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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
With Zaika having 'Hydras', there has to be at least one scene with a Hydra that accounts for a Steele with multiple genitails.

On victory, still get milked by the Milk Thief, but she has to pay you for it. Or sell milk for a decent amount of money to someone on Dhaal, anyway. Maybe limit how much you can sell/day like New Texas' Male Milker. Avoiding flooding the market, maybe? For that matter, while paying off her debt, one would think Reaha could make more money than average if you're on Dhaal.

The current breast row limit is 5 for bipeds. Nagas can get up to 10 with Front Rack. Can 'Taurs also have a maximum row increase? There's all that space on the underside.

I'd also like to see an 'udder' from the Treatment or Bovinium, although I recognize it would probably be a pain to implement. Udders are mentioned as a possible side effect of the Treatment in the Codex entry.

The opportunity to sell the Zheng Shi Probe after stealing the Sidewinder. There's already a 'Sell Probe' button in the Cargo Hold. (Storage->Cargohold)

Sleep/Rest to recover HP and Energy while flying to another location while a crew member pilots. Maybe a debuff if you get into combat, or it takes more in-game time. Kiro can definitely pilot, as can Dane when he becomes recruitable.

something id like to see is something added if a asuar when using the treatment you become a hellhound like ciaran
There is a Hellhound-morph race, although it requires mixing Demon and Canine/Lupine and isn't tied to the Treatment
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Well-Known Member
Besides willpower and libido, Is the max level of the core stats 50?
For the main five, it's normally 5x Steele's level (so there'll be a base max of 100 at level 20), though some things can increase that. The Fated Name exclusive "Perfect Simulant" status effect increases the max of all of them all by 3, Dumb4Cum increases max Intelligence by 2x level, the Signet of Bravery increases max Physique and Aim by 5 when equipped, the Iron Will perk increases max Willpower by 20% of max Physique, Bulky Belly reduces max Reflexes by the same percentage it reduces current Reflexes by (i.e. 10%, 30%, 50% or 70%, depending on belly size), and there might be other effects I'm unaware of. Max Libido is 100, +100 at max Taint, +10 each for Belle's barcode and Sera's slut stamp.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
For the main five, it's normally 5x Steele's level (so there'll be a base max of 100 at level 20), though some things can increase that. The Fated Name exclusive "Perfect Simulant" status effect increases the max of all of them all by 3, Dumb4Cum increases max Intelligence by 2x level, the Signet of Bravery increases max Physique and Aim by 5 when equipped, the Iron Will perk increases max Willpower by 20% of max Physique, Bulky Belly reduces max Reflexes by the same percentage it reduces current Reflexes by (i.e. 10%, 30%, 50% or 70%, depending on belly size), and there might be other effects I'm unaware of. Max Libido is 100, +100 at max Taint, +10 each for Belle's barcode and Sera's slut stamp.

I didn’t know you could go above the 50 max, that’s handy, I was just making sure, because I’m the milk bar, my stats went to 55, then dropped to 50

King Kenya

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
Opportunities to use the 10 mutant dryad genitails that I got on Poe A as part of the green bikini costume, I know there are multi-tentacle scenes but they require geni-wings. Also some way to turn my tails non-parasitic without losing almost all of them in the process.
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Well-Known Member
Also some way to turn my tails non-parasitic without losing almost all of them in the process.
The closest you can get to that right now is using Foxfire or Frostfire on your tails, which will bring you back down to 1 at first (and change your tail and genitail types to vulpine), but give the TF enough time to do its work and you'll grow most of them back (up to 9 total). It works for cunt-tails, too.

King Kenya

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
The closest you can get to that right now is using Foxfire or Frostfire on your tails, which will bring you back down to 1 at first (and change your tail and genitail types to vulpine), but give the TF enough time to do its work and you'll grow most of them back (up to 9 total). It works for cunt-tails, too.

Thanks, that's good to know, and it would suit me down to the ground if my character wasn't a dryad/gryvain. Excessive chimera-ism is something I try to avoid.

Edit: Also, Using Immuno-booster to stop the Foxfire process makes my dryad flowers fall off.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
Thanks, that's good to know, and it would suit me down to the ground if my character wasn't a dryad/gryvain. Excessive chimera-ism is something I try to avoid.

Edit: Also, Using Immuno-booster to stop the Foxfire process makes my dryad flowers fall off.
best you could do is give up dryad for now and grab it after securing your tails


Jan 9, 2018
Is there any chance that more NPCs (namely Eitan, Urbolg and Lund) will be able to impregnate the player?

King Kenya

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
best you could do is give up dryad for now and grab it after securing your tails
I just wish that said tails were more reptilian. If they could lay flush in a gryvain tail, which is much thicker than most other kinds, that might work.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
It would be cool to see a picture and probably a dream where anno and kaede are a happy married couple, with a litter of pups


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I'd like more species-specific TFs based on mythological creatures like naga/medusa/gorgon and harpy. Also, some non-terran animal, alien TFs. In space, no one can hear you meow.

Before adding new stuff, however, I'd like to see more interactions with current bodymods like lipples.

I'd also like certain body part types to affect the player's stats. Wings give bonus to Evasion like the Jetpack, things like slimy bodies give bonuses to escape grapples, certain animal faces/muzzles, ears and/or eyes give bonuses to Evasion or nullify enemy sneak attacks (call it the "Acute Senses" Perk) or Flashbang grenades, Horns add damage to or allow Headbutt attacks, etc.


