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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
Rival may have the power of money, but the PC has the power of plot, which means the narrative bends over to let the PC have it's way with it. Unless it's the narrative's turn to be top.
Lets also mention that many times the rival literally stalks the player to find out the pod locations and i sincerely doubt they'll go to zeng shi as the rival literally cant get there without help from a pirate
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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2018
Oh yeah... more girls... riiiiiiiight.

Guys we need more sausage in this fish party we call a ship.

I recently gave my Submissive Tech Specialist Steele the Omega Fever perk and that made me realize how little sausage we have as far as followers are concerned. The only follower I currently have whose able to sate my Buttslut Steele is Kase (strapons don't count as far as Omega Fever is concerned.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2018
Can you guys add imp as a possible race by mixing gabilani and demon scores?
Uh, I remember reading a while back that if a Vulkrimi used TFs to make themelves female they'd be imps (as opposed to the extinct, natural female Vulkrimi who are succubi). If you don't mind males, then the Vulkrimi themselves are referred to as 'impish' in their codex - though I don't think they're quite as naturally short as the Gabilani.

Found the post mentioning it
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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
I forgot this race existed, thanks for reminding me. Went ahead and read the codex on them and the lore was pretty cool. Personally I wouldn't say that an imp would have to be a Vulkrimi, like how kitsune≠Essyra at least in terms of racial score.

Also unrelated to my previous post, but the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer has me wishing it was possible to be a cyborg in this game.
Side note
We have all of these tfs
Why not robo fists or maybe cybernetic implants? Can have 1 per game and gives bonuses or something?
I mean robo punch lash because reasons
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Jul 21, 2017
Side note
We have all of these tfs
Why not robo fists or maybe cybernetic implants? Can have 1 per game and gives bonuses or something?
I mean robo punch lash because reasons
Cybernetics are actually obtainable by save editing and there's even a cyborg race score, but I don't know of any way to obtain them legitimately


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
Though, in light of some statements and questions we get on Discord, I'm curious to know: are you aware that Syri doesn't have a vagina?
she does, just not attached anymore, but not needed

in my head it was pictured Syri going at it with a futa Steele, with a possible option for anno to join in somehow


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
she does, just not attached anymore, but not needed

in my head it was pictured Syri going at it with a futa Steele, with a possible option for anno to join in somehow
... You replied to a post I made MORE THAN A YEAR AGO only to be nitpicky... SyriQuest wasn't even close being implemented yet at the time.

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
I want more upgrades for Nova, stuff to keep her still as a compedative armour option for a much longer duration. Idealy something that gives her some evasion. Some cosmetic unlocks would also be nice, like give her 20 vials of gray goo to turn her into a thicc version, just like you can do to Anno.

I wonder if she can learn to copy heat belts...


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
... You replied to a post I made MORE THAN A YEAR AGO only to be nitpicky... SyriQuest wasn't even close being implemented yet at the time.
Wait, it was that long ago? I only got the notification a few days ago! I thought we were only talking hypotheticals anyways.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
I want more upgrades for Nova, stuff to keep her still as a compedative armour option for a much longer duration. Idealy something that gives her some evasion. Some cosmetic unlocks would also be nice, like give her 20 vials of gray goo to turn her into a thicc version, just like you can do to Anno.

I wonder if she can learn to copy heat belts...
I second this and that'd be neat with the heat belt


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2018
If we're going for the biological mimicry idea, then an entirely new type of goo or slime-based lifeform capable of generating heat like a thermal belt would need to be added to the game.

Meanwhile, thermal belts are already in the game and Nova has already shown she can mimic non-biological stuff.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
But then how would she self-generate the heat, since Gray Goo is constructed to be more compatible with organic resources, hence the crave of sexual fluid and their healing function. She can copy the Heat belt mechanic, but that just ignore her unique characteristic previously portrayed.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
Paige is blind and has a companion to help her see and do things.
Vanae are naturally blind, but use other senses to hunt and move about.

