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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
The hole in the soul likely wouldn't be filled if there was a smol world cheat written into the game that changes everyone into a 3'6" or 4'4" mini version of themselves. :p


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
Oh carp, can Snakebyte let you swallow knots? 'Cause that would be hot!
Snakebyte practicly turns your mouth into a super-flexible pussy,like sucking kui-tan cock is easy-peasy,though there's no example in-game that i know but in here its written prett good.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Sum smol girl could be really refreshing.Like the game has only 4 such and their all gabilanies!
Maybe {he/she} could be into a height-play(i know typical) were PC is a big,stronk badie and {he/she} is a litl hero only {he gets used like a toy/she gets impaled on cock} at the end.Or maybe make her vanilla not like we cant get a break from all kinks.

What about the Korgi they should be small.

If not then they could add a race like the Draph from Grandblue where they have short curvy women while their men stand at like 6 some thing in height.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
What about the Korgi they should be small.

If not then they could add a race like the Draph from Grandblue where they have short curvy women while their men stand at like 6 some thing in height.
ehh id actually would try to write a smol StelleTech employee girl who accidentaly eaten goblinola bar when she was sent to Tarcus trying to fix gray goo but I'm havin major tests next month so yeah until that ends I'm waitin.

Rawr XD123

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2018
Excuse my self righteousness
But I feel there is a lack of domme content - Steele is usually a bitch and his bitches don't really act like hitches
Steele needs to be more assertive


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
I'd like an item that would, at least temporarily, disable the effects of ditz/bimbo/brute speech. Maybe overdosing would max out your intelligence but give you a plump, dorky body, complete with freckles and glasses.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
I'd like an item that would, at least temporarily, disable the effects of ditz/bimbo/brute speech. Maybe overdosing would max out your intelligence but give you a plump, dorky body, complete with freckles and glasses.
You can actually get freckle sin game with pickmentation


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Hmm how about an upgrade to our nanomachines to make only certain body parts be effected by mods. Like if you wanted to keep a set of wings on your back but wanted to have a full human look your nanomachines stop the terrain treats from losing the wings. An easy way to not need save scumming and a way to possibly stop yourself from becoming a puddle of tfs in the process of becoming your dream monster girl.

But I doubt something like this could be done.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
If not that, then maybe change mods to only effect certain body parts so they don't End up going to far and runing a perfect dream monster.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Hmm how about an upgrade to our nanomachines to make only certain body parts be effected by mods. Like if you wanted to keep a set of wings on your back but wanted to have a full human look your nanomachines stop the terrain treats from losing the wings. An easy way to not need save scumming and a way to possibly stop yourself from becoming a puddle of tfs in the process of becoming your dream monster girl.

But I doubt something like this could be done.
If not that, then maybe change mods to only effect certain body parts so they don't End up going to far and runing a perfect dream monster.

The former of these is actually easier to implement than the later as all you need for the former is a flags or status effects for each body part and add these to bodyPartUnlocked checks and double check that all transformative use bodyPartUnlocked checks.

Whilst the later would require each transformative to be remade completely.


If not that, then maybe change mods to only effect certain body parts so they don't End up going to far and runing a perfect dream monster.

How about, instead, just make a very expensive plastic surgery store on tavros that allows you to use credits to change specific body parts one by one. I say expensive because the whole shop subverts one of the game's systems and, therefore, should require a lot more player agency.

If it were up to me, though, I would also require the player to complete a specific quest before they could access the body modification store. One not tied to any followers where you meet the body modification specialist, that way we can limit access to it until a certain level.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
How about, instead, just make a very expensive plastic surgery store on tavros that allows you to use credits to change specific body parts one by one. I say expensive because the whole shop subverts one of the game's systems and, therefore, should require a lot more player agency.

If it were up to me, though, I would also require the player to complete a specific quest before they could access the body modification store. One not tied to any followers where you meet the body modification specialist, that way we can limit access to it until a certain level.
I really like this idea as long as it's supposed to be this universe's crazy version of "genetic modification" instead of actual plastic surgery. Plastic surgery makes it sound too much like the silicone modifications you can make in Dr. Badger's lab.

