Like Shrike said, this would be an
enormous undertaking and really isn't a good idea for a first attempt. If you really want to start with something as ambitious as a location, consider writing
one of these things, but first ask Savin because he's the one who knows what all the plans for the Wayfort are and some or all of these might get vetoed because he either has plans already or just doesn't want them.
But yeah, the general recommendation that you'll find in the Event Writers Guide is to start
Aside from 'You'd have to get B's permission first' you know that there's already content to build a home for her, right? This would be redundant.
I'm pretty sure there are plans for the adventurer trio and Isadora that do not involve the Wayfort. Especially Isadora since she's kind of busy helping defend Khor'minos from a demon invasion. More Wayfort content involving companions in the form of one-off scenes would probably be perfectly alright though (a la the vignettes we can see with Farrah, the maids etc.) with the appropriate okays from the authors.
Tobs has said, in direct response to being asked if we can marry Gwyn, that she's feature-complete.
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I mean, you can ask him again if you really
want to but I don't think you'll get a favorable response.