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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I've decided to start slow, mainly because I still have a project to finish for a friend. So for the moment, this afternoon, I've made 15 or so weapons, just to explore new concepts. I've been testing them in-game and they work ok, couldn't find any errors or loading problems.

As a sneak peek, I'll name a few, a wrist mounted plasma flamethrower, a grenade launcher, a dildozooka, a psionic staff (so you can serve the emperor of mankind like a proper Librarian), a corrosive acid rifle and a bioweapon which has a small maximum HP penalty, but can steal your target's HP and heal you. The last one gave me a problem, at first I thought it was because of the negative HP value, but nope, just screwed the code somewhere else.

I'm planning on making a few drones too, but I have to figure out the code for the combat damage, I can't seem to find out the base damage and I don't want to make them OP.
Can you make shield drones? Shield techs need love as well, and we certainly arn't getting any from Savin.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
No worry about Drones been too OP. Fen would make sure their....only worthy to get for other things than their dps ;)

Ohh that would be interesting idea Zev. Drone that would...well have dps on damaged Tam-wolf lvl but adding more than that 1 point per lvl to shields (still even with near to nonexistent dps Fen may not let in drone giving PC 8 SP per lvl :( )


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Can you make shield drones? Shield techs need love as well, and we certainly arn't getting any from Savin.

What do you mean by shield drones? Drones that increase your shields or heal your shields? Drones that increase your shields are relatively simple to make as long as it's a flat amount, shield healing drones sound a bit more complicated.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
What do you mean by shield drones? Drones that increase your shields or heal your shields? Drones that increase your shields are relatively simple to make as long as it's a flat amount, shield healing drones sound a bit more complicated.
Drones that would increase shields, and probably also increase shield resistances.

Yes, call out the one person trying to help Techs. Good idea. That's great.
Perhaps my earlier post was unfair, but techs are considerably worse off then they were a month ago, and you're pretty much the only person to blame. Nothing personal.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Drones that would increase shields, and probably also increase shield resistances.

Perhaps my earlier post was unfair, but techs are considerably worse off then they were a month ago, and you're pretty much the only person to blame. Nothing personal.

No they aren't.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Soooo... @Savin what you think about idea of drone that would have near nonexistent dps (but still smth that may in a super slow way chip away at enemy HP/SP bar) but been super effective at boosting PC shields? Like more max shield points or some regen or adding armor to shields (like lvl 9 passive).


Aug 26, 2015
Perhaps my earlier post was unfair, but techs are considerably worse off then they were a month ago, and you're pretty much the only person to blame. Nothing personal.

The changes to techs would be a net positive if the rest of tech's features were up to par. Which they are not. They've still helped make techs less Energy-hungry, which was a major design fault. Going down the list:
  • Attack Drone is still absolutely dominated by Shield Booster, because the extra points from Shield Booster nearly double an unarmored tech's life bar and drones just don't do enough extra damage to justify the loss of that. Attack Drone needs to provide more like two-four points of Shields rather than one. One is nothing. I would personally make Shield Booster a "drone" as well to make it a central mechanic of the class that other features can build on.
  • The trade of Volley for Charge Weapon is a good one to give melee techs something to do.
  • The changes to Power Surge and Deflector Regeneration are pure positive, although it would be better if it was a percentage of the player's maximum Energy rather than a static value.
  • I haven't tested Disruptor damage in large group combats, but if they hit all enemies, they're fine.
  • Gun Tweaks and Weapon Tweaks are fine.
  • Shield Hack is still useless. Charge Shield is a vast improvement over Weapon Hack. Charge Shield therefore wins. It'd be nicer if these were passive rather than active abilities, though, techs don't have enough of those.
  • Second Attack and Second Shot are the same as everyone else.
  • Drone Control brings drones a little closer to par, although I'm still not convinced the damage boost is worth 72 points of Shields. Deadly Shock is okay enough, but only useful for one-quarter of all tech builds (no drone/melee), as no drone/range has Overcharge as a better source of stun and any drone build takes Drone Control.
  • Boosted Charges has the strength of a level 10 ability but not the frequency of usage. Linked Emitters has the frequency of usage of a level 10 ability but not the strength. You won't feel a 5% crit chance. The weakest L10 ability is still Bigger Guns, but Boosted Charges would be better if it applied to Overcharge/Charge Weapon and Linked Emitters would be better if it was closer to Lunge.
Techs in general still suffer from low to no synergy between their abilities. Rapid Recharge is a perfect example: it gives shield regen, which techs want, if they take no damage in a turn, so techs therefore want high evasion so it will occur more often. Techs have no means other than equipment of raising their evasion. All of their other defensive abilities are about taking hits on the chin with their shield, so Rapid Recharge will almost never process for them. It's still better than not having anything, but it doesn't contribute to the class's overall thesis in any greater way. If Shield Hack was replaced by some sort of Repulsion Barrier that gave a good chance of nullifying incoming damage for a turn or two, and therefore would trigger Rapid Recharge, that would be some form of synergy.

