What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I've managed that a few times but it doesn't really accomplish what I'd like in having an udder or boobs in the pelvic area, or more notably, in the back under your hindquarters as a tauric morph. Was always a fan of the various cow-morphs where they'll have like two or three rows of breasts along with a large udder underneath as well.
Yeah it's udders have always been a rough one. If you really think about it for an udder you need to get a single breast, that's the size of a human head, in a single row with four (or is it eight) nipples all of which are about the size of a slightly larger than average human penis.

Looking at the natural tendencies of animal bodies, it seems clear to me that a tauric body would NOT be well suited to having mammaries underneath the tauric abdomen but rather a more primate style mammary. This also feed into sexual display in order to incite breeding more effectively for the species overall. The offspring would have to lay down under the mother and/or twist the primate abdomen into VERY unnatural positions in order to achieve feeding. The mother laying down with the offspring to feed, while feasable is made quite difficult on the mother's side with the necessity for the taruic abdomen to be on it's side and the difficulty with such and the primate body above. In the end it seems to me that the only mammary placement that fits a tauric body, is on the pectoral area of the upper body's chest. There is some argument here for mammaries on the BACK of the upper abdomen as the young could reach them relatively easily, and the mother's perception would be less encumbered.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
@OnyxDrakkenblade Honestly not thinking about practicality but just sexiness. This also includes udders on a normal humanoid body too, which I always liked the look of from various artists.
I can see that :p I have a hard time with it myself. I seem to have a scientific mind layed over the top of a logic/reason brain (not abnormal I suppose) but the way that it interacts with my ability to engage with fiction or imagination that defies the rules of what I suppose is a codified understanding of science (original definition). When something that I'm engaging with defies the above clearly and drastically, I stop being able to engage with it in any realisitic sense. Other than as pure fantasy. So things like suspension of disbelief are out the window and it's become an exercise in pure creativity that can't really produce an end result for me. At least that's as close of a self-relective approximation as I can come to where it sits with my :D
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Moo Cow

Well-Known Member
I can see that :p I have a hard time with it myself. I seem to have a scientific mind layed over the top of a logic/reason brain (not abnormal I suppose) but the way that it interacts with my ability to engage with fiction or imagination that defies the rules of what I suppose is a codified understanding of science (original definition). When something that I'm engaging with defies the above clearly and drastically, I stop being able to engage with it in any realisitic sense. Other than as pure fantasy. So things like suspension of disbelief are out the window and it's become an exercise in pure creativity that can't really produce an end result for me. At least that's as close of a self-relective approximation as I can come to where it sits with my :D
I totally understand but somethings like this I'd be willing to come up with a somewhat more ludicrous explanation for such things if not just not worry about it. At least with udders on a humanoid form could still be pretty practical, just holding the baby in your lap or whatever instead of up to your chest... unless it's too big. :smuggo: But yeah...


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I totally understand but somethings like this I'd be willing to come up with a somewhat more ludicrous explanation for such things if not just not worry about it. At least with udders on a humanoid form could still be pretty practical, just holding the baby in your lap or whatever instead of up to your chest... unless it's too big. :smuggo: But yeah...
I doubt that feeding as a baby would need to on humanoid udders would be good for it's neck.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Whole game run on different degree of supend of belive that allow us to enjoy game without keep thinking: how they can do X or Y?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Feel like this gradually became some roundabout and messed up way of kink shaming. Like, if we gonna take real practicality into account, then there's a whole lot of problems in this game that are far worse than some inconvenient udders. :/
No shame meant anywhere on my part. The image of a person trying to breastfeed in a lap with the neck all bent made me laugh. Nothing to do with you or your kink or any other anything. Sorry if you feel like I had something to do with that stuff. Yes the game has problems worse than inconvenient udders but let's not cast aspersions at OTHER kinks either :D
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Missable content. Not like something easily missable, more like after 60 in-game days (that's a long time for the non-pregnant right?), Mystery Woman X has her 18th birthday(or whatever constitutes an alien's entrance into adulthood) and decides to hold a deflowering party. You can still have sex with them after the time limit but you would just miss that scene.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I guess I understand the point. BUT there are avenues of defeating said problem. Pregnancy is localized to the gestational organ in this game. Meaning your rectum/bowels could be pregnant with Nyrea eggs and it would have little if anything to do with your vaginal status other than to make it MORE likely to be impregnated if another impregnation occurs. It is relatively easy to get as many as three vaginas and reduce the probability of being pregnant in all possible organs drastically. This doesn't even get into save scumming and other forms of management of your game/character. I could see someone "missing" some kind of content, if they didn't pay attention. But if you follow the old gaming adage, "Save early, Save often.", (I believe it's good for college theses and a few other things as well) then you should never have much problem in this department. At worst losing some amount of forward progress in a game which is pretty much a sandbox.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2017
Well,I d enjoy more dicknipple support, like a tf and a masturbation scene.

