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Divil Fox

Jan 25, 2024
When I saw that line, combined with the new zone coming up, I already suspected that was going that to happen. It is unlikely (but I dream it so) that its going to be a Miko/Mai scenario, with an exclusive pregnancy, and (still dreaming here) which partner gets chosen affects the direction of that kingdom (probably in the epilogue). (If this information was already known on the Discord, I don’t use Discord so I apologize in advance.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Tychris isn't planned to be a zone, it's more like a part of the city and we fast-travel to there without directly experiencing the three days or so of terrain in between. The 'new' zone is the Windy Peaks which was just added, the next one after that has been called the Coastlands and is located in more or less the opposite direction from Tychris.

We know from Savin's Discord comments that the main focus is going to be on Tychris' princess Kythie (who you can marry/have children with), her mother has been mentioned as sexable but not preggable and since there's nude art of her father floating around we can assume he's going to be sexable too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
I'd like to know how Ryn's pregnancy is gonna turn out. Because for male MCs the idea of sharing her or having her impregnate someone else feels kinda shitty ngl.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Because for male MCs the idea of sharing her or having her impregnate someone else feels kinda shitty ngl.
There are certain biological necessities in order to have children. Ryn does not have (nor does she want, nor does Savin have any interest in giving her) the necessary plumbing, so if the Champ also lacks that plumbing then what exactly are you expecting? Someone has to carry the child and if it's not going to be you, it literally has to be someone else. That someone will almost certainly be Elthara.
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Divil Fox

Jan 25, 2024
Most of the characters I roll don’t have a vagina, but for Ryn I would get one (partially because most other “nobles” are already a part of the Champ dynasty, so let’s get another in there, and because the level of intimacy and sweetness from it would be too good to pass up).


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2023
There are certain biological necessities in order to have children. Ryn does not have (nor does she want, nor does Savin have any interest in giving her) the necessary plumbing, so if the Champ also lacks that plumbing then what exactly are you expecting? Someone has to carry the child and if it's not going to be you, it literally has to be someone else. That someone will almost certainly be Elthara.

hol up

you mean to tell me that Etheryn reproducing asexually through mitosis is not a planned option????????


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
I need to know, what is the reason why she's never getting the "plumbing"? The means of acquiring the "plumbing" (Arona got a dick through prayer to Lumia, why can't Etheryn get a vagina? You can even go directly to Lumia's palace to ask her) exist. Does it have something to do with the code? What's the character logic for this decision because character wise Etheryn seems down for a vagina (I don't remember if she talks about this, but if she says she doesn't want one it seems contradictory to how she acts).

I mean the equality in the relationship even fades for a male MC if she demands something of you she'll never do herself and then basically threaten to do it with someone else. If neither Etheryn or the male MC have the "plumbing" why not adoption? Or magic combining both their DNA in some neutral artificial womb? Because sharing is not something you'd expect with Etheryn (she's down if you ask but won't say anything about it if you don't nor seek it on her own). This kinda thing I expect with Cait not with Etheryn.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I thought boreal elves reproduced like the facehuggers from Aliens. Are you telling me all the time I've spent with her thighs wrapped around my head and her ovipositor down my throat was a waste?
Wait, you have a version of the game that lets you repeatedly blow Ryn, without needing big booba and help from RNGesus? Can you send me a copy please, because I want that option.
What's the character logic for this decision because character wise Etheryn seems down for a vagina (I don't remember if she talks about this, but if she says she doesn't want one it seems contradictory to how she acts).
She never acts in a way that suggests she wants a vagina and she makes it quite clear that she doesn't want one. This is something Savin has said multiple times, see here for but one example. It's possible to miss because it's gated behind doing a prerequisite conversation that can be missed but if you ask Ryn about her cage post-Palace of Ice she mentions that she can't get a vagina, even if she wanted one. 'Even if' is the key here because it means she does not want one.

