What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
my god, if demon brienne would dick down enemies with my character, i might actually use the poor girl instead of putting her on permanant bench duty to get with her sister
I'm pretty sure you have Arona for that, no? 2 of them sounds pretty redundant.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
arona sucks shit and ryn is too nice for it
Yeah, but a girl character with a dick that will dick down others with you sounds exactly like Arona. If you mean her personality is shit, I don't think someone who's willing to rape others is supposed to be nice or a good person. If you're talking about her combat, I don't really notice much so I wouldn't be able to tell you about that.
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Dec 23, 2021
Nightfang Arona is maybe one tweak away from the usual PC spellblade set so she's pretty fantastic in combat once you get that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
A lot of scenes are written in such a way that it's clear you have the other person's consent. Contrast it with a lot of defeat scenes and you will see what I mean. So yes, it is possible to write a threesome victory that doesn't feel rape-y. Same as it is possible to do the reverse, although I doubt most of our companions would fit the bill as they are.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Bruh am I the only one who doesn't rape people after a fight lol
Maybe if they weren't all "okay I guess we'll fuck" bc porn I'd do it less but even then that's barely rape. Maybe dubcon at most. Actual rapey content has been cut out of fengames before (I think there was a scene with Brint/Brienne from the undermountain that was but I might be wrong, I do know someone asked about it in the questions board).
There's definitely a difference between CNC and full on rape. Trust me if the latter was what we were genuinely doing I'd be extremely uncomfortable with these games as a whole.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
Well true, they do give their consent. But since they're our enemies and all, and sex is probably what they desire, it makes me want to go: "Well fuck you... but not the way you want"


Something about doing that feels pretty good
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2022
Floof land
Too bad that once we become champion of Keros we stop fighting floofs. Would love to beat some of them and then victory bang Kiyoko right there in front of them for her to show how it is done.
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2022
One tiny thing I'd like to see which is technically already in the game:

I wish Azyrran's Festivus holiday scene was accessible post her recruitment, and not just prior. The threesome with her and the Alraune is pretty much my favorite scene of hers, and frankly it's weird and annoying that we lose the whole scene/interaction by recruiting her into our party.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2023
Right above the center of your Dreams
This is one request that's not getting put in but I do hope the Dev/Devs responsible for gameplay might see this and maybe incorporate it into another project or follow-up to Coc2 whenever it's finished.
I hate RNG with a passion and prefer it when determinism is at the core of combat n story, especially in turn-based games. Games that I've grown to love and pedestalize (Persona, the "Press-turn system" from the Shin Megami Tensei series, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Inscrytion, and Banner Saga) have rng to play as minimal/indirect/background roles as possible.

One thing that rubs me wrong is "Threat generation", I was thinking that maybe it should be like a token or buff that forces a foe taking its turn to attack the one that has it instead of hoping and praying they take the bait.

The Elemental system doesn't have that much presence, except Holy Damage which is always in vogue. Maybe taking aspects from both Pokemon and Shin Megami Tensei is the right move to have them stand out.

The narrator and Npcs tell us that Marches is a dangerous place to navigate but that doesn't reflect much in the environments or management of travel. Maybe when you enter zones different buffs/debuffs are handed out to both enemies and the player depending on where they are, Fire emblem style, or have traversing through an area described as snowy and windy check for frost resistance and detail damage where appropriate.

Again not saying this game needs a redesign from the ground up but I do think that on the next project or even future updates these concepts should just be in their thoughts is all.


New Member
Jan 8, 2024
I would like to see a starting race with the cunning stat boosted its the only stat that doesn't have a represented starting race and I for one would like a race that starts with a boosted cunning stat I also feel like the backgrounds available at start is a bit limited there's not enough of them for each character class adding more might fix my opinion about wanting a race with boosted cunning I also have another suggestion along this line but I figure it would much more difficult to implement you could make it to where when your race changes from transformatives than the corresponding stat changes with it alright thats my suggestion I hope to see things in the game and if you have any questions for me please feel free to get in contact with me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Try not to take this the wrong way but none of that is going to happen. I get that you think it would make the game better and that's the sort of thing this topic is for but the devs have already addressed each of these points.
I would like to see a starting race with the cunning stat boosted its the only stat that doesn't have a represented starting race and I for one would like a race that starts with a boosted cunning stat
New starting races are firmly in the 'never happening' category.
I also feel like the backgrounds available at start is a bit limited there's not enough of them for each character class adding more might fix my opinion about wanting a race with boosted cunning
Also never happening. New backgrounds would mean going to every single place in the game where a pc.bg check exists and modifying it to account for new ones, and possibly adding ones to new locations to boot.
I also have another suggestion along this line but I figure it would much more difficult to implement you could make it to where when your race changes from transformatives than the corresponding stat changes with it
Mechanical benefits for TFing have been nixed for a very long time. See here for Savin pointing out just one reason for it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
Not to cramp on anyone's style, but if people keep periodically bringing these gameplay related things up maybe adding them is something worth being looked into?
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New Member
Jan 8, 2024
More Lady Evergreen!! (Like a bad end would be amazing; when I last played through, it felt like my continuous visiting her could lead to a bad end scene. I'd love to see one)