Speaking of maturation I think there should be more special scenes for the weird organs you can aquire. Like I love the multi dick ms scene, I'd also love one with multiple vags. So ms scenes I miss are:
Dick nipples
Cunt nipples
Multi vag
Dildo fun, vag'n ass maybe (did I miss it or is it really missing?? It seems so straightforward)
Self lick with your long tongues
Something dirty with your wings
Tailcock fucking tailcunt? (if having both is even possible

I love masturbation options, it is an easy way for the game to acknowledge your weird body. There will always be sex scenes missing for your weird body parts, but ms scenes should be doable.

In terms of new game elements, I don't know...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016


May 17, 2017
More combat options are always cool. I am not really picky about what they are exactly, but one pretty fast way to do that is to just reuse attacks from NPCs since that is easier in this game. E.G. equippable dartgun accessory that gives you access to the triple aphrodisiac dart special move, or some kind of net launcher or similar thing that lets you temporarily constrict opponents, et cetera.

Nope, either one or the other, no both.
Well that's the content I would like added. Like, just become a kitsune with alternating genitalia on each tail or something crazy, or even just scenes to utilize the unique structure that you can obtain with multiple tail genitalia. Might get on that myself actually.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Well that's the content I would like added. Like, just become a kitsune with alternating genitalia on each tail or something crazy, or even just scenes to utilize the unique structure that you can obtain with multiple tail genitalia. Might get on that myself actually.
I don't think you've seen many others say this wouldn't work. It's been brought up countless times now, the tail genital code is too fragile and it wouldn't work because of that.
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May 17, 2017
I don't think you've seen many others say this wouldn't work. It's been brought up countless times now, the tail genital code is too fragile and it wouldn't work because of that.

I am seeing it. Looks like that for some reason, they built all tails to essentially be one attribute rather than having a data structure for them like everything else. This is theoretically simple to change, but I am hoping it does not break things to the point that it is too hard to make it compatible. And I would be lying if I said data structures weren't my least favorite thing to work on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Lambda, while they could change the data structure pretty easily, it is just defined in one location, the hard part would come after. They would either have to go to every location where a tail gets referenced and change the calling of the tail function to account for possibly trying to GET or SET multiple tails, or they would have to change the functions themselves to be able to return what the particular call needs and hope it still works properly for that scene. I think I'm thinking of this right, I'm still a relatively new programmer so probably not.


May 17, 2017
@Galgano, That is exactly the case. After changing how tails are structured, I would either need to create a conversion method which handles all of the antiquated call methods and applies them as expected, or actually fix them all and hope that future programmers do it my way. Neither of those are really excellent options, but we'll see how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
@Galgano, That is exactly the case. After changing how tails are structured, I would either need to create a conversion method which handles all of the antiquated call methods and applies them as expected, or actually fix them all and hope that future programmers do it my way. Neither of those are really excellent options, but we'll see how it turns out.
Yes. I can understand how this is frustrating I personally have a bouquet of cockvines that I'd prefer be a mixed arrangement. So I too am interested. But here' the REAL rub. There are two issues that I can identify. Firstly, the potential bloat of code (which is already large for a game of this type or so I've been told). This bloat is not because of ONE fix for cock/cunttails it's including the rampage of, 'but my fetish', that would inevitably follow in the wake of choosing to walk down this path. This is managable . . . potentially, by the community as a whole but it puts a LOT of stress on the developers in particular Fen, but all of them for sure. Secondly, and in my opinion damningly for the possibility, who will write it? We are a community of people who are writing for this game and creating something better and larger than anything any one of us could have done alone. Yet, there are a plethora of areas that go undeveloped or underdeveloped because no one writes for that kink. The prolific authors around here are pretty swamped in general, and let's not even discuss how swamped the devs are, I'd be surprised if they didn't have to shoehorn a life in around the herculean task that is TiTS (that's my take anyways). I hope this is all seen in the light it is given which is basically, I love the idea but I don't see how it's going to happen with what I can see of the state of affairs. In the end, the code can be modified to do whatever backflips are necessary, if the devs agree that it's not too much bloat for the game. But if there's no one writing it, it's never gonna happen.