tl;dr: The changes to tech are good. Techs are still bad despite those changes, because they need more than a few minor changes to fix them.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
  • The changes to Power Surge and Deflector Regeneration are pure positive, although it would be better if it was a percentage of the player's maximum Energy rather than a static value.
One small point: Deflector Regeneration does not restore energy. And neither restore is reusable. I've said it before, but i value being able to recast our sustain far more than a paltry energy generation. I would be trading one weakness for another.

Tho honestly i would rather Power Surge remain what it is now, to open up build variety. One time shield and energy restore, or energy consuming reusable sustain.

In general, TiTS abilities seem to be more along the lines of "what sounds cool", than "what is a stable class composed of"


Aug 26, 2015
It's supposed to restore energy per its description. If it doesn't, that's a bug and should be submitted to bug reports.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Soooo... @Savin what you think about idea of drone that would have near nonexistent dps (but still smth that may in a super slow way chip away at enemy HP/SP bar) but been super effective at boosting PC shields? Like more max shield points or some regen or adding armor to shields (like lvl 9 passive).

I was gonna say "That's dumb, why not just take the shield perk" but then I realized, no, that would let you switch between them at-will. Which is cool. Fine by me.

The changes to techs would be a net positive if the rest of tech's features were up to par. Which they are not. They've still helped make techs less Energy-hungry, which was a major design fault.
tl;dr: The changes to tech are good. Techs are still bad despite those changes, because they need more than a few minor changes to fix them.

I do not disagree with anything you're saying. I'd love to be able to revise the Tech from the ground up. As I've said, though, out of my hands. *shrug*
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Then... we're in agreement? Kind of?

I never bothered to submit the d. regen issue to bug reports because i would consider the correction of the issue to be a band aid. I would rather it remain as is to encourage actual tech balance discussion that might actually lead somewhere worthwhile.

We're not likely to get any content requiring lv10 tech to be meta-relevant for 1, maybe 2 years anyways, right?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
If there is any more changes to tech perks, can we make it so people are allowed to respec? When the game updated the tech skills I got stuck with new perks I didn't want since what was in the old slot had gotten replaced by the new skill. I'd rather not start the game from scratch to fix something like that, nor would a lot of people, so it might be nice to have a free respec when these perk changes happen.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Ok, I've been trying to tweak the code to make a new drone, but every-time I touch something, even a single numerical value, the game goes ballistic and after reverting the changes back to the originals the game still crashes, which leads me to believe there is something wrong with the editor, because it makes no sense that the game keeps crashing after reverting the modified stuff using a clean backup.

Anyway, can someone confirm if this is right?

var ownerName:String = attacker.getCombatName();
if(attacker is PlayerCharacter)
ownerName = attacker.short;
output("<i>Threat detected! the threat will be eliminated! </i> The Vindicator drone exclaims before targeting ");
if(target is PlayerCharacter)
output(" your sorry ass.");
output(target.getCombatName() + ", oh that's gonna hurt.");
var d:Number = attacker.untypedDroneDamage() + 10 + rand(5);
var dmg:TypeCollection = new TypeCollection({
"burning":d * 0.5,
"electric":d * 0.5


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Then... we're in agreement? Kind of?

I never bothered to submit the d. regen issue to bug reports because i would consider the correction of the issue to be a band aid. I would rather it remain as is to encourage actual tech balance discussion that might actually lead somewhere worthwhile.

We're not likely to get any content requiring lv10 tech to be meta-relevant for 1, maybe 2 years anyways, right?

You realize discussions on here don't matter, right? Especially if you're not involving Fen.

Nothing matters if you're not involving Fen, actually. If you want change, try actually talking to him rather than trying to create a yes-box in the forum. Everyone here already knows!

If there is any more changes to tech perks, can we make it so people are allowed to respec?

