What content would you like added?


Sep 13, 2021
I'd like the option to be completely naked outside of sex scenes. The Wyld Elves and other playable races you encounter walk around naked, why can't the player? (or am I just missing something?)

If this is implemented, I feel like a slight boost to sexiness and/or temptation would be fair since you'd probably be more focused on Teasing than dealing damage when in combat, and you're risking taking more physical damage as a result.

In addition, I hope more armor/clothes options such as the Bondage Gear (ie: stuff that doesn't cover breasts and pussy/cock) is added. Plus, I would like to see unique Tease descriptions if your goods are already on display (or more of them if some already exist).

I feel like this could open up an additional playstyle which will add to the game in fun ways, and I don't believe it would be difficult to do. If this has been suggested before, I apologize for the repeat suggestion. I've been a fan of COC & COC 2 for quite a while and I've always been disappointed that this was never an option.


Sep 13, 2021
I'd also like to see a "default" character looks generator return, as in an actual image to supplement the appearance text, and a "default" face icon derived from that for the player. I can't remember if that was in a modded version of COC 1 or if it was added in one of the last updates for it, but I liked it a lot.

I wouldn't want the ability to add a custom image removed as a result, but if this is implemented, both could potentially be custom images. The framework for this seems to be there (forgive me if that's a misinterpretation), so I think this would also be a cool addition and would help immerse the player in the story with their character.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Well the reason why you see other naked characters they tend to be out in the wild, not in the towns and cities. Also tease has been ultra fucking nerfed due to it being able to beat the WC boss when you shouldnt be able to, and no it will not, the people behind CoC2 fucking hate mods with a passion and that was a mod from the first game.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Psst, this forum has an Edit button, there's never a need to double-post.

Oh, and please don't be scared off by all the responses, this happens sometimes when you're new to the boards and don't know what's already been nixed by the devs/has been discussed before.
I'd like the option to be completely naked outside of sex scenes. The Wyld Elves and other playable races you encounter walk around naked, why can't the player? (or am I just missing something?)
The Wyld Elf trio have clothing, Fritte even has art where she's wearing some though it doesn't display normally.

The Champion being forced to wear something at all times is enforced by the code and will not change. I'm not sure anyone has publicly stated a reason behind the decision but I can think of a few offhand:
  • No gameplay reason in mind, they just decided it didn't make sense for the setting to allow you to run around naked so they don't let you do it.
  • Linked to the above, not having to deal with the exhibitionism mechanics from TiTS code regarding when you can be publicly naked and when you can't or what sexy things you can/can't do in a 'public' setting.
  • Consistency of writing since it means you don't need to write separate sets of descriptions for the Champion removing their clothes versus starting out nude.
My guess would be that it's mostly the last of those, since that's also the justification given for why non-bipedal body types aren't permitted for the Champ and why ghostlights work the way they do, among other things.

In addition, I hope more armor/clothes options such as the Bondage Gear (ie: stuff that doesn't cover breasts and pussy/cock) is added.
The most recent (backer) patch just added sexy fishnets.
If this is implemented, I feel like a slight boost to sexiness and/or temptation would be fair since you'd probably be more focused on Teasing than dealing damage when in combat, and you're risking taking more physical damage as a result.
I believe that the Exposed X tags are just cosmetic, or at least that's what the devs have always said. A while back I thought I saw something that said otherwise and it has a mechanical effect but apparently I was getting my wires crossed with what TiTS does, so I don't think that actually carries over into CoC2 gameplay-wise.
I'd also like to see a "default" character looks generator return, as in an actual image to supplement the appearance text, and a "default" face icon derived from that for the player. I can't remember if that was in a modded version of COC 1 or if it was added in one of the last updates for it, but I liked it a lot.
Never EVER going to happen.