May 17, 2017
@OnyxDrakkenblade, I am neither expecting for this particular change to quantifiably slow the game down, nor for an onslaught of people to show up offering to code in their wack ideas, although the potential is admittedly non-negligible in some areas. For the second thing, it is harder to say. Simply having at least one of each tail genitalia type already allows you to access both types of scenes when before you had to choose. But beyond that, it is true that this "fix" would not do much without people wanting to write for it. And I hope no one is expecting me to write it; the best they'll get outta me would be like:

And then you put your dick tail in the vagina tail, which felt pretty good, so then you had an orgasm.


Aug 27, 2015
More Dzaan might be nice. For a core race, they seem under represented at the moment.

You might be lucky, in the fullness of time. For a certain definition of lucky.
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2017
Carl's backyard
You might be lucky, in the fullness of time. For a certain definition of lucky.

They'll be more prominent later in the main story, then? I mentioned them mostly because they seemed to be under utilized. I admit, I would like to see a beta Dzaan as a persistent character.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Spiritualist class, we got guns/melee so it could be a class using willpower, with passives that can affect tease damage received/given and attacks that would involve empty hands (weak early > strong late)

the melee side would have power that increases fist damage and specials that can CC single enemies(Melee Locked, off tank)
the range side would have aura attacks that would be the range aspect of attacking and specials that can CC multiple enemies but to a lesser effect(Range Locked, glass cannon)

The job in character creation could be "path of enlightenment" or something along those lines

I just pulled this outta thin air so it could be expanded on if needed.
I'm pretty sure we were promised a pysker class anyways. So it's not like we gotta be worried bout it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
@OnyxDrakkenblade, I am neither expecting for this particular change to quantifiably slow the game down, nor for an onslaught of people to show up offering to code in their wack ideas, although the potential is admittedly non-negligible in some areas. For the second thing, it is harder to say. Simply having at least one of each tail genitalia type already allows you to access both types of scenes when before you had to choose. But beyond that, it is true that this "fix" would not do much without people wanting to write for it. And I hope no one is expecting me to write it; the best they'll get outta me would be like:

And then you put your dick tail in the vagina tail, which felt pretty good, so then you had an orgasm.
I find your forthrightness refreshing. There is and has been a trend of people who want to make the "perfect character" to experience everything in the game. I try to remain neutral in that when I see it come around. However it is frowned upon by some authors. One of the stronger examples of such is the "swiss army cock". The SACsomeone with multiple penes, in order to have a penis of every size necessary to be able to penetrate ALL of the fuckable content in the game. But there are many other examples. I kind of fall into the category of someone who does these things, within the confines of what I desire my character to look like. I mean basically that if it doesn't distort the picture of what I want my captain Steele's appearance to be, I'll get me three vagina's or a S.A.C. or whatever. This is all to get around to the point that, somepeople might see being able to have multiple kinds of cock/cunttails as an attempt in this direction. I personally would love to be able to add to my fuckerness and my fuckedness at the same time, as long as my tails are still the pretty deep blue furred and/or scaled wonders that I love.

On another note, there may in fact be some lore somewhere that the parasitic tails cannot inhabit the same host. I'd have to do some research to find out that one, but I don't have the time and am feeling a bit under the weather lately.

I also look forward to the psionic/psyker job. I'm hoping it will meld with a lust based combat system even better than the tech and is so far the only presented job that I would be able to choose for my character other than the tech.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Space magic class, whatever.

I'm pretty much expecting not!jedi for the melee spec and I have no clue what they would do for ranged as I can't really see the usual space mage using guns of any sort. Assuming they're any good, I'm probably going to end up playing as them for all my future characters.