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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
Honestly, I wish there was a way to get rid of the Flower Power perk. Sometimes I just want to be a plant without being super horny about it, you know?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Ah? By this, do you mean that it affects it on top of other bonus incubation speed bonuses? Or is it just an addition to the base value so you'll still have the same cap with others?
Like, Motherwort's incubation speed increase caps at 700%, so does Incubator give you 100% and let you get to 700% and then adds the 100% on top, or it's just starting at 200% rather than 100% for the transformatives?
Meaning it stacks with all other speed modifiers.

haha wombs go brrrrrr


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Incubator is really the only good/unique perk outside of Ice Cold anything else can be fixed with enough cash thrown at it
Yes, I've discovered that myself as well. With maybe the exception of Elasticity I think if you max that out via the means available in-game you get 11 elasticity instead of 10. I'm perfectly happy with a score of 10. Having 100% more fertility speed adds up in the end.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Ah? By this, do you mean that it affects it on top of other bonus incubation speed bonuses? Or is it just an addition to the base value so you'll still have the same cap with others?
Like, Motherwort's incubation speed increase caps at 700%, so does Incubator give you 100% and let you get to 700% and then adds the 100% on top, or it's just starting at 200% rather than 100% for the transformatives?
You mean Motherhusk, right? Laquine Ears is better (1000%, no Taint). Incubator is it's own bonus, not an increase to base value, so it stacks with Laquine Ears (base value, 1000%), Synthwomb (800%), Breed Hungry (100%) for 2000% total.

Yes, I've discovered that myself as well. With maybe the exception of Elasticity I think if you max that out via the means available in-game you get 11 elasticity instead of 10. I'm perfectly happy with a score of 10. Having 100% more fertility speed adds up in the end.
The only way I know of to increase Elasticity to 10 is Black Cat Costume, which will not go over 10 even with the Elasticity perk.

I guess the question is what to do about the others.

I'd change Hung, Bulgy, Mini to impose size limits. For Hung & Bulgy, they'd be a minimum, for Mini it'd be a maximum.

Extra Ardor would probably give some kind of bonus to Tease.

I'd change Elasticity to be it's own thing, so it stacks with base value increases and doesn't have to be factored into items or events that increase Elasticity.

Fertility, Virile and Potent technically stack, but it's so easy to overwhelm their bonuses, they may as well not exist. I'm not sure what to do with Milky or Infertile, either.

Edit: Milky actually has an odd effect. It reduces milk weight by 25%. So does Treated Milk and they stack. This isn't particularly useful since there's no Endowment Immobilized for breasts (yet?) but it is an effect that can't be easily obtained from a variety of sources.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
The only way I know of to increase Elasticity to 10 is Black Cat Costume, which will not go over 10 even with the Elasticity perk.
I never take the perk but always assumed it gave you a little extra. I know that now.

Fertility, Virile and Potent technically stack, but it's so easy to overwhelm their bonuses, they may as well not exist. I'm not sure what to do with Milky or Infertile, either.
I'd leave infertile alone since it's a way for players to not get pregnant/impregnate others at character creation.

Yeah, I never take Fertility, Virile and Potent for the very exact reason you mention.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I'd change Hung, Bulgy, Mini to impose size limits. For Hung & Bulgy, they'd be a minimum, for Mini it'd be a maximum.
Hung, Mini, and Bulgy do actually affect the size limits for transformatives, though they don't affect every transformative that changes the size of a penis and they only affect the maximums and how much growth/decrease occurs. For example, when taking the treatment, if you get the Faux Cow variant and have the mini perk, the treatment will gradually shrink your cock until it reaches 4 inches of length. Meanwhile, if you do not and you only have one cock, your cock will periodically grow by 0.5 inches throughout the treatment, but if you have the Hung perk, that increases to 2 inches of growth per cock transformation.

Similarly, if you don't have Bulgy, the Faux Cow treatment may set the "target ball size" to a size between 2 and 6.3, but with Bulgy that range becomes 6 to 12.6, and the growth from its ball transformations increases, potentially more than doubling what it would have been. Though, Bulgy only affects the Faux Cow version of the treatment, and not any other cock-related version. Fun fact: With the Elasticity perk, the Amazon variant sets your vagina's elasticity to 3, when it would otherwise set it to 2.5. And with the Cum Cow transformation, it sets it to 4 when it would have instead been 3.5. Both hung and bulgy have no effect on either of those transformations, and Hung's only effect on the male specific transformation (The "bull") is to increase the number of times the treatment causes cock growth, which does have more of an impact than if it wasn't there of course, but it doesn't impact the limit or growth amount per growth like with Faux Cow.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Very detailed but long post...
That's true, but it's on each transformative to take those perks into account. Not all of them do.

Doing some investigating, there are other perks that reduce weight.
Breed Hungry decreases Belly and Cum weight by 25%. Belly weight seems to be pregnancy only, by my reading.
Bulgy decreases Testicle weight by 25%.
Fertility decreases Breast weight by 25%.
Hung decreases Penis and Clitoris weight by 25%.
Potent decreases Cum weight by 25% and stacks with Breed Hungry.

isMilkTank is the actual condition for reducing Milk weight by 50%. Honeypot, Milk Fountain and Milky && Treated Milk.

