What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't think Patreon follows the Harkness Test. If I follow the Test does that make Red XIII/ Nanaki sexable? is Red XIII an adult?

Edit: So Nanaki is 48yrs old, but for his species that is a teenager so I guess not XD
Of course, Patreon and Savin have the final say :p

As for Nanaki/Red XIII, if you have played FFVII, you might remember what Hojo wished to do with him and Aeris.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I get Anno but Cait?
Well, I dunno about any plans for romancing Cait conventionally in the same way that, say, Brint/Brinne has a future marriage option but we do know that she's saving her anal virginity for someone special, meaning the Champion after some plot event or another. Close enough?

Though an optional later-game event where Cait and the Champ talk about the future which then unlocks a variant in the ending where it mentions the two going off, undoing Cait's brand and having a lot of disgustingly adorable kitten-babies would certainly be sweet.

As for Nanaki/Red XIII, if you have played FFVII, you might remember what Hojo wished to do with him and Aeris.
Hojo is so icky that the Remake removed that particular idea and it still didn't make him any less of a loathsome creep.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
Think of Pluto as opposed to Goofy.
You can fuck Goofy but not Pluto.

As for sentient animals? Still Beastiality, as it isn't humanoid in appearance.
I have a feeling the worms were a regretted addition for coc, there was very very little content added, and the stuff there is kinda threadbare. Then in TiTs the parasite content was a lot more restricted. iirc the sandworm parasite had to have a whole bunch of drafts until it was tame enough to be accepted and implemented

Alright, I guess I get it.
I guess I see it as part of a "minority" here (Being how I prefer male characters, and how little the game has in terms of masculine males to choose).
Such things like worms, rape and the like don't turn me on in the slightly, but I do not oppose to them being added and in fact I welcome them. Extra content, extra lore, extra stuff.

But oh well. For what it is the game is pretty good. I still have a kind of softer spot for CoC I, if we are bluntly honest though. But, gameplay wise, Coc II is much better and I prefer the stat system and battle system.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For the record, I am waiting for sexable males I can be interested in to play more of the game. Which could mean never playing it :p


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
I think more underwear options could be useful to flesh out more character customization. I was always a fan of TiTS variety in underclothes.

For the record, I am waiting for sexable males I can be interested in to play more of the game. Which could mean never playing it :p

what are you looking for in a sexable man?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
I mean, shock and awe, but I'm finally working on Cait's FIRST EXPANSION now. Anno was just a random shopkeeper with no hooks other than "Syri's nerdy sister" when she came out, too.

could that mayhaps include a Lust gear set for her?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
could that mayhaps include a Lust gear set for her?

Yes! Her expansion includes:
  • Two new sets: Red Mage (Magic DPS) and Dancer (Lust)
  • Bunch of new Cait scenes, including:
  • Anal deflowering
  • Relationship stuff, talks, sleeping with her, y'know -- the good stuff
  • Cait Leothranization TF (become thicc and fluffy like Syrish/Liresh)
  • Optionally Set up a Temple of Mallach in town with Cait's BFF from the homeland and engage in Advanced Catte Thottery

Shadow Dancer

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2020
I mean, shock and awe, but I'm finally working on Cait's FIRST EXPANSION now. Anno was just a random shopkeeper with no hooks other than "Syri's nerdy sister" when she came out, too.
I've seen some people and other writers saying that Cait is not a "waifu"and never will be so i assumed they know what they were talking about.
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Jan 8, 2016
Might as well just ask the developer - is Nice Time for Roo on the table, or no plans to include it in any significant fashion?
I've brought this up before but Nice Time for Roo in a game with transformations is really weak to begin with. It's hard for an NPC to credibly steal your beloved when you can TF your dick to be 24", increase your stats, etc. It also has the added downside of making 85% of the playerbase despise
1) the character doing the NTRing
2) the character being NTRed away from you -- they are now considered 'tainted' forever even if the Nice Time for Roo scenario doesn't actually occur, simply because it could occur and that lessens the player's faith in them
3) the writer who did the Nice Time for Roo scenario
So it's lose-lose all around. And if you just make the scenario happen between two non-significant characters then it has no weight or authenticity because who really gives a shit if written-to-be-NTRbait is taken away from you by NTRchad? Nobody.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
I've brought this up before but Nice Time for Roo in a game with transformations is really weak to begin with. It's hard for an NPC to credibly steal your beloved when you can TF your dick to be 24", increase your stats, etc. It also has the added downside of making 85% of the playerbase despise
1) the character doing the NTRing
2) the character being NTRed away from you -- they are now considered 'tainted' forever even if the Nice Time for Roo scenario doesn't actually occur, simply because it could occur and that lessens the player's faith in them
3) the writer who did the Nice Time for Roo scenario
So it's lose-lose all around. And if you just make the scenario happen between two non-significant characters then it has no weight or authenticity because who really gives a shit if written-to-be-NTRbait is taken away from you by NTRchad? Nobody.

