since savin kinda checks, i do have a couple questions .
while not likely just curious if savin would be willing to write or ask someone he likes the writing of to make what basically amounts to a 2nd lyric but perhaps in a berwyn esc skin? perhaps a dog boy maid or something? to kinda give fans of berwyn another femboy dogboy to take along on there adventures and stave off the fact that male companions are at best 3 (counting lyric) to i think 8 after viv comes out a dog boy whose treated as a psudo companion would mean they'd need only as much work as lyric more or less depending on the scope the writer/s would want to put in. and they could mostly be a summon who gets called with a bell or a whistle you carry on your person, or perhaps actually summoned thru some means but still exists to talk to as an npc. but i am likely very very underestimating what setting up what would probably be a quest that leads to a special summoning spell/item just to throw fans who want a male companion a bone. and i wont lie i am definitely in there numbers so am asking this with a bit of bias'. and you could even maybe make a female equivalent as a separate character maybe even a separate race ( to not step on drifa's toes or same to make it so you could write a dog girl get together thing.) gotten thru the same quest, especially since that lets them do a threesome or two with each other, and leaves fans who like both with both. also leaves you from having to write he/she things. tho hopefully there talks would be able to talk to one at a time or both together, please 3 sets of fans with one bullet. even a small quest like quin's introduction or b's lucario intro would still leave writing one to two npcs with maybe an ok amount of singular and duel content so people who like one or the other can hand out with just the one and people who like both could do that. with perhaps singular and duel sleep withs and nice talk scenes and stuff. that one or multiple writers could chip in to make since there not actually companions but npcs that help you alittle in combat and may or may not be traveling a bit behind the party kinda like a particular Eubicha but maybe appear in all the different sleeping locations that have sleep withs in the guest tab. and at worst perhaps dates in different towns but that seems creeping on companion level content at the point of dates which would probably need 1 or multiple writers (maybe fans if they became popular enough) who just wanted to write dates for that. but yeah i dont really know how hard this would be to write if savin or some one wanted to do this . but having 2 male companions and 2 male psudo companions (followers i guess is what theyd be called?) would be great with what would hopefully be alot less commitment on the devs part
speaking of dates in mutliple towns my favorite character in the whole game is Etheryn i do hope maybe Savin and his Co-writer on etheryn Alypha would do something like this one day. etheryn is such an absolute cute character and savin's and alypha's awesome scenes make her shine so much. would love to see more ryn and dates and hugs and passionate moments and to just spoil her in affection. and finally free her from that nasty "gift" her sister gave her. excited to see more ryn anything in the game.