What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2020
You can only wield a "weapon" in the offhand slot if it has the light tag.

As far Ik rn those are

Daggers, Kunai, Short sword, and the Balanced Blade


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
Still bummed my dick-wielding PC's have had entire families with Zhara without knowing her name.
pretty sure that's her trying to keep the relationship from escalating too much. If I recall correctly she doesn't know your name either, always calls you tiger.
and that she doesn’t recognise you in the wild
she most likely does, but has to keep face. can't let mom n sisters know she's got her own personal stud.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
pretty sure that's her trying to keep the relationship from escalating too much. If I recall correctly she doesn't know your name either, always calls you tiger.

she most likely does, but has to keep face. can't let mom n sisters know she's got her own personal stud.

that makes sense


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Lame! :p i know she's getting plenty of content later on, i'd just hate a repeat with the manticore girl, name first, then babbehs!

Tbh, there's plenty of things i'd personally like to see before certain content types are released, but i'm not the boss. I really want to develop some basic sort of time passing with certain encounters, like after banging the manticore girl 10 times and getting her off a bunch, i'd actually like to be able to say to her "skip the bullshit, let's get to the fucking" and also start pressing romance onto her after many fucks, a few head pats, a few ass slaps after another fuck, a casual "see you next time sexy, you know where to find me". Things that actually make you feel like the multiple bouts of sex are actually occurring and building up a rapport. Same goes for Zhara after you've bonked a few kids into her, when you see her on the field just being able to say "heya sexy, can we skip the part where you try and fail to rob me and just get to the fun part". Things like that, like how the Drider queen (also want her name, names for everyone!) greets you differently depending on how your last encounter went.

the thing i want from the kitty scorpion, is a full body picture


Active Member
Sep 6, 2018
Sure, but nothing to do for it now. No reason it can't be built up or developed in a different way. IIRC I recall some mention of it being used for the more 'corrupt' members?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
No, i don't know specifically when, but at some point through developing Castle Hawkstone into the PC's castle, Savin realised the wayfort would've been even better, but by that point too much work had gone into Hawkstone and he didn't want to scrap it all and start again, so it's just a missed opportunity.

I really don't understand your comprehension skills skyline, no matter how i read what i wrote, i don't see it implying that the wayfort was ever supposed to be the PC's castle... and tbh, i fully expect even this post will be completely misunderstood by you as well.

probably cuz you said PCs castle


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Yeah... that's confusing... somehow...

Man, talking to you is work, laborious work that leaves you with a bruised forehead. Do me a favour and just stop asking me questions please. Feel free to ask others, but if you're quoting something i said, don't. Just remove the quote and drain someone else of their patience.
You know you could say that in a much less rude way.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Yes it’s confusing because I think you mean the player character, and that makes me think that you mean that the pc was getting their own place

plus epilepsy is a pain


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Yes it’s confusing because I think you mean the player character, and that makes me think that you mean that the pc was getting their own place

plus epilepsy is a pain

Huh, maybe I am confused by your post, but the player character *is* getting her/his own castle.
The Castle of Hawkthorne to be precise (IIRC).
At one point Savin realized/thought that the Wayfort would have been a great place for the castle,
but that was at a point where the preperation for the Hawkthorn Castle was to far along to change the plans..


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Very eloquent and straight forward. He's still not going to 'get it' though.
Aight, stop it. You don't HAVE to explain to the guy what something is or what not. If you're sick of replying to someone "for a week", literally just stop replying, regardless if he quotes you, it's not that hard, ignore it and don't be a dick acting like the person's stupid for not understanding something so easily, not everyone understands something after the first explanation. (And frankly it can be kinda insulting)


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Very eloquent and straight forward. He's still not going to 'get it' though.

Seriously, his next question will take random parts of your statement that don't connect and build a new, even more clueless and confused question, like "when did the player get castle hawkstone? I thought the demons go to the wayfort".

Well, I sometimes just like to answer stuff that I see.
And then completly vanish for a long time when my interests shift. :D

More on topic:
I would like to find out more about the metaphysical concepts of the world. :D
Learn more about what a soul is, what happens to a soulless person who dies and such stuff.
Basically more and more worldbuilding. I may have missed a bunch of stuff, but I still want to read more about it. =)

Also, I want more petite ladies.. =P
(I especially like shy but learned girls who become very dommy between the sheets =P)
Eh.. maybe I should get info about comission such a character.. but that seems so expensive =(


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Emerald, he never understands anything i write yet he never stops asking me, so to be polite i try and help him but after weeks of this guy i am completely done. I know i'm being a dick but it isn't like i haven't tried to deflect him or lightly irk him enough to leave me alone, he's as clueless about my irritation as he is about 90% of these games. Yeah, just ignore him? I've tried, i'm at a point where if i don't be a dick to him he's just not going to get the message, so fine, i'll be a dick today, and then hopefully i'll never have to be a dick to him again cause he'll finally leave me alone.

why do you act like everybody can understand things off the bat? I can’t understand some things right away, if I’m curious about something, I ask
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Like Nayna in TiTS? She wasn't so much dommy but she certainly gets vigorous and primal :)

Have not played TiTs in quite a while, but I remember enjoying her quite a bit.
After I travelled over the uvetian wastes to get the bloody sattelites..

At first I did it out of boredome, since I am not really a bunny fan, but the more I interacted the more I enjoyed her content.
Enough for me to regulary travel to that rock to visit her. :D

..I think I will freshen up my memories of her soon, thank you for reminding me. ^_^
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
She's good stuff and definitely good for a few repeats, but she does stand out only due to the lack of such characters, i'm with you on wanting more petite nerdy girls that are secret deviants, especially dommy types since i'm a sub, so here's to hoping we get a librarian at some point.

Librarian sounds perfect.. <3
Well, before I keep hyping myself up and then having to wait a long time for the next update, I should stop..

Lets hope we both see such a character soon. =)


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2019
Like Nayna in TiTS? She wasn't so much dommy but she certainly gets vigorous and primal :)
A little late here, but I was a bit curious that I didn't remember Nayna before you mentioned her. I recall doing all of the Uveto content some time ago... and she sounds like the sort of character who is right up my alley.

Went and found her, looked at scenes, and immediately realized why I didn't remember her. I've got a female champion, so I can only do 2/4 of her scenes... and it's oral and anal. The disappointment was surreal.

We need more petite girls (particularly shy and learned girls who are more dommy in bed) who are willing to do it in the classic fashion.


New Member
Apr 2, 2018
I just started playing CoC2 for the first time (waited a bit for some level content to arrive). I noticed 2 things:
1. Overview in fights - a lot is going in, would be nice if e.g. enemy actions are right aligned (like in chatlogs)
2. spoiler options - if you accidentally take a peek at the options can spoil the text before you even read it. This includes character avatars being displayed immediately
(sugg. hide the options until scrolled to the bottom [placeholder Image and ???])
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2020
1. Overview in fights - a lot is going in, would be nice if e.g. enemy actions are right aligned (like in chatlogs)
Well there is already the slow combat option that makes it where you have to click for each person in the battle.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Overview in fights - a lot is going in, would be nice if e.g. enemy actions are right aligned (like in chatlogs)

Might I suggest trying the simple combat flow option? It makes things a LOT more readable (at the expense of all the flavor text).