Well-Known Member
I'd also like certain body part types to affect the player's stats. Wings give bonus to Evasion like the Jetpack, things like slimy bodies give bonuses to escape grapples, certain animal faces/muzzles, ears and/or eyes give bonuses to Evasion or nullify enemy sneak attacks (call it the "Acute Senses" Perk) or Flashbang grenades, Horns add damage to or allow Headbutt attacks, etc.
This is, for the most part, banned since part of TiTS's design philosophy is that different appearances should only be for roleplay/cosmetic purposes, and Steele's preferred combat style should be 100% obtainable without restricting them to certain appearances. Giving combat bonuses to certain appearances implicitly encourages the player to pick those ones over others, especially if some bonuses are inherently better than others (which was a very real problem in CoC that lead to this decision).

Also, having wings big and powerful enough to fly allows you to hit flying enemies with melee attacks, which I think is not considered a violation of the above because having the Jetpack equipped also allows that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Also, having wings big and powerful enough to fly allows you to hit flying enemies with melee attacks, which I think is not considered a violation of the above because having the Jetpack equipped also allows that.

I kind of get the rest but then again, having wings means you can use your accessory slot on something else other than Climbing Equipment or the Jetpack. That in itself is an advantage gained by having a specific body part. Not to mention fur, wool and/or feathers giving bonuses to withstanding cold.

Certain body parts (or the absence thereof) also allow/limit access to specific sex scenes or other interactions with some NPCs. Some - not me, of course - might say that's unfair just because they want/don't want a parasitic cock tail/pussy/bewbs/whatever.
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Well-Known Member
I kind of get the rest but then again, having wings means you can use your accessory slot on something else other than Climbing Equipment or the Jetpack. That in itself is an advantage gained by having a specific body part. Not to mention fur, wool and/or feathers giving bonuses to withstanding cold.
Fur/wool/feathers reducing cold damage is only important if your equipment doesn't provide enough cold resistance to prevent damage altogether, so I guess the rule is "no specific body part bonuses that can't be equalled, exceeded or rendered unimportant via equipment". (Also, the climbing equipment is a gadget, so you can't equip it, and don't need to.)
Certain body parts (or the absence thereof) also allow/limit access to specific sex scenes or other interactions with some NPCs. Some - not me, of course - might say that's unfair just because they want/don't want a parasitic cock tail/pussy/bewbs/whatever.
The problem I mentioned before was purely combat-related in nature. I'd think that scene/interaction limits would fall closer to the roleplay aspect: if someone wants to access scenes that require a certain body part (or a certain set of body parts, or lack thereof), presumably they'd TF their Steele to meet those requirements. If they want to consistently access those scenes, they'd keep their Steele TF'd that way. Besides, it's a lot harder to reasonably ignore Steele's appearance in sex than it is in combat.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
But you don’t need fur or wool to be immune to cold damage, the thermal pack sold on uveto that does that for an x amount of time


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
But you don’t need fur or wool to be immune to cold damage, the thermal pack sold on uveto that does that for an x amount of time
Right, but our discussion - and that's what it is, a discussion, an exchange of ideas; please no one read into this that I'm arguing for or against anything - is about advantages certain mods give the PC, and fur or wool allow a player to weather the cold (heh) without spending money or using a slot(s) in the PC's limited inventory, be it in the form of an Accessory, Garment, Armor, Gadget or Consumable.

Having said all that, I do get why body parts don't give direct combat bonuses. It just chafes a tiny bit when I headbutt an enemy and it's like my six, 30" demon horns don't exist.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Right, but our discussion - and that's what it is, a discussion, an exchange of ideas; please no one read into this that I'm arguing for or against anything - is about advantages certain mods give the PC, and fur or wool allow a player to weather the cold (heh) without spending money or using a slot(s) in the PC's limited inventory, be it in the form of an Accessory, Garment, Armor, Gadget or Consumable.

Having said all that, I do get why body parts don't give direct combat bonuses. It just chafes a tiny bit when I headbutt an enemy and it's like my six, 30" demon horns don't exist.

but your saying to lock things behind a tf, not everyone want wool or fur, and with the thermal pack, you can use the cheat that lets you use items unlimited times


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
but your saying to lock things behind a tf, not everyone want wool or fur
Not sure what you meant by this, but I'll reiterate: I wish (and if wishes were horses, beggars would ride golden palominos) some body parts gave bonuses like those examples I gave earlier. Horns adding damage and/or stun bonus to headbutts is a good example. There more than a few combat-related Perks gained by The Treatment and Amazonia that I'm sure lots of players would love to have but they don't want all of the other effects that come with them.

I'm not advocating a bonus for every single body part and every variation thereof Oprah-style ("You get a bonus! You get a bonus! EVERYONE GETS A BONUS!!"), just those that make sense and don't break game balance. If, at the end of a discussion, the consensus is that ANY bonuses beyond those that already exist would indeed break the balance, then so be it.

and with the thermal pack, you can use the cheat that lets you use items unlimited times
While I have been known to cheat from time to time, I would never advocate its use to address someone's issue with the game. I only use cheats either 1) as a last resort or B) if they result in minor benefits, like using the TiTSEd to increase the storage capacity on board my ship (I'm a collector).
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Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
Being able to use our fists as weapons. The fists' damage could be based on the physique stat.

Achievements would also be a pretty nice addition.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020


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New Member
Mar 5, 2020
This is going to sound silly but maybe give Dr. Lash a service option to remove your Libido. Like, literally stick a probe up someone's brain and remove their sex drive.

It just seems like the kind of thing he'd come up with to make people see things his way.