What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2017
Carl's backyard
Agreed. Hopefully, when we can make our way to Tychris we can sweep the enemy from the valley on our journey.


Active Member
Jan 15, 2024
It'd be nice to have the option to give the Witches' Outfit set to Cait on finding it or even after, rather than going to Viviane to get her one of her own.

Another thing would be that one of the Kiyoko sex options requires being a lupine, it might be nice if that was also open to vulperines and similar races.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2022
Well I think if Daliza love so much dragon well ask her if she desire to become Dragon girl himself with the TF? After all, she's link with the dragon artefact so prehaps it's can be a good idea like Cait with leothran after all? O my god Dal dragon girl, a mate we can love and preg in the wayfort^^ we have only one dragon girl who become girlfriend and soo many with the other race like kitsune, lupine ect^^ so why have a other one too balance the choice^^. Well it's just a idea but why not XD.

When i read other message I suppose i'm not alone to think that for Daliza because it's logical but maybe i'm wrong too i see the decision for this idea^^.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I kind of wish Kiyoko had some anal (including dp) and oral scenes. I know being pregnant is her schtick, but at least have some for when she's already knocked up and swollen would be nice. I think this is how Gwen is handled at least in terms of her blow job scene. On that note... Gwen anal would be nice. I hope one day we get a Gwen expansion, I want to marry the pupper.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Firstly I want to apologise if this looks like a wall of text, but I didn't want this to be half baked.
I was on a sea voyage with the in-laws, Captain Livernon and Lady Juno, and they were cajoling me about when I and Livrea will be giving them Grand kids. In what I thought was an excellent bit of in-law writing, they started musing about adoption or alchemy, as I am not one of those Wang wielding types.
Now this particular character was originally created expressly to establish what the non-pee pee possessed missed out on. The answer is quite a bit and especially in this case lots of wholesomeness. For despite what a certain group say, no not all the Girls in this game are Dick-Girls.
In Fact I think Brint is the only Marrying material that can knock you up [ No what ever you have with Kas is definitely not a marriage and those are very much not special kids]
Versus marriage/special kid list
Alieh [Freja]
Atani [Child]
Livrea [Child]
Yes I have excluded Kiyoko as she is a very special case [ a bit of Magi-cock + divine intervention, which I will return to shortly].
As you can see that a fair bit of parks and ice-cream etc to miss out on
So what am I proposing? A consumable that temporarily sets some one with a ghost light cock's virility to not 0. How long? probably until the next impregnation check or 24 hours which ever is soonest. Possibly followed by Enervation.
Where would you obtain it? it should not be easy or immediately available [delayed gratification is the best gratification] and if we follow the model above should require the divine or divine adjacent. I propose 2 routes
Lumia in her light palace
Kasyrra in her dream palace
This firmly kicks it into Act 2. I feel that they should in both cases be locked behind rap-battles, Lumia worried about the precedent and Kas about weakening that precious soul. They should be considered precious, this is not meant to create cricket scores of kids . So one per slot and and only one in your inventory, having one from the other source should provoke a polite rebuke and decline to provide, The item should be un-sellable and a cool down of a week seams reasonable.
Hopefully this emotionally invests the player slightly more as they effectively have a mini-quest to
overcome biology.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I kind of wish Kiyoko had some anal (including dp) and oral scenes. I know being pregnant is her schtick, but at least have some for when she's already knocked up and swollen would be nice. I think this is how Gwen is handled at least in terms of her blow job scene. On that note... Gwen anal would be nice. I hope one day we get a Gwen expansion, I want to marry the pupper.
I think she gives you oral in the hot spring and with Miko and Mai, no anal though sadly.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
Not sure if it has been added yet but would like to possibly change Etheryn to be futa or fully female for pregnancy content. She is by far my favorite love interest in the game and anything to do with her I want it. As someone who prefers a male MC sadly procreation is off the table for now. She definitely seemed down with it when asked if she would eat a pink egg to try to remove the chastity. I have yet to play the later content post Winter City though. After checking the wiki which may still be outdated it seems like you are not able to change her sex yet. As that is apparently off the table perhaps another option somewhat similar to Kiyoko being able to become pregnant and have children with no physical body thanks to Keros. Perhaps Lumia could intervene and allow Etheryn and the Champion to have children? Also I prefer the Version 1 artwork for her and would like to see updates of that version as options. That version is missing confident and uncaged images still afaik. Version 2 is still very good just prefer Version 1 something about it is better idk. I like the colors, the pose, expression, outfit all of it. Version 2 changed all of those things though. Also would like images for her different outfits.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2023
Not sure if it has been added yet but would like to possibly change Etheryn to be futa or fully female for pregnancy content.

