What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
i might have said this before, but now that you can have harpies as wayfort guards, I'll say it again.

I want Alarune Effigies as wayfort guards. The Alarune was your first "Real" conquest, and the one that let you open the doors to the Wayfort in the first place. it just feels right to me that the Effigies are "Your" people, while the Elves still feel more like they serve Ryn, and the Harpies feel more like they serve the Wingleader.

I don't know much about Alarune morphology here, but given the different kinds of Effigy we see, i could easily see her as being able to make different castes of Effigy on a whim, I'm thinking something like how Ants have Workers and Soldiers and Majors and the like. So I'm imagining taller, more physically powerful Effigy guards equipped with weapons and armour that could be either metal or plantmatter.

Since the Alarune is a corrupted entity, i could easily see her offering to make one of two kinds of guard at least. Either hyper sexualized guards that are more likely to seduce and subdue their way through any invaders, or standard military-style guards, who don't have (as much of) their standard sister's libidos and are more like Daliza in terms of personality and combat prowess.

I know Effigies can already work as maids, and that's great. I'd just like to see more of them in the wayfort. They're the people i conquered and took in as my own. Everyone else kind of showed up on someone else's orders, and usually have their own home somewhere else. The Effigies live at the fort, it just makes sense that they'd be able to help defend it.


New Member
May 21, 2023
made an account for this. so that's my level of desperation, i think.
for a bit of background, i have around 82 hrs in CoC and god knows how long before i bought the game on steam. so you can imagine what kind of horny, pent-up, blue-balled (theoretically) stress i'm under when i say i'm begging, hands and knees begging, so desperate it's gotten unsexy-begging, for more male content. any male. yes i'm a bottom but i've made my character fuck every gender-appropriate NPC from twink to bear, dom to sub and it's gotten really sad at this point. i'll take expanded scenes for male companions. i'll take new options for male NPCs (even the generic ones, like the crazy horse). just free me from my sad little island please, the gender disparity is a bit out of hand
Sep 1, 2021
I wish we can spar every companion and train together :)

Which also makes stealing their power easier
As a power stealing addict, that would be nice.
Edit: And an option to spar, with Kas, since I'm romancing her, but I would like to get her Dragon's Breath ability.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2022
Quick suggestion I'd like to run by y'all

A one-off comedy scene that's spoofing Dhar Mann


Active Member
Nov 26, 2019
I would really like it if the sex scenes from Gytha's roaming encounter could be reworked to also occur in the dungeon, or something similar. The sex options there were among my favorite to come back to, and I really don't like the updates that end the ability to replay those scenes without going back so many saves to not do the Calise quest.

Also would love to see Brint/Brienne's family return.

Would love to see pregs for so many characters, Kohaku, Drifa, Ambra, Clementine, Nina, Gytha, Brewynn if you turn him female, Ahmri, Milly, and Vivianne. I'd also like to see repeatable pregnancies for some characters that could only be knocked up once, like Rindo, Zo, Aileh
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think that's because most characters only know fragments of the event. Maybe in the future we can learn a great deal about it from Nareva once Tychris becomes available, as I think we can visit there in the future.
Jul 31, 2022
United States
I think that's because most characters only know fragments of the event. Maybe in the future we can learn a great deal about it from Nareva once Tychris becomes available, as I think we can visit there in the future.

Yeah, Savin has confirmed that we’ll be able to visit Tychris. Eventually. SoonTM. Even with that in mind though we’ve already had the option to meet Nareva at least a couple of times already. We also meet Lumia and get friendly enough to just kind of hang out with her. You can get friendly enough with Keros that he can and will officiate your wedding under specific circumstances. Mallach will give you a tour of his collections. The Champion becomes pretty close with the gods. They even have the ability to discuss what happens during the convocation of mirrors with them. And this is before you take into account that certain pc backgrounds are very educated. I feel like somewhere along the way we would have picked up a godswar codex entry.

*edit for spoilers pertaining to some deities
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Melancholy Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2023
So after looking through a lot of text for research, I realized that we've never seen the after-effects of Kas's army on the small folk of the Marches, we always get second-hand info or some character telling us how some people died or were raped and the like. I'd like it if you came across a village that was freshly ransacked by an Imp hoard; I want to see firsthand how horrible things can get if we don't stop Kas. I want to see bodies on the floor (not everyone is going to be down to get enslaved or turned so it makes sense to me), and wrecked buildings, "environmental storytelling" if such a thing can be done using environmental descriptions and character observations.

