What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I haven't actually played past the "prologue", with the demon summoning and stuff. And even that's been a while.

You like me and waiting for more meat or what's there just isn't quite tickling your fancy due to the lack of butt sex?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
You like me and waiting for more meat or what's there just isn't quite tickling your fancy due to the lack of butt sex?
There is a disturbing lack of anal. But really, the last time I played there wasn't anything to do beyond that and talk to the townsfolk.

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
As for the squirrel tf, it could turn you female a female squirrel as well, the way how I see it, is that it would look very similar to the kuitan, the only difference would be is that it works with females

Well it would be an off-shoot of 'Nuki cookies, so it could make you a feminine herm. I actually like that idea now...


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
All Herms looks feminine though

Alex is more of a 'pretty boy'.

Granted the market for male herms is very niche, in an already niche market.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
But you typed "All herms" :p
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Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
I've actually made a rather masculine Kui Steele herm in one play through. He was still a pretty boy though, so not massively masculine.
I only like big muscles on my doms.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Well tbh all herms are herms, they just look fem or masculine because they got both parts unless they don't have tits or something?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
I'd like some sorta companion system. I get that scene variations might need to account for it, and it'd be weird for someone like Anno to just sit by and watch you fuck, but companions are fun.
completely agreed
i don't understand why in these games we have to go alone. we have such a cool cast of characters and they're bound to their locations. i would be completely fine with them being ignored in scenes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
completely agreed
i don't understand why in these games we have to go alone. we have such a cool cast of characters and they're bound to their locations. i would be completely fine with them being ignored in scenes.

Imagine doing all of Chaurmine's content and instead of choosing his weapons you choose him to be with you and he becomes your close companion just not on the crew.

I can see why this would be somewhat of a problem but also can see the benefits of it. Like the downside I see of it is using your companion as a meat shield to soak up damage while you attack the enemies.

But I can also see someone who's doing a smuggler class benefiting from something like this because they could have a front man to aggro the enemy and take damage off you or some of it while you both take them down.

In a way this is a good idea just gonna be kinda hard on how they will choose people to be like companions or side kicks.

It would be funny and cool if you could bring Sera with you in a fight and instead of throwing out attacks or shooting people she's just teasing the enemy by stroking herself and squeezing her boobs while making dominatrix comments to the enemy.

"Like my dick bitch? Well that's too bad it belongs to my bi- i mean mistress."


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Imagine doing all of Chaurmine's content and instead of choosing his weapons you choose him to be with you and he becomes your close companion just not on the crew.

I can see why this would be somewhat of a problem but also can see the benefits of it. Like the downside I see of it is using your companion as a meat shield to soak up damage while you attack the enemies.

But I can also see someone who's doing a smuggler class benefiting from something like this because they could have a front man to aggro the enemy and take damage off you or some of it while you both take them down.

In a way this is a good idea just gonna be kinda hard on how they will choose people to be like companions or side kicks.

It would be funny and cool if you could bring Sera with you in a fight and instead of throwing out attacks or shooting people she's just teasing the enemy by stroking herself and squeezing her boobs while making dominatrix comments to the enemy.

"Like my dick bitch? Well that's too bad it belongs to my bi- i mean mistress."

I like the sera idea, maybe a dual teasing option, though I can’t see her having a lot of hp and shields


Sep 9, 2016
Hey, all!

I'm currently brainstorming ideas to for things I'd like to see added to TiTs--in terms of combat encounters and sex scenes--and I'm wondering what you, as players, would like to see more of included in the game.

This can be anything as simple as: "I'd appreciate more hypnotism content!" to "It'd be great if X or Y combat encounter had a scene specific to Taurs or Multi-cock PCs!"

Something I'd like to see is a little more documentation on the raw data, accessible from Minerva and TiTSEd, but maybe I'm the only one who's a dirty cheater. (mostly I just like to cheese the game to see what the balance looks like. Also quick note: flash grenades are ridiculously unbalanced, even though the merc class info on it says they're deprecated, they aren't, 3-5 rounds of free combat with high aim and a ZK rifle is ridiculous, or worse yet the MG after the end of the black void line.)