I'm afraid i'll have to disappoint you. Etheryn getting a vagina is something that is most squarely in the "Not happening, ever" category. Logistically, it would be a huge undertaking, as Ryn's code is such a mess that it'd have to be rebuilt from the ground up.

And then there's the fact that the writers just aren't comfortable with the idea, as Ryn's status as a half-sexed plays a massive role in her character arc.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
I'm afraid i'll have to disappoint you. Etheryn getting a vagina is something that is most squarely in the "Not happening, ever" category. Logistically, it would be a huge undertaking, as Ryn's code is such a mess that it'd have to be rebuilt from the ground up.

And then there's the fact that the writers just aren't comfortable with the idea, as Ryn's status as a half-sexed plays a massive role in her character arc.
I do not know about the code stuff but in regards to the character arc I understand and such. Just seems like at the end of her arc she would be the type to accept the change in order to have children with the Champion. Brint went through a much more drastic change with the Brienne stuff. I do not really care about her having a vagina I just want the children part so if there was some crazy magic bs so she could still get pregnant that would be cool too. Kiyoko somehow had children without an actual body so should be possible. Maybe some sort of divine intervention to create an heir for the kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2023
I do not really care about her having a vagina I just want the children part so if there was some crazy magic bs so she could still get pregnant that would be cool too. Kiyoko somehow had children without an actual body so should be possible. Maybe some sort of divine intervention to create an heir for the kingdom.

The good news is, Etheryn pregnancy content is most definitely planned and coming.

...Only, i don't think the writers have made any concrete confirmations about how they plan to go about it with Male champions, if at all. It's going to be a case of "wait and see", i'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2023
From what I've read around here, her pregnancy content will be:
Either she impregnates you.
Or she impregnates Elthara.

I haven't seen any other option mentioned (so far)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
The good news is, Etheryn pregnancy content is most definitely planned and coming.

...Only, i don't think the writers have made any concrete confirmations about how they plan to go about it with Male champions, if at all. It's going to be a case of "wait and see", i'm afraid.
Well I hope it is possible but afaik no biologically male character has ever become pregnant in Fenoxo games outside of like egg stuff or strange alien reverse biology (which included egg stuff).


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
From what I've read around here, her pregnancy content will be:
Either she impregnates you.
Or she impregnates Elthara.

