What Content Would You Like Added?


Jan 28, 2019
Some Savacite jewelry would be nice, i know there is the Laced panties we get from Mitzi but that ain't for everyone.
Probably have someone from the Korg'ii hold like Tuuva make em for you after some event involving her or the hold


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
More Dr. Badger content and pexiga uplifting options.

I also want more Dr. Badger content. Preferably something that supposes the player sent her to jail and builds off that. Most content I see involving her only starts from a point of Steele helping her with Penny.
Something like an assistant that will sell Steele some of the Doc's previous inventory or the Doc being incarcerated at Gastigoth.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I also want more Dr. Badger content. Preferably something that supposes the player sent her to jail and builds off that. Most content I see involving her only starts from a point of Steele helping her with Penny.
Something like an assistant that will sell Steele some of the Doc's previous inventory or the Doc being incarcerated at Gastigoth.
Dr. Cobra. Life-long enemy of Dr. Badger and associate of Lash. I can see it now.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
1. More Male topping futa/shemale/dickgirl/trap/etc content, particularly frottage and ball-to-ball contact.
2. More context-sensitivity/acknowledgement of body changes (stomach bulges, cumflation etc when the PC has been altered)
3. More consequence - if you make a misstep in conversation, it should have greater consequence in how that character relates to the PC - specifically, if you piss them off they stay pissed off. Optional toggle, for those who dislike this?
4. More M/M, F/F content - this is low on my list personally, but I think there's enough of this audience that they could use a bit more catering to.

I agree with the second one


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I can understand wanting to see certain ideas and fetishes, but there is also a point where people need to realise that writers can only account for so much before they get bogged down in minutiae. Yeah, some people like to go for big dicks on their characters, but do you think that writers can account for your disturbingly large liver disturber in every variation for a scene?

I mean, at the end of the day, the writers are going to write content they want to see, or content they have been commissioned to write. They can only reach a broad selection of personal tastes. And sometimes, it doesn't extend to titanic tonsil ticklers. Is it fair? Nope. But is it fair to expect writers to account for every little change? Nope.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
I can understand wanting to see certain ideas and fetishes, but there is also a point where people need to realise that writers can only account for so much before they get bogged down in minutiae. Yeah, some people like to go for big dicks on their characters, but do you think that writers can account for your disturbingly large liver disturber in every variation for a scene?

I mean, at the end of the day, the writers are going to write content they want to see, or content they have been commissioned to write. They can only reach a broad selection of personal tastes. And sometimes, it doesn't extend to titanic tonsil ticklers. Is it fair? Nope. But is it fair to expect writers to account for every little change? Nope.

True, it's impossible to account for everything without making every sex scene a book on its own.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I like how Mav is wanting more futa, shemale and like femboy content, I'm gonna be the first to tell you @MavvyMav there's alot of them there just not alot of traps, maybe a good amount of them, but most females you approach on this game are shemales or futas trust me.

The one thing you might struggle with finding more often is male on male or female on female content very often because for the writers they find it tedious to write and find it too much work to do.

Now personally I would like a choice of different ships at the beginning, because that starter ship is a flying shit box in my opinion, you're suppose to be the heir or heiress of an Empire, so your father chooses to give you the shit box death trap of a ship. GG parental figure, you're really looking out for your companies future.

Another thing I would like is to have a body guard like how the rival has Dane, you know the person who gets content like once every several months or so? Yeah them.

We should be giving the chance to have a character back us up in combat it's not like there isn't already a system in the works, unless fen thinks it would be over powered for a techie to have a buddy backing them up and have a drone.

Im gonna keep bringing this up till it hits the top of the changelog. Better assessory system, because I'm gonna keep saying it, it's retarded to sacrifice a space for a drone with a scarf or a badass coat.

Taur stuff, not just sex scenes, like shit that would be a little memorable.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I like how Mav is wanting more futa, shemale and like femboy content, I'm gonna be the first to tell you @MavvyMav there's alot of them there just not alot of traps, maybe a good amount of them, but most females you approach on this game are shemales or futas trust me.

The one thing you might struggle with finding more often is male on male or female on female content very often because for the writers they find it tedious to write and find it too much work to do.

Now personally I would like a choice of different ships at the beginning, because that starter ship is a flying shit box in my opinion, you're suppose to be the heir or heiress of an Empire, so your father chooses to give you the shit box death trap of a ship. GG parental figure, you're really looking out for your companies future.

Another thing I would like is to have a body guard like how the rival has Dane, you know the person who gets content like once every several months or so? Yeah them.

