What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I tried looking through here because I could've swore that I'd said it already but here it is again I guess:

I love crossovers. I like people interacting with each other so I'd love if there was a way to do something like, bring all your crewmembers to an all-hands meeting in the kitchen or just outside of the ship or somewhere close by to discuss what everyone's preferences are. Because I'd want to declare open season for everyone and if anyone's not into that then they can voice their dissent so there's no issue of anyone hitting on Azra when she only has eyes on Steele. Just so you only have to do one thing instead of going one by one to everyone and telling them they can fuck whoever.

Next up, I'd love for more interaction between your crew. Like, as you're moving around the ship someone catches you and gives you a quick kiss or they slap you on the ass or slip a hand down your pants or something. Just more indication that everyone finds you hot in general. As it stands, the characters feel like they're in this weird middleground where they're always in the mood to fuck but it's not till you go to sleep (sometimes) that they actually act on that. It wouldn't be the worst thing if descriptions changed so when you get in the ship people are already paired together in one person's room doing something too.

More signs of approval in general would be nice. When you go to visit someone you see them making less eye contact as time goes on to stare at your chest or muscles or whatever they happen to be into. That or just interrupting themselves to say that they like how big your dick/lips/breasts/ass is or that they like being taller or shorter than their partner. Even something as small as being a fan of your hair or eye color. Or maybe they might be confused by the goo girl armor you're wearing and just be thinking that something's off but not being able to put their finger on what exactly.

Finally, Demon Queen Syri rules and I want more of her. I hope that's possible.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
it's gonna be Amara in some bondage
I suppose that's the safest option, especially if Amara finds out that Captain Steele has been banging her daughter and her former paramour/Steele's half sister.

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
Ok not exactaly "content" at least in the traditional sense, but the ability to save edit on mobile without having to do digital gymnastics.

Thats what I want the most.
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Kase and Ramis threesome. What does Ramis think of him, anyways?

...how would she react to Eitan or Dane? Especially if Steele isn't male?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I don't know about befriending, but I've got a half-written thing for banging her with Shade later on.

Any plans on putting a collar on her? And take the pup out for a walk?

Also, I’d imagine that being around kaede would be awkward as hell for Steele after that, but at the same time, Steele doesn’t know that

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
Putting a collar on shade? I could see her putting a collar on the PC and takeing us for a walk, but not the other way around.


New Member
Sep 3, 2016
1: Use for Cumflation
Now that we have cum-sealing equipment, I'd like to see uses for cum gathered via "cumflation". Like special clients who want a specific type of cum for making special drinks or whatever.
Regular cum is no good, nor is the player's cum as it has too much human DNA, AND they prefer it mixed with girlcum. Payout is always based on the quantity and purity.
If it's too complicated to determine the % of each cum type, then just say any mixed cum is no good. Once you bring a certain amount then you can start buying a special drink from that NPC based on the cum type.
Males could either grow a vagina to complete these quests, OR the NPC could sell them a special synthetic vagina tail that works much like the parasitic pussy snakes (except you can unequip when you like, but it loses all cum if you do!).

2: Looseness vs Soreness
When you click character appearance I would like a new button that can toggle this option. The default (looseness) would change nothing, but you could change it to "soreness" and then the character's vagina and anus would get "sore" instead of "loose".
This would basically change how the game works. If Libido is <25 then your character will refuse any sex that would take them to "soreness" level 2. If Libido is <50 then they would refuse any sex that would take them to soreness level 3, and 75 for level 4, and finally 100 for level 5. Any soreness above 5 and the character will refuse to be abused that much. Of course these values can still go up if you lose fights, but each value over the maximum should slow character movement by 10%.
For example if your libido is 25 and you have looseness of 4, then you'd be slowed by 20%. Alternatively it could result in a "bad end" where Steele basically says, "Screw this I'm not doing it anymore. It hurts too much!" xD

3: Gene Splicer
A special expensive machine you can install in your ship, that you can feed consumable items and then pick ONE modification for it to apply. Not effective for the really expensive mods, but would drastically help those of us who hate dealing with the RNG.

