What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Tbh I don't really care how bad Riya is, if you didn't know some ausar in game are actually racist towards muzzled and full fur ausar as Emmy says it, then there are the Myr who are at war with each different sub race of it and the only orange myr that was first born was sent away to be away from the war.

Personally I see it as all sides have some form of racism, Riya is just vocal about her racism and I don't really give much of a shit about what she hates, because at the end of it all she's meant to get a rise out of people because of her racism.

But if you want to change that I'll just tell you guys who hate what Riya does the same thing that alot of other people might say. You want it to change then write it yourself and submit it if it's good enough or if they care enough they might code it.

- "Other people do it too" is not a valid justification of someone being an asshole just for the sake of it, especially when it comes to behaviors that cause serious trouble in the real world.

- Mission accomplished I guess but it doesn't reflect well on the decision-making that allowed her to be put in.

- The chance to have Riya modified into at least having proper comeuppance is zero if Franks doesn't allow it and it doesn't look that way.

I'm not advocating for being able to kill Riya off or anything similarly extreme, but unless the implication is that the entire police force from top to bottom condones this kind of behavior without a second thought, there should be an option to at least get her put into a position where she doesn't cause harm (like archives), fired altogether OR moved somewhere where people are not fond at all of humans so she gets a taste of her own medicine, if her employer values her job skills that much.

It's well established in the community that she rubs a lot of people the wrong way for very valid reasons and just telling those people to "deal with it" is quite callous. Yes, the setting isn't all sunshine and roses and yes this is fiction, but there's a limit to anything. If the goal was to have a serious ingame conversation about racism and power structures, this is not the way to do it.
Nor do I think this is the kind of game to handle such a topic in the first place.
And it definitely shouldn't be done with the very first representative of the law you meet in the game, considering it takes quite a while until you meet actual protectors of the public like Sylvie.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
You know I'm gonna be called one of those selfish guys who don't care but. It's a character in a game, I'd give examples of other characters people have problems with but I think that if I said that peo3ple hate badger then it would be used as an excuse and not be good enough.

But people it's a character, in a porn game, not every character is gonna be the best and some are gonna be there for you to just down right hate hell some of the enemies people fight in game people love to death like Pirates on the Stellar tether quest alot of people love them even though if you lose to them you will be enslaved to them in a bad end.

Sure Riya is an asshole, a racist, and a badass marine along with moonlighting as a cop. But she's also one of those characters meant for people who play as aliens to hate when you approach her for the first time, not everyone in galaxy is there for you to bend over to fuck in both a literal way and a figurive way too.

What I'm trying to say is, she's meant to be a dick character and meant to be someone you hate and always meant to get a rise out of people who play aliens, she's meant to be a heel if you understand me. If you can't see it past that then well I dunno what to tell you go message their creator that they made a terrible character.


Aug 27, 2015
It's a very minor location. Granted, what's there is quite good, but I think it's a bit of a sucker punch for female types.

Females can access it, though? Admittedly they can get anywhere near as much by 'donating', but that wasn't by design.

All the lesbian scenes are written through this weirdly masculine viewpoint, as if lesbians are somehow deprived in their sex lives for not being men. It's really weird and offputting.

It's almost as if the only lesbian writer TiTS has ever gotten has in her own words deep emotional difficulties committing anything to paper.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
You know I'm gonna be called one of those selfish guys who don't care but. It's a character in a game, I'd give examples of other characters people have problems with but I think that if I said that people hate badger then it would be used as an excuse and not be good enough.

But people it's a character, in a porn game, not every character is gonna be the best and some are gonna be there for you to just down right hate hell some of the enemies people fight in game people love to death like Pirates on the Stellar tether quest alot of people love them even though if you lose to them you will be enslaved to them in a bad end.

Sure Riya is an asshole, a racist, and a badass marine along with moonlighting as a cop. But she's also one of those characters meant for people who play as aliens to hate when you approach her for the first time, not everyone in galaxy is there for you to bend over to fuck in both a literal way and a figurive way too.