We should be giving the chance to have a character back us up in combat it's not like there isn't already a system in the works, unless fen thinks it would be over powered for a techie to have a buddy backing them up and have a drone.

Im gonna keep bringing this up till it hits the top of the changelog. Better assessory system, because I'm gonna keep saying it, it's retarded to sacrifice a space for a drone with a scarf or a badass coat.

Taur stuff, not just sex scenes, like shit that would be a little memorable.

The reason why we start with that ship, because Vic wanted his son/daughter to work for it, and get everything handed to them, like the pcs rival, plus we’re gonna get the ship on zeng shi, once it’s finished

As for the squirrel tf, it could turn you female a female squirrel as well, the way how I see it, is that it would look very similar to the kuitan, the only difference would be is that it works with females
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
The reason why we start with that ship, because Vic wanted his son/daughter to work for it, and get everything handed to them, like the pcs rival, plus we’re gonna get the ship on zeng shi, once it’s finished

Would you give your kid a car that could potential break down on them, a car that could have faulty breaks that don't work or break off when they need to stop?

I'm not saying give me the choice of a space bmw, but something more than the winneabego crap box. Just because you want your kid to learn to work for their shit doesn't mean you have to give them a possible death trap.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Would you give your kid a car that could potential break down on them, a car that could have faulty breaks that don't work or break off when they need to stop?

I'm not saying give me the choice of a space bmw, but something more than the winneabego crap box. Just because you want your kid to learn to work for their shit doesn't mean you have to give them a possible death trap.

I’d give my kid an old car, and let them learn to maintain it them selfs in order to get to the top, you gotta start at the bottom, i personally like it since it’s your dads ship, and has character and a story behind it


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I’d give my kid an old car, and let them learn to maintain it them selfs in order to get to the top, you gotta start at the bottom

Yeah you do but you don't give them a car thats busted up. Tbh if I had to give my kid a car in the future id at least give them something that wouldn't be crap.

I ask for a choice of ships to have your own choice at the beginning instead of being forced with the hand me down junk.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Yeah you do but you don't give them a car thats busted up. Tbh if I had to give my kid a car in the future id at least give them something that wouldn't be crap.

I ask for a choice of ships to have your own choice at the beginning instead of being forced with the hand me down junk.

It’s not busted up, don’t know why everyone thinks so, it got an overhaul in the beginning

Also I’d like to see a thing where Steele gets sad about there fathers passing, while our favorite ausar comes and cheers us up


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Yeah would still rather pick my own ship, it's one thing to teach a lession by getting a hand me down, but it's another to get your own ride through your own means instead, almost teaches the same lession


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Yeah would still rather pick my own ship, it's one thing to teach a lession by getting a hand me down, but it's another to get your own ride through your own means instead, almost teaches the same lession

Lol you will get your own ride through your own means


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I’d prefer to have it the way it is, because getting a ship with bigger engines and space at the start wouldn’t make sense, it’s like asking for better starting weapons


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I didn't say a better ship I said a choice of different ships dude. You're not getting it, I don't mean get a better ship like getting better guns, I mean a choice of a different thing than the same old thing. I haven't said for ship that will have more room or a bigger engine.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I didn't say a better ship I said a choice of different ships dude. You're not getting it, I don't mean get a better ship like getting better guns, I mean a choice of a different thing than the same old thing. I haven't said for ship that will have more room or a bigger engine.

Then the ship choice would be the same, as far in the size and storage


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Now personally I would like a choice of different ships at the beginning, because that starter ship is a flying shit box in my opinion, you're suppose to be the heir or heiress of an Empire, so your father chooses to give you the shit box death trap of a ship. GG parental figure, you're really looking out for your companies future.

What i posted about ships @Skylinegtr34

Where did I say better ship? Because I didn't edit my post or this quote.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
You implied you wanted a different ship because you want more storage, thus you want a ship that has better storage

You know you had something at implied. But regardless I put in my post for a different starter ship than the casstech.

The post I made Monday is about the same issues that people constantly have with the game, but in my last post about things I wanted in game was a different ship, not A ship that has more space and engine at the start so we don't have to worry about getting another ship down the line.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Ok, if we would be able to get a different ship, it should explain how, we don’t know if Vic had other ships, and I’m sure that writing a more than one ship isn’t easy, especially in the early days I’m sure


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015

I'm sure any amature writer could write up a ship, but code it into the game is a different story all together.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I'd like some sorta companion system. I get that scene variations might need to account for it, and it'd be weird for someone like Anno to just sit by and watch you fuck, but companions are fun.

CoC2 is spoiling you.

But... more threesomes/foursomes and orgies would be fun.