What Content Would You Like Added?

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
regardless of the scenes currently there are no scenes that has the PC get their urethra fucked by anything. Especially sounding, which honestly has more to do with S&M than masturbation. Granted that isn't completely true ^_^ it 'helps' to experiment :$ . Yes that means exactly what it implies for those of you who get the hint :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
regardless of the scenes currently there are no scenes that has the PC get their urethra fucked by anything. Especially sounding, which honestly has more to do with S&M than masturbation. Granted that isn't completely true ^_^ it 'helps' to experiment :$ . Yes that means exactly what it implies for those of you who get the hint :p

There's also the scene where Nayna, once you get her to maximum-lewed, will put her dick into a hyper sized steele's penis. Dunno if that counts...
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There's also the scene where Nayna, once you get her to maximum-lewed, will put her dick into a hyper sized steele's penis. Dunno if that counts...

I think that it does. I think that MIGHT be the only scene where Steele gets urethra fucked if you have a big enough cock. And I must point out a correction from my own post, Ganraels can sound steele as well, I didn't see that little blurb as I skimmed the post saying so.

Plaid Raider

Aug 3, 2016
Maybe more Hardlight tech.

For example, a Hardlight projector in the form of a piece of jewelry (bracelet, rings etc.) that makes ENTIRE OUTFITS out of Hardlight so it's sort of like the Hardlight version of Nova's Slimesuit Armor.

Plus, it can lead to things like having Steele's Hardlight Swimsuit 'malfunction'.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
This is not so much a request as a comment on a sorta missed expectation but I thought it was funny when I ran into Professor Darnock on Mhen'ga I was sort of half expecting some "Island of Dr. Moreau" style Zill transformation when I slept in his house. Not sure if was relieved or disappointed when he turned out just to be a nice guy and friend(?) of the family. 

Was picturing some scenario like in order to keep the workers in line the plantation needed a queen, but capturing one so far had been difficult to say the least, however from his kinship to your father he knows about your medical implants and so saw a solution. Forcing you to take a potent cocktail of zil transformatives to make you into a queen to control the workers. Either leading to a bad ending (kinda early in the game) or even a plot where now that they view you as their queen Able releases you and you lead a revolt causing the plantation to become locked off but gaining some form of reward (and of course turning you into a zil queen). 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
I mean, at the end of the day, everything in TiTS ends up being voluntary in some capacity. :p The day unavoidable random encounters that change your PC automatically show up is the day a lot of people put down the game.

Oh I get that from reading the forums. Doesn't mean I can't hold out hope for some more Dr. Badger like content (with the warnings in place of course). Thats what I mean by less voluntary .. less "I pop that in my mouth" and more "If I continue on this course of action, this NPC is gonna do something unpleasant (or not so unpleasant) to me. " ^,^
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Maybe we could have a consistent tag attached to forced tf stuff like badger, dumbslut, buttslutenator, treatment and whatever else comes along. 

Are you sure you want to do this?  You have a really bad feeling about what is about to happen. 

[Yes!]   [No!]  

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I would really like one of the dommy NPCs forcing a chastity device onto the pc to either have them run around permanently horny, or to enforce buttslutting.

Sounds like a job for So.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
I had an idea for a tauric species based off the praying mantis (no vore). Standard abdominal vagina and compound eyes like the gold Myr, but green or light brown in color with a much longer and thinner form. 

I'd also like to see a "mount system" that would function like a "temporary accessory", adding buffs or additional attacks while in outside wilderness areas once mounted. However, they couldn't be stuffed into the ship and you couldn't take them into dungeons with you or they would automatically drop you off at boss fights and leave so that they wouldn't be too overpowered. A similar system may also work for power armor later on in the game.

Some ideas for mount benefits, Mantids are good at grabbing things, so they could prevent an enemy from attacking until the enemy passes a stat check. A faster horse or centaur-like creature could make it harder for enemies to ambush the player, but offer no advantage in combat if without weapons and training.
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Yessss. I'd do it myself, it just has a lot of considerations, and would be a somewhat complicated endeavor. If would have to make the PC function as if they didn't have the genitals that were in chastity. I doubt it's impossible, but it'd have to be handled carefully.

Lock off the masturbation menu with a scene where they get really frustrated 'cos Steele can't get have a wank/diddle themselves
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Well, you'd have to lock Steele out of every vaginal (in the case of a good belt) encounter in the game, not just masturbation. I suppose that should be automatically handled since PC's without genitals of any kind are already (somewhat) supported...

It's coming to me more clearly the more I think about it.

Tricky though if you want the belt to be referenced. Overwise it's just temporary genital removal.

Best to keep it simple :)
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Jan 8, 2016
I'll pencil the idea in the margins of the design doc for a certain someone. Maybe I could make it work. No promises.

