What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
I guess it'd be like the Mindwasah Visor in TiTs with the VR programs but I guess in the form of a dream mirror or something for CoC2?
I really love that feature, it's a shame the new Dhaal dungeons aren't in there (Yet?) and I'd love something like it for this game too.

My first thought is actually a bad end you can get in the first fight with the mouse Whisper that I'm guessing most wont see but it ends up being oddly sweet and reveals a bit about Kas.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Imo, both existing godsworn paths have a mage/spellblade bias
Kitsune gives us Foxfire (spellpower), Blue Flame Blade (spellpower), and Kitsunetsuki (need catalyst)
Valkyrie gives us Sunstrike (spellpower), Celestial Form (willpower or presence), Aurora of Vigor (spell scales off level?)

So to give non-mage characters some love, I'm hoping that Nareva's soulbound TF doesn't have any spellpower-based powers despite Nareva being the patron deity of magic. Instead, I'd like their powers to be more anti-magic themed to aid them in their roles as witch hunters. Deflecting magic, eating enemy spells and buffs for health, and party wide silenced are some ideas. As an ult maybe permanent silence on your target?

I'd also like it if there were an NPC who could teach the player some demonic powers if you have high corruption, which can be an alternative to soulbound powers. Could also make them exclusive from soulbound powers by requiring a soul to power them. As a theme for this set of powers, I think risk and reward would fit well. Could go the way of FF's Dark Knight and focus on casting from HP to buff and do damage.

Requiring a soul to power them seems counterintuitive to, y'know, demons cumming their souls out by default. Rather, I feel more likely that whatever the Soulbinds do just blocks off your ability to use your corruption for fuel in such a scenario, or similar. Requiring maintaining a minimum of 80 corruption should also be obvious. I like the cast from HP, could be a version of Bless that causes you health damage, but gives you increased attack + spellpower and heal on kill (like Gweyr has in the flashback) for X rounds. Otherwise I personally feel demonic powers should mostly be mental attacks, similar to Psychic blast.

I agree with the rest, but I wish the existing powers could at least have multiple scaling, so it's not just spellpower based characters that can use them. Kitsune I have an issue seeing their powers work off physicality just because of their nature, but at least letting Presence boost it if it's higher than Willpower would be nice, Kitsune almost universally being charming tricksters after all. Valkyrie meanwhile while paladin/cleric types mostly seem like they should have some physical based abilities, just going by the existing Valkyrie in the game, from musclemommy Anni, to the massive Thrud to the super-fast Eira. Preferably something to use their wings with, like a stronger Driving Thrust that relies on flight abilities for a divebomb, or a stance using flying abilities + light control defensively, the latter perhaps scaling off the bigger of your Agility or Willpower.

Otherwise the Gothmanders seem mostly mage-knights from what we've seen, which is part of the issue, since then that's three mage TFs and zero physical related. If anyone would be justified to have a lot of willpower and spellpower based abilities, it would be them, like a version of Kiyoko's Karmic Retribution and Counter Magic abilities, latter probably a stance.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I saw someone in the comments of one of the latest updates mention an option to have Cait wear the cowprint bra and I gotta second that one. Also, I really hope "A teatime for dragons" has been updated to notice if Azzy and Brienne are in your party for the whole honey and milk tea, last I checked that scene only checks for Cait.
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@Sacremas Lol, yeah it wouldn't make much sense for a soul to be required to perform demonic arts and I like your take on handling exclusivity.

Maybe instead of the corruption powers being demonic in origin, we can learn wraith taught powers? Npc idea: A restless dark knight spirit who fought and died during the godswar seeks out a corrupt champ to pass on their knowledge based on the dude below vvv
I think it would interesting to learn some home turf corruption powers as opposed to mareth ones.

I agree with your take on Kitsunes powers choosing the higher value between presence and willpower to scale off of since there's already a precedent set for that, i.e. Celestial Form. And also as a fan of thorn damage, if there was a gothmander stance that did that I'd sign up to be one.

oracle of derpy

Active Member
Feb 8, 2023
Is the orc lodge gangbang scene a one time only? My champ was preggo when i trigger the scene so I didn't get the souvenir from the social affair.

Having the baby sire pops in in the nursery more often

Bear characters, more leothran characters aside of vari

Darius + Elyon + Yonzan being able to impregnate champ; my collector champ needs to add them into the pokedex list

Demon lair filled with imps, incubi or succubi for mad orgy

More sex scene that acknowledge and interacts with lactating champs, also if champ lactates honey it affects their reactions; can be companions, npcs or enemies

Slime preggo? Or.... corrupted slime preggo?

Add: is pink hair unavailable from the hairdresser?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
No stepping into the pink hair, that's Caits thing
She hasn't complained about my Cowgirlchamp sharing her hair color so far. Maybe the secret is to keep her happy by regularly eating her out xD
Cinderscale Salamanders can have pink hair, but you are going to have to savescum for a while eating Laurel Sprig Cinderleaf.
Also Glitter Dust, with the same one-in-four chance of pink being the one you get.