And yeah, the devs loathe mods and nothing involved with any of them is at all relevant to what will be done in this game.
so I think this would also be a cool addition and would help immerse the player in the story with their character.
That's why the option to add your own portrait exists. Adding a full-body shot would be difficult because the images are contained in the save files themselves and the code would probably not appreciate the sudden massive bloating of file sizes. An alternative approach could probably be done (see my musing here if you're curious) but it would a lot of fiddling on the player's part and wouldn't carry over between versions (except maybe the Steam one) and would generally be a whole lot of work required for minimal gain.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I'd like the option to be completely naked outside of sex scenes. The Wyld Elves and other playable races you encounter walk around naked, why can't the player? (or am I just missing something?)
This, I believe, is mostly just that, if the player goes around naked, every sex scene needs an extra variation for if you're already nude. The scenes come with the assumption that you're clothed, so the writers describe the process of removing those clothes, but unlike how clothes type differences could just be a parser like "playerclothing" or whatever it's called (I've not checked this game's parsers), the player being nude needs an extra check and extra work to modify the scene to exclude the clothing related words and have the character be like "I'd say strip, but for some reason you've been walking around this super chilly northern perma-winter with no clothes." Also outside of sex scenes either there would need to be some acknowledgement from other characters, or the lack of clothing has no purpose but to be a hard mode.
If this is implemented, I feel like a slight boost to sexiness and/or temptation would be fair since you'd probably be more focused on Teasing than dealing damage when in combat, and you're risking taking more physical damage as a result.
There's already several light armors which provide a strong boost to sexiness in exchange for less protection, like the bondage gear, or the Kunoichi Bodysuit. Either the nudity would be a worse version of those or it would break the already strong tease combat even more.
I feel like this could open up an additional playstyle which will add to the game in fun ways, and I don't believe it would be difficult to do. If this has been suggested before, I apologize for the repeat suggestion. I've been a fan of COC & COC 2 for quite a while and I've always been disappointed that this was never an option.
What do you mean by an additional playstyle? If you mean a tease focus, that's already in the game. There's a ton of sexiness boosting gear, and half the Charmer's abilities basically just focus on resolve damage.
I'd also like to see a "default" character looks generator return, as in an actual image to supplement the appearance text, and a "default" face icon derived from that for the player. I can't remember if that was in a modded version of COC 1 or if it was added in one of the last updates for it, but I liked it a lot.

I wouldn't want the ability to add a custom image removed as a result, but if this is implemented, both could potentially be custom images. The framework for this seems to be there (forgive me if that's a misinterpretation), so I think this would also be a cool addition and would help immerse the player in the story with their character.
It would either need a ton of work or just be the most painfully generic face which misses 99% of every possible feature. Also bringing something up and saying "a modded version of CoC did it" is very unlikely to convince people, given how much the devs dislike mods.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Nudity makes you stronger on Savarra. They have to nerf us to keep things fair.


Sep 13, 2021
This, I believe, is mostly just that, if the player goes around naked, every sex scene needs an extra variation for if you're already nude. The scenes come with the assumption that you're clothed, so the writers describe the process of removing those clothes, but unlike how clothes type differences could just be a parser like "playerclothing" or whatever it's called (I've not checked this game's parsers), the player being nude needs an extra check and extra work to modify the scene to exclude the clothing related words and have the character be like "I'd say strip, but for some reason you've been walking around this super chilly northern perma-winter with no clothes." Also outside of sex scenes either there would need to be some acknowledgement from other characters, or the lack of clothing has no purpose but to be a hard mode.

There's already several light armors which provide a strong boost to sexiness in exchange for less protection, like the bondage gear, or the Kunoichi Bodysuit. Either the nudity would be a worse version of those or it would break the already strong tease combat even more.

What do you mean by an additional playstyle? If you mean a tease focus, that's already in the game. There's a ton of sexiness boosting gear, and half the Charmer's abilities basically just focus on resolve damage.

It would either need a ton of work or just be the most painfully generic face which misses 99% of every possible feature. Also bringing something up and saying "a modded version of CoC did it" is very unlikely to convince people, given how much the devs dislike mods.
1) That's fair. Seems it would be more complicated to re-write than I initially thought.

2) I know, but I just like the flavor of the "nudist" more, personally. But...

3) I always felt like the Tease playstyle was arguably weaker. Maybe I'm just playing wrong? And I guess "playstyle" was the wrong word maybe? Perhaps it could have been implemented as a "Hard Mode" or possibly something as part of the "Silly Mode"? Idk. I never felt like Tease was strong, so that's why I suggested it. Maybe something to consider once it's properly balanced? That's all I got at this point.