There's a market for the Vanae to get Companion drones so that they can go out off of Mhen'ga.

Offers player a chance to get a Vanae Companion, get her temp work at the nursery while she learns her cyber implant and synchs so she can effectively "SEE" - should cost player a bit of credits. Same as it did Paige. Maybe more since it's an unknown race on a Rush planet that's not part of any known intergallatic group.

Steele could convince her company that this is a new opportunity and either open the market herself after Mhen'ga is pacified (zil problems fixed...maybe ant queen moved in too? Probably not the latter) and has encountered enough Vanae to figure this out (ie intel 80%?) or prompted idea after a visit with Paige and telling her about Mhen'ga...and paige could suggest that if they are blind they could maybe use the same tech she is. If it's compatible. (ditz would know they have orgasms the same way at least and can have your babies).

If route 1 - chance to have a Vanae baby in Nursery if virgin has had sex with Steele. if route #2 w/paige maybe not...steele would have to seek a Vanae shaman or something first?

But if Steele figures this out, she has option of telling her corp and hope they back her (and maybe pay her back for initial outlay for gear for her Vanae Friend) or selling idea for a quick payout to the company that makes the devices that Paige uses to basically see and sense world.

If Sheka is aboard she might be able to figure things out...but would want to talk to a biologist or doctor and examine the Vanae patient herself too... Shekananigans maybe happen too? prod prod...especially if Sheka has a dick now...Vanae milk might KO her for a day too though.

Younger Vanae maybe because not fully mature and can grow into cybertech and grow in skill/use with it as they mature.

Might require bioscans of several and samples plus of other Mhen'ga materiel and DNA too so that comparisons can be made for tech compatibility.

A new market quest could be simple, but could also be intricate depending on writer and if Fen and Co approve of idea.

Hell it doesn't even have to be anything I came up with here. Could be just like other business opportunities that befall Steele.

Finding a rep to try to find something Vanae can trade w/steele or other companies would be important so that Vanae have concept of money. (Zill learn don't they? At least queen does as do the Zil in town seem to learn and use also, neh?) Trade might require other corporations at least in finding use or markets for stuff.

The saps - Sara would likely know because she deals in illegal mods all the time. And there's that certain belly rub loving bat/dragon on the ant world that deals in plant biologicals too. Right?

Mangos. If the Vanae can brew something with zil honey with those. Good seller.
Or Mhen'ga mango perfume or venus bloom perfume or medical bark /roots ... skysap...

If Steele is ever going to prove that they are the rightful heir to ST, she not only need to win the drone contest, but also prove she's an business asset. Having made money and opened new markets to a company that's only been known for mining so far...well now, that's a huge bonus should ever Steele need to deal with the board and whom ever her rival has bribed seduced or blackmailed into supporting them over Steele's child.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
a lot of stuff
There's a problem with that, in that we don't know the extent of the Vanae's natural blindness. They could be entirely absent the nerves required for eyesight, so unlike a blind human, or Ausar in this case, the companion machines might not have the ability to connect with the Vanae.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2018
the board and whom ever her rival has bribed seduced or blackmailed into supporting them over Steele's child.
On one hand, this clashes with the h̶e̶a̶d̶canon tsundere Jack/Jill.
On the other hand, the idea of the Rival trying to seduce members of Steele Tech actually sound kinda fun - especially if it means we get into a seduction competition with them. Swoop in and take that board member right out from underneath them, just like we do with the probes.


Sep 13, 2015
I wish to see a prison escape quest, the idea has might've been mentioned before, but this is what I wish to see.

I watched the prison break scene in "The Fate of the Furious (2017)" and Star Wars the clone wars prison escape with Cad Bane and Obi Wan (in disguise). It made me think what could be a fun quest in TiTS.

I think the quest should contain options, like that you can choose who to side with, outcomes, etc. The start of the quest could involve getting Cap. Steele imprisoned, sneak in, bribe etc. Escaping the prison with only a handful people hatching an escape plan together, hack into the system and break all the prisoners free or just a single prisoner.