Edit: It seems I was wrong. Milky does, in fact, increase the amount milked, if the scene doesn't drain you entirely. It doesn't increase capacity, and it won't increase past your maximum storage. What was throwing me off was the fact that events like the Milking Barn were fully draining. Other events call a specific number, which does increase with Milky.
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Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
Give Amber her [Anal] scene back.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
If possible, meaning both the technical/coding side and depending on how space travel works in this universe, I think it'd be neat to be able to spend the hours it takes to arrive at your destination on your ship the same way you can when you've landed somewhere. Say you've chosen a planet or space station to travel to, you would then have the option to skip travel time and immediately arrive at your destination (the way it works in the game right now) or turn on the auto-pilot and spend some time with your crew. After X amount of hours you would get an alert from your codex informing you that you have arrived at your chosen destination and every few hours while you're travelling a "dice roll" would happen deciding whether or not you trigger one of those space random encounters like pirates or the Phoenix distress call.

This probably sounds like a nightmare to implement so I'm not really expecting it to happen, in all honesty. How do the warp gates and space travel work in this universe, anyway? Is it like the mass relays in Mass Effect or the gateways in Stellaris? Is there a sort of warp speed or hyperspace like in Star Trek/Wars? Where can I read up on that? Has it been explained yet or is it just kept vague?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
clothed busts for bess/ben & maybe an effeminate male version of them to would be nice :smuggo:

This seems pretty reasonable to me. At least busts for the outfits you can buy via Bess/Ben's JoyCo catalog. Mitzi has a ton of differently clothed busts, I don't see why Bess/Ben couldn't.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2020
Bimbo siegwulfe leashing the pc should grant an evade bonus.. cus.. she. she would yank the pc out of attacks n stuff yea


Well-Known Member
How do the warp gates and space travel work in this universe, anyway? Is it like the mass relays in Mass Effect or the gateways in Stellaris? Is there a sort of warp speed or hyperspace like in Star Trek/Wars? Where can I read up on that? Has it been explained yet or is it just kept vague?
Most of it's been explained by Savin on these forums: the Warp Gates are one-to-one connections with very rapid transit between the two paired Gates, like the primary relays from Mass Effect (IDK anything about Stellaris, so IDK if their gateways work similarly), and they're situated so that ideal travel times are rather short, it's just that most of the actual travel time is spent waiting in traffic.

My interpretation (read: head-canon) is that each Warp Gate pair is the two ends of an artificially-created Einstein-Rosen bridge (i.e. wormhole), and that's part of the reason why Anno's Warp Gate-based teleportation experiments mostly failed (since there was no corresponding "Gate" at the other end of the wormhole to anchor that end, allowing it to 'flop around' and thus teleport different parts of the same person to different locations, resulting in the failures of those experiments).
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
If possible, meaning both the technical/coding side and depending on how space travel works in this universe, I think it'd be neat to be able to spend the hours it takes to arrive at your destination on your ship the same way you can when you've landed somewhere. Say you've chosen a planet or space station to travel to, you would then have the option to skip travel time and immediately arrive at your destination (the way it works in the game right now) or turn on the auto-pilot and spend some time with your crew. After X amount of hours you would get an alert from your codex informing you that you have arrived at your chosen destination and every few hours while you're travelling a "dice roll" would happen deciding whether or not you trigger one of those space random encounters like pirates or the Phoenix distress call.
I'd like the option to sleep during travel. Steele already does under certain circumstances (intro to Zheng Shi and Kashima). There's been talk about getting an AI for your ship. You'd think that would allow Steele to sleep and recover Health, Energy and maybe level up. Kiro knows how to pilot. Maybe give her some time in the bridge with Paige. Dane knows, too, even if he admits to not being the best. Maybe give him a chance to reduce Armor by a few points for comedic value.


Oct 12, 2020
Id like to see an overhaul on how resistances and immunities work. As it stands you can build a tolerance to alcohol, completely negate STDs, and lower your libido, but there are also more than a few instances where your tolerance and immunities are completely ignored. Seems oddly out of place that you can add traits and features to your body from darn near everything you meet but no one has figured out how to stop addictions or block psionics. Like alcohol tolerance I would enjoy a system where multiple encounters with something can potentially build immunity, perhaps as some perk or device that cures or helps build an immunity so its a choice to do so or select and choose which things you want to become immune to.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
a few things.
love to have updated or redone busts for some of the older npc as there bust are out done by the newer ones being made. not to say that they aren't great it just when put next to some of the newer stuff makes you think what would they look like now if redone. Kiro is the big one that comes to mind. look at old and new anyxine to see what i mean by it.

in some point in the future will you be able to knock up or get knocked up by some of your crew members. as i think outside of a few some would not mind or being pregnant or hesitant get steele pregnant going of there persontil and what they have said penny (when not super drugged and bimbofied) and paige are the 2 big ones as the both are kinda madly in love with steele. and penny does say that she wants your kids all be it when drugged by a plant but who is keeping track of that.

also are there any new tf planed for the change from flash to whatever it will be on next year? as i think i was said that there will be none till then.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
also are there any new tf planed for the change from flash to whatever it will be on next year? as i think i was said that there will be none till then.
I've heard it was 'no new parts'. If so, Horndog, SynthPussy and/or Canine Synthsheath might be added before the port. Depending on Coder time. I know one of the usual volunteers has been working on 'Love Starz' (230 pages) and has about an hour/day to work on it.

After: 'Insect', (rumor) Milodan, Muff Modeler might count (allows much more control over vagina details).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
I don't expect this to happen as it could potentially be a lot of work. The ability to change the Appearances to Metric would be nice, I know you can switch codex stats to metric but it is rare that I ever look at codex entries to check out the size of my characters when Appearance is 1 click away. Whenever I am looking at another character's description I feel like I have to pull out a measurement converter to be able to accurately picture the size of certain parts of their body.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2020
can i have lunds slave outfit in my inventory pls its top 3 easily.
the magnetic straps from Jerynn are the hottest bondage item in the game and need more support/scenes w other dommes into restraint/bondage/petplay