Doubtful. I tried to push a respec option in like, 2014 and Fen told me no. Maybe that's changed now? Who knows.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This may have been added and I never knew because of how little I do it in game, but could there be a small increase in tone after masturbating a certain number of times. I don't know if it's just me, but after a lot of masturbation, I've noticed that my right arm is....noticeably stronger than my left. It's not like I can lift 5 more pounds with my right arm, but my right arm doesn't get tired as quickly as my left arm. Plus, I can definitely see that the right arm muscle is bigger than the left arm. So I propose that after...say 10 days, if you've masturbated at least once each day, then you get a tone increase of 1 up to...I don't actually know since I haven't really looked into the whole tone/muscle section of the game.

Other stuff:
The way I read it, as long as there is no "optimal build path", then it should be fine. If you have just positive traits for mod implants then it's obviously going to be a "get this mod every time" scenario. But if you do something like "this mod gives you more tease damage because you're hotter, but because you're so hot, you've become a little vain so you don't get as much money and items, or you straight up leave them because you're too interested in yourself. Or a damage increase that makes you so confident in your mods that you don't learn as much through battle (half exp gain). That way, people would have to really think about if they want to get that mod.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Then again trying to reach fen even on discord with using specificaly tagging him still...giving subpar effects. So much I feel only people he consider at least decent friends can contact him fast enough.

On the other hand you said you sorta of "godfather" for Tech class. So people do feel (sometimes) they need somehow contact you too when it's matters concerning Tech class.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Oh yeah, that's another thing, the shield recharge does synergize with other abilities. Blinding or stunning the enemy allows a tech spec to heal shields. Also, I'm not too sure about making the level 2 shield boost a drone because you would lose it if you swap to another drone. Although you could make the drone boost increase your shield drone's capacity by 25% as well. Although I think the boost to paralyzing shock should up the minimum paralysis length to make that ability worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
How balanced are Smugglers, at the moment? Cause I got an idea for them that's really cool, but may be a bit broken.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
How balanced are Smugglers, at the moment? Cause I got an idea for them that's really cool, but may be a bit broken.
If said enemy is vulnerable to stun or blind, they're kinda op compared to other two classes. Otherwise, kinda about the same.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Right, so, I got to thinking about all the small arms weapons you get, and how you quickly shift to bigger, more powerful guns. It just seems like a waste. My solution? Dual-wielding.

Some weapons, like the LP-17 Laser Pistol and the Eagle Handgun, can have a "small arms" flag. Eventually, you unlock the ability to equip a "small arms" weapon into your accessory slot. You get double the damage, but half the hit chance. You could also do it for melee weapons, with things like the Thermal Scalpel and Plasma Hawk.

So, what do ya think?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I wouldn't go with double damage for half accuracy. That seems too much of a swing. If anything, it would be closer to 70% of the small arm damage and 70-80% of accuracy


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Pistols are already meant to be as powerful as rifles. Giving them a one sided buff is pretty crappy from balace staandpoint
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Aug 26, 2015
Current big guns are better than earlier small guns because the current crop of guns are all big, not because big guns are inherently better in the system. The Nova Pistol and Nova Rifle have the same damage output, just with more crit bonus on the pistol and more accuracy on the rifle.

If you want better small guns, write some small guns. You could even write a ranged weapon that's a pair of small guns if you like.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
If you want better small guns, write some small guns. You could even write a ranged weapon that's a pair of small guns if you like.

Yeah, writing a new combat mechanic that allows you to equip 2 small guns is a bit redundant, considering you can actually write a weapon that's 2 weapons.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Making 2nd weapon been put in acc slot would be slight unusual. So for case if some would make one or whole line of dual weapons (for low/mid/high lvl with current cap) having it as weapon used in weapon slot with changes in code to treat it as dual while PC attack be better. As if we want to go for 2nd weapon in other slot then it would be better done with offhand slot - slot we not have now and may not be so usefull aside using 2nd weapon for some time after been added.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Would it be possible to make a melee weapon (i.e. brass knuckles) that doubles as a ranged weapon? The reason I'm asking is because if you don't have a weapon equipped, I think you use a rock in both the melee spot and ranged spot. I don't remember where I saw it but I remember seeing a punching weapon that had guns on the sides so the person would deal extra damage when their fiat connected... wait what about a weapon that shoots cars! Also what about an SSTD that turns you into a furry on the night of a full moon (or every 30 days)