What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
You used to be able too, but that got changed. Nonesuch did have a good point that you shouldn't be able to lock up the village bicycle in your shed without giving it a ride first. Dunno if I'd call Anno a bicycle, she does have certain standards. Granted, they aren't super high.
I completely forgot Anno exists, to be honest. I don't recruit her because I don't find her very compelling and just stopping by every now and again to see if I can unlock Kaede is enough for me.

Wish we could get Kaede without necessarily having to interact with Anno at all, considering she's a space trucker and naturally goes to places the PC does, too, as soon as her content is active.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I completely forgot Anno exists, to be honest. I don't recruit her because I don't find her very compelling and just stopping by every now and again to see if I can unlock Kaede is enough for me.

Wish we could get Kaede without necessarily having to interact with Anno at all, considering she's a space trucker and naturally goes to places the PC does, too, as soon as her content is active.

Anno is one of the best merchants for selling your unwanted shit to, tied with Colenso if you do his quest. And it's nice to get Grey Goo from her so I don't have to spend x amount of time on Tarkus farming the things.

I do like Anno, but I will concede that she's not what I would consider a waifu. A fun party gal... who happened to have banged Steele's dad. zug zug


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
She also hates Taruks. I'd think she'd join up just to get away from it. Given that initially on Tarkus she has to run the store, and afterward you often find her in the bar of whatever planet you're on, I'd think she gets more sex after you recruit her, even if you're not fucking her.
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Aug 27, 2015
You used to be able too, but that got changed. Nonesuch did have a good point that you shouldn't be able to lock up the village bicycle in your shed without giving it a ride first. Dunno if I'd call Anno a bicycle, she does have certain standards. Granted, they aren't super high.

She's a nice bicycle. One of those hybrid ones, equally at home on tarmac as on dirt roads.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A little thing that I dislike about the new "Genetic Makeup" stat counter: It gives me random score from certain races (+1 Canine and +1 Suula) only for having a non-human face and feathered hair/skin, despite not having taken any kind of TF related to those. I understand that it's because several races share shome traits, but still.

That said, I once got a +1 Frostwyrm score out of nowhere. Dunno why.


You used to be able too, but that got changed. Nonesuch did have a good point that you shouldn't be able to lock up the village bicycle in your shed without giving it a ride first. Dunno if I'd call Anno a bicycle, she does have certain standards. Granted, they aren't super high.

I mean it also insinuates that her only use is a ride when, actually, she's a very useful on ship vendor. However i usually go to Mhenga so I can see Geoff anyway so... meh.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
A little thing that I dislike about the new "Genetic Makeup" stat counter: It gives me random score from certain races (+1 Canine and +1 Suula) only for having a non-human face and feathered hair/skin, despite not having taken any kind of TF related to those. I understand that it's because several races share shome traits, but still.

That said, I once got a +1 Frostwyrm score out of nowhere. Dunno why.
One can not be a Male looking Cuntboy Kathrit. It is not because I have not enogth Kathrit-score but because I am still human enogth to become a halfkathrit! I mean, add Wings, Dove Balm be blessed, lower the human-score by one (because humans, unlike all other races, should not have wings you see), and suddenly, one is a kathrit.
I mean, why does it check for Half-Kathrit before checking for Kathrit?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Tbh if only Shekka could buy my goods I'd get rid of Anno faster than Furpies, like someone else said she's not really compelling and personally I wish I could replace her with like Syri instead or Shekka because Syri seems more interesting to me and I would love to see an extra thicc Syri Huskar. But eh we can't get what we all want.
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Nov 11, 2018
1. Just general under-reprentation with cunt boys and just pure guys and girls. I can't tell you how many times I rolled my eyes at a "can't help but notice a masculine bulge" moment. Not a bad thing but very overdone at this point Imo. I get that it is the best of both worlds but sometimes I just want to suck a dick attached to a guy or fuck a girl without her balls getting in the way, you know?

2. Lack/ban of feral content. It sucks to know that even if someone proposed a pet waifu with telepathy and human intelligence it might be overlooked by fen saddens me. One cannot survive forever on cuntsnakes. I completely understand and respect his decision though.

3. Not much else really besides any personal interests not being represented. I get that in the TiTS universe it'd be hard to find a virgin but they are very appreciated. Dickless tomboys, although present, are my fav and I could always use more. Dickless virgin tomboys would be god. Damnit now I want to commission something.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
i also cant help but feel like the futas are just guys with dicks since most of them dont have very feminine personalities.
Don't you mean "guys with tits" in that case?

