What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I’d say the lack of best fetish incest = wincest.

Do you not browse the home page? Paetron, or rather the financial interests are cracking down on that sort of thing. Currently it's Parent/Child, but brother/sister and blood relations might get burned as well.

@MistyBirb you did state earlier that @Franks was a shitposter...


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
... I reckon a lot of stuff is going to go into your Steele against your wishes. Like cocks and eggs, probably both.

My own view was this was all part of the experience but maybe that's because my characters kinda like it... In fact, I often play and don't allocate all the stats or use the best equipment so that I can "lose" without waiting or fantasizing and sometimes I still have to. Gets me thinking about a hard mode toggle to go alongside that easy mode toggle.

Hard mode ideas:
  • Could be several levels of hard mode and/or maybe several independent hard mode toggles
  • The usual enemy health/damage up player health/damage down
  • Perks and specials less effective/stats down/less points
  • New enemy moves/mechanics
  • Some of the cheap feeling mechanics moved to hard mode
  • Faster bad ends (takes a lot of hypnosis sessions to bad end on venus pitchers)
  • More likely forced eggnancy or less likely eggnancy in normal/easy

I was playing the CoC Xianxia mod a few days ago but finally got sick of it and went back to the better balanced revamp mod because of severe balancing issues. It's got some neat ideas and novel mechanics buried under the awful english (I can forgive because they're not native speakers, right?) and rough edges but after the first few areas it's like jumping off the deep end and I'm not even playing the hard mode.

I bring it up because it reminds me of when quadommes were first introduced and on my current character could only get past without mind/body altering egg injections by filling up with egg trainer eggs (or other stuff).

So, one of the things I find exciting about the game is that actions have (sometimes serious) consequences. It makes it feel sort of visceral and a bit challenging, I guess. I think it can be improved for those who aren't gluttons for punishment without watering down that experience and hope it will be.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Which has now ALSO been removed.

Now you just have to take or get kicked off the planet when you're 18.

wait, when did that happen? I'm pretty sure I've just read Zephyr wanted to make the treatment optional and I'm using the last public version.

Somebody Else

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2018
Oh man I though the treatment was mandatory for all NT citizens. Well, now NT is a bit less creepy. Still find it creepy as hell though.

Think it's meant to be that way. It's been ages since I've read the book, but IIRC it's sort of an echo of Brave New World, though with the sex empathized through the roof since this is a smut game.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
the fact patreon isnt in the game as an enemy you can fight
name the enemy something like "Patrian" he has one big dick he fucks you in the ass with if you lose, but if you win you can banish him to the shadow realms. she drops an item called "Tsecin" which is a special injection that gives you +5 intelligence for having the creative ability to add more "versatile" content


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2016
If someone else figured how to beat the naleen herm at levels 2-3 with only the equipment available on Tavros, Mhenga and New Texas without cheating or over leveling yourself please feel free to share and make me feel like a complete idiot.

Its simple really switch between attack and shoot, she will always counter the last type of attack you use. Once she uses her healing ability spam tease attacks until you win or just use tease attacks from the start. The naleen herm is not hard or overpowered, it simply requires an specific strategy to win. I started a new game to test it since I never fought against the herm using a brand new character, using a merc with starting gear except for the decent shield generator I did not encounter her until level 3 and I beat her on my second try once I figure out the strategy you need to use. The herm is the biggest challenge a new player will encounter at this point in the game but it should not take long for them to figure out how to beat her.

This is legitimately one of the reasons I don't think there's anything wrong with Quadommes in their current state. Mhen'ga has always had a problem with mobs way too tough for noobie characters, and with the addition of the herm it's now even worse. You have to follow a pretty Guide Dang It procedure with a new char to avoid getting anally raped very quickly. By the time you get to Myrellion you should have access to a relatively wide range of specials and weaponry which should theoretically allow you to beat anything, if you go into each encounter adequately prepared. You simply don't have that range on Mhen'ga.