Another thing is that Kas's army and methods honestly aren't that different than how the Gods and other major world powers operate in this world, I'd love to see more extreme measures on her part, either she instigates or enables another in extremes. One thing I'm looking forward to is this scientist that Kas wants to bring over from Mareth; I want to come across and be attacked by things that offend the senses they create, which allows me to say these ppl are the baddies. Because in a world where rape is divided into sanctioned and unsanctioned, slavery is treated as "meh, it happens" and drugging n fucking is a literal cultural activity for some species, your villains have got to be a little more extreme since the baseline morality is degeneracy.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2022
I get what you mean, Melancholy Man, but in my view, at least, Kass was never supposed to be a "villain" villain.

The player has the choice, but the story is predicated on her being redeemable, and thus the only real motivation the player has in going against her is the threat to our own soul

I feel Kass not actually being all that bad compared to the other Gods is intentional, in that sense. She's supposed to be someone we can steer back to "normalcy", whatever that means in this world

Melancholy Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2023
I get why they wouldn't want to have her directly do that stuff because it would make it harder to justify converting her, but that's what lackeys and second-in commands are for. Just look at Tywin from GOT, people love him even tho he instigates a lot of heinous shit by using his connections, men, family, and resources.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
I feel like at some point there should be a divergence point, sort of an endgame thing, where if you haven't given your soul to anyone else, and you are romantic with Kas, it goes one way and Tollus becomes the big bad after a suitable upgrade of some kind, while if you have given your soul away then Kas becomes aware of it, and then becomes irredeemable, her last hope shattered, and she goes all demon queen enemy instead. Not sure which direction to go if you are hostile to Kas but no intention of giving up your soul to anyone, but yeah.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
Kasyrra is a monster, both literally and metaphorically.
She personally rapes, steals peoples souls via corruption (which often goes hand in hand with the rape) and either impregnates others with or is impregnated and births increasing hordes of Imps which don't even have the thin veneer of sympathy demon characters are given in being soulless rape monsters.

Those puny imps that exist solely because she arrived and started slinging it around for her own selfish purposes manage to be such a threat they basically alone are overwhelming one of the most powerful military nations of the area with their sheer number of violent single-minded midget rapists. Much like the darkspawn from Dragon Age the reason they are so numerous is most likely they've dragged countless people underground to serve as bloated corrupted mindbroken breeding stock pumping out more imps 24/7, which y'know is kind of fucked up when you think about it.

The sheer amount of harm and pain inflicted upon the innocent by the arrival of Kasyrra is astounding even before you get into her being the active leader of a large twisted cult, Tollus and his cult activities before getting her onboard while incredibly evil and a blight upon the innocent were laughably limited in comparative scale.
Compared to the big red machine Tollus is a loser who is constantly running away from the player with his tail between his legs, while the only confrontation you can have with her is a fake boss fight you can't win and the only reason the game happens at all is because she's allowing you to keep existing since it serves her purposes.

She simply just isn't worthy of the amount of sympathy the plot is prepared to deal out to her, saying its not so much her fault because she herself was victimised into demonhood or how its sad she can't have real children rings hollow in the face of the sheer ridiculous scale of horror she's inflicted since then and plans to do so in the future.
Honestly if you did manage to purify her and bring her back to her prior mortal state the first thing the human Kasyrra should probably do is take her own life in broken horror at the full extent of what she's done since then as the memories crash like an apocalyptic tidal wave against her soul.

And all of this isn't even getting into the whole thing with her repeatedly opening up portals that could bring in more Wraiths, which are built up as the ridiculous Omega-threat of the CoC multiverse now and the reason the 'Seven' should fly over and personally stomp her out in a second to prevent a second Godswar from breaking out and destroying the world even moreso than any of her own intentional plans.

- - -
There's alot of stuff one just brushes off playing this game, its simply the nature and contrivances of playing such a blatantly and pointedly pornographic game.
Only bringing it up at a time like this seeing such details of the plot being discussed directly and in-depth.

Melancholy Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2023
Those puny imps that exist solely because she arrived and started slinging it around for her own selfish purposes manage to be such a threat they basically alone are overwhelming one of the most powerful military nations of the area with their sheer number of violent single-minded midget rapists. Much like the darkspawn from Dragon Age the reason they are so numerous is most likely they've dragged countless people underground to serve as bloated corrupted mindbroken breeding stock pumping out more imps 24/7, which y'know is kind of fucked up when you think about it.

