What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
He's a virgin back there. Still, you can fist him or fuck him and I don't think there's a size restriction on actually doing it, just being able to get all of yourself in there.
There definitely used to be. I got a slightly smaller dink just to show him the way, not so sure about taur mounting or the time you put it in his butt at the end of the balljob (also thanks for making me like balljobs now) but the straight up anal certainly used to have a size limit for seeing the scene.


Jan 8, 2016
BTW that fisting scene Wsan... omg that fucking fisting scene is just wow dude I love that ish.
Good shit. I'm really glad people liked him, it's hard to make people give a shit about male chars (doubly so for taurs) in this game but I've gotten lots of love about him.

There definitely used to be. I got a slightly smaller dink just to show him the way, not so sure about taur mounting or the time you put it in his butt at the end of the balljob (also thanks for making me like balljobs now) but the straight up anal certainly used to have a size limit for seeing the scene.
Ah, weird. I checked the code when I made that post and there wasn't any restriction on the anal scene but I didn't bother checking the rest. Could have been changed when Fen made him a boss recently.
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Good shit. I'm really glad people liked him, it's hard to make people give a shit about male chars (doubly so for taurs) in this game but I've gotten lots of love about him.

well you've made two legit good male chars (that I'm aware of) with him and Lund so you're really good at it.

Truthfully you've inspired me to stop resting on my laurels and be more critical of m/m content, especially that which I've written.
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Jan 8, 2016
He also made Edan

everyone forgets bugpone boi :(

I don't begrudge people for forgetting (or just omitting) Edan 'cuz he was my first project ever and caters only to regular women, and Foxxling is hella gay. If I could do him over he'd be way different these days. Unfortunately he's like 40k words and I've got 0 interest in editing him.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
another gripe I have is the lack of love for taurs, Wsan excluded from this as it's proven he's cool wit em.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Truthfully you've inspired me to stop resting on my laurels and be more critical of m/m content, especially that which I've written.
Speaking of critical my gripe with the m/m content in the game is that 90% of it is like big brutish muscle dudes. There's other body types.

Guess it doesn't help that most of the guys period are on New Texas.

Worse still for f/f content. I'm not one of those purists who think that can't involve dicks or toys but what is there is missing this feeling of authenticity; it either reads like a m/f scene or it has this blatantly trying-to-arouse-a-viewer feel to it that makes the characters come off as though they're just pawing at each other instead of really having sex. Maybe that's a problem with male perspective writing for a male prospective audience but good f/f scenes have this sense of hunger and passion that resonates with the reader, like that's the depth that makes it more than titillation. A f/f scene without The Hungah is like a m/m scene without the trust and vulnerability aspect: it feels empty.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Characters that I like (Reaha, Gianna, Millie, Shekka, etc) don't get dozens of updates of focus as more characters show up.

Nothing to really complain about there beyond- 'Man I wish people I liked were gettings tons and tons of focus forever'

I have a habit of getting into characters that aren't blowing up the internet everywhere like Bowsette or 2B or something so I'm a little miffed at times.


Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
Most of the f/f in TiTS is pretty much just lip service (heh, puns). Also, though, yuri and lesbian interactions have this preconceived air of "cuteness and innocence" about them, and basically always have since they've become culturally acceptable as smut. For the male-dominated porn market, f/f is an alien thing viewed with fascination, and has wound up being really idealized and almost like... worshiped in unrealistic ways.

Every yuri anime ever, for example (and most yaoi ones tbh but that's more a Japanese cultural thing) is always extra-insufferably adorable, girly, innocent, s-so l-lewd etc etc. A ton of actual porn that's f/f is not quite so moe, but is still shot in cute, tender ways or with that "pawing" feel you mentioned versus serious sexual attraction/indulgence. Rarely do you find f/f porn as sexually natural as m/f or even m/m because raw, animalistic sexuality, "The Hungah" as you call it, is seen as a masculine thing. F/f porn, by comparison, is often very slow and plodding, and is usually as much of a body show as it is actual sex, because it's mostly meant to be eye candy for a hetero male audience.

It's not really feminine (or at least not acceptably feminine, which gets into the debates about "sluts" and whatnot) to be sexually voracious or push the pace, and therefore f/f, which is obviously the most feminine of porn, doesn't include those themes anywhere near as much as other pairings. There's also the fact that, y'know, most f/f actresses aren't actually gay to start with. Acting can only do so much, especially when it's porn acting. :p Amateur f/f couples that are actually gay produce far and away the best f/f porn. Like it's not even close.

Because the reality is that lesbian sex is just as dirty and gross as hetero sex. It's just as urgent, sordid, sometimes almost panicked. What you have is two people looking for release and intimacy with someone they're attracted to, period. Women will tear each others' clothes off just like a hetero couple, they'll dive into one another and squeeze and kiss and take in their partner's scent, whip them onto a bed, and just fucking destroy one another. That really is missing in a lot of f/f porn.

I don't really fault the industry for it, as they're playing to their demographics and I can still enjoy some tropey f/f stuff or a stupidly over-cute yuri show from time to time, but I do often find myself longing for that "genuine experience." Something immersive and relatable to what I've actually felt and my own experiences with being hot for gals.

Would you have any particular recommendations for f/f readings/viewings that you feel properly capture the pairing? It's one of the things I've been looking to learn to write better and I'd love to get some reference points to help with that.


Characters that I like (Reaha, Gianna, Millie, Shekka, etc) don't get dozens of updates of focus as more characters show up.

Nothing to really complain about there beyond- 'Man I wish people I liked were gettings tons and tons of focus forever'

I have a habit of getting into characters that aren't blowing up the internet everywhere like Bowsette or 2B or something so I'm a little miffed at times.