Jokes aside though, a little more variety in personalities would be nice across the board, not just specifically for offerers of juicy ladydick.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
As long as you're expressing yourself creatively, enjoying yourself and maybe getting a little green, that's what we like. And your cheery presence.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
people bored with Anno's "vanilla sloot" personality because she feels "bland" and blends into the crowd of every other "You want fuck? Yes!" NPC and mob in the game.

Personally, that type of character barely appeals to me no matter what. I like and remember Zheniya because she's confident and gentle, Fisi because she's an experience all her own, I even like Stella because there's very few NPCs who can meet Steele on a social eye-level and not be your cousin. I like Shade, I adore Kaede and I enjoy that nerd Syri specifically for who they are. Beatrice Reasner is another character I'd love hanging out with even if it didn't result in sex because of her personality. I'm a bit disappointed half of Myrellion doesn't really stand out on their own, but I enjoy Briha and Embry for what they bring to the table in terms of flavoring. And I've personally been wanting to do a lot more with Brandt.

That's not to say characters willing to fuck at the drop of a hat are generally a bad thing. There should just be more to them than that and Anno, to me, is the prime example of how not to go about it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a Leithan lady on New Texas to be shipped to go see the babbus.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Anno did nothing wrong.

A small, impish part of me wants Anno and Astra to hook up. That way she could be 3 for 3 for generations of Steele's banged.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'll never get what's the big deal with the Dorna family. The only ausar that I've interacted at all are Walt and Emmy.

That aside, I kinda hate the fact that some codex entries are virtually impossible to unlock for some players. Like the Roehm ones for those that doesn't cum gallons or breed like there's no tomorrow, or those referencing SSTD for those that have nanite protection against them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Taurs can't even get into Breedwell.

You can unlock the SSTD codexs by donating to either V-ko or Vi though. You need to visit Tarkus before Locofever will show up though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
well there goes my taur playthrough

It's a very minor location. Granted, what's there is quite good, but I think it's a bit of a sucker punch for female types.

Or I'm just a big romantic softie slut and Nonesuch knows how to pull my heart strings.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
All the lesbian scenes are written through this weirdly masculine viewpoint, as if lesbians are somehow deprived in their sex lives for not being men. It's really weird and offputting.
That wouldn't be unusual seeing as pretty much a majority of writers for the game are pretty much males.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster. I apologize if this is overdone or inappropriate, I hope that I don't inadvertently cross a line, please let me know if I do. Feel free to ignore me if this is too heavy handed, and again, I really hope I'm not pushing any boundaries.

Riya really, really bothers me (I'm sorry Franks), in a way no other character does, she feels tonally inconsistent and as if she was designed to deliberately spite the player, insult their intelligence and their moral sensibilities. She feels at odds with the overall much more lighthearted or hopeful portrayals in the game, even when the game deals with heavier subject matter, there is a certain respect to it and a nice outlook, including well done, expressive ways to roleplay that allow you to help people and make the world a better place.

- She is explicitly racist, of course, on a massive multicultural space station where humans are a minority, she actively loathes, harasses, mocks, and discriminates against people, breaking ethical boundaries as an officer of the law, and causing many violations that are unacceptable for any officer in any circumstance.

- She sexually harasses people, including her commanding officer, who she explicitly mocks and objectifies when they react to her explicit abuse and bigotry.

- She harasses a young women chatting with her friends because of the way they speak.

- She readily threatens violence and confrontation with people over minor grievances (again, on a populated core space station home to millions if not billions of people).

- There seems to be a very thin line in her understanding of consent, she has no safeword, and doesn't seem to separate sexual play and consensual degradation from the way she treats people normally, actively sexually harassing people and being incredibly forceful, without setting boundaries before hand.

- The game actively mocks you for trying to do the right thing, and Officer Greene nonsensically tells you off for "shuttling her back and forth" despite the fact the only reason that occurred is due to atrociously corrupt management (borderline victim blaming). She justifies her consistent abuse and exploitation to numerous people due to her being a halfway competent police officer and soldier (doing her basic duty of protecting and rescuing people, which is not justification for the potential lives she can ruin), such constant abuse and harassment could cause mental illness and depression in young people who live on the station.

- If a Steele for some reason decides to have children with her, she actively attempts to teach her children to discriminate and hate people based on their race, and actively insults the mother of her children right in front of them.

- Despite her sole reason for being stationed being fulfilled, she is for some reason still not held accountable for the serious harm she causes, let alone the reason for her being stationed being flimsy justification, as the many other soldiers who worked on the mission did so without an active history of abuse.