I think the only approach to Nice Time for Roo viable in a game like this is how Aito described which was:

I think the best way to add "cheating" content is to make Champion into that "other" person. This way it'll be clearly and easily avoidable for anyone who doesn't want it and, at the same time, it will require less work or complex mechanics/checks. Just add a couple in the game who is loyal to each other and let Champion mess with one of both of them if the player wants. They will refuse any sex from the beginning, but then Champion will be able to get scenes with only one of them and force (Dark Knight) or tempt (Corrupted) them into, it can get full swing into "corrupting" that char with all scenes usual for Nice Time for Roo. Can end with any drama including a bad end with Champion being killed by the cheated person or killing him/her or even corrupting them both. Or be a good friend to that couple and help them solve any problems and stay in exclusive relationships even when this world is on the blink of being corrupted.

What is your opinion on this?

TBH I don't care about Nice Time for Roo it is just a topic that was talked about a lot in this thread for the past few days.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
For the record, I am waiting for sexable males I can be interested in to play more of the game. Which could mean never playing it :p

I still play regardless as a puritan (The game's lore is really good and I enjoy it quite a bit).

But there is a total clear unbalance between females/shemales and males, gotta agree with you there. Several characters could very well have females versions.
I wouldn't mind donating if that would ensure that there would be a version on the works that would replace some of the shemales for regular males. We have most of the female body types, yet males are scarce.


Jan 8, 2016
II wouldn't mind donating if that would ensure that there would be a version on the works that would replace some of the shemales for regular males. We have most of the female body types, yet males are scarce.
Never gonna happen. We don't strive for a "balance", the authors just write what they like. It's not an undiscovered problem or anything. We're perfectly aware that there are less men in the game than women, that's working as intended. The players care more about women. Does that mean there'll be no male NPCs ever? Of course not. Does it mean there will likely be less male NPCs than female NPCs for the game's entire lifetime? Yeah, I'd bet on it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
The only definitive way more males are going to be added would be to become a content creator and write up the content for them. Obviously, there are hoops that would need to be jumped through and the content would need to be approved by the team but as Wsan said. The reason there are fewer males is that they are few creators interested in writing them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
Never gonna happen. We don't strive for a "balance", the authors just write what they like. It's not an undiscovered problem or anything. We're perfectly aware that there are less men in the game than women, that's working as intended. The players care more about women. Does that mean there'll be no male NPCs ever? Of course not. Does it mean there will likely be less male NPCs than female NPCs for the game's entire lifetime? Yeah, I'd bet on it.

Well, that pretty much blows a lot, specially when tons of shemale NPCs could very well just be male as well with one or two slight changes.

The only definitive way more males are going to be added would be to become a content creator and write up the content for them. Obviously, there are hoops that would need to be jumped through and the content would need to be approved by the team but as Wsan said. The reason there are fewer males is that they are few creators interested in writing them.

If anyone could become a content creator, there would be many more, I am sure lol. But it isn't easy at all, I think.

That's pretty lame, if you ask me and some others.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
If anyone could become a content creator, there would be many more, I am sure lol. But it isn't easy at all, I think.

That's pretty lame, if you ask me and some others.

I think you may be underestimating how open the game is. If you learn and understand the fundamentals of how the game works and how to submit your work you could create content for the game. There is a whole subforum on here dedicated to reviewing and submitting game content.


and here is the guide and some rules


Edit: I had to edit as technically there is a difference between creating content and becoming a Content Creator.
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Jan 8, 2016
specially when tons of shemale NPCs could very well just be male as well with one or two slight changes.
You're still approaching this like it's a problem when it isn't. There's nothing to be addressed here except that the game doesn't cater to your tastes, which is a complaint you might be surprised to hear we get quite a bit!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Well, that pretty much blows a lot, specially when tons of shemale NPCs could very well just be male as well with one or two slight changes.
...not really? Ignoring the hermaphrodite characters and just focusing on the rest, we have a good number of characters but they're definitely female and changing them wouldn't be a slight thing.

Evelyn: Her backstory is kind of important to why she is the way she is and her penis is a recent thing that happened as a consequence of the corruption starting to spread through the Frost Marches. You can't just 'make her male', you'd need to change her backstory, rewrite all the code for her introduction and, oh, completely change the focus of her character since she's there to be your loving domme.

Fritte: You want some male wyld elf dongus to jump on? She has a companion who's right there, or there's the other one wandering around the forest.

Eryka: Like Evelyn, she has a penis due to corruption and unlike Evelyn she'd like to be rid of it. Changing her to male would mean a bottom-up rewrite.

Anna/Morwen: Yeah, thanks, I'll keep my busty wolfy dickgirls instead of making them male 'just because you could'.

Ryn: The absolute 'hell no' of 'could very well just be male'. Her entire character is built around the fact that she was born intersex and what that means for her in boreal elf society. Changing her gender fundamentally changes who she is.

