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i wish there was more small quest and things to do
test an experimental lactation-enhancing drug on new texas, results may vary
deliver a pizza for a very minuscule amount of credits
kiss babies as a publicity stunt
etc etc

...Do people even deliver pizzas in TitSverse? I feel like that would be the first thing to get taken over by automation the moment robots become affordable and reliable, and we've already seen robots in other parts of the food industry. Now I'm genuinely curious if its ever been mentioned before...

Either way, I feel like all of those examples would only make sense within a larger context. Like, why would Steele be kissing babies for publicity? What publicity? They aren't trying to run for president, last I checked. What would the player get out of that? It would need to be part of a larger quest or minigame, IMO. Or at least to impress a specific character or group of characters, and therefore could potentially get in bed with.

Just saying.


aren't we an intergalactic semi-famous almost corporation owner?

Who is trying to earn their inheretance through an elaborate scavenger hunt, yes.

Anyways, I was just trying to say that I can easily think of ways that those could tie into larger chunks of content instead of being smaller, self-contained scenes. Smaller scenes are still good, as long as their worthwhile on their own, though.

On that note, I would love it if we had a few more random town events, like finding Kaede on New Texas, or the Gold Myr Orgy on Myrellion. Though, I guess ExtraMeet kind of fills that niche.
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Jan 8, 2016
...Do people even deliver pizzas in TitSverse? I feel like that would be the first thing to get taken over by automation the moment robots become affordable and reliable, and we've already seen robots in other parts of the food industry. Now I'm genuinely curious if its ever been mentioned before...
I had a deliveryperson show up mid-sex as a little thing in some content


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
still hoping for an option to de-dick Amber. or at least introduce a non-herm female taur as a crewmember. as far as i know, she's the only taur other then the seigewulfs that you can recruit into joining you. the only organic one at the very least.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
Glasses. Even they're purely decorative. So far, the Sexy Librarian Costume is only place they can be found, and you have save edit that one in. Surely they could be added as an Accessory?
since this is a futuristic setting i can definitely see some tony-stark type glasses that give higher aim or shields, just so its not entirely for cosmetics


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
since this is a futuristic setting i can definitely see some tony-stark type glasses that give higher aim or shields, just so its not entirely for cosmetics
Ok, sure. Throw on a +1 to Aim or something. I'd be happy to just to have them for wardrobe reasons.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I wonder what’s going on with the amara expansion?

Wsan and William were both kind enough to offer their aid in writing Ardia, so I'm writing that first.

I wouldn't really call it an 'expansion' Amara's getting. Just an extra scene or two.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Glasses. Even they're purely decorative. So far, the Sexy Librarian Costume is only place they can be found, and you have save edit that one in. Surely they could be added as an Accessory?
Nerrassa sells some goggles that protect from blindness, that's the closest thing you have.

Speaking of glasses, we need a crew member with glasses.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Wsan and William were both kind enough to offer their aid in writing Ardia, so I'm writing that first.

I wouldn't really call it an 'expansion' Amara's getting. Just an extra scene or two.

I read somewhere that there’s gonna be like joinable faction or something, and that there would be a important decision that the player makes

Also, is there plans on introducing kaede and Astra to one another?, and maybe they find out that that their mother/sire is a pirate?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I read somewhere that there’s gonna be like joinable faction or something, and that there would be a important decision that the player makes

You read wrong.

Also, is there plans on introducing kaede and Astra to one another?, and maybe they find out that that their mother/sire is a pirate?

No plans at the moment.
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New Member
Jul 20, 2019
Participating as a Jockey in the Taur races on Uveto.
I've been looking to see if this sort of thing has content. Other than Jerynn there really isn't anything with PCs suspended under a taur that I've found, and the main reason I even made an account was considering writing some content in the stadium for jockey PCs.

Orange Juice Jones

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
I don't know if this is in the works or not but it would be kind of cool to have space bounties that you can peruse that would lead to boss battles of increasing difficulty.
There might be an option to ship them to Gastigoth
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New Member
Jul 20, 2019
Im not sure if someone already posted this, or if theyre going to address this, but if not it'd be awesome if there was a dom mode for the non-bimbo version, because i really love the look of the combat version. And itd be really great if theres an option to turn off the ovilcum or impregnation from siegwulfe similar to how sera has a turn off sterilex. while i love the being able to get impregnated, id just like to not to be impregnated 24/7. Hopefully these changes arent to hard to implement. to me its just some appearance changes and what not but im probably wrong.


May 6, 2018
I would like to see more scenes encouraging abstinence and piety. Or punishing is not so important. At least some attention. Staying virgin in this hell is quite difficult. Probably this achievement which needs to be paid a little more attention than a line of characteristics. At least in some sexy scenes where it is taken. I mean, the choice to refuse kill \ sex \ drink is a fundamental feature of the Fenoxo games, for which I greatly respect them. But only the "Yes" ansver is being worked out.
And of course more tuning and customization of the ship, which became our home. Sorry if I repeat, I did not read all 220 pages.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
More general then specific, but I love when characters, particularly crew members, acknowledge the existence of other characters. For example, asking Pexiga about the other crew members or seeing Anno and Kase hanging out at a bar. It really helps makes the universe as completely interconnected.

