What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
I gotta say i really like the idea, especially since my favorite class of all time is in there. I simply love spellswords ^^

However i really don't think that's a thing that's happening, even if it was an easy thing to do (it's not if i wasn't clear), since as it was stated by Savin, and many other creators, they just aren't going to do it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I doubt it's actually 'easy' to do. It might be relatively easy from a coding perspective to add some sort of formalized multiclass that has X perks and Y affinities and Z powersets, but balancing those additions would be another thing entirely. The game is and has been built around the five-class system so adding anything on top of that would require way more than just making the code do what you're thinking, especially if you're mixing and matching perks or adding new ones into the mix.

Since you can already create hybrid classes to your heart's content via training and careful Power selection, the entire idea of formal multiclasses is just a boondoggle that would take a lot of effort for no real gain.

That said, I'm also down for Spellblades as a self-created combo (though I find that Blue Flame Blade and Power Wave cover the important stuff right now rather than Black Magic options, maybe Song of Storms too) and since Red Mage is gonna be an actual thing as one of Cait's gear sets I'm looking forward to seeing which skills Savin decides to give her.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
@WolframL Ehhhh balance isn't that important to me especially considering this is a single player game. If there was some uber op build, my stance is just leave it be and let the players run wild with it.
The thing about it is that if one build is much stronger than all the others, you will only go for that build. The issue isn't that people with that OP build may have fun running with it, it's that it makes every other build less fun if you try to play them because they're worse.
As for spellblades I also share a love for them! Highly rec going S/A/W Thief if you're not already, especially if you're using Blue Flame Blade. I've gotten some good mileage out of that one ;)
My personal main character is a warrior who only uses two-handed catalyst melee weapons. All of her abilities are regular Warrior abilities, except her at-will, which I've replaced with Charge Weapon. It's like Blue Flame Blade, except for holy damage, and also you don't need to do the Kitsune dungeon (important for my character because she's only going to do it once Kiyoko has all 9 tails). Also while BFB inflicts burns on crits, Charge Weapon deals a bit of damage to all enemies when activated. Admittedly, I probably should have put level ups into Willpower, but I didn't because originally she was just a warrior with a focus on 2-handed weapons.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
You can respec if you want, put more points into willpower that way. Before i started save editing, i'd respec so my black mage could have strength. I think you do it with the priest, brother ~can't remember his name~ in Hawkthorne


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
I would really like to see companion banter while out adventuring since it's always a joy to see them interact. Nothing huge like the sex scenes, just short inconsequential dialogue that shows how the companions get along

Like in DA Inquisition?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Etheryn kind of does that in the Frostwood. She has commentary on pale elven history, naturalism, and religion for practically every tile. But that's mostly just the Champion and Ryn (although Cait does get in on at least one of those bits).

Unlike the Inquisition banter, those Ryn talks recur and don't reference previous talks.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I feel so bad for Ryn in that bit. She's so excited to be able to talk about her people to someone who might be interested and Cait (in full scholarship! mode) doesn't even notice.
Catte gonna cat.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Party banter would be awesome but
A) Not all the companions are in yet so if we do it, it'd basically be endgame stuff
B) It would also dramatically slow the game down because unlike DA, where banter plays in the background while you're wandering around (and fighting, even :V) you'd have the park your ass in the middle of every explore that procs it to read the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
That, or make it so you have to click next so you don't lose the conversation while exploring, and to not make it annoying, give a 15% chance or less for it to proc, so that it doesn't bother too many people, and the ones that do want to read them would have to just keep exploring for them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
You're SUPPOSED to be able to but it's not really working out liked I'd intended and I'm thinking more and more about just removing her size reqs.

I've always thought being unable to sex someone based on penis length as opposed to girth kind of silly. Like, there's nothing forcing you to try to go balls deep every time. You can fuck someone with half the length of your dick so long as it's not too wide to squeeze in there in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
Welp, thing is... girth is directly related to length in this game. As in there is a ratio of girth related to your size. I don't remember what that ratio is, but it's definitely there. So imposing a length barrier for a scene isn't as nonsensical as one would think.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Hmm what if there was banter at the inn instead? Put a
button above the [Wait] button with a description like Some of your friends/pawns are talking amongst themselves - you could chime in . Have the option show up during evening hours but also have it be RNG based so it won't show up everyday. Possible scenarios could be like Kiyoko tutoring Berwyn in magic (maybe even getting a bit too distracted if you've heavily milfed her up) or Brienne asking Cait for tips on how to use makeup.