Don't get your hopes up - the code for that would not only be immense work (basically have to go through every sex scene in the game and add a flag to check if the PC is wearing chastity), but then other writers would have to support it too. It would work best with a single NPC, but then of course you go away from them and everyone else has no problems fucking you, so...


Impossible if you want the belt to be referenced. The scenes would just have to not be able to happen at all. Buttons grayed out and nothing else. Loss scenes just wouldn't be able to play. It'd be really limiting.

I feel like the best (maybe only) way to do it would to have Steele's entire chastity happen as one scripted sequence. Letting you wander about the world would be very difficult, but having a day-long event where a dom puts you in chastity might not be impossible. Would mess with characters that balance a lot of timers for stuff like milk or nuki nuts, but we already have some events that screw those up as it is.

Chastity belt doesn't stop you milking yourself and Nuki Nuts get you immobilized. 


Well, the event itself wouldn't reference those. When I say "scripted event" I mean "one really long uninterrupted scene." The player would have no time to address those issues until after the full duration of the event had elapsed.

Ah right.

To get back on topic, much like there's the Alpha Nyrea bad-end. There should be a goo-girl bad end, where if you lose enough times to her she permanently takes you over instead of letting you go after awhile.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
This might sound kind of minor .. and hell might be in the game but I actively looked for it and kind find anything specific... but a way to change JUST your height .. shorter and taller depending on taste. I know there are alot of TFs that effect both but they usually come with other effects as well and if you are going for a specific look can mess ya up. I find it hard to believe some alice in wonderland style shrink and grow treats wouldn't fit in this universe. 


Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
Well, you'd have to lock Steele out of every vaginal (in the case of a good belt) encounter in the game, not just masturbation. I suppose that should be automatically handled since PC's without genitals of any kind are already (somewhat) supported...

It's coming to me more clearly the more I think about it.

I think flagging them as neuter is the way to go with the chastity, yeah. I would love you so much if you make this!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Well, the event itself wouldn't reference those. When I say "scripted event" I mean "one really long uninterrupted scene." The player would have no time to address those issues until after the full duration of the event had elapsed.

Why not write a lactation related fork into the event (you know you want to :smugdog: ) and/or use some spacemagic thingamabob that will extract and store extra fluids from the PC without giving them release?

Maybe the whole scene can be the same lost bet kind of deal that Kiro's day long scene uses, only in your case Steele's owner-for-a-day will have a lot less libido and a lot more refinement. Some brief description of PC struggling through more mundane aspects of serving while accosted by their arousal, for weirdos that are into that. :shibe:

To get back on topic, much like there's the Alpha Nyrea bad-end. There should be a goo-girl bad end, where if you lose enough times to her she permanently takes you over instead of letting you go after awhile.

How would you structure it, though? Nyrea Alpha being a static NPC for the purpose of you repeatedly losing to her and moving the Bad End counter was a much smaller handwave. Plus every Goo Girl you meet is too bubbly and kind to pull that off.

Maybe structure the Bad End progression around PC loosing to Grey Goos whih Nova equipped and the added scenes having some interactions between them? So in the end the Nth Grey will cause Nova to malfunction and merge with them, trapping the PC?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
MistyBirb post: 83026 said:
Nik stop spoiling everything I'm writing. :p

Only if you stop making us salivate over content that will maybe possibly be written at some undetermined point in the distant future. :shibe:
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Jan 8, 2016
Only if you stop making us salivate over content that will maybe possibly be written at some undetermined point in the distant future. :shibe:

It's so hard not to do this  :negative:

Every time I see a cool concept I'm like AW MAN, YEAH! I'M GONNA DO THAT and then it goes into my "misc things" document with the 30 other ideas I have and I write another taur with a horsecock
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
With the official inclusion of light masochism in Aislinn's stuff, every NPC idea that's on my horizon is BDSM-inclined in some capacity. Of the next four, two of them are blatant doms, one is a blatant sub, and the last has some sprinklings of a power dynamic and is kind of a "soft sub."

People are probably gonna get really sick of the tropes of my content before they get sick of yours. ;)

Nah, just like with taurs, people that like BDSM dynamics can't have too much BDSM dynamics. Especially since it's such a vast concept.

E.g. I'm pretty sure that every character JimT has ever written has some D/s elements, either realized/prominent or planned/subtle. And that NS has brought it up relatively recently.
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How would you structure it, though? Nyrea Alpha being a static NPC for the purpose of you repeatedly losing to her and moving the Bad End counter was a much smaller handwave. Plus every Goo Girl you meet is too bubbly and kind to pull that off.

Maybe structure the Bad End progression around PC loosing to Grey Goos whih Nova equipped and the added scenes having some interactions between them? So in the end the Nth Grey will cause Nova to malfunction and merge with them, trapping the PC?

That's a good point. I like your idea better :)