What content would you like added?

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
An awesome Spear. Or better weapons/gear in general.

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
CentaurQuest gives a really cool spear.
That's like a ranged short spear. I'm talking a real spear, like the one Evelyn gets in her new gear layout.

Also, weapons with more special abilities. Like that one whip that gives you bigger breast when you crit.


Sep 23, 2020
I'd like to see more TF based abilities like the tail slap. I know the focus is on cosmetics and to avoid transformations that give a direct power boost, but powers that are based on physiology that don't outshine the default stuff would be neat, like wings giving you an airborne stance as an at will or a diving attack as a recharge power. Clawed hands replacing the rusty knife as your default weapon would be neat as well, though I can see how that might be an issue if it means reworking a bunch of text regarding putting away or dropping weapons.

Also dragon TFs. As someone who's TITS main is a massive amazon Gravian, the opportunity to play a big-ass fuck dragon is something I enjoy greatly.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
That's like a ranged short spear. I'm talking a real spear, like the one Evelyn gets in her new gear layout.

Also, weapons with more special abilities. Like that one whip that gives you bigger breast when you crit.
The whip doesn't do that. That's the Hornet Ring.
I wish they'd rework unique items in general so they're more...y'know, unique. especially some of the earlier uniques.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
As of right now, Liaden is a monogamous lesbian. She isn't interested in the PC, but you can (O P T I O N A L L Y) set her and Azyrran up together after the dungeon.

If somebody ever decides they want to write post-dungeon PC/Lia sex that's fine with me and they can make her into the PC, but I don't have any plans to do so outside of maybe a femPC/Lia/Azzy threesome at some point.

I am always a fan of playing matchmaker, especially if you can enjoy the fruit of your labor from time to time ;)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018
More npcs cucking the pc that's great just great

This ain't even bait at this point, it's just throwing the fucking rod in the water.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
More npcs cucking the pc that's great just great

That's not really what cucking means. Unless the NPC is fucking the PC's partner while the PC watches than that would be Cucking, or the PC's partner just cheating on the PC. I think your looking more for "Cockblocking" or "Beaver Daming"


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
I did not see it while browsing but I'd like to see more foxfire and tail interactions. So far all I've found are Miko and Mai's training, Kiyoko's grooming, Rindo and Kohaku scenes. IDK it's be nice to do things for fox-wife or repay Cait with tail play.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I think your looking more for "Cockblocking" or "Beaver Daming"

It's not even that! It's just... you have the option to get one of your companions a romance option you can't even get in the first place anyway.

And if JustSomeGuy thought Azzy was gonna be exclusive, then no, she's shipping with Cait and Brienne threesomes and there's plans for more!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
It's not even that! It's just... you have the option to get one of your companions a romance option you can't even get in the first place anyway.

And if JustSomeGuy thought Azzy was gonna be exclusive, then no, she's shipping with Cait and Brienne threesomes and there's plans for more!

So it's like an Anno/Kaede thing going on except we the PC's get to be the College roommate who introduced the 2.


Sep 20, 2020
Tracking. Hunting for some NPCs to finish their lines/see all scenes sometimes gets... tedious (yes, I'm looking at you, Byvernia!). It can be a nice ability to track them specifically. Can be additional feature at the camp, which requires to unlock all tiles on the current map/kill the region boss first or smth and meet NPC before at least once.

At least some scenes to act out tentacle monster you can become.

Better account of your children. Nursery counts only ones who stay at Nursery and mother is you or Gwyn. But there are kids which are taken by their fathers (Evergreen) or who "run away" (honey bees). It'd be also nice to know about children you fathered with other characters aside Gwyn. And detailed view which lists not only race of kids but their parents too. Just to be sure you haven't missed anyone and collected 'em all.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Oh was reminded of the scene in the first CoC with Urta kits, if you have a lot they call you out for it. It would be kinda funny/cute if Keros responded to another tier of kits, say 69 (yes I'm a childish woman) with some thing more about Chizuru being surpassed or some such.


Sep 20, 2020
You can become a tentacle monster? I know you can get a tentacle/plant penis but I didn't know about other tentacle goodness.
Well, because all other tentacle goodness is unused. Clearly, Champion doesn't have any fantasy.
With a thought alone, however, you can make it grow multiple tentacle vines able to cum and fuck like any other dick; the difference is that you can control their sizes and movements perfectly, letting you emulate cocks or effigies as you wish.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
More TF options for increasing lip sizes. As far as I can tell the only way is through bovum sherry, and there's no option to infuse it with soft mud so you only get facial changes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
More TF options for increasing lip sizes. As far as I can tell the only way is through bovum sherry, and there's no option to infuse it with soft mud so you only get facial changes.

Maybe it could be tied to one of the Eggs, maybe Purple with soft mud could work, I myself hope they give the Pink Egg the ability to grow hair with Laurel Sprig as the only ways I have found to grow hair is to use the Fireleaf or Frostleaf. which I find is an interesting choice considering lizards don't have hair hahaha
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
More TF options for increasing lip sizes. As far as I can tell the only way is through bovum sherry, and there's no option to infuse it with soft mud so you only get facial changes.

Blowing Lady Evergreen taking it inside and accepting her deal several times increases your lip size. Took 6 times for my most recent character to max out with her.

Looked in the save editor and played with the lips they went to 4 from Lady Evergreen and changing it to 5 gave the only change from whoreish/permanent pucker/'O' shaped lips to Jacquesian/ Universe-distorting/Scylla-tier/Impossibly large lips.


  • Coc 2 lips.PNG
    Coc 2 lips.PNG
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
Do we know if Wsan will be writing a set of Arona/Snakewoman scenes where Arona is submissive to the PC? It was rather jarring when the Arona from my game went from sorta sub to total Dom when she started fucking the snake..


Jan 8, 2016
Do we know if Wsan will be writing a set of Arona/Snakewoman scenes where Arona is submissive to the PC? It was rather jarring when the Arona from my game went from sorta sub to total Dom when she started fucking the snake..
Unless the code is fucked up, that IS the submissive Arona. Arona is only submissive to the PC. Did she do the jerk off in your mouth thing or did she fuck the snake with you fucking her?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
Unless the code is fucked up, that IS the submissive Arona. Arona is only submissive to the PC. Did she do the jerk off in your mouth thing or did she fuck the snake with you fucking her?

she did jerk off in my characters mouth.

I will try it again and see if it happens a 2nd time. I am using the new backer version so I am not surprised that it could be a bug.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
would be nice if there was a sleep option in kiyoko's house, if only to not feel like im some kind of divorced herm-dad visiting my kids on the weekends.

You can sleep in Kiyoko's house. Talk to her, sleep with her, choose sleep, groom her or fuck her and you sleep there.

Tho, I would like to actively select sleep there and Kiyoko cuddles up with the Champ. That would be neat.
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Jul 17, 2017


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
2 thinks that i have been thinking of.
1)i would like to see penis and ball growths for npcs. like giving arona a longer cock and bigger balls is she you your sub or convincing any of your cocked compaions to take virility booster.
2) a subclass that you can unlock later in. that lets you mix 2 classes mainly so you are not locked out attributes.