What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
I don't know if this has been talked about before, but i would love to be able to use some items in preparation for battles. Like imbuing my blade with naptha/blood iris outside of a fight, and having it's buff until the end of the next incoming battle, or at least to a certain number of hits, like let's say, 3 or 4 hits if they manage to hit the target, then having the buff go away. What i noticed is that, these items are very similar to Charge Weapon and Blue Flame Blade, but they don't have an additional effect like the abilities do (charge weapon dealing aoe damage when cast and blue flame being able to ignite enemies with crits); yet, those items end up using a turn just like the abilities do, but they don't have any other effect other than the on hit buff. I may not know a lot, but it sounds like a healthy change/addition to the game, along with letting people roleplay a bit more, if they're playing with a cautious champion or something like that.

For conjurer's concoction and other items that increase stats, which you imbibe, you could have the effect last a number of hours, but having it end when you finish a fight as well. with the added balance change of not being able to use more than one or two consumable item/stat buffs at a time, so as to not be able to use all items at once and having super high stats (although that wouldn't be a really viable strategy as all items would only last a single battle so doing it repeatedly with all items would be insanely expensive, not to mention also boring since you'd have to apply a bunch of items every time you finish a fight, so i imagine the mechanic would work only if you want the ropeplay bonus/a little buff for a fight).

It would also add a bit more of a roleplay element to those items, since you can prepare for battles on your own, instead of doing everything in the middle of a fight. As example, when going into the WC, it would make sense for the champion to know they would face boreal elves (which are weak to fire), so going prepared with naptha already applied for when a fight occurs would be a nice element of preparation, especially if a person is going through the dungeon for the first time, and does not know when a fight is about to break (also the characters there are strong, being able to dish out damage or a debuff in a round is more valuable than spending it buffing an item for 20-ish plus damage). I think an addition such as this would make for very interesting and healthy moments in the game for players, but then, i don't know much about D&D, like if naptha/blood iris items work in similar ways to other items in D&D campaigns (if they exist there), so writing the suggested addition above could deviate from the item's intented goal.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015

Originally, I wanted enhancers and potions to work this way -- like in Betrayal at Krondor/Antara, where you could prepare beforehand and the effects would last until end of next combat. That in itself raised the question of preparation -- if players could use them out of combat, they'd stack buffs and go barelling in, and then we'd have to balance around the assumption that players would fully buff, which would screw over those who didn't. By forcing combat use, it forces a decision to use your action economy in exchange for stacking buffs.

It wasn't exactly the solution I liked, but I don't really have that much say on the gameplay aspect of things.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
Originally, I wanted enhancers and potions to work this way -- like in Betrayal at Krondor/Antara, where you could prepare beforehand and the effects would last until end of next combat. That in itself raised the question of preparation -- if players could use them out of combat, they'd stack buffs and go barelling in, and then we'd have to balance around the assumption that players would fully buff, which would screw over those who didn't. By forcing combat use, it forces a decision to use your action economy in exchange for stacking buffs.

It wasn't exactly the solution I liked, but I don't really have that much say on the gameplay aspect of things.
I see, so over buffing did end up being the reason why this isn't a thing. I know you don't handle the gameplay, but i still wonder if it would be possible to add a restriction to over-buffing, such as limitting the number of items you can take at once, like only one for weapon buffing (for example in the witcher: wild hunt, you can only apply one oil at a time on your sword) and only one for stat buffing; or maybe even just one single item to avoid this happening. Maybe add a debuff instead that stops you from being able to drink multiple items at once?

It's a shame your idea didn't go into the game as originally intended. I can't say it was a bad decision obviously (although the way it currently is the item isn't as useful as it could be besides some niche situations such as using naptha when fighting the alraune), i don't know anything about game developing, balancing and such, nor do i have any undecency or authority to risk disrespecting a creator and developer, so i won't suggest it again. It is a shame though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
Will there be the possibility of changing the name of the champion in the future?
don't think there is any reason as to why that would be a thing, but if you must, there is always the option to save edit it.


New Member
Jul 1, 2020
Content I'd like to see:
  • PC oviposition! I wanna do the egging!
  • Hornet TFs and better Drider TFs and content
  • More docking please!
  • That thing where you're so stuffed with cum it comes out the other end.
  • Arona companion!
  • Boys with vaginas / with both genitals
  • Better implementation of multiple cocks
Thank you for all the work y'all put in!
  • Like
Reactions: Maomao


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
don't think there is any reason as to why that would be a thing, but if you must, there is always the option to save edit it.

The problem is, if you start as a mail character and then turn female, you still have a masculine name.
So having the possibility to either change your name or enter a male & female name at the beginning would be nice. ^^

Also, Save editing is not the solution since the game rather esplicitly tells you not to via the annoying messages you get everytime you load an edited save.
No save editing in that game, even if it is only for convience. ^^'


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
Hmm, still though it makes for an awkward situation. Should writers write scene where you let new characters know about your new name? Should they just normally start saying your new name without ever learning about it in the first place? Take Brienne for example. This exact thing happened to her, and there was a scene where she chose her new name. It wouldn't be easy to do it to a bunch of companions, maybe even npcs. My point here is, i'm sure it can be done, but it would be really tiresome and probably won't be put in high priority.

