What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
I just regret not getting an opportunity to ask him how many mercs he got to murderate before his family got an opportunity to (politely) mind-rape them, either to condemn him and moralize or to compare our K/D ratio, depending on the Champ in question. Or an oppotunity to let him know in no uncertain terms that if he ever thinks about going after the Champ again, our party will get some nice black fur scarfs for the winter.

While on the subject of black fur boyos, is there any further content planned for Hinata, the non-fuckboy black fox?
The K/D ratio would be quite skewed to his side, unless we count all the Imps and hopeless demons the champ may have killed.

EDIT - Content to add: The hobgoblin encounter in the undermountain apparently has 4 males and 4 females, how about scenes for banging the females?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2021
More drider content - I just really like spider stuff. The undermountain seems the perfect place for an encounter with a friendly spider with a penchant for web-related kinks!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Getting some advanced versions of items that apply elemental damage to weapons (with better scaling, an ability to use them out of combat to get a timed buff, or both) would be nice. Similarly, we are currently missing items that apply Storm and Holy damage. With the latter I'd personally get quite a giggle out of having its descriptions and name changed for silly mode, from some kind of holy water or incense type deal to "essential oils".
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Getting some advanced versions of items that apply elemental damage to weapons
Yeah we've been talking internally about rebalancing combat consumables. Turning Napatha et. al. into Boons that last however long has been floated as one solution.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
That would probably work better, as of right now they drop out of usability even at the current cap of 6, there just free electrum(and even then it isnt that much because 2x money drop ring) made my backpack much cleaner once I realized it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Even if the combat benefits aren't huge at the current cap for the turn you have to spend setting them up (unless it's a situation where you can target a specific weakness) some of the items still have uses that make them worth bringing along. Naptha and Wyvern Venom are both useful for bypassing a fight in Getting Into The Closet and Oliban Oil and Leananstones are both useful at different parts of the Abyssal Depths dungeon.

But if the system gets tweaked to allow items to last outside of a single fight (without breaking the balancing act that is the combat system) then that'll be a nice added bonus and additional reason to bring those consumables in the future.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Hey, if it gets me more options during combat I'm down. Making the items more viable would be useful, especially since those can't be interrupted like stances can while still needing a turn.

If enchantment ain't on the table, I'd love to at least have Viviane lock the spiral sword into an element and not switch daily. Even if it ends up permanent or requires a significant amount of money and/or resources to change it's element afterwards or start the cycle back up. It's easily my favorite weapon but I don't like the uncontrollable switching since it could either give me an element that's great for the situation, terrible for it, or kinda meh. I'd rather throw money at the local eccentric witch to solve my problems.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Nepotism apparently, based on the scene where he tries to get past the gate guards and it ends with him saying that his father is going to hear about this after the captain has enough of his shit and punches him out.
He also thinks he's entitled to everything. Man I'd love to say out loud in a bar and on the streets way a little bitch ass cowered he is, and beat him to to prove a point hell especially lose to a human or Catfolk warrior Elven to, any of those three smaller races.


New Member
Sep 8, 2021
More gender swaps for your followers and/or spouses
Corruption for companions and spouses to make them your personal sex slaves
Species transformations for you guessed it companions and spouses
Slave system other than the catgirl Harem
Corrupt morals stuff like incest and stuff i really cant think anything else in corrupt morals that either isn't already included in the game or already on my list
A mansion for your companions and spouses that has less limited storage and a laboratory to do the body changing and corruption stuff I've already mentioned i want
Your followers worshipping you as a god mainly for the religous ones like Cait
....... Mod Support...... so we can add stuff we want that you don't wanna add yourself

I know most this is dark but it is called corruption of champions and not minorly tarnishing of champions.... sorry that sounds ruder than i mean it but it's also pretty clever so I'm leaving it in

Edit(this has been mentioned by other people but...): I almost forgot more followers/spouses of different species like dragons and harpies and lamias and the this list can go on forever also could we get some legendary creatures that we can fuck like phoenixes and hydras and shit


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
As a preface, I'm not trying to scare you off or anything and by all means keep sharing whatever you want added, but I am gonna point out why some of your wishes just aren't gonna happen for reasons we've been told about previously.
More gender swaps for your followers and/or spouses
Uhhhh, don't hold your breath waiting on that one. It's waaaaay more work than you probably think it is since all of that content has to be written by hand and characters pretty much have to be designed around it, as was the case with Brint/Brienne. See this post by Alypia for an idea what's involved.
Species transformations for you guessed it companions and spouses
See above, plus this post from Tobs. Ain't happening, except for very limited changes that are planned in advance and which the writers can account for, like LeoCait.
Corrupt morals stuff like incest and stuff
Guess what's hard-banned due to both a lack of desire from the writers and Patreon coming down on it like a ton of bricks?
A mansion for your companions and spouses that has less limited storage
Well you're in luck there because the Wayfort will (once it's cleaned up and not a crumbling shithole) be able to serve as your Champion's personal seat. That said it's unlikely that everyone is going to up and move there, certainly not characters who have reason to be anywhere else, like post-WC Ryn or Atani who have their own responsibilities to see to.