It's funny, I hadn't even realized pink wasn't one of the options for the stylists. Both their shops could probably use a slight tweak anyways, since they have the red eye lenses listed first, then the growth items, then the rest of the eye lenses instead of grouping all the lenses together.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Speaking of Stylists, I wish they could provide some coverings for skin color as well like the old COC1 oils, at least the "normal" types of pale through brown maybe leaving exotic ones like purple behind TF items. Specifically what I want is the ability to just have tan skin, as opposed to either pale or bronze, this is a skin color that several NPCs in game has (Liaden and Calise at least) but is unattainable as far as I know for players outside of save editing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Ashen Leaf can give tan skin but it can't be refined so you're rolling the dice on whether a skin transformation procs at all and it's the one you want and how many other things you might get that you don't want and have to try and revert.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Also Ice Wine, and yeah it needs savescumming, which I did a bit back for my current character (specifically for pink hair, coincidentally)
Ice Wine only lowers your libido, it doesn't do anything else. If you mean Ice Rose I don't think that can give pink hair (I think it goes from blonde to white to blueish), but I'm uncertain and may be wrong.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Ice Wine only lowers your libido, it doesn't do anything else. If you mean Ice Rose I don't think that can give pink hair (I think it goes from blonde to white to blueish), but I'm uncertain and may be wrong.
Ice Rose, yeah. That's what I was thinking of. Ice Wine was just a similar name.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2023
I'm curious. Will the Nareva soulbind require you to be feminine intersex? Will the dragon TF lock you into a certain genital config?

I don't mind either way, but I'm wondering what other people are thinking.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
We have no idea on what the dragon TF will look like (aside from 'humanoid' because those be the Rules) but we do have a definitive statement from Savin on the Astrida TF. After going back and forth on it for a while, he decided that while normally they're all dickgirls, the Champ is allowed to be an exception.

EDIT: Here's the quote for the curious:
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
I'm just going to put this here with no real explanation and not even apologize about the coming back and forth argument, which I have already acquired snacks for.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Sigh, no one falling for my bait? Oh well.

Meanwhile, anyone know if the rumored rework of the Hornet Hive is far off? Just asking as I have a restartitis character that's basically right before it that I wouldn't mind parking for a month or two if it's likely to be part of the ongoing Azzy/Liaden stuff.

And while at it, actual content-I-want-added; while the Bimbo Hornet cuddle-puddle while watching Azzy and Liaden cleanse the hive is nice, I wish the more arcane oriented had an opportunity to actually help them, specifically White and Black Mages, to at least get a chance to choose if they want to lend their power to it, or go cuddle. Lamely shrugging as an Acolyte or Arcanist as to what happened when they cleanse things just feels stupid, and like my character is rather incompetent at what they should know. It's fine for a warrior, thief or charmer, but at the very least an actual mage should get more insight into what happened. Maybe even be able to tell Azzy and Liaden what precisely happened at that, given they are paladin types rather than priests or mages, and newbies at that. Could even ideally be degrees of knowledge depending on White Mage/Black Mage/Arcanist/Acolyte/Scholar class and background combos.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2023
Do we have a world map? It's hard to keep up with places without one
I think I saw this asked before, and then the answer was only in general relation to the existing areas, at this point in dev, Savin wants to keep options open as to where things might be placed down and where places not in the game world yet can be found in relation to existing areas, so they can be moved around in case it serves the story better, or something new placed between them etc. So no, not yet at least.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
This is a technical one, and may not even be feasible:

For mobile, the ability to long-press ability cards to be able to read full descriptions. Perhaps if they populated the Item Description section of the UI until you click out
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
What's the sentient gear and where do you find it? I too love the living clothes stuff.
Not actually clothing in this case but a magical weapon. You obtain it automatically when you complete Teatime for Dragons. The patch notes hint at something important about it.
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
This is a technical one, and may not even be feasible:

For mobile, the ability to long-press ability cards to be able to read full descriptions. Perhaps if they populated the Item Description section of the UI until you click out
Adding on to this, some powers overflow their cards far enough they get cut off for me, so an option to have the power card just listed in the normal text screen or something like that would be appreciated, or just a full screen card of some type- Summon Kiyoko and Sun of Jassira being some easy to locate examples, but there are also some on enemies that irk me. I've tried changing my text size, but that doesn't help much for the card text.
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I want more options for who gets the dragon spear besides Azzy and Evelyn. Like Cait and Kiyoko, they're both descended from royalty so they could qualify for the spear. Would probably be hell for the parsers, but it would funny to see how the spear influences them. Like maybe we'd get an aggressive power bottom Cait or a more possessive Kiyoko. Maybe Arona? She's the chieftain of her tribe which is like orc royalty. Should be fair game since Azzy counts as royalty in her hive. Or let the PC take a crack at pulling the spear. I'd imagine corrupt PCs at least would want a shot at claiming the power of a conqueror and they're self-centered enough to either see themselves as Kas's future king/queen or their own self-made lord/lady of darkness that maybe the spear will recognize them as a progenitor of a future royal line. And if it doesn't, maybe corrupting the spear using the lethicite shard we picked up as a catalyst would make it see reason. I really want to be a dragon.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Yeah... Cait and Kiyoko have been nixed on Discord. In Cait's case Savin pointed out that she's multiple generations removed from actual royalty which makes her not royal enough, and also she already has too many variables to add a whole new appearance and path for her even if that wasn't the case. And outside Ryn who can't take the spear for Story Reasons, she was the closest to being a valid candidate.

Likewise, just being in charge of a group or territory has been said to be not enough. The old lupine jarls were specifically called out as such by Tobs, which means that local chieftain figures (like Atani) or the children thereof (like Ahmri) don't count either, and neither does self-proclaimed or planned future royalty so the Champ is out. There's been a whole discussion on the topic over on the Discord server. TLDR is that the pool of people who meet the spear's definition of royalty is extremely small.

You can become a dragon-morph via an upcoming TF though.
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