4) I don't understand why mods are so hated here. Could you explain why? I understand not wanting to support mods, but I don't understand why mods would be hated outright.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
3) I always felt like the Tease playstyle was arguably weaker. Maybe I'm just playing wrong? And I guess "playstyle" was the wrong word maybe? Perhaps it could have been implemented as a "Hard Mode" or possibly something as part of the "Silly Mode"? Idk. I never felt like Tease was strong, so that's why I suggested it. Maybe something to consider once it's properly balanced? That's all I got at this point.

Resolve combat was incredibly difficult to balance and charmers have been the strongest class in the game for a while until the recent crit nerf. You could wipe whole encounters with two abilities if they weren't straight up immune to tease like ghosts of wolves.

4) I don't understand why mods are so hated here. Could you explain why? I understand not wanting to support mods, but I don't understand why mods would be hated outright.
Mods were used by members of the community to get content in the games that otherwise wouldn't have made it in. Be it low quality of the submission or just adding content to some characters that those characters original writers were stritcly against.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I always felt like the Tease playstyle was arguably weaker. Maybe I'm just playing wrong? And I guess "playstyle" was the wrong word maybe? Perhaps it could have been implemented as a "Hard Mode" or possibly something as part of the "Silly Mode"? Idk. I never felt like Tease was strong, so that's why I suggested it. Maybe something to consider once it's properly balanced? That's all I got at this point.

Balancing is always changing, but tease was nerfed at some point. For kind of the same reason crit damage just got nerfed. Tease is more useful in the rift dungeons though.
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Sep 13, 2021
Mods were used by members of the community to get content in the games that otherwise wouldn't have made it in. Be it low quality of the submission or just adding content to some characters that those characters original writers were stritcly against.
Ok... but that's kind of the whole POINT of mods isn't it? Resurrecting content that got scrapped only ADDS to the experience and a dedicated player shouldn't be looked down upon for such endeavors, even if their reconstruction doesn't match the original idea.

Also, I'm sure Bethesda never wanted their game turned into a sexual playground, rife with naked, busty, 4k pussy texture, tit and ass physics having characters, amongst other things, yet here we are and Skyrim is currently the most popular game to mod in all of gaming with or without the sex mods, and mods are what made the game so immensely popular and has kept the game alive to this day. The user makes personalized changes that THEY want. No, it's not the "official version" of the game, but it's not the devs' responsibility to maintain mods in any way, and anyone with two brain cells to rub together should know if the game is modded and is not (entirely) what the devs envisioned, so why would they care?

If what you said is the actual reason for the developers' disdain for mods, it seems very selfish and childish to sit there and be angry that people want to mod your game so they can ENJOY IT MORE simply because it's not "what you want" as a developer. I simply can't comprehend that line of logic. Games are meant to be enjoyed by those who play it. If that's not your intent, or you actively oppose people seeking to gain the most enjoyment from your game, then why are you making a game?

Balancing is always changing, but tease was nerfed at some point. For kind of the same reason crit damage just got nerfed. Tease is more useful in the rift dungeons though.
I'm not sure I ever made it to a rift dungeon, so that might be why it felt weak. I haven't played a whole lot of COC2, and before downloading 0.4.10, the last time I played was around a year ago, so there could have been a lot of changes since then.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Mods also cause people to mix up what was actually in game/canon and what was added, to this day people when bringing up CoC keep bringing up shit from mods and not the game itself. Also iirc it also requires access to the source code which is just a whole new can of worms. And attack resolve instead of HP has always been easier so its a lot weaker due to the fact a lot of resolve abilitys just dont miss when used.


Sep 13, 2021
Mods also cause people to mix up what was actually in game/canon and what was added, to this day people when bringing up CoC keep bringing up shit from mods and not the game itself. Also iirc it also requires access to the source code which is just a whole new can of worms.
Ah, didn't consider the implications of that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Ok... but that's kind of the whole POINT of mods isn't it? Resurrecting content that got scrapped only ADDS to the experience and a dedicated player shouldn't be looked down upon for such endeavors, even if their reconstruction doesn't match the original idea.
I respectfully disagree. wery has already brought up the "people constantly confuse modded CoC1 content for vanilla CoC1 content" issue, which is a regular occurrence; practically every time a lurker asks about CoC1 in the Discord these days includes such an instance. The versions of CoC1 that circulate on the free-download websites usually include mods packaged with them as a matter of course these days, which causes problems.