We have however been told that the Wayfort won't have extra storage; it'll be shared with the Frost Hound one and we'll be able to get more expansions as the game progresses.
....... Mod Support...... so we can add stuff we want that you don't wanna add yourself
The devs loathe mods because of the absolute clusterfuck that was/is the CoC1 modding scene.
Edit(this has been mentioned by other people but...): I almost forgot more followers/spouses of different species
The list of companions is set in stone due to the restrictions placed on who's allowed to write them. The known two remaining to be implemented are indeed different species (Einin is a mousegirl, Agnimitra is a phoenix) but B just recently indicated that the door is rapidly closing so once that deadline is passed there won't be any more companions written.

There's much more flexibility with future potential marriage partners and Savin's just mentioned that the frostmander princess (who hasn't appeared yet and won't until they're able to write all that Tychris content) is one of them. So there's going to be more variety there than what's currently in-game. Based on some conversations with Imora I wouldn't be too surprised if we can end up 'married' to Seastone (a siorcanna) as one of her betas or as her alpha depending on how the challenge plays out., but that's just my speculation
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Livernus content. Sex scenes, dates on the underground lake, quests, marrying Livernus, Livernus becoming a companion, I'm here for all of it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Livernus content. Sex scenes, dates on the underground lake, quests, marrying Livernus, Livernus becoming a companion, I'm here for all of it.
I see your Champ shares tastes with my female Thief. The most recent patch was very welcome but she has not yet begun to exhaust her desire for more minotaur loving.
Only alternative I'm banking on. Once that cave is (hopefully) open, I'll go through it like a steamroller attached in front of a runaway train.
My Charmer would be right there with you, meanwhile my catboi is already everyone's turbosub bottom so if there is an option to end up beta-buddies with Imora I'd probably throw the fight to ensure that outcome. Though given that he's set up as a glass cannon I imagine it would probably end up that way the first time I tried the challenge anyways. xD
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
To once respond to that guy earlier, mods make everything fucking annoying, like holy fucking shit the amount of times people try to reference stuff from the first here to only bring up modded content drives me to fucking drink.

Though honestly, if theres anything I want added its scenes with companions that involve the whole prehensile tail thing kitsune have(tail BDSM and the stort) the scenes involving them now are still some of the ones I favour.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
I see your Champ shares tastes with my female Thief. The most recent patch was very welcome but she has not yet begun to exhaust her desire for more minotaur loving.
Minotaurs are fine, sure, but I specifically want Livernus. That boatman is the sexiest man in Savarra.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Slave system other than the catgirl Harem
Right now, you don't really treat the Cat Harem gals as slaves but rather as concubines: you don't restrict their freedoms, you don't try to push them into any activity they are opposed to (sexual or otherwise), you don't do much of anything with them except hanging out from time to time, satisfying yours and theirs sizable libidos in the process. If and when their interactions tied to Dark Knight personality or high corruption will be written, we may see this changed.

Indeed the high corruption paths and options are where most of sexual slavery content will most likely end up, so when we will be getting more of the former, more of the latter should follow. Or we can really pal it up with the orcs without telling them to stop all their enslavement and rape, simply asking them to share their spoils.

Your followers worshipping you as a god mainly for the religous ones like Cait
Not very likely to happen, since the Champ will never be quite as poweful. Plus it is kinda hard to seriously put on a pedestal and deify an absolute goober the Champ often shows himself being to his party members; for them to do it for someone they fucked into stupor on quite a few occassions. Some scenes dedicated to sexy roleplay of that nature are likely to happen, though, and I really like the dialogue blurbs along those lines that Cait already has throughout many of her sex scenes.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
I just hope that Nareva-bound Champ will get a tail fit for some serious fugging out of their deal, even if he won't be able to become half-snek.


New Member
Sep 8, 2021
If there could be more sub facesitting scenes either as a context choice or by losing fights (by both major and minor minions) that would be awesome! Or even some Dom stuff for the pc would be a nice addition


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
The princess Phyria summon at the wayfort. I know that there's already a gdoc flying around somewhere...
I don't recall a doc offhand but I do know the whole plan for the summoning circle is to allow that sort of thing so getting to do non-sleep content with the 'manders is probably somewhere in the writing or coding queue.
Romancing Nareva.
Well, she does have nude art hidden in the game's files so...


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
I don't recall a doc offhand but I do know the whole plan for the summoning circle is to allow that sort of thing so getting to do non-sleep content with the 'manders is probably somewhere in the writing or coding queue.
Yup, found the document, it was in my browser favorites. It seems to be a public document, just don't know if I'm allowed to post the link to someone else's work here.

EDIT: It's by Kizrah
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