I'd be happy to lobby for extra squares to allow you to avoid them. I ain't doing shit until something's done about the futa naleen, though. I don't see why I should be responsible for gutting my own encounters when other incredibly unforgiving hostiles are being blithely added all the time.

I think it is unfair to compare the difficulty of the naleen herm to the Quadommes. The herm can be defeated by new players as I explained before. The Quadommes are a completly different story for the following reasons:
  1. New players who have not grinded as they play through the game will reach the deep caves at level 7, Quadommes are level 9. This will most likely force them to grind against the no man lands mobs who give practicaly no exp after reaching level 7.
  2. Quadommes are unavoidable, you have to get through them to progress the story since their encounter are based on the tiles they occupy and not RNG. They also prevent you from exploring the rest of the deep caves.
  3. Quadommes are immune to melee attacks so players who made a melee focused character can do little to no damage.
  4. Quadommes will also became immune to ranged attacks after a single hit for several turns
  5. The initial stat check for the automatic grab is based on strength and RNG so players who invested in strength should have and advantage but this is nullified by their melee attacks immunity.
  6. If a player does not have high strength (reflexes for smugglers) they will constantly be rendered helpless by their web.
  7. Even at max level with optimised gear and max stats Quadommes are a challenging fight if you want to defeat them by damage.
  8. This means that tease based attacks are the only reliable way to beat them.
  9. However this is still extremely difficult to do if you do not have max tease level, high sexiness clothing or/and perks that boost tease damage gained from item usege.
  10. The Quadommes are by far the most difficult encounter in Myrellion, they make the Queen of the Deep and Taivra a joke by comparison.
Therefore the Quadommes are a difficult encounter for a damage based fight even for maxed out characters, a trivial one for a max level max stats high sexiness character that spams tease attacks but they will always destroy new players.

The gear available in Myrellion is not strong enough to defeat the Quadommes. The gear needed to beat them is found soon as Uveto and still requieres a massive amount of credits investment to obtain, this includes the high sexiness clothing. Also players wont have enough stat points by this point in the game unless they grind the New Texas gym.

In conclusion most new players get stuck at this point. The Quadommes force new players to go through Uveto (assuming they about it since it is optional), get high level gear way above what Myrellion requires (which unless you know how to cheese credits is a pain to do), level up to level 9 against the Uveto mobs (which are way easier) and grind the gym to make sure you have high strength (if they did invest points in this stat as they progress). By the time they beat the Quadommes the rest of Myrellion is ridiculously easy. The only level 7 type of character that may even stand a chance is a max strength who can keep from getting immobilised long enough to tease them until they win (assuming that tease attacks do enough damage which is doubtful unless they have transformative based perks that boost tease attacks, max tease skill and optimised sexiness).

As they are at the moment the Quadommes are an encouter more fit for Zheng Shi than Myrellion. If I may suggest a solution the encounter could be restricted for level 9+ or they could be moved to a separate location of the Deep Caves like the Wextrall brawler, allowing players to avoid them until they are ready later in the game.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Not so much a gripe of the game, but...

...The fact that patreon is a raging dumpster fire with all it's obtrusiveness. And the fact that you seem dead set on removing content and staying put instead of hauling ass over to a new platform???

And LOOK, I know that's easier said than done. I know it's hard to move everyone over to a new platform and say "HEY UH, BACKERS, DO THE BACKING THING OVER HERE INSTEAD AND CANCEL YOUR SHIT ON PATREON". But I REALLY worry about patreon getting its fingers even deeper up your metaphorical cunts and just scrapping TiTS altogether, because soon you'll have to completely remove all lose scene content because of the rape content (yes, it's rape, don't try to deny it, even if you end up liking it you're still getting raped, I don't have a problem with that but I DO have a problem with people being like "WELLLLLLLLLLLL IT'S NOT RAPE PER SAY" when you don't get a choice to avoid it once you have the misfortune of losing).

Just... Just please start looking for and moving to another platform for backers and the like? Please?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Not so much a gripe of the game, but...

...The fact that patreon is a raging dumpster fire with all it's obtrusiveness. And the fact that you seem dead set on removing content and staying put instead of hauling ass over to a new platform???