4: Self-cest pregnancy
This has probably been asked for before, but basically the non-parasitic tails would impregnate Steele with a mini version of you.
Even if the end result is something like, "There were so many birth defects that the child didn't survive. Such are the wages of self-cest."

5: Recognition of multiple penis/vagina tails. I had like 9 of them and the game didn't even notice. Sad. :(

6: Being able to vaginally penetrate the Kerokoras girls when you defeat them (just copy/paste the same scene from when you lose to them if nothing else).

7: Option to purchase an expensive clone of yourself that you can upgrade/level independently of Steele (and you can also self-cest with, if you like).
This would basically allow players to make whatever character build they would like to have sex with, and also allow for more customization options without having to start a new game.
It would be loads of fun! Especially if you could have several clones. :D

8: At least one terran female with A cup or smaller breasts that you can have sex with (must also have a vagina and not be referred to as "he").
The vanae maidens are nice but it's like a small tiny drop of little boobies in a vast sea of monster boobs. xP

A Random Guy

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
Could we maybe have a second chance at the huskar foursome on Uveto if we say no to it at first? Especially if you’re an idiot like me skipping past all dialogue while grinding exp and then wanting a thicc Anno

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
A tfs that simulates Amazonian Stamina but makes it acquirable from a non treatment source.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any Anno pregnancy content planned? I'm new to the forum so I apologise if this is answered somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Every time you do doggie with Ramis, the ship should take actual damage.
"Hey Captain Steele, how strong are you?"
"Hmm, let's see....last time I banged my gunnery officer, I caused 80 points of hull damage."
"...I wasn't asking about your dick..."
"Lady, it's always about the dick."


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
It would be cool to see a tug a war system in the ship content that @Gedan is working on, and by tug a war I mean like when in combat, if you lose the ship combat, the fight proceeds to stage 2, which is inside your ship since the pirates would board your ship, have a system where Steele can give commands as in hold your ground, or retreat to the cockpit of your ship, and if that happends, Steele would call for a S.O.S, and have a chance of having kaede, kiro, saendra, or Shizuya come to help you out to push back the pirates, but have them spawn at different proc chances, eg. Kaede being the most common, and Shizuya uncommon


New Member
Sep 3, 2016
I'd like to see more consumables and other effects that currently work on your genitalia, actually be applicable to tail genitalia. This would especially include the dong designer.
Currently there are only 3 types of tail penis (aside from the parasitic kind) and you can't really modify them much.
Not to mention, the initial cum output of the tail penis is set at 1000 mLs, which is crazy by comparison to most species (Zil and Raskvel only have an output of 5 mLs).
I would think there should be a lot of genetial manipulation to reach that amount.

One example of this is the horse cock you can rarely find on Tarkus. You should be able to just stick it on ANY tail and it apply it.

Just my 2 cents though. Would really like to see more work done on the tail genitalia. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
a way to get a natural heat/rut cycle could be fun. every week or two in-game and you just fall into whichever one applies for you. maybe the duration between them can be decreased through Breeder's Bliss pills, increased by visiting Dr. Lash, and the whole cycle could be removed by Lash as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
I really want to make, like, a small indie company that Steele can sponsor to get minor gene mods (ie a mod for unique eyes, a mod for unique markings, etc) and if you give them enough money they can put their products into stores to be sold to the public.

Given that the TiTSverse is capitalist hell, though, it'll probably never happen. /shrug

Somebody Else

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2018
A tfs that simulates Amazonian Stamina but makes it acquirable from a non treatment source.

Overdosing on Amazona has a 1 in 10 chance of giving a perk that's effectively the same. Requires 40 libido or you'll lose it though (that's permanently, not just when you get it.)

I really want to make, like, a small indie company that Steele can sponsor to get minor gene mods (ie a mod for unique eyes, a mod for unique markings, etc) and if you give them enough money they can put their products into stores to be sold to the public.

Given that the TiTSverse is capitalist hell, though, it'll probably never happen. /shrug

Dr. Lessau could effectively do that I think, and is intended as a sort of "friendly science guy" for when you need that sort of thing AFAIK.
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