The sheer amount of harm and pain inflicted upon the innocent by the arrival of Kasyrra is astounding even before you get into her being the active leader of a large twisted cult, Tollus and his cult activities before getting her onboard while incredibly evil and a blight upon the innocent were laughably limited in comparative scale.
Compared to the big red machine Tollus is a loser who is constantly running away from the player with his tail between his legs, while the only confrontation you can have with her is a fake boss fight you can't win and the only reason the game happens at all is because she's allowing you to keep existing since it serves her purposes.
A Lot of this is assumptions, mind you grounded assumptions but we don't get to see some of these things firsthand, I want to see how this stuff is actually threatening ppl and making their lives hell, and not just characters saying how horrible things are; show don't tell unless absolutely necessary.
And all of this isn't even getting into the whole thing with her repeatedly opening up portals that could bring in more Wraiths, which are built up as the ridiculous Omega-threat of the CoC multiverse now and the reason the 'Seven' should fly over and personally stomp her out in a second to prevent a second Godswar from breaking out and destroying the world even moreso than any of her own intentional plans.
Yeah because they have ulterior motives which makes me hope we get a chance to do some Godslaying


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
Oh man of melancholy...
The 'gods' of CoC2 are the new DMs overpowered NPCs inserted into an existing setting, there's no way in hell the players are even going to be allowed to inconvenience them in any way. Not even the notably dickbag ones like our friend 'Keros'.
You wouldn't even get something like an ending choice where the Champion activates a cosmic ritual that will forever protect the world against wraith intrusion but destroy the Seven as an obvious side-effect, even done in a self-sacrificial way where one or more of the Seven help you bring it about as some sort of ultimate penance for the world they now love and wish to protect.

Honestly if anything is pretty ridiculous how the new kids are treated compared to the example of Gods from the previous Corruption of Champions, one of whom is planned to be brought back as a lame racist antagonist solely to lose to the Kitsune.
And who may or may not get his powers absorbed by Kiyoko because that's what the Kitsune need, even more spotlight shone upon them.
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Melancholy Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2023
Honestly if anything is pretty ridiculous how the new kids are treated compared to the example of Gods from the previous Corruption of Champions, one of whom is planned to be brought back as a lame racist antagonist solely to lose to the Kitsune.
And who may or may not get his powers absorbed by Kiyoko because that's what the Kitsune need, even more spotlight shone upon them.
Oh, that's lame You might be assuming a lot tho
The 'gods' of CoC2 are the new DMs overpowered NPCs inserted into an existing setting, there's no way in hell the players are even going to be allowed to inconvenience them in any way. Not even the notably dickbag ones like our friend 'Keros'.
I really hope this isn't the case because the battlelines are setup so nicely.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
There's a few bad ends where Kasyrra or Tollus has destroyed or enslaved the Seven, the most notable is if you lose to the spectral smith in the ice tower, she freezes you for what may be centuries, when you come out of it Kasyrra has destroyed the gods and large chunks of the world, apparently to her own chagrin as this seems to have turned the world to absolute hell, which the Demon Queen kinda should have figured would happen if she were to win...


Active Member
Apr 1, 2021
More MALES, monster males, centaurs, demons, elves, humans, orcs, etc.
Maybe some nice art while fucking said males. Preferably non corrupted.

Even better, would be nice to fuck more of the existing males, like the hot orc blacksmith in the Hawkethorne.
I'm a little tired of bitch boys, or dick girls, tho mostly sick of dick girls.

Also being impregnated by some of the existing men that aren't added. I want a baby with the grumpy elf in the ice city. With cute family scenes or raising stuff, instead of that being restricted to existing mother characters with that content already.

More eye and hair colors might be nice too. There are transformations for some of those, but they are very specific, like metallic gold cat eyes. I just want normal gold cat eyes, or normal gold eyes in general. Green hair, that isn't a plant.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
I'd like an option to murder some of the repeatable enemies (hobgoblins, kitsune, etc). It's getting annoying bumping into them whenever I wanna go somewhere.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
You're typically not allowed to kill anything that's sentient and capable of complexity, imps could be considered sentient but they can't do anything but rape. That being said, I think you should be able to kill the Corrupted Lupines. They represent an imminent threat to Hawkethorne and only rape and abduct travelers after all. I've been told that'd would rationally make completing their quest impossible, but honestly I would accept that as a fail state for the quest. Too many quests don't have fail states at all, I think this would be an opportunity to offer the player a choice, even if that choice leads to a failure it's still a choice.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
You're typically not allowed to kill anything that's sentient and capable of complexity, imps could be considered sentient but they can't do anything but rape. That being said, I think you should be able to kill the Corrupted Lupines. They represent an imminent threat to Hawkethorne and only rape and abduct travelers after all. I've been told that'd would rationally make completing their quest impossible, but honestly I would accept that as a fail state for the quest. Too many quests don't have fail states at all, I think this would be an opportunity to offer the player a choice, even if that choice leads to a failure it's still a choice.
You can kill those two demons in the mines, I really think it's fair the others get the same treatment too.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
You can kill those two demons in the mines, I really think it's fair the others get the same treatment too.
Nobody's feeding your murderboner dude.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016