You can save edit just fine, the message won't make it so you can't play. It's just a way to let others know your save has been edited in case you ever found a bug. I've been save editing for weeks now (and TiTS for years) and have never found a bug that i noticed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
If there was ever an option to change your name, I imagine the writing would just wing it and have everyone start using the new name with no fanfare because yeah, writing it into the story would be a lot of work even if you kept it scaled back to just the companions in one dialogue sequence. But I don't think it's ever going to happen because as the character creation makes very clear, the only thing about the Champion that you should consider inflexible is their name. It's kinda right there in your face that whatever you pick is going to stick.

Maybe it's just the way I play but I've never really encountered a situation where I worry that my name is going to clash with the character later on, because I've gone in to each one with some mental hooks prepared so I have a rough idea where each is going and pick names I'll be happy with. I mean, it would have been kinda cool for pantheon TFs to give you the option since they're such a huge deal in story terms, but when the kitsune TF didn't include one I figured it was never happening... and started a new file for a character with an Old Country name (Hagane, because I'm a cheeky bastard like that) so when I got to that point their name would fit in. I figure their parents could have heard the word from a glamoured kitsune merchant and thought it sounded cool. :D

Theory time: Savarra is like Earthsea, where the name of the thing is the thing and that's why you can't change it. Just... without the magical implications.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Since Arona is being worked on, my biggest desire is Prince Nyze (the bee boy EDIT: hornet... honey (I'm sorry for this crime against alliteration and good taste)). I don't usually like femboys, but goddamn if Moira didn't knock that bust out of the park. He's got a great attitude as well, headstrong and spirited. Sigrune (the giant who guards the Convocation of Mirrors) is really attractive as well, and unique in that she's the only woman who just plain dwarfs you and your companions no matter what you do. There could be something like a mini-quest where you have to find a way to satisfy her, like being in rut, using wyvern venom, sandwiching her with Arona/Berwyn/Brint, having high libido, big dick, maybe two dicks in one hole etc., just essentially trying hard to give a very big girl what she needs.
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Jun 24, 2016
Since Arona is being worked on, my biggest desire is Prince Nyze (the bee boy). I don't usually like femboys, but goddamn if Moira didn't knock that bust out of the park. He's got a great attitude as well, headstrong and spirited. Sigrune (the giant who guards the Convocation of Mirrors) is really attractive as well, and unique in that she's the only woman who just plain dwarfs you and your companions no matter what you do. There could be something like a mini-quest where you have to find a way to satisfy her, like being in rut, using wyvern venom, sandwiching her with Arona/Berwyn/Brint, having high libido, big dick, maybe two dicks in one hole etc., just essentially trying hard to give a very big girl what she needs.
There are no bees currently in CoC2.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
It might be best to stop making the HORNETS in these games the ones that make honey if you don't want them confused with bees then. IDK or Remember if the Zil from TiTS are wasps or bees either because they're also associated with honey.
It's extremely common knowledge by now that Hornets don't make honey but bees do. Some wasps (sorta???) do I've read but even then lots of folks don't know that. Hecc I didn't. So can you really blame folks for getting them mixed up here? Again? The solution is stop making the Hornet races make honey if you don't want them mistakenly called bees. It's confusing when you make them essentially a hybrid of the two but then say they're not bees yet they make HONEY like them.
It's frustrating for me and only confuses people more.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I just looked it up and there are actually a few known species of wasp that produce honey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brachygastra
I also recently found out there's a species of spider that's ~90% herbivorous (with a stupid name): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagheera_kiplingi
Well either way, honey is moreso associated with bees than wasps by this point, I have to do research (barely, because fuck that if you think I'm looking at pics of wasps and spiders close up, especially with my arachnophobia, so I don't know wasps well nor do I care to) to even think that insectsthat are not can make it, so it's still not surprising to see the hornets in the game associated as bees so much tbh.
I had to look at the codex to even remember they were hornets. Because I skim the encounters due to lack of interest and frankly they're just a nuisance when trying to get through the forest than anything.

This is turning into a gripe at this point.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
Don't we have to also take into account that whatever's in the CoC2 universe doesn't have to match how things work here? If people want those hornets to make honey or whatever they can...
If you just play the game you'll know they aren't bees, the game explicitly tells you that; if someone was to think of them as bees and mention that in the forum, they'll be corrected (which is exactly what happened), and we can move on right?


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
About the honey thing, didn't their queen say that they can produce honey thanks to Kas and that they raided the Bees for it before she showed up?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
In an attempt to crowbar this back on topic

I rarely if ever do a "Dark Knight" run in these game [I have no problem with the evils, I just can't understand why I have to be rude while doing it] (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AffablyEvil that me)

Any how I digress, my wickedness sensors detected so delicious collars available from Viviane

Are we ever going to get to apply them to others ? possibly persons we send to our wayfort of corruption? Moo-Ha-Ha [crack of lightening]