There's also a real-world reason behind this (as Savin mentions in the linked post) which is that adding a vagina to Ryn would mean rewriting every single scene where it would be relevant to account for it as well as requiring every future scene to do so, and Ryn is already over-parsered as it is. So in-universe Ryn doesn't want one and out of universe Savin's never going to write her with one. It's a closed book.
I mean the equality in the relationship even fades for a male MC if she demands something of you she'll neverdo herself and then basically threaten to do it with someone else.
1) Savarra doesn't make a big deal about open relationships and nobody is written expecting monogamy, nor is there any way for the game to know that you're headcanoning your Champ in any particular way. Nobody in-universe bats an eye at the idea of the Champ marrying multiple people and sexing up every eligible character. Expecting the NPCs to do something the player isn't doing is pretty silly.
2) At no point is Ryn demanding anything of the Champ. She's not going to tell the Champ that if they love her they'll grow a vagina or that she loves them less because they need some form of surrogacy. She'll love you just the same whatever plumbing you have, but if you want kids somebody has to carry them. You're reading far more into this than actually exists.
If neither Etheryn or the male MC have the "plumbing" why not adoption?
Ryn is royalty and royalty in this setting is literally magical; there's a whole quest which hinges on needing to find someone with genuine royal blood other than Ryn, for Reasons. You don't throw away a royal bloodline because the player- I mean the Champ is insecure about the idea of surrogacy, even though this is a thing that happens all the time in the maximally realistic Real World.
Or magic combining both their DNA in some neutral artificial womb?
I'll take Things That Don't Exist for one thousand hawks, Alex. Some sort of Lumian magic to combine DNA might be possible, but that baby's got to be in somebody's belly for eighteen months. That's just... kind of a basic biological fact.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
Rewriting is probably the real reason then, as long as the choice to not have a kid exists then it's all good. However, with the magic bullshit this game (present in most fiction, really) pulls surely an artificial womb exists. If not, magic combining both dna and placing it in a valkyrie could be a thing right? It's magic bullshit, which again this game has done.
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Active Member
Jan 15, 2024
Are there going to be any routes brought in as the map expands to allow travel around the map without going through Hawkthorne (or the ways)?

It's not a mechanical issue, but it would add some verisimilitude to the world if there was, for example, an area accessible from both the western frostwood and northern foothills. Otherwise Hawkthorne feels too small, as the only junction between all the areas.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Rewriting is probably the real reason then, as long as the choice to not have a kid exists then it's all good.
Yes, the real reason is that Ryn can't support more variables to all her content (ie, her being pregnant and having an extra set of sexual organs).

You don't have to have a kid with her (or anyone else) if you don't want to, nor will you be guilted/shamed/etc. over not wanting to reproduce with Ryn.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
If not, magic combining both dna and placing it in a valkyrie could be a thing right?
The valks act as surrogates for couples who can't have children already. I don't see why you think there'd be any real difference between making a magic womb to carry it, putting it in a valk, then impregnating her and just impregnating her. The reason why it's Elthara rather than a valk is because she's closer in the kingdom, and as a high priest of Lumia, fulfilling a similar duty to the valks in this case (being a surrogate, but specifically for the royal family in this case) could be expected of her. And also Elthara's just generally somebody Ryn trusts.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
It's mindboggling at this point how one main character that looks like a woman but can't be bred causes so much fuss. There is a legion of other characters you can do this to already, hell even a whole Kitsune community almost entirely dedicated to that purpose, so why be so insistent on her? Did Syri Dorna also face such barrage of requests? Asking since I wasn't as active on TiTS forum as here.
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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
It's mindboggling at this point how one main character that looks like a woman but can't be bred causes so much fuss.
Simple answer is probably because Ryn is such a wonderfully written and detailed character and with such amazing interactions that readers will always want more because they feel a connection.
Equally simple answer is that most readers want to impregnate everything.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
Simple answer is probably because Ryn is such a wonderfully written and detailed character and with such amazing interactions that readers will always want more because they feel a connection.
Equally simple answer is that most readers want to impregnate everything.
Brint do be looking breedable...
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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
View attachment 33655

Its been a year or so few months, since i've requested this( and devs have so rudely ignored me/s):
I am not going anywhere near that coffee table until it cools down.
Kidding. As an editor, it always amuses me how people like to arrange their adjectives in a sentence... strangely.
Amused. Strangely amused.

War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
Does anyone else think that Vatia the snake woman. You meet in the Frostwoods would be an awesome ship mage?