What Content Would You Like Added?



  • I might've seen this in a document already, but I'd like to see some sort of combat visor we could use as an accessory.
  • A barett we could wear as an accessory. Or at least an outfit that includes one, but IMO, a barett would fit with a number of ensembles.
  • A spiked punk outfit, or at least a Spiked collar we could wear. Again, I think I saw this one in a document already.
  • A cowboy hat, or at least one or more outfits that includes a cowboy hat. Also in a doc, I know, but I figured I should still mention it.
  • It'd be nice if there was a way for female characters to obtain Savicite Panties, since they enhance exhibitionism and work well with the Slut Stamp perk. I suppose adding a new set of groin-exposing feminine lingerie would also suffice, but I was thinking that since Tamani only requires she be given a small cum bubble, perhaps it would interesting if there was a scene where you could work together to milk others for cum bubbles?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Kinda wish there was a way to beat Lund in that sex endurance contest without having to be a bimbo or Amazon.

Wait, is there? Im seriously asking, here.

Don't think there is aside from those two. There's also no enemy!Lund content either and I can't tell you how many times I hit "Fuck Off" by accident and had to reload my save file.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Don't think there is aside from those two. There's also no enemy!Lund content either and I can't tell you how many times I hit "Fuck Off" by accident and had to reload my save file.
Hopefully all this changes at some point. It's honestly pretty frustrating.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Hopefully all this changes at some point. It's honestly pretty frustrating.
We can only hope. Wsan says he's put a few projects on the backburner, namely the commissioned ones (e.g enemy!Lund) so naturally they're gonna go slower than most... a man can dream though. A man can dream.


I guess it can't hurt to throw one more idea into the void:

I remember seeing someone mention an idea for a type of portal strap-on that Steele could wear that would allow the user to get fucked at random, presumedly by people at the other end of the portal using a type of portal-onahole. Honestly, it was a stretch in terms of believablity and seemed like it'd be a coding nightmare. I also seeing a hardlight variant on that idea that would at least be more believable and remove pregnancy/fluids from the equation, but personally, I find that being interrupted at random points during an adventure to be really annoying, and if it's something I can turn on and off, or only works while it's being used, then I'm just waiting for scene to happen, which is counterintuitive compared to the rest of the game.

I do, however, like the idea of a hardlight dildo that could take the shape of someone's penis. I think it'd be more interesting if, instead of it functioning like a long-distance gloryhole, it involved the extranet as a new form of camwhoring. The user would strap on the equipment, and either have one-on-one sessions with dick-wielding individuals, or a massive live-stream event that involves lots of users who are randomly selected throughout - kind of like Miscreant Manor, but without the risk of impregnation and more "sci-fi" elements to it.

Perhaps there could be a VR component to it? In which case, it could even be a promotional event at Luca's Lotus Eater that you could access if you've done public VR simulations a certain number of times, though, I'd imagine the live-stream orgy would have to have require a certain level of exhibitionism. Otherwise, I could see it appearing on Zheng-Shi as a stolen prototype, or be an expansion for the Mindwash Visor that you get through a special service. I feel like each of these would require radically different approaches, though. I feel like having it available through the Lotus Eater would be the most sensible option. I suppose an expensive take-home version would still be interesting, though, and you could possibly get it as a reward for your participation during the event?
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Active Member
Dec 8, 2017
. I think it'd be more interesting if, instead of it functioning like a long-distance gloryhole, it involved the extranet as a new form of camwhoring.
Love that Idea. I'd even build a whole new Steele around it, if it were an acceptable form of income.
It's not as degrading as whoring in Tavros and it would be fun to see different personalities affecting the scenes. Hard personality vs Bimbo etc.

It could be a good intro into exhibitionism. Seeing as you're not physically naked in front of another NPC.

Hell, the reverse would be exciting too! A hardlight onahole that projected into another characters techno pants.
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Love that Idea. I'd even build a whole new Steele around it, if it were an acceptable form of income.
It's not as degrading as whoring in Tavros and it would be fun to see different personalities affecting the scenes. Hard personality vs Bimbo etc.

It could be a good intro into exhibitionism. Seeing as you're not physically naked in front of another NPC.

Hell, the reverse would be exciting too! A hardlight onahole that projected into another characters techno pants.

Indeed. That's part of why I thought of requiring you use Lucas' VR Sims publicly, first - it seems like the next step up after that initial thrill.

And you're right, there'd have to users on the other end, so obviously there'd have to be an onahole, too. That'd also be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
Indeed. That's part of why I thought of requiring you use Lucas' VR Sims publicly, first - it seems like the next step up after that initial thrill.

And you're right, there'd have to users on the other end, so obviously there'd have to be an onahole, too. That'd also be interesting.
Which naturally leads to having a way to be able to make a personalized Captain Steele Onahole...


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
No idea if it would be a problem or not, just that it's not currently in the game. I would guess that it probably wouldn't be too difficult, as it would be a clone of Steele's vagina, and there aren't that many variations to choose from.
Probably the hardest part would be figuring out the hows and whys, but I figure if Mitzi can get one made why not Steele?


