What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
i wish you could buy a house por something. ... it would also have more storage space than the ships
You do have an apartment on Tavros Station, and DrunkZombie recently wrote a means to store items there. It's also available in Queen Taivra's Palace, if you married her. Sadly, those of us without access to the Backers Patch will have to wait for July.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I would like to see more enemies for each generic ship type we encounter. I mean, there isn't only a single Ferrari, Honda, Bugatti , Hummer, or Chevy out on the road. So it would be more likely that the person piloting the ship could be different from the one you've encountered last time. It would also probably be easier for a person to write. All you would need to do is write sex scenes (and maybe choose a ship combat AI type) since the ship combat is already written for the character. At least, if I read Fen's post correctly


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
It would also probably be easier for a person to write. All you would need to do is write sex scenes

... you realize that sex scenes are by far the most time-consuming part of writing anything in these games, right?

Writing the combat bullshit takes like an hour tops. The scenes are what take days.


A suite of status effects or items that would give you increased resistances or increased vulnerability to certain enemy types, similar to furpies, or Geddenium/Urtanium rings. I just like the idea of Steele "gaining" a fetish through their adventure. Plus, if there were items that made Steele more or less vulnerable to certain sexual equipment, it might alleviate some of the cognative dissonance if a player doesn't want to see their Steele getting hard/wet because an NPC is twirling their dick around like a helicopter, or dribbling their basketball tits around.

Also, I sincerely hope we get a titty equivelant to Painted Penis someday.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
: the reason for wanting bipedal is because Deer Woman shows up at dances to lure young cocky men away and the version I was told said you could break her hypnotic spell by looking at her feet to see they were hooves and it'd be kinda hard to miss if a pretty lady's whole lower half was a deers body.

Glad to know us people with a liking for feet would be safe. Usually some of the first things you notice when you see some pretty girl.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i also really want to be able to make my characters description read as a custom race rather than "myr"/"alien hybrid" and whatnot but i forgot how to change it with save editing.

I wasnt aware that I needed this
Thank you for opening my eyes
all in a days work


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
i also really want to be able to make my characters description read as a custom race rather than "myr"/"alien hybrid" and whatnot but i forgot how to change it with save editing.

all in a days work

Wouldn’t that be more work for the writers?

Rawr XD123

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2018
Oi oi
Is there gonna be a mod type that allows you to specifically choose what part of your body
Or a mod that allows you to pick what type (e.g. now I fancy the ibex horns from caparphorm inhaler but don't won't to ruin my previously nodded to preference character)
And is save file on tablets and mobile gonna be fixed anytime soon?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
I'd like to see a Drider tf item
I know there was one in the making by gothpastel but the they ended up abandoning it sadly >.<


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Oi oi
Is there gonna be a mod type that allows you to specifically choose what part of your body
Or a mod that allows you to pick what type (e.g. now I fancy the ibex horns from caparphorm inhaler but don't won't to ruin my previously nodded to preference character)
And is save file on tablets and mobile gonna be fixed anytime soon?

that would be cool, but it wont happen because it would be a pain to write, there are a few tfs like that in the game already though


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
Wouldn’t that be more work for the writers?
let me rephrase
I mean you should be able to put a custom input here (via typing it in yourself) to give yourself access to races the game doesn't have a score for, for rp and clarity purposes. personally, i find a huge disconnect when my character is described as an alien hybrid. It would also help ease the minds of those who want to play as the dzaan, and probably other races, but can't since there isn't a score.
Isn't there a drider costume on Poe A?
(yes there is a drider costume on poe a)
this is related somewhat because as a pure human, then taking the drider costume this is what you end up with even though its quite clear you're a drider.
there shouldn't have to be any work from the writers to support it, and i don't remember any mentions of this race parameter anywhere else anyway.


Yes, but Poe A is an annual thing. A TF down the road would be good in case something happens, or you want to add something to your look, and didn't notice that gave you furred legs or whatever else that you _didn't_ want in the process, because you had already been save scumming for 30 minutes, and you're just happy it finally proc'd that thing you wanted in the first place. Instead of having to dance around with more items that require save scumming or just giving up until next year, a drider TF would allow for a simple fix, and not limiting people to specific choices during the Halloween event. It's the only one that currently has this problem, FYI - most of Holiday's stuff could be considered a quick and easy way to get certain body types while getting some cool Halloween-themed scenes to go along with them. The Drider is the only unique race transformation, possibly out of any of the events?

Also, an upgraded hornitol with more options. Conversely, I'd also like a way to remove horns without using terran treats. Same with tails, actually.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
...Conversely, I'd also like a way to remove horns without using terran treats. Same with tails, actually.
ReductPro can shrink and eventually remove horns.