I would also love more scenes of spending time with my kids, particularly those that aren't even currently acknowledged as being in the nursery outside of lists of the inhabitants.

On the Nursery, more Briget content please. I remember when Adj first posted his depiction of Briget, he had a pregnant variant of her bust. Can we get that please?
Dec 5, 2018
I think most of stuff added recently is fantastic, - good direction, rate of updates, quality you guys are killing it! So for all intends and purposes i generally approve of all being added.

That said i do have some of my own preferences, namely i'd like some more content added to some of the existing characters - Amber, Perfected Siegwulfe, Mitzi, Verusha, - take your pick plenty of amazing characters to choose from. I still hope Verusha will be recruitable at some point (she is a mercenary, why not? I honestly cant see a reason as to why she'd not be down for that, but maybe i missed something).

Really looking forward to Ardia, Wsan has been on fire lately. Also i do agree with post #6532, an xcom snekwaifu would be great, but you know i still would prefer more content to cherished characters over that.

Also personally would like to have the 'imagepack' updated a bit more often, but again no pressure you guys have been doing astoundingly good work in past 6 months+ and w/e you come up with im sure it will be great!


Unviable and Silly Ideas that should not be implemented but i still wanna tell you about.

Somewhere super far far far down the line i think for immersion adding 'paying crewmembers' like done with Bess would be great - negotiation a contract with individual crewmembers and some small scenes added where player gets a chance to see what they use the money for. Maybe one of the characters is saving up for something big, or another is investing the dosh. Perhaps one of the crewmembers puts the money to buy a gift for commander down the line to show appreciation. To add further depth to this perhaps after investigating what they are doing with money player can just donate them dosh if the cause seems worthwhile. For example Mitzi would probably be blowing all the money for extra dresses or 'tools she needs' ... or a brain surgery. Not really a 'must' tbh its just for a bit more immersion, its probably more trouble then its worth.

Another thing that would probably a bit unpopular also super counter intuitive to the game and requiring too much effort to 'polish' would be an addition to a device akin to one Inessa has, where commander would be forcibly equipped with a chastity device, disabling using the reproductive genitalia. The glaring issue with this is 2 fold:
1) it 'removes' a chunk of sex scenes till player gets rid of it (which probably is somewhat easy) which is something overwhelming majority most wont be Ok with.
2) to make it 'work' immersively just imagine all the titanic effort for retroactively reworking old sex scenes would take.
The simple solution to this would be either to just gray out any genitalia in the options for sex OR to just never implement it.
The later part makes way more sense and is a but unfortunate. Just having a few sex scenes involving it wouldnt the point, so thats out the window.

Imagine other companions getting the "Siegwulfe Supreme" treatment and getting to go on adventures consistently. Better yet imagine if say Amber learned the ropes of being agressively dommy from Siegwulfe and both of them + Steel are walking around triggering 'cutscenes'. Or say having Mitzi once per battle reduce lust to 0 when it approaches 70+ in exchange for a bit of energy and a tiny debuff.
Now imagine if those companions also leveled up! (Just getting automatically more hp and abilities) Upgrading armor and shields for Steele-tech suits for hired employees, improving their defensive capacity!

Also in the way of 'agressively dommy' i think there should be a macro-shifting atmosphere on the ship depending on what player consistently chooses, there being 3 options - player enjoys being the dominant force, likes switching around from time to time/goes for vanialla or prefers to be the submissive. Wherein the behavior of other crewmates gets shifted to accomodate that to the best of their ability. I dont mean it in a way that when Steele walks up the ship sluts form a 'plow line' to be sexed or running a rape train in another extremity, but something a bit less radical. For example Mitzi instead of just asking for what should she do just goes for rng result of what she wants to do. In polar opposite even those like Ramis would be far more willing to do the commanders bidding.
Again this is a lot of work which doesnt add all that much apart from immersion, not to mention some people wouldnt even be affected by this.

Recruiting Khorgan, Kaska, Feruze. Pirate ladies that have combat experience would be a good addition to a ship willing to go to war. Suppose there would be a way to have them be let into your custody via a hefty fee and signing a shit ton of papers. Feruze deserves a better employer. She seems fun.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
I wouldn't mind seeing a more combat orientated upgrade for the Seigwulfe/combat-wulfe. As much as i loved non-dom bimbo-wulfe when i had her, the combat wulfe is more useful in battle i feel, and it'd be nice if i could give her a more combat-orientated upgrade like you can with TamWolf in that one mission. Maybe she deals more damage or adds an extra attack from a shoulder-mounted gun or something, maybe one of her sex options is removed as a tradeoff or something i don't know.

no idea how big of a hassle it'd be to implement, but it'd be neat.
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