Aug 26, 2015
In CoC1 there was an NPC referred to as the Bath Girl that you could pick up from the Sand Witches. She had mega huge tits and was only good for outputting such volumes of milk that you could fill baths with them, and bathe in them. You could also stick it in.
You could also reduce her tiddy and let her think again. Was real cute


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I'd love to see some more Nyrean content
Especially with Taivra

I'mma be 200 with you, I would love to see like something where the Nyreans make a peace pack with the Myrelions and they live in peace, or just seeing them among the stars after meeting one of them and going to their planet. But it's highly likely that there won't be much of them in the game's future, and if there is I'd be surprised.


New Member
Jun 11, 2019
Don't know if anyone mentioned this or if it is in the game and I just cant find it but I think it would be cool if in the threesome with Kiro and Paige you could have it with Kiro and Possessed Paige instead for more options

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Don't know if anyone mentioned this or if it is in the game and I just cant find it but I think it would be cool if in the threesome with Kiro and Paige you could have it with Kiro and Possessed Paige instead for more options

Possessed Paige, as all other Halloween events, is NOT canon.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
all other Halloween events, is NOT canon.
*completely and utterly deadpan* And thus my hopes and dreams of sub!Werewolf!Anno crash and burn faster than the Hindenburg. Oh the humanity. Oh my soul as it withers and crumbles to dust, blown away on the light summer breeze. Truly, these are dark days.

slinky prison

Jun 10, 2019
The ability to disable certain notifications. It's only a quality of life thing since it really doesn't change much, but I find myself most often wanting a filter when revisiting lower level areas where combat is just spamming 1 until I am finished, or in places like Uveto with regular environment updates. Being able to just spam all my interruption away once I have transitioned from wasd'ing through the area to the 1 key probably takes the same amount of time as having to transition to the spacebar or 1 key for a single input. Depending on how many variable effects I am under capable of giving me a notification, I can get them rapidly enough that clearing them takes up more time than it does to spam through combat encounters while going from point A to point B.

Orifice state, environment, email, pregnancy etc., sneeze boob virus, events you can decline, and soberness are some things I can think of that I would like to be able to opt out of being updated on, especially things that have secondary notifiers like email turning the extranet messenger button green, or my testicular obstruction giving a status effect icon. Don't get me wrong, I'm a lore whore and I appreciate how they enhance my immersion as PC in the game, but sometimes I just want to get this one thing I didn't think about until now out of the way.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2018
I believe this is an unpopular opinion, but I kinda of miss some of the old forced transformation scenes that we had in COC, scenes like those with the Sand Witches. I found those increadibly hot, and honestly enjoyed the randomness that came with it, especially in my first couple playthrougjs. Though I do get 100% why it’s mostly avoided now, as having your perfect character ruined is understandablebly anger inducing


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
Not only in the transformations, but it's true that I kinda miss some of the randomness in COC. Like wandering in the Desert 20 times and finding a Dungeon on the 21th and those kind of things. I usually found myself revisiting areas for the 100th time feeling I was missing something and sometimes I was even right. It can be frustrating for some and very dependant on the mood you are having and I love TITS map and moving style but sometimes I can't help but be a bit nostalgic about the randomness.


...Meanwhile, here am I, hoping more transformatives forgo randomness in favor of switches and set effects so I always get what I need and don't have to spend up to an hour save-scumming just so I can make my character look a certain way. While I understand that transformation fetish is a thing, I'm mostly in it for the sheer variety of customization options available - with that mindset, forced transformations and other elements of randomness are more akin to a little kid dumping paint all over the artwork you just spent 20 hours putting together, rather than something that I've ever found enhanced the experience.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
...Meanwhile, here am I, hoping more transformatives forgo randomness in favor of switches and set effects so I always get what I need and don't have to spend up to an hour save-scumming just so I can make my character look a certain way. I understand that transformation fetish is a thing, I'm mostly in it for the sheer variety of customazation options available, and with that mindset, forced transformations and other elements of randomness are more akin to a little kid dumping paint all over the artwork you just spent 20 hours putting together, rather than something that I've ever found enhanced the experience.

I heard that the tainted part of the game is planned, it’s like corruption in coc, that there’s gonna be forced transformations, don’t know how that’s gonna work, since people spent hours probably making there character just how they want it, though I doubt the creators would screw everybody over like that, there probably gonna put in something that allows you to get back to the way you were before


Active Member
Nov 30, 2018
I heard that the tainted part of the game is planned, it’s like corruption in coc, that there’s gonna be forced transformations, don’t know how that’s gonna work, since people spent hours probably making there character just how they want it, though I doubt the creators would screw everybody over like that, there probably gonna put in something that allows you to get back to the way you were before
Probably gonna be easy-ish to avoid. Or at the very least have ways to revert. But if what you say is true I’m looking forward to it!