It's a bit of a clunky work-around, but:
1. Parasite tails replace your old tail, and can then be easily removed with Immuno-Booster, or the local Nursedroid.
2. Laquine Ears tail transformation is in two stages, the first removes your old tail. You still have to go through 3 more TFs though. You can also remove the ears 5 minutes before the end of the effect to avoid the forced Ear transformation. I mention Laquine Ears because they're easy to save-scum for the TFs you want, since they only have one effect at a time.
May 27, 2019
I would like a store which sales costume based transformations, like Poe A but year round along with costumes for the most races, so rather then use multiply items you can quickly become a race.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Then what would be the point of other slower/gradual transformatives?
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ReductPro can shrink and eventually remove horns.

It's a bit of a clunky work-around, but:
1. Parasite tails replace your old tail, and can then be easily removed with Immuno-Booster, or the local Nursedroid.
2. Laquine Ears tail transformation is in two stages, the first removes your old tail. You still have to go through 3 more TFs though. You can also remove the ears 5 minutes before the end of the effect to avoid the forced Ear transformation. I mention Laquine Ears because they're easy to save-scum for the TFs you want, since they only have one effect at a time.

I did at least look at the wiki page to see what options there were. TFs that have multiple effects over time are often not the best solution since they tend to have the same drawbacks as other TFs, except they drag it out over an extended period. I know I mentioned Terran Treat before, but that's only because in this particular case, I wanted to look human save for a few things, like Wings and sylvan ears. Nyrean Rock Candy is currently the most effient, since it has relatively high odds for procing "remove tail", and while it can proc up to 5 mutations...in my experience, it usually just does one or two, or nothing at all. It fact, it seems to have an unusually high chance of doing nothing...actually trying to become a Nyrean would've taken forever if I hadn't resorted to using the infinite item-use cheat...

Thank you for telling me about reductPro working on horns - I never knew that! I think I have 3 characters that need their horns removed, assuming I didn't resort to using TiTSed.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
let me rephrase
View attachment 9816
I mean you should be able to put a custom input here (via typing it in yourself) to give yourself access to races the game doesn't have a score for, for rp and clarity purposes. personally, i find a huge disconnect when my character is described as an alien hybrid. It would also help ease the minds of those who want to play as the dzaan, and probably other races, but can't since there isn't a score.

(yes there is a drider costume on poe a)
this is related somewhat because as a pure human, then taking the drider costume this is what you end up with even though its quite clear you're a drider.
View attachment 9819
there shouldn't have to be any work from the writers to support it, and i don't remember any mentions of this race parameter anywhere else anyway.

True, but having hybrid in the description still works, if your two races in one, like saendra
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
True, but having hybrid in the description still works, if your two races in one, like saendra
what im saying is i'd rather be able to define it myself
instead of it saying hybrid i would rather just say what i want my character to be recognized as
ex: dzaan, half bear half tiger, etc etc. it would overall just be way better for creation and imagination purposes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
How about a story arc where Captain Steele starts getting obscure clues and cryptic messages, that lead him to an off the books science station owned by Steele tech. There they run into what appears to be their thought to be deceased father. Captain Steele is called there by Max because a life time of gene modding has rendered his cellular structure unstable and he needs an "infusion of stable genetic material from a close genetic match" to stop him from degrading into a pile of decrepit genetic material. This could lead to opportunity for Captain Steele to perhaps address some "daddy issues" ( and some seemingly incestuous content)
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I had a dream last night that an accessory was added, which was a pair of tear-away trousers that came with a new type of flag. The item itself reduces sexiness, but unequiping it during combat counts as crotch tease attack, and gives a temporary status effect that boosts sexiness based on factors like body exposure level, kinky outfit, and undergarment flags like transparent or swimwear. The effect ends early if an accessory with the same flag is equipped.

I dunno, I kinda want that now. Since it counts as a tease attack, it'd probably have its own tease scenes, and I'm already imagining it'd look something like that one scene from Austin Powers.

Liz the Lizardfolk

Active Member
Feb 7, 2018
Something I think would be cool is if naga-lower body types could have retractable legs of sorts or something similar to allow them to take part in scenes that require two legs (such as most of Paige's Yoga), or perhaps just allowing it on the basis of the merge point being below the thighs (I take that to mean "at the knees"). I don't really know which would be more reasonable, but I guess you could say I just really want nagas to be able to get the Limber Perk.


I mean, it's a temporary perk, more akin to a status effect. But the extra 20% chance to avoid grapples is nice, as are Paige's Yoga scenes.