And LOOK, I know that's easier said than done. I know it's hard to move everyone over to a new platform and say "HEY UH, BACKERS, DO THE BACKING THING OVER HERE INSTEAD AND CANCEL YOUR SHIT ON PATREON". But I REALLY worry about patreon getting its fingers even deeper up your metaphorical cunts and just scrapping TiTS altogether, because soon you'll have to completely remove all lose scene content because of the rape content (yes, it's rape, don't try to deny it, even if you end up liking it you're still getting raped, I don't have a problem with that but I DO have a problem with people being like "WELLLLLLLLLLLL IT'S NOT RAPE PER SAY" when you don't get a choice to avoid it once you have the misfortune of losing).

Just... Just please start looking for and moving to another platform for backers and the like? Please?
For the last time, Patreon isn't the problem, it's the banks that hold your money who don't want you spending it on shit you like.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
People alwase forget something about patron its actually not their fault. to be quite honest they don't give a shit about porn games it makes them money and their the leaders of that market because their really the major only one, thus they have completely control. the problems comes into the fact that adult games aren't liked in western cultures by other game developers, investors and the banks because we see them as disgraceful and to skertish of the law, were not japan adult games are not liked here at all. it wasn't until recently that this form has actually gained apreashon and when i mean recently i mean less then ten years and barely. this industry is still struggling because we really don't have a place to go yet. we have no where, their is no market, and their are no sites or areas developed specifically for selling and developing our games that isn't made using a forum of some such created by its developer. we can't even sell fiscal copies to adult stores. in otherwors we only have patron and thats because Kickstarter and steam is a no, while we have no spacial sites like pornhub (porn), brazzers (porn), r18 (jay porn), nutaku (hentai games), hentaimama (hentai) dlsite (hentai and games) etc and thats just basic examples. we don't have a market, we have never had a market and thus were still just a clich. a risky one at that. if you want to fix the problem their needs to be a site to sell or advertise games that are developed or in development. the closes thing i have found is F95zone and their a modding community they don't sell games, they technically steal them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
For the last time, Patreon isn't the problem, it's the banks that hold your money who don't want you spending it on shit you like.
This. And tbh. Even if Fen was to move to a new platform if any, who's to say Paypal, the ones who should be getting the blame for this situation, won't have THAT place wrapped around their finger as well? It'd be only a matter of time considering how big and widely used it is.
Then we'll be back to square one, yet I feel folks will be asking the same thing (Move to another platform) again and not get the memo. I've seen this happen before on another funding site that used to allow NSFW art (Can't remember the name), and yet despite their change in policy mentioning Paypal, which should've been enough of a red flag, folks blamed the funding site entirely instead. >.>

Guys. The problem is Paypal, it's ALWAYS been Paypal. It's why NSFW creators are jumping through hoops as is to take money for that sorta content by using invoices and all that when directly using it so that they aren't fucked over. Patreon doesn't exactly give you that option, so folks are forced to be even more careful so they don't lose their livelyhood.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Oh man I though the treatment was mandatory for all NT citizens. Well, now NT is a bit less creepy. Still find it creepy as hell though.

It's mandatory if you want to keep living there past 18. Like the Amish. Only instead of forgoing much of modern technology, they became hyper sexual with some personality modification.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
yay thats also the reason for why the treatment is so highly suggested for the player to take as well. its not just so as to be similar to them but because its a cultural thing as a whole


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Its simple really switch between attack and shoot, she will always counter the last type of attack you use. Once she uses her healing ability spam tease attacks until you win or just use tease attacks from the start. The naleen herm is not hard or overpowered, it simply requires an specific strategy to win. I started a new game to test it since I never fought against the herm using a brand new character, using a merc with starting gear except for the decent shield generator I did not encounter her until level 3 and I beat her on my second try once I figure out the strategy you need to use. The herm is the biggest challenge a new player will encounter at this point in the game but it should not take long for them to figure out how to beat her.