- There seems to be an air of insulting people for objecting to this, doing a basic moral act as a decent citizen and human being is treated in the game as you being an idiot, I lost a lot of respect for Officer Greene when she justified sexual harassment and abuse.

- The player is given an extreme lack of agency and powerlessness, despite how serious an issue this actually is, and how this wouldn't be accepted even slightly during current day, let alone a sexually liberal and egalitarian society far into the future.

- As discussed previously on the forum, the concept of her "not actually being racist" and instead doing it to upset people (emotionally harass and abuse young people, potentially causing serious issues and repercussions in their life) is inherently no different to being a racist vile person.

I'm trying to think of other examples of such a serious nature in the game, but the most I can think of are people who are explicitly heinous criminals (who are treated as such). Most of the game, even fight scenes, are of a much more lighthearted tone, and almost always have explicit consent as well. I'm just really, really confused about how this is considered okay? There also seems to be quite a few plot holes and oversights via this being present in the world as it is.

I hopefully expressed myself decently and didn't upset anyone, I just really wanted to get this out of my system.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT. I know that Riya was purposely made to be the "that one bitch" character, but... It makes ZERO sense for her to be allowed to do this. If she was at least moved to a more backwater planet, I'd be more able to believe it, but don't you DARE try to pull the "she has many good connections" bullshit, she should've been carted off and stripped of her badge from day one when she started being a racist bitch on a station that has MANY different races on it.

And the whole things about even teaching her kid to insult her fucking mother because she's not a human... That leaves a bad taste in my mouth, is she a fucking psychopath or something? That is just needlessly cruel. I would really love to see her reaction to getting a mutt kid or a kid that was your race instead. Would she put them down as well? Would she be like "haha NOPE I'mma be a complete deadbeat" and just cut you from her life? Would she have a well deserved mental breakdown?

And unlike literally every other character in the game that's an asshole, you don't get a chance to put her in her fucking place. You can turn Sera into your slave, you can turn the tables on Dr Badger and turn her into a bimbo, you can turn Lund into your little sub, hell, you can even fuck Zephyr now after humiliating her with a loss! But Riya? The worst you can do is move her to another planet, you don't actaully get to kick her out of the game (which you can do with Dr Badger, another controversial character) and she STILL doesn't learn her fucking lesson. BULL. SHIT.

I would have less of a problem with her if she was not on Tavros or Canadia, if we could put her in her place, and/or if she didn't do the whole "teach kids to abuse their own fucking mom" thing. It's such a shame, because her mission was badass but she still didn't learn anything. Don't even pull the "well racists in real life don't always learn lessons", this is a fucking porn game and we DON'T need that shit in here. We come to porn games to ESCAPE from that shit.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
And unlike literally every other character in the game that's an asshole, you don't get a chance to put her in her fucking place. You can turn Sera into your slave, you can turn the tables on Dr Badger and turn her into a bimbo, you can turn Lund into your little sub, hell, you can even fuck Zephyr now after humiliating her with a loss!

Aww c'mon, Zephyr and Sera are secret big ol' softies. Sure, Dom! Sera is the bitchier version of the two, but she still softens up. By virtue of them actually having genuinely cute and loving scenes with Steele at the latest once there's a baby on the way. It's well understood that Sera is basically putting up an act and Zephyr fights down her treatment-induced urges for your sake, that's not something a natural-born asshole would do.

Riya is, however, in my opinion, as much of a major tonal problem as Akane's quest is, but in a different fashion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Riya was made to be a troll
A explanation is not a excuse.
I am not as strongly against hr as most others, since I do see it as mostly a game and can not really immerse myself in a good part of the plot, but there is, in my mind, only one big flaw about her that actually ticks me of on her:

You can not properly punish her. I mean, even just getting her fired or transfered to unknown would do. Later would even be better, since it allows one to fill the holes oneself. It is taking the power to do something from the player. I mean, we can hold the destiny of whole planets and species, in positive as in negative. But this person makes one powerless, all you can do is chose where she is a problem. Or avoid that square the whole game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Tbh I don't really care how bad Riya is, if you didn't know some ausar in game are actually racist towards muzzled and full fur ausar as Emmy says it, then there are the Myr who are at war with each different sub race of it and the only orange myr that was first born was sent away to be away from the war.

Personally I see it as all sides have some form of racism, Riya is just vocal about her racism and I don't really give much of a shit about what she hates, because at the end of it all she's meant to get a rise out of people because of her racism.

But if you want to change that I'll just tell you guys who hate what Riya does the same thing that alot of other people might say. You want it to change then write it yourself and submit it if it's good enough or if they care enough they might code it.