Also, I feel like certain transformations are WAAYYYY too permanent, think GaloMax. The fact that I have to play an odds game with multiple transformatives to get rid of it, and that there's no way of save editing out of it that doesn't see you right back where you started after you take any action considered a 'rest' (flying, stopping in the wild to heal and regen energy, sleeping to level up).

As far as what new items should be added, I was thinking that there should be specific transformatives for spit and breath weapons.

Honestly though, feel free to do what you want, it's up to you.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i want a character that focuses on their really big butt and or pcs with big butts.
i feel like thats what this game is lacking
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
and i dont know why, but a character that speaks a foreign earth language.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Also, I feel like certain transformations are WAAYYYY too permanent, think GaloMax. The fact that I have to play an odds game with multiple transformatives to get rid of it, and that there's no way of save editing out of it that doesn't see you right back where you started after you take any action considered a 'rest' (flying, stopping in the wild to heal and regen energy, sleeping to level up).

As far as what new items should be added, I was thinking that there should be specific transformatives for spit and breath weapons.
Galomax transforms your flesh and bone into goo, I don't think anything can undo that.

As for breath weapons, if implemented they'd be pretty weak, but I think one of Fisianna's friends confirms it's impossible as well. I know there's some reason she didn't do it at least.
i want a character that focuses on their really big butt and or pcs with big butts.
i feel like thats what this game is lacking
Mmm, butts...
Doesn't the Codex work as a universal translator or something? I might be completely wrong, but I could have sworn that was something it could do.
That is correct, yes. Very few words cannot be directly translated, and that's mostly from species with very little UGC contact like those on Myrellion.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Hmm so a character like Isabella from coc? She speaks with a heavy accent and can get it cleared up.

Eh I feel if breath attacks would be added they would be kinda shit and not worth the effort putting into the transformative they would be apart of. Like you'd be 50 percent of whatever it's apart of before the fire breath or aphro breath like I feel would be a thing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
but I think one of Fisianna's friends confirms it's impossible as well. I know there's some reason she didn't do it at least.

"That would be incredibly dangerous, not to mention terribly expensive! I’m only modded to have some smoke sacs if I ever need to get the point across that I’m upset."
Money, and its dangerous.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Thanks for paying attention to that little detail! :p

And yeah... I'd imagine if a breath or spit attack were to be added, it would be PURELY cosmetic to keep in line with balance, since the whole premise of TFs in the game are largely for cosmetic reasons. Having a certain TF give a significant perk over any others would create another situation like CoC1 where it was more worth it being a specific race for the combat advantages over others.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Something I'd like to see is a little more documentation on the raw data, accessible from Minerva and TiTSEd, but maybe I'm the only one who's a dirty cheater. (mostly I just like to cheese the game to see what the balance looks like. Also quick note: flash grenades are ridiculously unbalanced, even though the merc class info on it says they're deprecated, they aren't, 3-5 rounds of free combat with high aim and a ZK rifle is ridiculous, or worse yet the MG after the end of the black void line.)

Also, I feel like certain transformations are WAAYYYY too permanent, think GaloMax. The fact that I have to play an odds game with multiple transformatives to get rid of it, and that there's no way of save editing out of it that doesn't see you right back where you started after you take any action considered a 'rest' (flying, stopping in the wild to heal and regen energy, sleeping to level up).

As far as what new items should be added, I was thinking that there should be specific transformatives for spit and breath weapons.

Honestly though, feel free to do what you want, it's up to you.

How do you get flashbangs? I’m a merc and I never saw them in the perk selection


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Something that I would say that I would like to see added is to replace grenade perks with different abilities, and make grenades and different types of them buy able through different vendors.

Now the grenade perks could be replaced with some moves that other enemies can do to make the class or classes not as bare without them but make it so they aren't over powered with them so there is some form of fairness.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
......Have you actually played the game at all? Because a lot of the stuff you keep suggesting is already in the game.

If you visit Cora and Carrie enough times, you get the bad end where you take over a disused male milking barn, restore it and eventually settle down with the twins.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
......Have you actually played the game at all? Because a lot of the stuff you keep suggesting is already in the game.

If you visit Cora and Carrie enough times, you get the bad end where you take over a disused male milking barn, restore it and eventually settle down with the twins.

I’m not talking in a bad end though, and what other things I suggested that are in the game?