More facesitting and rimming content. I love being borderline suffocated by BBW. The ass is just my favourite thing to be smothered by.

Some parasite or symbiote TFs. I liked the worms in CoC, but I know so many do not. I think it could be explored differently than parasitic worms.

Submissive bunny boys that I can sit on.

I know watersports/scat is hard no, but if scent stuff is allowed, scenes with a skunk girl would be fun.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Not to cramp on anyone's style, but if people keep periodically bringing these gameplay related things up maybe adding them is something worth being looked into?
While it's true that a lot of support for an idea can sometimes make it happen, I'm pretty sure that no amount of 'But Daddy, I want it!' is going to make the devs reverse course here. Especially not in the case of TF-based powers where they've been clear from the start not only that they don't want it but why. They realized that they should never have made an exception for Tail Whack in the first place and removed it, in part, to get people to stop pointing to it and saying 'But you did it once, why not more?'.

And I'm pretty sure you can't pay Balak enough money and cocaine to make him want to go back and balance an entirely new Class and set of Powers from scratch, and certainly not to make the writers willing to go over hundreds of pc.bg checks and add new reactions for new backgrounds. And the crux of this most recent request (that there isn't a starting race with a Cunning boost) is basically mooted by Tobs' comment here that character creation is designed to cover a reasonable spread of stats, not all possible combinations. They have tweaked the system since then, but only to remove the initial restriction on leveling stats, not to add new character creation options.
More Lady Evergreen!! (Like a bad end would be amazing; when I last played through, it felt like my continuous visiting her could lead to a bad end scene. I'd love to see one)
We know there are plans for her (and Carmen) that just aren't on Savin's high-priority list. We don't really know what they entail yet, except insofar as there's parser future-proofing that gives us some idea of what might happen.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
One thing that rubs me wrong is "Threat generation", I was thinking that maybe it should be like a token or buff that forces a foe taking its turn to attack the one that has it instead of hoping and praying they take the bait.
Threat used to be rng based, but now enemies (and allies not directly controlled by you) always attack whoever has the highest threat. Aoe attacks still exist and can hurt everyone, but assuming you do some sort of threat management, it shouldn't be a "hoping and praying" situation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
salamander eyes to not be hard coded to gold as there are other npc with eye colors and even on the wiki says they can have other eye colors even if they are rarer (i just hope when the Astrida soulbind is added they change the gold eyes only thing)


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2023
Right above the center of your Dreams
Threat used to be rng based, but now enemies (and allies not directly controlled by you) always attack whoever has the highest threat. Aoe attacks still exist and can hurt everyone, but assuming you do some sort of threat management, it shouldn't be a "hoping and praying" situation.
I thought so too but its not cause I tested it with Caits magictank set and the new Centurian dickgirl summon, sometimes it works other times it don't.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2023
Right above the center of your Dreams
Mechanical benefits for TFing have been nixed for a very long time. See here for Savin pointing out just one reason for it.
Really? I don't agree with this take at all, like BG3 alone makes that point really shallow let alone other games that have done race=unique benefits, even rougelites/rougelikes have systematic benefits that synergize for different builds to make them feel unique.
It's a take if I've ever seen one but it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
It's not that race based benefits don't work, it's that they don't work in this context when the character's body is endlessly mutable and the ability to change them to get them to look exactly how you like them (outside character creation) is a core element. You're free to disagree with it but the devs aren't going to change their stance, especially since the examples of CoC1 and early TiTS are there to see as examples of exactly why they don't work in these games. But I'm sure they'll be pleased to know that you think they're comparable to a game studio that employs hundreds of people.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I thought so too but its not cause I tested it with Caits magictank set and the new Centurian dickgirl summon, sometimes it works other times it don't.
I don't see what you mean by that. How exactly did you test it? If you do too much damage you can generate more threat than the tank even with tank threat powers.
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Jun 8, 2016
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May 29, 2022
summer ant
Those words.. The thunder, I can hear it.

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