This is why I like this place.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
As I person who thought they could write content but managed to fail in such an epic fashion. I have very few gripes for this game which tries to cater to everyone's fetish. Being the starter of unfinished content, it saddens me that their are still bits and pieces that are still waiting to be finished. Aliss, The Tove Ambassador on Uveto, Shade, The purpose to the story for the Webrexxal. Also while we see Anno at Ten-Ton from time to time, why couldn't we take Reaha with us to Ten-Ton if we told her we like the old her and then went on to cure her as well as some scenes where Reaha tries to help 'rehabilitate' Mitsi, if you take the gabilani on board (Basically can we get some more crew interactions). Lastly, this is more for the artists, when can we expect more detailed bust for more of the residents on Esbeth and the sex-bots?

P.S. I'm more than willing to give anyone who wants to finish the Stormguard fortress all the material I have for it.
Nov 21, 2018
I think Paige's eyes cost way too much. 500k isn't feasible before Zeng Shi without extensive grinding, and honestly it's kind of an absurd price tag. Cutting it to 50 or 100k would make it both more real feeling and more obtainable.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
I think Paige's eyes cost way too much. 500k isn't feasible before Zeng Shi without extensive grinding, and honestly it's kind of an absurd price tag. Cutting it to 50 or 100k would make it both more real feeling and more obtainable.
solution: dont be poor


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I think Paige's eyes cost way too much. 500k isn't feasible before Zeng Shi without extensive grinding, and honestly it's kind of an absurd price tag. Cutting it to 50 or 100k would make it both more real feeling and more obtainable.
Paige is meant to be an endgame recruit; her pricetag not being "feasible before Zheng Shi" is a feature, not a bug.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
solution: dont be poor

Or just beat up Lash.

I feel the cost is justified. You're not just paying for cloning the eyes, but also the surgery and after patient care. If you still think that's too expensive, try paying a medical bill without any form of health care.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Or just beat up Lash.

I feel the cost is justified. You're not just paying for cloning the eyes, but also the surgery and after patient care. If you still think that's too expensive, try paying a medical bill without any form of health care.

Thank the stars I live in a country with free universal healthcare.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Or just beat up Lash.

I feel the cost is justified. You're not just paying for cloning the eyes, but also the surgery and after patient care. If you still think that's too expensive, try paying a medical bill without any form of health care.
While I know what you mean, in TiTS it really shouldn't be that much effort. We can regrow a whole new arm with no complications of blood vessels or nerve endings for like, 50 times less I think. Two eyes do not equal 50 arms.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
The problems are:
1. The arms are to a reduced price. War and all.
2. Eyes are very fine organs, unlike limbs. Easy to damage and hard to heal.
3. The operation of the eyes is near the brain, figures a influx in risk and cost.
4. Only the standart variation, Cyborgeyes, would be covered by medical bills. What we do here is far from everyday.

It is still overprice, but I remind you that TiTsverse universal Credit is backed by mead.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
While I know what you mean, in TiTS it really shouldn't be that much effort. We can regrow a whole new arm with no complications of blood vessels or nerve endings for like, 50 times less I think. Two eyes do not equal 50 arms.

Yeah but they also mention the arms are dirt cheap because the U.G.C. is financing most of the relief effort.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
The problems are:
1. The arms are to a reduced price. War and all.
2. Eyes are very fine organs, unlike limbs. Easy to damage and hard to heal.
3. The operation of the eyes is near the brain, figures a influx in risk and cost.
4. Only the standart variation, Cyborgeyes, would be covered by medical bills. What we do here is far from everyday.
Yeah but they also mention the arms are dirt cheap because the U.G.C. is financing most of the relief effort.
I did entirely forget that it was cheaper because of wartime. Which doesn't make sense since they're separated from the war and none of the materials are harder to get because of the war...

But still, an eye operation with the kind of tech they're using shouldn't cost that much at all. I do recall some mention of the worth of a credit fluctuating heavily, but I figured the more coreward you were the less intense it would be.
It is still overprice, but I remind you that TiTsverse universal Credit is backed by mead.
Wait, really? I mean, I guess that kinda makes sense, but still...