What I'm trying to say is, she's meant to be a dick character and meant to be someone you hate and always meant to get a rise out of people who play aliens, she's meant to be a heel if you understand me. If you can't see it past that then well I dunno what to tell you go message their creator that they made a terrible character.

I would say this is not about having an adversary to the PC, nor does "bending over" really have to do with it. Narratively, contextually, she actively harasses and mentally abuses dozens upon dozens of people daily, and is a serious danger to the stability of the station and relations between humans and other species.

If a police officer was recorded treating people like this, there would be viral shaming and condemnation. If the force failed to take action, there would be even more outrage, and discussions of corruption.
Considering the context of this being a human (from Earth), thousands of years into the future, completely disconnected from Ausar and Myr (a freaking late industrial era civilization), in a society where humans and ausar are some of the strongest allies in the galaxy, a high ranking officer actively emotionally abusing young adults and potentially kids would cause huge diplomatic anger.

This isn't a rivalry situation, or simply an NPC who dislikes the main character, the game almost directly antagonizes and mocks you in its writing for trying to stop a shockingly corrupt and vile officer. Pedantic, but I would also contest the idea of the "badass marine". No combat aptitude would justify sexual and racial harassment, and there hardly seems to be anything special about her that would give her special privileges at risk of ruining lives and a huge storm of outrage surrounding the military and police force. She also did very little individually to justify her posting, and the apologies and excuses other people give for blatant racism leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

If what you argue is true, the idea of creating a character deliberately meant to upset the player and insult their intelligence is a very bizarre to me. That seems to be completely opposed to the design of the game, such a decision would create lots of criticism for any mainstream game if it did something similar.

Brown futa bad!

I don't understand this? Why is it okay for someone to harass the mother of her children and teach her kids to actively discriminate?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I would say this is not about having an adversary to the PC, nor does "bending over" really have to do with it. Narratively, contextually, she actively harasses and mentally abuses dozens upon dozens of people daily, and is a serious danger to the stability of the station and relations between humans and other species.

If a police officer was recorded treating people like this, there would be viral shaming and condemnation. If the force failed to take action, there would be even more outrage, and discussions of corruption.
Considering the context of this being a human (from Earth), thousands of years into the future, completely disconnected from Ausar and Myr (a freaking late industrial era civlization), in a society were Humans and Ausar are some of the strongest allies in the galaxy, a high ranking officer actively emotionally abusing young adults and potentially kids would cause huge diplomatic anger.

This isn't a rivalry situation, or simply an NPC who dislikes the main character, the game almost directly antagonizes and mocks you in its writing for trying to stop a shockingly corrupt and vile officer. Pedantic, but I would also contest the idea of the "badass marine". No combat aptitude would justify sexual and racial harassment, and there hardly seems to be anything special about her that would give her special privileges at risk of ruining lives and a huge storm of outrage surrounding the military and police force. She also did very little individually to justify her posting, and the apologies and excuses other people give for blatant racism leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

If what you argue is true, the idea of creating a character deliberately meant to upset the player and insult their intelligence is a very bizarre to me. That seems to be completely opposed to the design of the game, such a decision would create lots of criticism for any mainstream game if it did something similar.

I don't understand this? Why is it okay for someone to harass the mother of her children and teach her kids to actively discriminate?

Boi, they are a character in a game, there isn't much she's doing to people besides the main character, even when you move her to another spot the most she does is tell a group of loud ausars to pipe down and tells Grence that all Ausar should hang or something like it and that's after saving her.

Plus the thing that a Heel does is mostly there for people not to like them in any way.

Mostly in your post you act as if Riya is going around the entire station beating aliens and robbing them while calling them racial insults, dude she's stationed in one spot and doesn't move from it unless you give birth to her kids and even then she messes with you and even has a soft spot for virgins that fuck her for the first time.

