for briget, she has been the head nurse in the game for who knows how long now, her wiki shows off some hella nice images of her from normal to damn fine as hell, but the only content for her in the game is talking to her about the nursery status and every time i go past her im just like, "there has got to be more to this fine ass npc?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
i honestly would like to see some content for briget, she has been the head nurse in the game for who knows how long now, her wiki shows off some hella nice images of her from normal to damn fine as hell, but the only content for her in the game is talking to her about the nursery status and every time i go past her im just like, "there has got to be more to this fine ass npc?"
Yeah I second that but iirc someone said that Bridget wasnt getting sexual content as it borders on incest (blame patreon, frigid asses).. which let's be honest it does not as she isnt blood related.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
Yeah I second that but iirc someone said that Bridget wasnt getting sexual content as it borders on incest (blame patreon, frigid asses).. which let's be honest it does not as she isnt blood related.
yeah plus last i checked, her art makes her look like an android, plus we already have content with shade so go fig. they could just change her content so it doesnt count as incest if they feel that way, but honestly its a waste to just have this character and not do anything for her
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I mean I kinda enjoy the mom type character that's just Steele's mom but her design is thick and I'd like the option. I was in the same boat with Kinu in CoC2 where her designs (yes either one, contrary to someone I saw who said every person who wanted sexable Kinu ended up with Hime Kinu) were probably some of my favorite art in the game, but I also do enjoy having Kinu as a daughter character so I don't feel terribly put out. I bet a few people were sad about the Nykke changes too, it is what it is. While I would like sex content for those characters, having them as explicitly non-sexable characters gives them a very different dynamic that's also appreciable. They haven't done much with Bridget at all though, I wish she had more content in general even if it's not sex content.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
Not sure if any of the TiTS devs check this thread, like the CoC2 dev team check the equivalent CoC2 thread, but I'd like it if a player character with the maximum intelligence quotient for the player character's level (so 5 at level 1, 10 at level 2 ... 50 at level 10 etc) could also be able to do the "Fix Machine" option when rescuing Kiro for the first time, especially considering the "Fix Machine" option is literally just this:
Not sure that replacing some wires and hitting the machine with a spanner really necessitates only being able to be performed by the "Tech Specialist" class, at least in my opinion.
Like, as I said, pretty sure a Steele with maximum intelligence for their level should theoretically also be capable of doing that.

Another reason is that a Steele with intelligence quotient of over 40% for their level is also able to fix Aina's toy, despite not being a "Tech Specialist", so I'd say the same could apply in this instance with fixing Kiro's machine (either via a threshold to be determined by the devs, like intelligence above 80% for the player character's level, or just maximum intelligence for the level).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2016
Mindflayers. I’m actually kind of surprised that a race like them isn’t in the game, given how much some of the authors like D&D.

Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
I'm not surprised. Mind flayers are copyrighted last I recall.
The best the team (and other contributors) could probably do is an octopus/squid morph.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2016
sorry, I probably should have worded that better. I didn’t mean actual Mindflayers, I meant an ancient race of psychic cephalopods that have telepathic abilities. Something that isn’t a Mindflayer but is clearly inspired by them


Active Member
Jun 19, 2019
Urblog mentions "Armor plating need replacing...?" in his talk intro, but can't actually be asked to fix your ship, at least as far as I can tell. It'd be nice if he could.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2022
I don't know how difficult it would be to implement, or if anyone's suggested this before. But it would be nice to have your pheromone level cause different description blurbs for your character description. Same as different body part sizes do, as well as perhaps causing flavor text with enemies during combat. I know for the most part it would just involve writing out the encounter blurbs, with the character descriptions being the easiest in comparison.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
I think it'd be nice to have a way to lock in Bizzy at partway through the breast route without it locking you out of, like finishing her route. Like I think her starting outfit is way cuter than the outfit she changes out for in either route, tbh, and I like her starting personality, so being able to lock in at stage 2 of the breast route would be nice (also it doesn't help that she supposedly has C cups there but the picture looks like somewhere around G, so going a step up from that to what's supposedly DD cups leaves them ridiculously large in-portrait - more than I'd like them to be, even though DD isn't actually that big (I literally am a cup size up from that irl, it's not that big)). But that makes it impossible to rescue Dizzy I'm fairly sure - you need to have completed a route for that. So I would like a way to complete a route where like, you help her grow to stage 2 or 3 but then help her be confident and happy in her own body rather than developing what frankly seems like an addiction to growing her boobs. Idk.

Also, it's a weird complaint in a game where all the art is so big generally, but considering how much of her story is about her specific cup size, kinda weird that she has like G cups in her second stage art where she's supposed to have C cups, and is pushing well into like, K cups or something when she's supposed to be DD. Makes it feel like she's way more endowed than her actual description says she is.


Aug 27, 2015
Also, it's a weird complaint in a game where all the art is so big generally, but considering how much of her story is about her specific cup size, kinda weird that she has like G cups in her second stage art where she's supposed to have C cups, and is pushing well into like, K cups or something when she's supposed to be DD. Makes it feel like she's way more endowed than her actual description says she is.

This is just what Adj does unfortunately. He has a thing for massive tits and if you tell him a girl has medium-sized tits he, well. I'm looking forward to the shalin mob who I've described as having B cups coming out with badonkadonks the size of cruise missiles.

As for the rest, it's not going to happen, sorry. I consider Bizzy/Dizzy functionally complete now and aside from maybe one or two extra sex scenes and enabling more NPCs to be put in the studio I'm not going to expand on them any further.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
This is just what Adj does unfortunately. He has a thing for massive tits and if you tell him a girl has medium-sized tits he, well. I'm looking forward to the shalin mob who I've described as having B cups coming out with badonkadonks the size of cruise missiles.

As for the rest, it's not going to happen, sorry. I consider Bizzy/Dizzy functionally complete now and aside from maybe one or two extra sex scenes and enabling more NPCs to be put in the studio I'm not going to expand on them any further.
Okay! fair enough.


New Member
Sep 27, 2020
Would it be possible to make tf for sexual fluids( cum, milk, vaginal secreations) like the rainbow gaze tf? I have other suggestions but this might be the simplest I don't know for sure though.
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Aug 27, 2015
Would it be possible to make tf for sexual fluids( cum, milk, vaginal secreations) like the rainbow gaze tf? I have other suggestions but this might be the simplest I don't know for sure though.

Yes. Plenty of these already exist.


New Member
Sep 27, 2020
No, more in the aesthetic sense as in change the color, and make them glowing or sparkly like rainbow gaze. Though addition flavors may be nice as well. Also being able to add the aphrodisiac flag to them without the racial TFs would be nice as well because it's so annoying to get and keep it.
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Orange Juice Jones

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
I would like to see an expansion to Gastigoth
Steele has taken out a numero of malcontents since Sam (Pump King, Jasvalla, Some of the prominent Zheng Shi pirates, Jasvalla) and it would be swell to visit them again and play it forwards