I haven't seen any other option mentioned (so far)
Do not really like either of those options tbh. Maybe I would be fine if it was with Cait.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
That's a service her religion offers.
Makes sense.
I mainly just do not much care for Elthara. Would prefer a way for Champion to be the father but if that is absolutely off the table... Maybe one of my many Giga Chad Champion children will get with one of Etheryn's children down the line and make the ultimate being regardless.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
That sort of long-term planning and your avatar certainly go hand in hand, One For All. As for Etheryn, my two cents are that there already is a ton of women and inbetween, as well as those that get transformed, who you can impregnate. There should certainly be characters though who are already content with their sex and Etheryn falls into that group.
It's not a bad message in itself, even if it were to be a side-effect.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
That sort of long-term planning and your avatar certainly go hand in hand, One For All. As for Etheryn, my two cents are that there already is a ton of women and inbetween, as well as those that get transformed, who you can impregnate. There should certainly be characters though who are already content with their sex and Etheryn falls into that group.
It's not a bad message in itself, even if it were to be a side-effect.
I agree with the message just based on how the game works it is not like Etheryn has interactions with other children of yours. I just think having content with her as a mother would be cool for her story as she had a terrible childhood full of abuse and such. Once gaining confidence and love she could become a good parent and as a male character seems like that is not possible for it to work out. Although the only character with "parenting" content so far really is Kiyoko with Kinu afaik. Even if it was something like finding a lost child during a quest that Etheryn adopts with the Champ that would be fun too. Just seems like the Champ being so core to her arc and not being involved at all in her becoming a parent is disappointing to me. It is not like you have to be a biological parent to be a parent but with how the game works characters only have content with "their" children and do not even acknowledge the existence of the dozens of others running around nearby.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I mainly just do not much care for Elthara. Would prefer a way for Champion to be the father but if that is absolutely off the table... Maybe one of my many Giga Chad Champion children will get with one of Etheryn's children down the line and make the ultimate being regardless.
You DO know you can still considered be a father to a surrogate mother's kid, right? That's the whole point of surrogacy, a means to allow those that can't biologically have a kid by any means to have one.
Just because it's not a blood-related one bc of circumstances doesn't mean you're not gonna be a dad to them. That's a very yikes way of thinking that I'm seeing spread throughout this thread regarding this topic. :/
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
You DO know you can still considered be a father to a surrogate mother's kid, right? That's the whole point of surrogacy, a means to allow those that can't biologically have a kid by any means to have one.
Just because it's not a blood-related one bc of circumstances doesn't mean you're not gonna be a dad to them. :/
Like I just said in the above post I understand that. Just seems like realistic struggles like that should not be a thing in a world with instant transformations and fertility goddesses you know? Also idk how I feel about sharing Etheryn. She is too precious...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
Like I just said in the above post I understand that. Just seems like realistic struggles like that should not be a thing in a world with instant transformations and fertility goddesses you know? Also idk how I feel about sharing Etheryn. She is too precious...
just grow a vagina on YOUR character, ez. no sharing needed, you can get a pink egg at any time and you've been built from the ground up to be infinitely TF-able. Companions aren't.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
just grow a vagina on YOUR character, ez. no sharing needed, you can get a pink egg at any time and you've been built from the ground up to be infinitely TF-able. Companions aren't.
I mean I am sort of rail roaded and forced to if I want to become a Valkyrie pretty sure so might end up that way. Just not how I like to play the game. Like I said before I don't even really want to give Etheryn a vagina at all. I like her how she is. All I would want is the child content. I seem to have a type in these games as my favorite in CoC 1 is Urta (although I do like Ember a lot too), TiTS is Syri although I have played much less of that game. I generally play a pure human the entire time in CoC 1 as a Paladin fighting against the taint and corruption. Doing a similar thing in this game although here the TFs are less alien and bad seeming I guess since they were there before Kas and the demons I think. So anyway this was just me requesting something I would like to see did not mean to start some huge thing. The devs can choose to add it or not. Although hopefully the artwork at least is acceptable to be added. Really like that Etheryn Version 1 artwork think it is the best in the game.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
Try not to take this the wrong way but none of that is going to happen. I get that you think it would make the game better and that's the sort of thing this topic is for but the devs have already addressed each of these points.

New starting races are firmly in the 'never happening' category.

Also never happening. New backgrounds would mean going to every single place in the game where a pc.bg check exists and modifying it to account for new ones, and possibly adding ones to new locations to boot.

Mechanical benefits for TFing have been nixed for a very long time. See here for Savin pointing out just one reason for it.
I mean if that is Savin's stance why not remove all statistical bonuses from race all together? Even backgrounds. Just have the backgrounds be flavor and RP stuff and maybe affect your starting equipment or something idk. Then your stats can be purely based on class and everyone can freely choose whatever they want. I already do that since the bonuses do not seem that important regardless. It just would help other people that are torn between statistical bonuses and playing how they want. Human Noble Warrior is not exactly a power pick but I choose it anyway. Would also stop other people requesting different stat bonuses hopefully as everything would be consistent then.
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