But really tho you phrase it like she's going about the entire station insulting aliens, then beats them, Riya isn't a real cop she's a fictional character and on top of that she's an undercover agent working on an op that you have to do later. But Imma guess you gonna say doesn't explain why she gotta be a dick to aliens right?

All this comes down to what Null said already.

Brown Futa bad.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
Boi, they are a character in a game, there isn't much she's doing to people besides the main character, even when you move her to another spot the most she does is tell a group of loud ausars to pipe down and tells Grence that all Ausar should hang or something like it and that's after saving her.

Plus the thing that a Heel does is mostly there for people not to like them in any way.

Mostly in your post you act as if Riya is going around the entire station beating aliens and robbing them while calling them racial insults, dude she's stationed in one spot and doesn't move from it unless you give birth to her kids and even then she messes with you and even has a soft spot for virgins that fuck her for the first time.

But really tho you phrase it like she's going about the entire station insulting aliens, then beats them, Riya isn't a real cop she's a fictional character and on top of that she's an undercover agent working on an op that you have to do later. But Imma guess you gonna say doesn't explain why she gotta be a dick to aliens right?

All this comes down to what Null said already.

Brown Futa bad.

What this comes down to is you are looking at it from a purely mechanical standpoint, where I am analyzing the narrative implications and how this character exists in the world. I don't look at stories as revolving around the player, I like to think about the world itself and the context that people live in. None of what you said really countered what I discussed, because we are looking at it from different perspectives.

We've had this discussion many times before. A major part of the purpose of Riya is to frustrate you and make you unhappy if you don't like her. That's the point. When arguments like this are had, or if you let the frustration eat at you, you validate that purpose. If I had my way, she would not be in the game. But I don't have my way, so she stays.

You've aired your discontent, and I agree with you. Now that you've done that, the only thing you can do is let the matter rest. The only person with the power to do anything more about it isn't willing to. If the fact that Fen's okay with her is a dealbreaker for you, then so it goes.

I can understand this, thank you. I mostly just like responding to people that talk to me, I don't want to cause a ruckus, I just like discussing and analyzing things.
I suppose I don't understand why a character would be deliberately designed to make people unhappy, especially in a game like this, it feels completely opposed to the design goals and the reason people are passionate about the game in the first place.
I don't have much else to say that I haven't already said.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I suppose I don't understand why a character would be deliberately designed to make people unhappy, especially in a game like this
I reckon it all goes down to "because the writer wants to and Fen allows it". And that applies to everything from gated contents to public service announcements coming out of nowhere.

Somebody Else

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2018
I think my biggest criticism is how heavily pregnancy is pushed. Picked the can't get pregnant option at character creation? You still get pregnant. Will is too low? You're pregnant. Lose a fight? Pregnant. Win a fight? Pregnant. Take a strange egg on your spaceship? Pregnant. Why can't choosing the infertility option at character creation actually remove all pregnancies?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think my biggest criticism is how heavily pregnancy is pushed. Picked the can't get pregnant option at character creation? You still get pregnant. Will is too low? You're pregnant. Lose a fight? Pregnant. Win a fight? Pregnant. Take a strange egg on your spaceship? Pregnant. Why can't choosing the infertility option at character creation actually remove all pregnancies?
Eggnant is different from pregnant. I'm imagining you're playing with bug people. If so, it doesn't matter how barren you are, those eggs are going in if you let them in. The perk is only going to prevent semen based pregnancies and that's the intention.


Nov 11, 2018
I think my biggest criticism is how heavily pregnancy is pushed. Picked the can't get pregnant option at character creation? You still get pregnant. Will is too low? You're pregnant. Lose a fight? Pregnant. Win a fight? Pregnant. Take a strange egg on your spaceship? Pregnant. Why can't choosing the infertility option at character creation actually remove all pregnancies?