Wouldn't slow down the game that way or be easily missed because of tiles. As for future companions, I feel that unless they've been planned from the start like Arona it's kind of expected for them to lag behind the others in terms of content. Personally I'd be hyped if I saw in an update stuff like "Mouse girl banter added to the inn" a few months after her release.

Unrelated but it would be cool if you could wrastle or spar with your beefier companions at the gym. Hope the minotaur city has a coliseum.

This would actually be a really cool idea, it would also be kinda fun if say the champion or party could discuss the Champions kids or spouse/s (currently only Kiyoko but I believe brints going to be available soon if I remember correct) Maybe have a similar option in the nursery that lets you have similar dialogue but also maybe have some random events with the kids as well. But yeah a table at the Inn would be a great way to implement stuff like that without detracting from gameplay.

Honestly a Party banter line using the Inn via a table that would leave me rolling is if Cait and Brint were having a discussion of who's louder in bed the champion with Brint or Kiyoko when they play loud.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
Personally I'd love a coc2 version of hornucopia I'd love to be a crystal horned cowgirl or minotaur (or other horned races)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018
Kas everywhere mode: random chance for kas to jump you and the crew anywhere at anytime.
How would that work: portals or waystones or any magic macguffin
Why because it's funny could make it a silly mode only thing for all those "but my immersion" folks out there.
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Aug 8, 2020
Not being able to stop slavery tears at me, chasing off the orcs with the marked merk mercenaries would be noice.

If i didnt have such incredible respect for what this game has achieved and how hard i can only imagine it is to make technically and storywise, id have the audacity to ask for some bonus interraction for the warrior-barbarian background pickers who lost their tribe to orc raiders, its a bit personal.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Kas everywhere mode: random chance for kas to jump you and the crew anywhere at anytime.
How would that work: portals or waystones or any magic macguffin
Why because it's funny could make it a silly mode only thing for all those "but my immersion" folks out there.
Kas is busy working on Big Plans between the first encounter and Winter City. The latter event reveals that she dropped into the Wayfort as part of her scheming and running into the Champion was more or less a bonus. Post-WC she's got some other Big Plan that's occupying her attention while also continuing the first one in a new setting.

There will be repeatable dream-based content with her though it hasn't been implemented yet and I don't think anything's been said on where it is in the priority pile. That should do a pretty good job of covering Kasyrra interactions outside the main plot. Meanwhile it doesn't make much sense for her to interrupt her big plans to randomly jump the Champion and co. I mean, a scene of her turning your current party into her fuckpets and then leaving them leaking out of every hole would be hot but I'm just not seeing it as terribly likely.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
Obviously can't say for sure, but i think Kasyrra's dream content won't be here soon


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
I wanna impregnate chocolate god mommy


I'm not expecting it to happen but a guy can dream.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I wanna impregnate chocolate god mommy

I'm not expecting it to happen but a guy can dream.

Some dreams are destiny, others are only dreams. Magic 8ball says "Sad trombone"


Active Member
Jul 18, 2019
I would eventually like to see a shortstack npc/encounter with a fetish for being bounced on people's cocks while they exercise, like the goblin encounter from CoC1 that had a jog fuck option or shekka from TiTs and her sex scene at the new texas gym when lifting weights. We already have a gym in game where the could roam, or even just be a random encounter in the gym when exercising


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Meanwhile my White Mage dreams of meeting Nareva again in the hope of being filled with her... wisdom. Right. Definitely not that veiny purple cock... :D
It'd be pretty funny if you had to wade through another whole Columbo episode's worth of conversation battles to do that. "Just one more thing..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
I would eventually like to see a shortstack npc/encounter with a fetish for being bounced on people's cocks while they exercise, like the goblin encounter from CoC1 that had a jog fuck option or shekka from TiTs and her sex scene at the new texas gym when lifting weights. We already have a gym in game where the could roam, or even just be a random encounter in the gym when exercising

Yes! It's bizarre how few shortstacks there are in this game considering how prominent goblins were in the first one. And the fact that there's only one sexable goblin girl in the game and the only way to actually fuck her instead of using her wand needs either Brint or Arona.