Aye I hear ya on that... I'm still waiting on Dane recruitment and my favorite dude forever is Geoff... Lund thankfully gets a lot of content and is a very good char
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
O lily garden, setting of all handholding schoolgirl yuri stories.

I won't knock the...fluffiness...as some kind of absolute sin - teen romances -do- run on drama and fluff - but adults should be able to have relationships and sex with depth. The manga Octave is still the best one I've ever read when it comes to providing a sense that actual adults (with some childish hangups intact that they work through) are trying to have a real relationship in a real setting, one where men still exist and prejudice has to be faced and desire isn't clear-cut.

Just like good m/m content has to touch on the dynamic of dominance between men, that it's uncomfortable for men to show anything they'd consider a weakness in front of someone else, good f/f content should touch on the breakdown of 'ladylike' behavior between women. Most all of that is in service to interactions with men, well-worn social treads, so trying to keep it prim and proper and chaste and innocent is trying to preserve some essence of girlishness, as if in the absence of men there is no passionate pursuer, as if the masculine libido is the source of passion and desire. That's getting it so wrong. Breaking down that trained coy coquettishness to get at the insatiable passionate hunger that women possess (the very same hunger that's had men feeling that they -must- control female sexuality lest it rage out of control for literally ever) is the key to getting women to forgo how they're supposed to court in polite society; watching them indulge their passions because they're just that caught up in another woman is what makes a f/f unbearably hot.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Well, there's been a Dane companion expansion planned for like 20 years. It's just a matter of when it actually gets written...

It seems like its been twenty years...

Penny is getting an x-pac, Shekka got hers... so now Dane and Emmy?

Here's a little gripe I gots...

I can't visit my little babies with Steela. :(
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2016
Honestly? No, not really lol :p

There's definitely been a few one-off things I've read on literotica and whatnot where I went "ooh, that was pretty good," but nothing consistent or particularly substantial. Nor anything I can pull out of my brain on the spot. :p

In terms of Eastern stuff, I've never seen any yuri that has been anything but over-the-top adorable, but I'm also not immediately turned off by that so I've never really "dug deep" into hentai to try and find legitimate, compelling f/f, because it's just not really what I go to hentai for. Hentai is for the weird shit.

In terms of IRL porn, there's a really cute English couple that does a lot of BDSM stuff on pornhub, if you're into that. They're definitely like "kinks first, f/f second" though. /shrug
You have my thanks. I will consume this with much interest and great thirst.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
That sex is mandatory for certain things, so if you don't want to have sex with those characters, you're locked out of that content.
You can't become friends with Syri unless a dick goes in someone's butt.
You can't resolve Kiro's distress call without fucking her without being a Tech Specialist. At least let us get Shekka or Anno to repair the milker if you have them handy.
You can't train with Mirrin past a certain point without fucking her.
I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones that come to mind.

The inability to buy in bulk. Especially things that are on a store's 2nd page.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
The Codex entries for STDs are only unlocked if you actually catch them, meaning if you want to have all the entries unlocked you can't buy the immunity from Dr. Lash until after that. Undetected STD's don't count for unlocking the Codex entry, even after getting them diagnosed by V-Ko or Vi.
For that matter, the SynthSheath Codex entry is unlocked only after you use it, not on pickup. And there's a limited number of them. And it causes Taint now.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
The Codex entries for STDs are only unlocked if you actually catch them, meaning if you want to have all the entries unlocked you can't buy the immunity from Dr. Lash until after that. Undetected STD's don't count for unlocking the Codex entry, even after getting them diagnosed by V-Ko or Vi.
For that matter, the SynthSheath Codex entry is unlocked only after you use it, not on pickup. And there's a limited number of them. And it causes Taint now.
Did you try donating money for a good cause?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Did you try donating money for a good cause?
Okay, that's weird. I would have never thought that would unlock the STD Codex entries. I thought donating was only for manipulating Personality. Thanks for telling me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Thankfully it's not -too- frequent. Still salty about Zheniya being locked behind Saendra stuff though.
Just tested it, you can raise Saendra's Affection enough to trigger the 2nd quest just by spamming her conversation topics. Just tell her 'Not right now' when she greets you in Anon's Bar. 3-4 passes should do it. (Asking about her Parents decreases her affection.)


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Just tested it, you can raise Saendra's Affection enough to trigger the 2nd quest just by spamming her conversation topics. Just tell her 'Not right now' when she greets you in Anon's Bar. 3-4 passes should do it. (Asking about her Parents decreases her affection.)
Ah? I somehow didn't think that'd work, but good to know!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
the fact that i cant pump assholes even further beyond

i'd like more tf content on other npcs
a more fleshed out world with quest (like the pumpkin king) would be nice.
still sad about not having non-furry nagas and no dzaans.
i'd love a spider tf and real eggs for the other ovipositor tfs.
there could always be more symbiotes/parasites
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Active Member
Feb 15, 2017
That sex is mandatory for certain things, so if you don't want to have sex with those characters, you're locked out of that content.
You can't become friends with Syri unless a dick goes in someone's butt.
You can't resolve Kiro's distress call without fucking her without being a Tech Specialist. At least let us get Shekka or Anno to repair the milker if you have them handy.
You can't train with Mirrin past a certain point without fucking her.
I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones that come to mind.

The inability to buy in bulk. Especially things that are on a store's 2nd page.
All of this. I'd love to recruit Anno without having to sex her.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
All of this. I'd love to recruit Anno without having to sex her.

You used to be able too, but that got changed. Nonesuch did have a good point that you shouldn't be able to lock up the village bicycle in your shed without giving it a ride first. Dunno if I'd call Anno a bicycle, she does have certain standards. Granted, they aren't super high.