What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
You know I really wish there wasn't this class system in tits. Like I wish I could choose from all class perks depending on my stats like in Corruption. Like if I wanted to i could up my aim, reflexes, and intelligence to be a techie gunslinger. Using flash bangs to blind people and charge shot to take people out with critical strikes, but knowing tits balancing because they don't want people being able to pick out of all categories it makes me feel like the game is very narrow like it's down one path.

It would be nice to have a fourth class that's all 3 classes or just remove all the classes to just choose what you want with stats.

Also I would ask what the alignment system is for, but all I see is that it's for like a handful if not a couple scenes, half the time it's not really something that's useful.
Then you could do something retarded like Sneak Attack + Charge Blade and probably one-shot bosses. Besides, the classes help define your character in a way, and it'd be out of place for a 20ish year old to have had time to become a techie, mercenary, and smuggler at the same time. And you already can be a Techie Gunslinger, though it's admittedly less powerful than melee and relies on energy weapons.

The classes are a good thing, it helps people roleplay instead of just "I pick all these things because it makes me the strongest". The strongest enemies in the game can still be cheesed fairly easily anyway.

I do agree that a 4th class would be cool. Obviously a Psionic who spent time training their natural psychic powers, though j don't know what job they'd be training for. Maybe even go for a 5th, if they can think one up.

The alignment system does come into play infrequently, but some people just don't wanna write certain options like being a dick to their characters.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I do agree that a 4th class would be cool. Obviously a Psionic who spent time training their natural psychic powers, though j don't know what job they'd be training for.
Interspecies language barrier breaker. In the times of rushes, translation technologies still need to take time gathering all sources of the new language of an alien world and compiling it all into an understandable form for all previously translated languages. In the time that it takes to do that there has passed more than enough time for conflicts to arise due to a communication error or misunderstanding. A psionic Steele could be attained via genetic modification during the developmental stages and would have trained in order to minimize these sorts of incidents. Since reading minds would allow you to know the intentions and meanings of both parties, the psionic Steele could convey them properly between sides via thought projection in order make sure that everyone knows exactly what the other one is trying to communicate. On one such political mission your Steele found that they could move objects with their minds as well. First it was a piece of paper, then they practiced and developed further and was soon able to move objects to a dangerous degree. This was when good ol' pop noticed your exceptionality and included in your training psionic combat so that you could use more than just better communication skills in your future participation of the rush.

Willpower and intelligence could be the main stats for them. Weapons for psionics would include a bag of steel balls or other things in that regard that they can use to telekinetically throw around and mess things up. Perhaps even a staff sort of deal that launches waves of force if wielded by a psionic.

Perks would involve specialization into either raising psionic damage resistance from enemies trying to mess with your mind that way, boosting your shields by supplementing them with your own psionic shield, kinetic damage skills that target and enemy's body with telekinetic pushes or flung objects, or psionic damage skills that target an enemy's mind.
Maybe even go for a 5th, if they can think one up.
A Steele that uses biotechnology has their main go-to? Poisons, aphrodisiacs, tentacle grenades for immobilzation. Any equipment that is alive is more effective in their hands.

I'm thinking they'll be genetically modified as well to always have some sort of organ that can create temporary life forms to fulfill some purpose on-demand. Or they could be a permanent companion that can be equipped on the accessory slot that Steele can modify throughout their journey, like some sort of creature that gains better armor from DNA gathered from enemies or deals more damage on every turn because you decided for them to have bigger claws and teeth. I don't know, just spit-balling at this point.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Then you could do something retarded like Sneak Attack + Charge Blade and probably one-shot bosses. Besides, the classes help define your character in a way, and it'd be out of place for a 20ish year old to have had time to become a techie, mercenary, and smuggler at the same time. And you already can be a Techie Gunslinger, though it's admittedly less powerful than melee and relies on energy weapons.

The classes are a good thing, it helps people roleplay instead of just "I pick all these things because it makes me the strongest". The strongest enemies in the game can still be cheesed fairly easily anyway.

I do agree that a 4th class would be cool. Obviously a Psionic who spent time training their natural psychic powers, though j don't know what job they'd be training for. Maybe even go for a 5th, if they can think one up.

The alignment system does come into play infrequently, but some people just don't wanna write certain options like being a dick to their characters.

No no I don't think you get it. It's not about the fact that you could pick all the stuff that would be powerful, it's the fact that you pick all the perks that define your character down the road that end up becoming a combo towards your enemy, like how Kazuma in konosuba has a number of low level magics but he uses them with one another, such as summon earth to get sand in his palm then using magical wind to blow it into people's faces, or using summon water to make a puddle under someone and then freeze to make a patch of ice under their feet.