But there's another reason, and that is that there's a meaningful distinction between a BethSoft game and this one: open submissions. If you write something that you think is missing from the game, it can get into the game. That's how I got started writing here, that's how several other people have done their writing, and it ensures that quality would-be content doesn't get left by the wayside.

The only reason to mod something in is if that something wouldn't pass review and get into CoC2. Frankly, the things that don't pass review are things most people don't want in the game anyway: things like actively disgusting niche fetishes, content that fails to meet writing quality standards even after repeated edits, content that is simply not congruent with the rest of the game, and content that is overly ambitious and could not plausibly be supported (i.e. "you are tacking on a whole other game to this game"). Those bars are pretty low, and the review process is genuinely lenient. So long as you can get over them, you can contribute to this game in a way that you cannot contribute to Skyrim: The Final Version We Promise This Time For Realsies.

I don't think that it's unfair of devs to be disdainful of mods under those circumstances. There's no reason for them to look kindly on people who want to introduce blacklisted fetishes, no reason for them to appreciate content that's poorly written, and no reason for them to be okay with someone who wants to rewrite all the characters into something other than what they are. And if someone wants to make something overly ambitious, that's great...but they should probably do it in their own game, rather than this one.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Ok... but that's kind of the whole POINT of mods isn't it? Resurrecting content that got scrapped only ADDS to the experience and a dedicated player shouldn't be looked down upon for such endeavors, even if their reconstruction doesn't match the original idea.
Take a look at this post for an example of how letting internet randos do whatever they want to your game can have serious consequences. The devs don't want to have to deal with that, even if the CoC1 modding scene hadn't been such an absolute clusterfuck of epic proportions.

And this is especially the case because the game is largely funded via Patreon and if someone starts distributing a mod of the game with content they're banning, they won't just come down on the mod but will come down on the original game like a ton of bricks. No bueno.

Ancient Lurker

Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2021
Do you guys remember that mod that added ability to rape children and murder them afterwards into CoC? I do. And that's why devs are right for not letting anyone mod CoC2.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Do you guys remember that mod that added ability to rape children and murder them afterwards into CoC? I do. And that's why devs are right for not letting anyone mod CoC2.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined :(

As for Resolve combat, it doesn't come into its own until later levels, when the enemy HP scales significantly higher than their Resolve pool, especially with all the extra Armo,, and until you get additional Tease specialists into your party through recruiting/unlocking sets for at least one of Dancer!Cait, Bimbo!Azzy and Quin. When I play as my pure Resolve damage Champs, I still see them somewhat lagging behind physical damage dealers because of two things: lack of debuffs as strong as the ones you can get with Sundering Armor and Grease, aside from Quin's Encounter power, and the lack of big party wide buffs even half as good as Blessing.

Also worth pointing out that Resolve damaging weapons and the way their damage scaled through the roof with the use of weapon based powers was the main reason for the Resolve overhaul, IIRC.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Do you guys remember that mod that added ability to rape children and murder them afterwards into CoC? I do. And that's why devs are right for not letting anyone mod CoC2.

That is CoC HGG.. while I don't approve of paedophilia (and all peados should be shot in the head), that one had alot of other content that was good. (Thankfully children could be turned off in settings).
Mods can be great, CoC vanilla in my opinion was a bore, left unfinished and characters like Loppe never got their full expansion.. until I came across CoC X.. though CoC2 is much better and really doesn't need mods added, since it has great content already.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Exactly, theres like only 2/3 pieces of content that I couldnt really care for out of everything it currently has, and it most has to do with the door in the frosthound.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
In addition to what Alypia said:

Many people in the past have all promised that there were huge markets of untapped consumers waiting out there for the game, if only we'd do what they told us to do. This is quite standard, and of course, the promises of massive customer bases are completely unfounded.

Nor are we overly concerned about "longevity" and "growth" in and of themselves -- growth for growth's sake is the mantra of the cancer cell. We don't have SI investors we need to show ever-expanding revenue and user bases every quarter, or else the funding dries up like thin spit on a hot stove. Growth has to be channeled to serve a positive purpose in order to be useful. As for longevity, planned senescence of a product is a thing. "The customer is always right" is a joke, and I learned that in my first job; cutting out toxic clients who were on average a net negative so that we could serve our actual customer base better was something my boss did occasionally. Not that the vast majority of modders are going to be paying us money in any form whatsoever -- dollars to donuts they just pirate the game. They're not even our customers, why should we care?