Your anus is now loose

Somebody Else

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2018
Eggnant is different from pregnant. I'm imagining you're playing with bug people. If so, it doesn't matter how barren you are, those eggs are going in if you let them in. The perk is only going to prevent semen based pregnancies and that's the intention.

It's not just bug people. It's lapinara, venus pitchers, and strange eggs as well. The elder venus pitcher in particular has no method of avoiding it if your will is too low, and can't be avoided if you want to explore the whole map. Also, I don't find that line of reasoning convincing. This is a futuristic sci-fi setting. Steele starts the game with one super high tech gene mod and the most advanced nanobots money can buy. It is extremely easy to justify being immune to even eggnancies from a fluff standpoint. From a gameplay/smut perspective, forcing something that's a turn-off for quite a number of people on them, even after they specifically chose to avoid it, hurts the game from both a fun perspective and for attracting new users.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Females can access it, though? Admittedly they can get anywhere near as much by 'donating', but that wasn't by design.

I was talking about taur PCs not getting into Breedwell. Granted there is that funny blurb you put in.

Female vs. male, there's a very different feeling I get when it comes to donating and incubating.

I think my biggest criticism is how heavily pregnancy is pushed. Picked the can't get pregnant option at character creation? You still get pregnant. Will is too low? You're pregnant. Lose a fight? Pregnant. Win a fight? Pregnant. Take a strange egg on your spaceship? Pregnant. Why can't choosing the infertility option at character creation actually remove all pregnancies?

Because some of the aliens in the universe don't procreate in a traditional way of a sperm fertilizing an egg.

Granted, not knowing about the strange egg can be a real surprise if you're not familiar with it... or have never see any Alien franchise movie.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This has came up more times that I can count. Yes, the location of said character is quite unfortunate, but the real problem is the author motivation, more than the content on itself. Maybe I'm much less sensitive than most to that (I tend to perceive 'diversity' and 'plurality' stuff IRL as extremely negative things) so take that into account, but R stuff stopped bothering me a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
This is very legitimate criticism and a longtime thorn in my side, tbh, but they're not going anywhere. A lot of Mhen'ga is rough around the edges like that, being from the game's earliest days before design intent was more focused and what the audience was and was not okay with was less understood, sadly.
The Venus pitchers didn't always have bad ends though. :|

I recall wanting to have a couple seedlings in the nursery before realizing that voluntarily/involuntarily succumbing to their hypnosis eventually puts the PC on an irreversible slide into said bad end. Well wither that or have parts of the Mhenga deep jungle cut off to the player forever. :mad:


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
Thank you for the detailed explanation Misty, that helped clarify a lot of things I was confused about.
I'm not entirely sure if it's a good idea for authors to hide themselves on a discord and not listen to the public, that seems like an unhealthy practice. Being open to reasonable criticism is incredibly important when you work in any public sphere. I suppose I'm not really just arguing from a moral standpoint, I also just don't think its very cohesive narratively or in regards to world building, Riya and Officer Greene (who I grew to dislike) open up a lot of plot holes.

I guess there is nothing else to say, thank you for indulging me everyone, I do hope authors don't ignore community feedback though, if that is somewhat true, that seems like it could be a huge negative for the games development.
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Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I guess there is nothing else to say, thank you for indulging me everyone, I do hope authors don't ignore community feedback though, if that is somewhat true, that seems like it could be a huge negative for the games development.
I have to say, a lot of the stuff in this thread and the 'confessions' thread has really opened my eyes to how people do and don't consume stuff and what they do and don't like. My next project (at least the one that involves fucking people) is in the early stages, but I'm already making plans to do more with it than I first planned to, mostly to accommodate people who don't play characters with dicks and otherwise get the f/f stuff done right. So, thanks to you and everyone else who put their two cents in on this. Hopefully I'll write something y'all can enjoy.

