What content would you like added?


Active Member
May 14, 2020
At this point, I just want to have a bit more Cait content. Proper sleep-withs similar to Brienne's ranging from events where she'll wake you up with some oral or smooches, to moments where she's just being a totally chaste cuddlebug who needs some snuggling- and a conversation where you can finally just say the words 'I love you' as well. Cait has been my favorite for a long time, and I'm just hoping for some more romance focused content Cait content eventually.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2022
Cait has been my favorite for a long time, and I'm just hoping for some more romance focused content Cait content eventually.
sadly. do to what Cait is in game. that may not happen. but then again her dad did it so. will just have to wait and see for now! :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
There's nothing about Cait that prevents her from being romantic. She's never really going to do monogamy (as she's very up front about) but she can indeed have a deeper relationship with the Champ. We know that a relationship expansion is planned but is currently gated behind content that's gated behind other content. It's coming, just not Soon.


This includes plans for marriage as he's mentioned elsewhere.
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2017
Carl's backyard
Offering a ring is a very serious thing in some cultures. Weddings aren't the end all be all of relationships, after all.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Cait wedding is def epilogue slides material but I would appreciate some more romantic content with cait. Shame we'll never get to see Jassira so she can't take us on a tour of the town. If I recall there's a coastal dungeon cave thing in the works? Assuming that map I remember seeing was somewhat accurate, hopefully we get a beach episode(tm) where we get to hang out with companions on the beach.

Edit: didn't read the picture with Savin's response, can't wait for Tychris. I'd still like beach shenanigans though if we end up on a beach.
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Also that. She makes it really clear that she considers the Champ someone special to her and she even offers you a ring. Just not a wedding ring.
Technically we can get 2 rings in the scenario, but one is more significant than the other. ;)

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
True but it's not the same... I rather do it legit, I don't know why in TiTs you can be 10ft or 11ft if you're a slime but CoC2 you can only go up to 8ft.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
As a slime spine is not an issue anymore when it comes to sex, would be my guess.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I don't know why in TiTs you can be 10ft or 11ft if you're a slime but CoC2 you can only go up to 8ft.
Because the devs wanted to cap TFs at a level that writers would actually account for. This is why non-bipedal bodies for the Champ were nixed from the start and why they only allow two penises and one vagina. TiTS demonstrates that you can have the framework for more, but very few writers bother to account for it. So CoC2 decided they'd rather not have that stuff than have it in and half-assed. They decided for whatever reason that specific heights would be the minimum and maximum and that's just that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
Come to think of it, (Convocation of Mirrors spoiler) unless I am mistaken, Kitsune existed before the new Keros took over, so were they always like this, craving chi and all of them not having a soul? I guess even if they were different back then, none of that kind exist now.

Either way your best bet would be fox berries and/or glowing ice shards for the physical look. Too bad we don't get the floof treatment with them. :negativeman:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2020
Come to think of it, (Convocation of Mirrors spoiler) unless I am mistaken, Kitsune existed before the new Keros took over, so were they always like this, craving chi and all of them not having a soul? I guess even if they were different back then, none of that kind exist now.

Either way your best bet would be fox berries and/or glowing ice shards for the physical look. Too bad we don't get the floof treatment with them. :negativeman:
The wraith are pretending to be the gods. Key word "pretending" implies that there were gods before them, but lore wise they were gone by the time wraith war happened.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Also is it possible to get into a relationship with Cassia alone and have Rina as a friend? (I didn't test it)
Yes; Choosing to stay platonic with Rina when prompted won't affect your ability to start a relationship with Cassia or vice versa. The choice only matters if you have Brienne and would like to marry the others, in which case it's an all-or-Brienne-only deal.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Come to think of it, (Convocation of Mirrors spoiler) unless I am mistaken, Kitsune existed before the new Keros took over, so were they always like this, craving chi and all of them not having a soul? I guess even if they were different back then, none of that kind exist now.

Either way your best bet would be fox berries and/or glowing ice shards for the physical look. Too bad we don't get the floof treatment with them. :negativeman:
Answering your question in a way that's doesn't give info related to what's in the Convocation:
The kitsune have a communal soul which they're all linked to (well, except the faceless, I think? Faceless kitsune lost their connection to the communal soul). Keros has control over the communal soul, but that soul is separate from him. It's inherent to the Kitsune.
The wraith are pretending to be the gods. Key word "pretending" implies that there were gods before them, but lore wise they were gone by the time wraith war happened.
Kinda? Nareva does indicate that there may have been gods that abandoned this world before the new Seven arrived, but the new Seven have basically joined with their masks. While they're wraiths, they've taken on a sort of divine essence and become actually tied to the roles they've taken on, including control over the domains of those gods. For all intents and purposes, they are gods.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
Thank you. I couldn't for the life of me remember. Thinking more about the idea of becoming a Kitsune any other way though, it's not like Keros after taking our soul really turned us into a Kitsune like the rest of their kind, what with not needing to suck life out of people. One could imagine a situation where we find another bargaining chip enticing enough to strike a different deal with the trickster god.

That being said, I'm not holding my breath, since the special transformations are a reward for giving away our soul to one of the available gods.

Divil Fox

Jan 25, 2024
I know crafting is out, but what if the Champ could make things like Vulnerary, leananstone, etc., via alchemy (I’ve always had a bit of a hard-on for pseudo-science in fantasy). Also, the Champ being able to breed/get bred by a certain royal family “degenerated” by “co-sanguinial” marriages. (It’s my first time posting here, I’m not entirely sure how to spoiler things, so I used those terms in quotations as they were pretty specific when used.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I know crafting is out, but what if the Champ could make things like Vulnerary, leananstone, etc., via alchemy (I’ve always had a bit of a hard-on for pseudo-science in fantasy)
You can buy those things for pocket change, so I suspect that adding vendor trash items so you can make them for 3 EC to save yourself the other 77 is... unlikely.
Also, the Champ being able to breed/get bred by a certain royal family “degenerated” by “co-sanguinial” marriages. (It’s my first time posting here, I’m not entirely sure how to spoiler things, so I used those terms in quotations as they were pretty specific when used.)
More Options (the three vertical dots) in the menu above the input box and look for Spoilers or Inline Spoilers, both work. We already know that the royal family in question is going to be written; it's on Savin's priority list once KM is finished.
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