The history of CoC modding has been amongst the most virulent, toxic and drama-ridden heaps of nonsense, and we have absolutely no desire to repeat that for the sequel.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Halloween cait idea: she goes warlock
Anything specific? Because we already have Witch Cait as a gear set and one seasonal event where she thought it was a good idea to try reading the Lovecraftian tomes of eldritch lore and got herself and the Champ tentacle-banged for her trouble.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Anything specific? Because we already have Witch Cait as a gear set and one seasonal event where she thought it was a good idea to try reading the Lovecraftian tomes of eldritch lore and got herself and the Champ tentacle-banged for her trouble.
Huh I didn’t know about that second bit, maybe an expansion on that event then?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2021
Halloween Event Idea: Namahage visit the astral plane or the kitsune den. Namahage are Yokai that can be compared to Krampus. They go in in pairs of one red one blue from house to house and ask if there are any naughty children. Or they visit newly weds and the married couple has to host a dinner for them. This is still a tradition in some areas of Japan where the men of a village dress up as Namahage and scare lazy children.

Now the possible events:

a) If Kinu and Kyoko are still in the astral plane, Kyoko asked you to dress up as one to scare Kinu and her siblings. She does recognize the fraud and reacts according to her personality points. As a Inari shoji she plays along honoring your efforts, or busting you as a Kistsune Hime

b) If Kinu and Kyoko are freed, the males of the den and you dress up as namahage and visit adult Kinu, her siblings and the other females that are pregnant or you had children with. Adult kinus reaction depending on personality again.

c) If you married Kyoko, the men dress up and you actually have to host a dinner/party,

d) If you are a Kitsune yourself, Keros straight up asks you if you want to be his Namahge buddy. Then he (temporarily) transforms you into one and you two "scare" the entire den.

As a spooky part for b and c: There are 2 more dressed up persons and it turns out that these are actual Namahage.

As for the naughty part, let the writers do, what they do best.

To the writers:
If you do implement Namahage, don't forget their typical phrase "Waruiko wa inee ka?" meaning "Are there any bad kids around?"

For reference:
I got these informations from the youtuber "Gaijin Goombah media". It is from his video about the Goss Harag. The relevant information starts about the 5 minute mark.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Huh I didn’t know about that second bit, maybe an expansion on that event then?
You can check it out right now if you want. Turn Seasonal Events to On from the menu and make sure that you've taken Cait to see Evergreen (if you've finished Cat Call you're already good there) and your Champ has lost their anal and/or vaginal virginity. I think you also need to have had sex with Cait at least once as well. Anyhow, do those things and then keep sleeping until the scene procs.

It probably is something that could work with an expansion, along the lines of 'Okay, I'm sure I've got the arcane ritual right this time, I swear!' xD
Not sensing muxh certainty in your words, sumgai. He has been saying that for months...
Back him on Patreon and you'll get access to his updates, one of which just came out days ago and lays out all the things he's been working on lately and why he's been so busy in real life as of late. The bats are among them.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Yeah isnt a lot of time spent mostly coding it in after submission, considering how it seems recently every writer is trying to up each others wordcount Im not surprised if it takes a while for it to get in.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
You can check it out right now if you want. Turn Seasonal Events to On from the menu and make sure that you've taken Cait to see Evergreen (if you've finished Cat Call you're already good there) and your Champ has lost their anal and/or vaginal virginity. I think you also need to have had sex with Cait at least once as well. Anyhow, do those things and then keep sleeping until the scene procs.

It probably is something that could work with an expansion, along the lines of 'Okay, I'm sure I've got the arcane ritual right this time, I swear!' xD

Back him on Patreon and you'll get access to his updates, one of which just came out days ago and lays out all the things he's been working on lately and why he's been so busy in real life as of late. The bats are among them.
I don’t know any of the CoC2 cheats


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Back him on Patreon and you'll get access to his updates, one of which just came out days ago and lays out all the things he's been working on lately and why he's been so busy in real life as of late. The bats are among them.
Yeah, why would I pay him to have access to something he got commissioned for? Seems weird to bring it up. Were you payed by him to promote his patreon?
Heh, besides, it is getting in the game sooner or later so I am good.
Bubbs delivered. Bats are ready to code.
Alas , bats come to pass!
Good to hear.