--- Mirrin - she chokes you with her dick until you pass out and she proceeds to fuck your unconscious body
Jwins encounter with v3 for Mirrins first time sex scene could be something. If I remember correctly when I first encountered it I got v3 and it put me off and I was confused at it, so I went and checked the GitHub and found this:
//(This scene has different content based on the following PC requirements)
//V1: [Any pc] = Hoisted Painal (default result)
//V2: [pc has vagina, H or F, Kind, PC tone >70 and Physique >25, overrides V1] = Tender Struggle
if(pc.hasVagina() && pc.tone > 70 && pc.physique() >= 25) addButton(0,"Next",firstTimeMirrinSexActual,2);
//V3: [pc has dick 18< inches, H, M or T, Hard, PC tone >70 and Physique >25, overrides V1 and V2] = Dom Ride/SNU SNU
if(pc.hasCock() && mirrinSelectADick() >= 0 && pc.tone > 70 && pc.physique() >= 25) addButton(0,"Next",firstTimeMirrinSexActual,3);
If I am looking at this correctly v3 if very easy to get as it should not only overrides both v1 and v2 but if I am remembering right from my little bit of testing a few months ago you only need to hit one of the checks other then the "if(pc.hasCock()" to get it. As I tested with my character at the time and got the scene even if I lowered my tone and only got v2 when I lowered both my tone and Physique to below the check as changing my personality score did nothing as you can see from the code, and now that I'm looking at it is there even a way to get v1 as the code for v1 is light grey the same as the Author commentary and notes and has no code to get to the scene and call for arg 1.
these are both pieces of news to me, jeebus