I also remember people who want Captain Khorgan and her crew as crewmates. A prison break quest which could involve several other inmates and various shenanigans is an idea worth thinking about IMO.

I made "ideas" thread, but I don't intend to write anything, so please ignore that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2018
Personally, I'd love to see more scenes from Lane.

Maybe giving her the option to join your crew if you revisit her after detoxing with low willpower. That way it could lead to her being on your ship to make sure you pay your taxes permanently and hypnotising your crew to let her stay and live a comfortable life onboard. Maybe also managing the crew to whore and get more credits for you to give her. Could also make it so that Azra is hypnotised into selling her plant samples if you don't pick them up after a long time, making Yami give out free food and sex with her Pexiga for the extra money.

After that, there could be many fun scenes. :3

Her randomly forcing your crew to serve and please her with the option of you joining her, hypnotising Azra into singing for her while she puts on a strip show and worships the Daynar while being pumped with spunkshrooms and slutshrooms, or even letting Doctor Badger turn them into temporary bimbos for you and her
to enjoy and play with.

Would also definitely like to see more of Bethany Carver. She is seriously hot. ~

I'd even be willing to pay for these scenes

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
But then how would she self-generate the heat, since Gray Goo is constructed to be more compatible with organic resources, hence the crave of sexual fluid and their healing function. She can copy the Heat belt mechanic, but that just ignore her unique characteristic previously portrayed.
Easy: Steele has to provide her with sexual fluids to maintain her level of heat. The more Steele feeds her, the longer she can stay heated. Safe, practical, and fun for everyone. :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Paige is blind and has a companion to help her see and do things.
Vanae are naturally blind, but use other senses to hunt and move about.

There's a market for the Vanae to get Companion drones so that they can go out off of Mhen'ga.
Paige suffered traumatic injury to her eyes. The Vanae evolved to hunt using sense beyond sight. One was a loss, the other was something they never had or needed.

Offers player a chance to get a Vanae Companion, get her temp work at the nursery while she learns her cyber implant and synchs so she can effectively "SEE" - should cost player a bit of credits. Same as it did Paige. Maybe more since it's an unknown race on a Rush planet that's not part of any known intergallatic group.

Just to reiterate. Paige's injury is not the same as Vanae biology. Giving a Vanae cybernetics to help her see could potentially mess her up. Our brains are wired to make use of visual signals and interpreting what our eyes see. That's why blindness is such a disadvantage and why it takes newly blind people quite a long time to adapt, because their brain has to adapt. Compare that to someone who has been blind from birth and when they are given sight. Its almost a sensory overload and it can be incredibly difficult to adapt. Now imagine the flood of information that a Vanae brain would get from a sense it never had. Now ask if that's fair to inflict on someone.


May 16, 2016
The ability to change more features via goo PC menu- particularly facial masculinity/femininity, lip size, and ear shape- would be absolutely fantastic! Half the appeal for me of a slime-based character is the way you can shift appearance drastically at will, so it's somewhat disappointing that you can't complete the package by changing up your face.
(On a semi-related note, some masculine slimes would be nice- they supposedly exist in the lore, but we've yet to see any...)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2018
To be honest I'd really like to see more humorous things where your crew interacts with each other.

Like, Yammi bringing Azra some food only to have the Pexiga jump ontop of the sulla, licking and cuddling her senseless due to how much she smells like slutshrooms after examining her plants for so long and offering to lick the smell off of her as Yammi tries to pull her off in vain.

Or Celise using the Siegwulfe like a horse with Nova riding behind her.

Maybe even Pippa sitting down and trying to help Reaha see the treatment in a more positive light.

Stuff that helps you see your team bond and act as a charming read every now and then.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2018
I'd like to finally have a scene where Fyn uses those ropes on his bed that we get teased with every time we enter his apartment.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I'd like to finally have a scene where Fyn uses those ropes on his bed that we get teased with every time we enter his apartment.

Everyone that works on JimT's brain babies has mysteriously disappeared.
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