I'm also seeing every thing I've done wrong in every negative thing people post, but that's just my usual giant fucking stack of insecurities. :eek:


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
One of my gripes is there's no way to zoom into the busts. We've got great, high res art done by some amazing artists, and all we can see in game are the tiny little busts. Oftentimes they're even cluttered by other characters' art and sometimes the bust used in-game is clipped from a larger piece. It just seems a hell of a waste to not have a way to see the full art done by these folks within the client.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
One of my gripes is there's no way to zoom into the busts. We've got great, high res art done by some amazing artists, and all we can see in game are the tiny little busts. Oftentimes they're even cluttered by other characters' art and sometimes the bust used in-game is clipped from a larger piece. It just seems a hell of a waste to not have a way to see the full art done by these folks within the client.
You can look for the full-res busts on the github or within the artists art galleries themselves.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
How to deal with Riya:
Implement an option for us to just remove her from the game if she bothers us, like we can do with Dr Badger and other characters whose names are slipping me at the moment.

Everybody's happy!

Didn't mean to also add that fuel to the fire, every time Riya is brought up the forum implodes a little... But that should also say something right there.


Sep 20, 2015
I understand that a main selling point of Trials in Tainted Space is the transformations, but perhaps less hermaphrodites and more domineering female characters who don't have an unrealistically large penis or who are designed to be these large brutes. If every character must have underwent a transformation, just give them a tail and pointy ears or something. I'd like to see somebody as detailed and expansive as the dominant Sera but who has opted to keeping her sexual organs to just the vagina, or who is born into a species where its females aren't also born with a penis. There are some that do exist but from what I remember, encounters are brief or their dominance is really only shown as a bad end or defeat scene. It seems like a lot of people, generally speaking, are stuck in this mindset that you must have a penis in order to be sexually dominant. Why is there so much fellatio even when it comes to female NPCs?
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Mar 26, 2017
I understand that a main selling point of Trials in Tainted Space is the transformations, but perhaps less hermaphrodites and more domineering female characters who don't have an unrealistically large penis or who are designed to be these large brutes. If every character must have underwent a transformation, just give them a tail and pointy ears or something. I'd like to see somebody as detailed and expansive as the dominant Sera but who has opted to keeping her sexual organs to just the vagina, or who is born into a species where its females aren't also born with a penis. There are some that do exist but from what I remember, encounters are brief or their dominance is really only shown as a bad end or defeat scene. It seems like a lot of people, generally speaking, are stuck in this mindset that you must have a penis in order to be sexually dominant. Why is there so much fellatio even when it comes to female NPCs?




Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
I understand that a main selling point of Trials in Tainted Space is the transformations, but perhaps less hermaphrodites and more domineering female characters who don't have an unrealistically large penis or who are designed to be these large brutes. If every character must have underwent a transformation, just give them a tail and pointy ears or something. I'd like to see somebody as detailed and expansive as the dominant Sera but who has opted to keeping her sexual organs to just the vagina, or who is born into a species where its females aren't also born with a penis. There are some that do exist but from what I remember, encounters are brief or their dominance is really only shown as a bad end or defeat scene. It seems like a lot of people, generally speaking, are stuck in this mindset that you must have a penis in order to be sexually dominant. Why is there so much fellatio even when it comes to female NPCs?



Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
How to deal with Riya:
Implement an option for us to just remove her from the game if she bothers us, like we can do with Dr Badger and other characters whose names are slipping me at the moment.

Everybody's happy!

Didn't mean to also add that fuel to the fire, every time Riya is brought up the forum implodes a little... But that should also say something right there.

Isn't Riyaquest such a vehicle to get her off Tavros?


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Isn't Riyaquest such a vehicle to get her off Tavros?
I mean, ACTUALLY remove her. That just shuffles her over to Canadia, and then you can report her there... Only to get her back on Tavros.

Dr Badger gets reported, and boom she's gone from the game, no if-ands-or-buts.

It would be so easy to just put in an option to remove her from the game instead of purposely going out of their way to keep her in the game because MUH TROLL CHARACTERRRRRRRRRR
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