What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
On the more reasonable side, I'd like specific numbers for characters sexual preferences on a screen, ie instead of "likes big butt/peen dislikes small butt/peen" it would be "likes 3-6 inch(thing)/dislikes 9-12 inch(thing)". many scenes seem to accomodate differences already but itd be nice at least for major characters with repeatable events to have those numbers readily available, to conform to them or not. since you have freedom to change at will it'd be neat to have the option to alter your character to fit as many preferences as possible without experimenting for a very long time, or seeing the various dialogue changes.

Less reasonably It'd be cool if every companion (eventually) had at minimum 1 dps and 1 tank spec, maybe a healer spec, so no matter what class you play and who you like more, or want to take more you can. as it stands its hard to take a party member who'd fit a place story wise but makes you have to not take a dps or a tank, or a healer as the case may be. quite a few characters have variants now but seems to be weighted towards many party members being able to tank just fine, but a few too hybrid to be a good dps or as good a healer as they need to be on harder difficulties. with some of the aoe nukes if you aren't using something exploitative to solo, it also seems like eventually or relatively soon, the power of enemies needs tanks to be able to take the damage in party members stead some. maybe not completely but it seems like tanks are tanky enough to be able to absorb the damage, but they cant intervene, so they will wind up the last person standing with everyone else ko'd. it'd be cool to make them take more damage to maintain them defending the party and the healer prioritizing them, and would work better for immersion, for the "stand behind me. ill protect you" character fantasy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I think they meant for KinuQuest, not adorable floofball Kinu.
Oh, I know. But the entire process of raising Adorable Floof Daughter is her training montage, so the likelihood of the Champ being able to influence KinuQuest via any additional training or advice is pretty much zero.

On the more reasonable side, I'd like specific numbers for characters sexual preferences on a screen, ie instead of "likes big butt/peen dislikes small butt/peen" it would be "likes 3-6 inch(thing)/dislikes 9-12 inch(thing)"
Per Tobs, the reason the other games have so many numbers to peruse in the codex/stat screens is because of Jacques, who isn't working on CoC2, so it's probably not happening.

codex numbers.png

Also, those numbers for likes/dislikes just affect Tease damage, they have effectively no bearing on the writing except for the small handful of characters written with very specific preferences. There's a reason that Ryn's anal capacity mechanic isn't being supported in any new content.

Less reasonably It'd be cool if every companion (eventually) had at minimum 1 dps and 1 tank spec, maybe a healer spec
<imagines Arona in a healer spec>

Yeah, I think I'll take my chances bleeding out over letting the big green lunkhead practice combat medicine on me. She should stick to what she's good at, hitting enemies real hard so the people with double-digit INT scores can do their jobs safely. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
So when the game mentions jaquesian sized breasts, it's an inside joke? I wonder how funny it is to the few that get it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So when the game mentions jaquesian sized breasts, it's an inside joke? I wonder how funny it is to the few that get it.

Yes, it's because Jacques draws characters with absolutely humongous bazongas. It's not meant to be haha funny, just a silly reference.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Yes, it's because Jacques draws characters with absolutely humongous bazongas.
Some men are just destined for greatness.

Although an inside joke that most player will never understand seems a bit out of place outside of "Silly Mode".


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to see that joke under normal circumstances. Hornet Ring caps out at ZZ.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Please elaborate. In game you reach that bust size with relative ease while running around with the Hornet Ring on top of being milky.

€: I typed my response before I saw your edit. Like I said, Hornet Ring + lactation.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Oh, lactation breaks the cap? Never bothered checking size changes on my Champs since I've only ever done it to check out the Ryn scenes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
It adds one bust size on top of your usual bust size. Meaning for bust size capped players that either enjoy breeding content or that have the Evergreen piercing, that they'll always break the cap.

And if they're dumb like me, then they also might start to wonder for a day or two if some french sounding guy reinvented tits.

.. No, but seriously: Would be cool if funny content like that would be silly mode exclusive to not be immersion breaking in the base game.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2021
Give us a TRAINING MONTAGE for Kinu....okay, I exaggerate a little...but, we could have the option to train Kinu and teach her one or two skills/abilities for her questline, or give her advice. So for example, she could be given Rend, Fan of Blades, or dischord, skills like that.

Alternatively, we could teach her to prepare for a fight or something, and depending on the advice we give, she could start the fight with like...2x Leanstones, 2 extra vulneraries, or defence/offense buffing items.

Final idea for something along these lines would have it the other way round: let Kinu fight the champion in a sparring battle, but you control Kinu instead. We've established that the champ can more or less master the basics of a weapon/fighting style in an incredibly short period of time, with enough information from Kinu, they could serve as a crude imitation of Raphael, or at least mimic his swordplay, to let Kinu train against his fighting style. There's a large difference between practicing moves and being able to execute them against an opponent that wants you dead, after all.

This last method wouldn't give her any inherent upsides or downsidess in her questline, but it would be a really cool thing to do for her.

This would help with the fact that as it stands Inari Kinu's bark skin is just kind of ridiculously more useful then Hime Kinu's leech is. Though it seems unlikely to happen since the author has been pretty firm on Kinu not accepting any aid from the PC so that we don't overshadow her and invalidate her independence from us.

