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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
What I'm really trying to do, is solve the problem of money becoming meaningless, which plagues so many games. It doesn't matter if we're talking about GTA or Skyrim, there comes a point where you have more money than you can spend. For me, when I reach that point in a game, it removes some of the challenge and enjoyment.
Even if every individual square in Hawkethorne became upgradable like the nursery, eventually the player would do it and the money would begin stockpiling again. So, I was trying to find a passive, on-going solution to the problem that would keep the game economy feeling alive, give the player a challenge, etc. Food for thought, that's all.
It's how those games work, though. Sure, in GTA you steal cars or do missions to make money, which you then (occasionally) need to start a quest or heist or to buy a cool, top-end car. Eventually you will own all cars (and houses and business that make you more money over time). That doesn't make money pointless. You can go to strip clubs, you need to buy new weapons or replace cars that get blown up, or by ammo at the least. But imagine if as soon as the player hit one million dollars or stole their 10,000th car, suddenly a message popped up (even phrased in-game). Now the IRS has noticed and you must make an additional 10,000 dollars per week of playing this game or Bad End/Busted and lose. The player will be like, "I've dealt with Federal Agents and mafia. Am I not allowed to do a mission to purge my records or do some money laundering? Why am I afraid of the IRS? Who am I, the Joker?"

The game (GTA) has proper money sinks that aren't bad end. You pay money and keep buying ammo, you keep replacing and repairing cars that get damaged as you play, you buy health ups, and body armor. Same with Skyrim. Imagine if suddenly the Dragonborn has 10,000 septims in inventory and a window pops up from some god and it's like, 'The Seven notice you have a lot of Imperial Coin and haven't donated to a temple in the past week. Pay 1,000 septims per Dragon Shout you know, delivered to the Top of World every week or die. The game isn't about making money, most things you need you find, the rest you sell for ingredients to make potions or enchant things or to buy a house, but when you want to do something, you go out into the world and adventure.

CoC 2 isn't like those games. It's not meant to be the Champ running around making money just to bolster or shore up some economy mechanic. It's meant to take place over a month or two, maybe half a year. Most pregnancies wouldn't even be an issue. But the game is being developed and during the building of the story, they know players will run around and fight things (to fuck them) and get fucked and there will be loot and money that arises from those actions, and they put things in to fill time and give players things to work towards (and possibly unlock sex scenes by doing so, like building the Temple). Ultimately the feeling of "I have all this worthless money," will always be an issue (until the game ends and isn't just playable after victory), but having a deadbeat dad/mom bad end based on a weekly (opt-in) mechanic probably isn't the best solution.

A better one would be repair or maintained equipment (which I don't like because it doesn't fit the game or engine and takes coding to keep track off), or a maintenance option that opens a path or reward that you continue to pay for. For instance, you pay Gianna one to X thousand EC when you meet her caravan randomly (and have Wayfort) and she agrees to park her caravan (or make it available) anytime for a week to a month. That's convenience. You can keep paying her and always find her and her team. Otherwise, she is not there and you can still meet her (and pay her then to come back or not), and continue that way. But it's not, "You didn't pay me this week, I am going to crush your pelvis with snu-snu." Game over. Bad (Good?) End.


New Member
Mar 28, 2025
It's how those games work, though. Sure, in GTA you steal cars or do missions to make money, which you then (occasionally) need to start a quest or heist or to buy a cool, top-end car. Eventually you will own all cars (and houses and business that make you more money over time). That doesn't make money pointless. You can go to strip clubs, you need to buy new weapons or replace cars that get blown up, or by ammo at the least. But imagine if as soon as the player hit one million dollars or stole their 10,000th car, suddenly a message popped up (even phrased in-game). Now the IRS has noticed and you must make an additional 10,000 dollars per week of playing this game or Bad End/Busted and lose. The player will be like, "I've dealt with Federal Agents and mafia. Am I not allowed to do a mission to purge my records or do some money laundering? Why am I afraid of the IRS? Who am I, the Joker?"

The game (GTA) has proper money sinks that aren't bad end. You pay money and keep buying ammo, you keep replacing and repairing cars that get damaged as you play, you buy health ups, and body armor. Same with Skyrim. Imagine if suddenly the Dragonborn has 10,000 septims in inventory and a window pops up from some god and it's like, 'The Seven notice you have a lot of Imperial Coin and haven't donated to a temple in the past week. Pay 1,000 septims per Dragon Shout you know, delivered to the Top of World every week or die. The game isn't about making money, most things you need you find, the rest you sell for ingredients to make potions or enchant things or to buy a house, but when you want to do something, you go out into the world and adventure.

CoC 2 isn't like those games. It's not meant to be the Champ running around making money just to bolster or shore up some economy mechanic. It's meant to take place over a month or two, maybe half a year. Most pregnancies wouldn't even be an issue. But the game is being developed and during the building of the story, they know players will run around and fight things (to fuck them) and get fucked and there will be loot and money that arises from those actions, and they put things in to fill time and give players things to work towards (and possibly unlock sex scenes by doing so, like building the Temple). Ultimately the feeling of "I have all this worthless money," will always be an issue (until the game ends and isn't just playable after victory), but having a deadbeat dad/mom bad end based on a weekly (opt-in) mechanic probably isn't the best solution.

A better one would be repair or maintained equipment (which I don't like because it doesn't fit the game or engine and takes coding to keep track off), or a maintenance option that opens a path or reward that you continue to pay for. For instance, you pay Gianna one to X thousand EC when you meet her caravan randomly (and have Wayfort) and she agrees to park her caravan (or make it available) anytime for a week to a month. That's convenience. You can keep paying her and always find her and her team. Otherwise, she is not there and you can still meet her (and pay her then to come back or not), and continue that way. But it's not, "You didn't pay me this week, I am going to crush your pelvis with snu-snu." Game over. Bad (Good?) End.
I largely agree with your points - I was just using GTA and Skyrim as examples of games where you can buy every house, buy every weapon and be left with more money than you can spend.

When I complete all the available quests in CoC 2, there are still random encounters and things to do - but eventually I find myself waiting for the next update or restarting the game because I want a challenge. Eventually, when the game is finished, we'll have no choice but to repeat the content or stop playing. My nursery suggestion is just one way to passively raise the stakes and make the repeatable content that earns you money, meaningful.

You get the idea of what I'm talking about with your example of Gianna's caravan. Perhaps there could be a variety of random missionaries passing through the Wayfort, who request financial aid? You can say no, offer to pay them once, or offer a regular weekly/monthly payment to their charity?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
This makes me wonder what it would take to write one. A meeting, and some scenes of... petting the turtle? Giving the turtle lettuce?
A special scene where you hug it and squeeze it and call it George.

And a Tamagotchi-like sim where if you take proper care of it, it eventually grows into a giant Dire Turtle and you can summon it to eat Tollus.