Going off of your idea, though, maybe they could make the shop an extension of SteeleTech itself, and you only become aware of it after locating enough probes to actually attract the attention of the higher-ups in your own company, which allows you to hear about it offhand from someone explaining a few of the things the future head of SteeleTech would be responsible for knowing. That way there's an in-universe reason why it wasn't present anywhere on the map before, why it's locked behind clearing a certain portion of the game, and why it's so expensive (I'm assuming this would be a super-exclusive, top 1% of the galaxy kinda shop). On top of that, maybe they could even give you a significant discount for being the official head of the company after you fully beat the entire game (years from now), which would effectively give you the classic "god mode" status that's common in video games like this, where you can freely swap out any body parts you want almost at will to allow for the highest possible level of character customization upon completion of the main quest. Ooohh, if you want to go for the completionist rout, a system could be implemented similar to the one that Sera has, where you locate new transformations by encountering different species as you explore the galaxy or purchasing uncommon TFs from other shops so that you can return to the shop to fill them in on what you know so they can add those new features to the customization options from then on. That would force players to not only complete the main story, but also the majority of the side quest stuff in order to unlock every possible trait. I'm obviously getting way ahead of myself, but it sounds like a lot of fun.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I also just kinda think more things in the game should cost a lot of money in general. After you hit Zheng Shi, you'll most likely never need to worry about spending money again because the free items from quests and character interactions will far overpower most of the stuff sold in shops (as is to be expected in an RPG) and the money that you make from selling drops like gems, armor, or weapons is just obscene. From that point on, there really isn't anything to spend your massive wealth on aside from comparatively cheap TFs if you're still messing around with your character and investing it into gambling at Blackjack in order to make even more money. I assume we'll get a new shop or two with new, powerful items when the next planet/station comes out in a while, but I still thought this was worth mentioning considering Zheng Shi only had Urbolg and all of his stuff is only about as much as a single Slutty Jumper Jumpsuit drop from any random Bored Jumper (and yes, I know they are rare drops, but almost every faction on Zheng Shi has a high-value drop of their own and none of the enemies are remotely difficult to farm with the kinds of builds you should have by the time you reach the base).


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
How about, instead, just make a very expensive plastic surgery store on tavros that allows you to use credits to change specific body parts one by one. I say expensive because the whole shop subverts one of the game's systems and, therefore, should require a lot more player agency.

If it were up to me, though, I would also require the player to complete a specific quest before they could access the body modification store. One not tied to any followers where you meet the body modification specialist, that way we can limit access to it until a certain level.

Tbh I actually suggested why not have like a medipen mod that gives you like several different tfs with side effects. Like if you want to have a Lizard tail, dog ears, and bat like wings, it gives you the tfs. But it cost a hell of a lot.

Rawr XD123

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2018
Credits have lost all meaning at this point
And there isn't a product way to get read of it unless you could invest or build stuff in game
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Rawr XD123

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2018
I suppose you could spend money on different organisations
Since the codex is loaded with relatively useless information on tons of difderent business and you woudnt neccesarily recieve money
Or you could just fly to a planet with lots of poor people
Become king and completely renovate the civilisation but that would be long and hard

Add a fire pit and the more money you put in the bigger the fire gets
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I suppose you could spend money on different organisations
Since the codex is loaded with relatively useless information on tons of difderent business and you woudnt neccesarily recieve money
Or you could just fly to a planet with lots of poor people
Become king and completely renovate the civilisation but that would be long and hard

Add a fire pit and the more money you put in the bigger the fire gets
You say that as a joke, but I would honestly blow all of my money just to see the word "complete" next to the fire pit log in my codex.

As yet another callback to Gel Zon and the Storm Lancers, a faction system that you could lend your support to would indeed be awesome if some of the writers and coders ever had the time and coordination to pull it off.
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Rawr XD123

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2018
You say that as a joke, but I would honestly blow all of my money just to see the word "complete" next to the fire pit log in my codex.

As yet another callback to Gel Zon and the Storm Lancers, a faction system that you could lend your support to would indeed be awesome if some of the writers and coders ever had the time and coordination to pull it off.

The word "complete" carries too much power in this game
It still annoys me How there is no complete after you finish emmy's personal quest


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Another question
Is there a WIP for a mod that give you four or more arms like dane
Nope because coders aren't strong enough to make four arms, and writers don't want to do the long haul of work for several arms or more than two.