What I'm trying to say is that I wish there weren't any classes and your stats judged on what one perk you can get each level up as you level up your stats. You gotta trust the player to not just think, I'm going to pick only the strongest abilities because they kill enemies faster, but I'm going to pick these perks because they will work well together with one another.

Then again that's probably what's wrong with the game, the perks for all classes wouldn't work with each other anyways unless it was from the same tree.

If you want all the powers could always just use the editor to give yourself every perk if that's what you're after.

I like the classes personally, they add room for little flavor interactions like smuggler being able to pick locks or mercenary knowing how to pilot a tank or techie being able to have robo pets and hack shit.

Tbh I use to do that, It's just the fact that others don't and the chances of actually growing your character with more than just wanting to be a merc that shoots things better or a merc that hits things better.

Also you don't have to be a techie to use the drones, you can just buy them and still use them, being a techie makes drones stronger depending on the perks, techie is the only class I feel that kinda has something different than Rogue and Warrior because it's actually offering something more, but also just being mage, it's difficult to explain.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
No no I don't think you get it. It's not about the fact that you could pick all the stuff that would be powerful, it's the fact that you pick all the perks that define your character down the road that end up becoming a combo towards your enemy, like how Kazuma in konosuba has a number of low level magics but he uses them with one another, such as summon earth to get sand in his palm then using magical wind to blow it into people's faces, or using summon water to make a puddle under someone and then freeze to make a patch of ice under their feet.

What I'm trying to say is that I wish there weren't any classes and your stats judged on what one perk you can get each level up as you level up your stats. You gotta trust the player to not just think, I'm going to pick only the strongest abilities because they kill enemies faster, but I'm going to pick these perks because they will work well together with one another.

Then again that's probably what's wrong with the game, the perks for all classes wouldn't work with each other anyways unless it was from the same tree.

Tbh I use to do that, It's just the fact that others don't and the chances of actually growing your character with more than just wanting to be a merc that shoots things better or a merc that hits things better.

Also you don't have to be a techie to use the drones, you can just buy them and still use them, being a techie makes drones stronger depending on the perks, techie is the only class I feel that kinda has something different than Rogue and Warrior because it's actually offering something more, but also just being mage, it's difficult to explain.

You mean gaining perks like in fallout 3 and fallout new Vegas?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I’d like to see a bulk purchasing system

For consumables, it's there already.

Oh wait, my bad. It's selling where you can choose the amount. D'oh!


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
For consumables, it's there already.

Oh wait, my bad. It's selling where you can choose the amount. D'oh!

I’m talking about the same thing what penny has when you buy throb from her

Also does anybody know if theres a specific time that Verusha is supposed to show on myrellion, or is it just rng based?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I'd like custom mods so people aren't save scumming, like mods that work like fox fire but with different monsters to change into.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
more quest and stuff to do. general content
an actual reason to come back to this game more than every 20 updates.
i've just been foruming instead of playing the actual game for months.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
haha nice
but i cannot find the motivation to play through for that one event *which will more than likely be completed in a couple minutes anyway*

But content doesn’t need to be long in order to be good, but that’s why I save some of the good stuff for last, like the fisi dating


Active Member
Jun 9, 2017
Other than what Nonesuch is currently working on? I'm always partial to partners/enemies you get addicted to. More BDSM content would be nice. I'd love to see a Xanthe expansion, including Good End for Xanthe and Steele. <3
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
more quest and stuff to do. general content
an actual reason to come back to this game more than every 20 updates.
i've just been foruming instead of playing the actual game for months.

Personally I wish they would stop adding more and more crewmates and worked on other things, like Myrillion for one.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Personally I wish they would stop adding more and more crewmates and worked on other things, like Myrillion for one.

True, I’d love to have a quest where Steele stops the war and makes peace between yellow and red

I’d like to see tamani and nivas oxonef as npcs
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
We won't get the Sidewinder until the rest of the basics of Ship Combat have been added in.

Right now, there's one person coding that content and they've been having a tough time of late.

Which people know but apparently some people are just happy to bitch and complain about without doing anything to help.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
We won't get the Sidewinder until the rest of the basics of Ship Combat have been added in.

Right now, there's one person coding that content and they've been having a tough time of late.

Which people know but apparently some people are just happy to bitch and complain about without doing anything to help.

That sucks, but I hope they will strait it out


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
We won't get the Sidewinder until the rest of the basics of Ship Combat have been added in.

Right now, there's one person coding that content and they've been having a tough time of late.

Which people know but apparently some people are just happy to bitch and complain about without doing anything to help.



Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Alternate bodies is planned to be a late game features, with the obligatory footnote that everything is subjective to change at any time for any reason.