Most of the f/f in TiTS is pretty much just lip service (heh, puns). Also, though, yuri and lesbian interactions have this preconceived air of "cuteness and innocence" about them, and basically always have since they've become culturally acceptable as smut. For the male-dominated porn market, f/f is an alien thing viewed with fascination, and has wound up being really idealized and almost like... worshiped in unrealistic ways.
Every yuri anime ever, for example (and most yaoi ones tbh but that's more a Japanese cultural thing) is always extra-insufferably adorable, girly, innocent, s-so l-lewd etc etc. A
ton of actual porn that's f/f is not quite so moe, but is still shot in cute, tender ways or with that "pawing" feel you mentioned versus serious sexual attraction/indulgence. Rarely do you find f/f porn as sexually natural as m/f or even m/m because raw, animalistic sexuality, "The Hungah" as you call it, is seen as a masculine thing. F/f porn, by comparison, is often very slow and plodding, and is usually as much of a body show as it is actual sex, because it's mostly meant to be eye candy for a hetero male audience.
It's not really feminine (or at least not
acceptably feminine, which gets into the debates about "sluts" and whatnot) to be sexually voracious or push the pace, and therefore f/f, which is obviously the most feminine of porn, doesn't include those themes anywhere near as much as other pairings. There's also the fact that, y'know, most f/f actresses aren't actually gay to start with. Acting can only do so much, especially when it's
porn acting.

Amateur f/f couples that are actually gay produce far and away the best f/f porn. Like it's not even close.
Because the reality is that lesbian sex is just as dirty and gross as hetero sex. It's just as urgent, sordid, sometimes almost
panicked. What you have is two
people looking for release and intimacy with someone they're attracted to, period. Women will tear each others' clothes off just like a hetero couple, they'll dive into one another and squeeze and kiss and take in their partner's scent, whip them onto a bed, and just fucking destroy one another. That really is missing in a lot of f/f porn.
I don't really fault the industry for it, as they're playing to their demographics and I can still enjoy some tropey f/f stuff or a stupidly over-cute yuri show from time to time, but I do often find myself longing for that "genuine experience." Something immersive and relatable to what I've actually felt and my own experiences with being hot for gals.