But is there maybe a possibility of some other way to buff up Hime so that she can compare to Inari in a fight? Assuming I didn't miss a memo since the last time I did a Hime run and that already happened.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
Oh, I know. But the entire process of raising Adorable Floof Daughter is her training montage, so the likelihood of the Champ being able to influence KinuQuest via any additional training or advice is pretty much zero.

Per Tobs, the reason the other games have so many numbers to peruse in the codex/stat screens is because of Jacques, who isn't working on CoC2, so it's probably not happening.

View attachment 20872

Also, those numbers for likes/dislikes just affect Tease damage, they have effectively no bearing on the writing except for the small handful of characters written with very specific preferences. There's a reason that Ryn's anal capacity mechanic isn't being supported in any new content.

<imagines Arona in a healer spec>

Yeah, I think I'll take my chances bleeding out over letting the big green lunkhead practice combat medicine on me. She should stick to what she's good at, hitting enemies real hard so the people with double-digit INT scores can do their jobs safely. :p
Yeah, you have a point, I could see her having a shaman role, maybe with half bonk enemy abilities, it'd at least make as much sense as her being a spellblade, but yeah doesn't really make sense. There's also the issue of making side missions or objectives for that many sub classes which could be a even bigger problem. I just have memories of like Mass Effect, and Dragon Age to a lesser extent, of really wanting to bring certain characters but it just feeling awful gameplay wise to. I feel like it could bring more attachment to characters if it was less punishing to bring some along, but you do have a good point on maintaining their identity, like if cait had a paladin spec it'd step on atugias toes, and quin might not work with like a berserker health dps. again even up to normal you can do most anything though, its just especially if they add more mechanics to dark mode, and add more content with a equal playing field where you can't overpower enemies through sheer stats, you'd have to have a pretty rigid party. not a problem if there's not exclusive content, but there seems to be signs of some like quin's statue side "quest" showing up. there's definitely problems with both approaches though and that many sub classes would be a balancing issue.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Nieves and Livrea as sexable NPCs.

I mean, they do have nude busts...
I am working on Liv's sex scenes right now, in fact.

Her rear's just as plush as the rest of her, plump enough that your digits can sink into it until they practically disappear. Livrea gasps and squirms, letting you roll her over entirely with only a half-hearted complaint about the state of her bedsheets once her milk-soaked chest is down in them. She spreads her legs for you while you spread her cheeks, admiring the view of her rosy sex and puffy pink tailhole on display.

"Please... be gentle..." she murmurs, casting a nervous glance over her shoulder.

You give her a disarming smile, even as one of your hands is gliding through her slick pussy, gathering up a little extra lubricant to smear around on her ass. A little milk, a little pussy-juice, and soon enough your prick and her butt are both glistening in the candlelight. Livrea sways her hips, tail swishing this way and that, trying to look more tempting than trepidatious. You rest your hands on the bard's wide flanks, holding her steady for a moment while your hips do the work of lining your [pc.cockHead] up with Liv's ring.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Characters introduced in the newest update along with Beermander and Moo Teacher.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
id like a corrupt frost salamander tf item (maybe with purple scales/hair/tail aroura)
getting the salamander eyes fixed so it does not default to gold and won't let them be changed from the color
a way to change scale color
a way to change the color of my genital's
more eye colors/lenses and more hair color/dyes
a lyric expansion could maybe give him/her little wings! don't care if can fly or not (no idea why i want to see this but i do!)
a way to do kasyrra's redemption path for those who have soul bound (maybe gain the quest though aileh)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
a way to do kasyrra's redemption path for those who have soul bound (maybe gain the quest though aileh)
Given that Savin has said that being soulbound will lock us out of at least one ending and affect our interactions with Kasyrra, I wouldn't get my hopes up. It's made pretty clear that the unusual state of the Champ's soul is the reason that Kasyrra is so interested in us;, it's a safe bet that the mechanics of the redemption path depend in some way on that soul and if it's no longer on speaking terms with our body we simply can't do whatever is needed to get that path.

Some kind of purification ending option might still be on the table but if Lethice is any indication, that would basically destroy Kasyrra's personality in the process.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
I'd like a cock piercing that makes a ghostlight copy of your dick to get access to double penetration scenes.
Why not just have 2 cocks in that case? Genuinely curious. Ghostlight exists as a more-convenient (for writers especially) stand-in for a strap-on, since having a real cock flopping around all the time just to access the odd cock scene (like literally all of Kiyoko's) is a hang-up for some players.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
The Centaur village even more so than the Marefolk village.

Centaur's has only Ahmri, Taldahl and Eubicha.
Marefolk Village has 1 more NPC, even without Lusina moving in.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
Basically the same hang-up. I like two cock scenes but actually having two cocks on something that isn't a snake/dragon/etc. looks too silly to me. My ideal would be to have scenes default to one cock but conjure up an extra ghostlight cock for two cock scenes like Gytha's Both scene.

For example, this is what I'd want (source: SubjectXIII, fenchat/art showcase)
View attachment 20967
So you want that the ghostlight cock should count as a normal 2nd dick at dual pen? So even if you not have 2 or more penis. You could use this to get DP scenes.

Makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2021
I'd like to see a storage being added to the wayford since I'm a hopeless hoarder and I'm running out of space at the frosthound.