Once you start looking at characters like Arona and the 'nukis, the fact that they're hermaphrodites is kind of important to them. They just won't work as male characters without, you guessed it, completely rewriting them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
I think you may be underestimating how open the game is. If you learn and understand the fundamentals of how the game works and how to submit your work you could create content for the game. There is a whole subforum on here dedicated to reviewing and submitting game content.

Oh, that's actually EXTREMELY useful. It isn't as hard as I initially thought! Something could be done about it. You are actually very very nice! Thanks for telling me that!

You're still approaching this like it's a problem when it isn't. There's nothing to be addressed here except that the game doesn't cater to your tastes, which is a complaint you might be surprised to hear we get quite a bit!

It is a problem for some people like me, though. I am not forcing anyone to address my taste, just voicing that it is content I wish I could see in-game.

...not really? Ignoring the hermaphrodite characters and just focusing on the rest, we have a good number of characters but they're definitely female and changing them wouldn't be a slight thing.
Anna/Morwen: Yeah, thanks, I'll keep my busty wolfy dickgirls instead of making them male 'just because you could'.

Now, that Anna/Morwen is not a valid reason and it is biased.
As for changing sex of characters, I am obviously not talking about the ones that cannot be changed without a lot of work! (Unless there was someone willing to put in said work) I am talking about small stuff, and these changes would only be OPTIPONAL for people who want to. Toggles like silly mode for people who really would like it, and would prefer to play the game with more males than females in the roster. If such an option was available, I am sure that the audience of the game would shift and there would be more people attracted to males giving the game a go.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Now, that Anna/Morwen is not a valid reason and it is biased.
As for changing sex of characters, I am obviously not talking about the ones that cannot be changed without a lot of work! (Unless there was someone willing to put in said work) I am talking about small stuff, and these changes would only be OPTIPONAL for people who want to. Toggles like silly mode for people who really would like it, and would prefer to play the game with more males than females in the roster. If such an option was available, I am sure that the audience of the game would shift and there would be more people attracted to males giving the game a go.
I think that this post would benefit from some context.

Adding variability is a lot of work. It exponentially increases the difficulty and time spent both writing and editing content. One can easily see 1700 words of coded content shrink to 500 or fewer in game, as many of the words are added in the form of parsers that only applies to certain situations. Furthermore, parsers break up writing, and even with effective visualization tools and testing, they make it much more difficult to evaluate written content holistically. Committing oneself to that level of work for something that doesn't interest one as a writer is foolishness. It leads to shitty, half-assed content, or to content with extremely high time opportunity cost. It is not easy.

Even including a few minor TFs for a character dramatically increases variability. Changing that character's sex and gender - their pronouns, their body, potentially their personality - is a colossal ask. I mean, there's a reason that there's really only one such character in-game right now, and that's Brint/Brienne. wsan puts in a ton of work to make sure that both Brint and Brienne have plenty of support; asking the same for a passel of dickgirl characters would be deeply unrealistic. If somebody wants to put in that work for their character, well, that's awesome. Not many are. And many are actually quite strongly opposed to making such dramatic changes to a character that they already conceived as someone else.

Now, yeah, there's a minority of players (a small minority, per the Patreon poll today) crying out for guy dick, and we - I'm one of them - have been doing it for awhile. But the best way to get those guys in the game is to make new guys, not try to bolt dude-ification onto existing dickgirls and futas. It is, I guarantee you, much less actual work and frustration.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
Now, yeah, there's a minority of players (a small minority, per the Patreon poll today) crying out for guy dick, and we - I'm one of them - have been doing it for awhile. But the best way to get those guys in the game is to make new guys, not try to bolt dude-ification onto existing dickgirls and futas. It is, I guarantee you, much less actual work and frustration.

Well, in a way, of course the Patreon poll will be a massive minority. The people who support the Patreon are the ones who are okay with the game in its current state: okay enough to support it financially in fact. In the patreon you will not find people who are advocating for such big changes in the first place! If the game did not had these issues it has in my eyes, I have no doubts in my mind I would be part of the Patreon as well! But since it doesn't, I don't. Hence why the Patreon poll is probably one of the most biased places you could ask that particular question.
I know it is a big change and not something that could be tackled feasibly unless I get a large group willing to work together to do so. I mean, darn, I doubt I could event tackle this myself if I even tried! I am more of an ideas and scenario person, not an actual writer myself! My writing is atrocious, not helped with the fact that English is not my first language, so yeah, I am at an innate disadvantage at that. I mostly talk about the dude-iffication of current girls because there are far too many female characters. Even by making 10 to 30 new male characters (I have been counting it. The ratio to shemale to male is MASSIVE even for a fantasy world. Shemale isn't even that popular of a fetish), the balance will still be skewed, but writers already said they aren't really looking for balance but just writing what they like. I guess it is to be expected when there isn't really a diverse cast of writers with different tastes.

I guess I am just rambling now and this might not be the most well-written or structured post, but it is basically how I feel about this whole discussion.
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