Not to cramp on anyone's style, but if people keep periodically bringing these gameplay related things up maybe adding them is something worth being looked into?
While it's true that a lot of support for an idea can sometimes make it happen, I'm pretty sure that no amount of 'But Daddy, I
want it!' is going to make the devs reverse course here. Especially not in the case of TF-based powers where they've been clear from the start not only that they don't want it but why.
They realized that they should never have made an exception for Tail Whack in the first place and removed it, in part, to get people to stop pointing to it and saying 'But you did it once, why not more?'.
And I'm pretty sure you can't pay Balak enough money and cocaine to make him want to go back and balance an entirely new Class and set of Powers from scratch, and certainly not to make the writers willing to go over
hundreds of checks and add new reactions for new backgrounds. And the crux of this most recent request (that there isn't a starting race with a Cunning boost) is basically mooted by Tobs' comment
here that character creation is designed to cover a
reasonable spread of stats, not all possible combinations. They have tweaked the system since then, but only to remove the initial restriction on leveling stats, not to add new character creation options.
More Lady Evergreen!! (Like a bad end would be amazing; when I last played through, it felt like my continuous visiting her could lead to a bad end scene. I'd love to see one)
We know there are plans for her (and Carmen) that just aren't on Savin's high-priority list. We don't really know what they entail yet, except insofar as there's parser future-proofing that gives us some idea of what
might happen.