What are things in TiTS that you absolutely hate to happen or do?

Aimless Rogue

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2016
somewhere around here
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
How about a change of subject?

Could have the lack of males in game and them slowly being pushed out of the game with males being almost like Mrs.Reasner and what I mean like her I mean, like one of the only sole women in the galaxy that isn't like a futa or a trap or cunt boy or something and not a bim.
Nov 21, 2018
I feel like there's a total lack of actual characters in TiTS. Just a billion bimboes and maybe twelve actually interesting people.

There needs to be some "de bimbofying" ability, quest, or whatnot, because it is seriously neither sexy nor interesting to have a million identical fuck slaves differentiated only by their little picture.

Somebody Else

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2018
Similarly I was enjoying chilling and working out with Mirrin. Which is also incredibly useful since it's the only reliable way of raising Willpower other than leveling. Now suddenly if I want to work out with Mirrin, I have to deal with these awkward scenes where Steele is constantly getting all hot and bothered looking at her junk.
You can raise will by training reflexes with Ramis.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I feel like there's a total lack of actual characters in TiTS. Just a billion bimboes and maybe twelve actually interesting people.

Oh my god he's right. Like the only difference between them is like sex between them and at times that's just the same, I would be nice to just meet an alien race where sex is like just two people dancing around a fire while wearing hats or something.

But nope the thing they think is really alien are just rats who get a dick in the ear and lay eggs out their boobs. Yeah not alien sadly more just a thing where you shrug and go okay because at that point you've seen enough to kinda just expect it or be like yeah I've seen worst or weirder.

Only thing that would really surprise me is if they made a second Fisiana, like just a woman who isn't willing to just jump on you and fuck your brains out.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Characters with personality? Let's see....

On Tavros there's Aina, Zheniya, that cop, Ramis and Fisianna, Sera and Paige. Also Reaha and that one Gryvain at Beth's whose name escapes me right now.

On Mhen'ga, we have Flahne, Penny, Syri, Tanis, Amber, Quinn, that angery bee man and R.K. Lah.

New Texas has Big T, Ogram, Zephyr, Ellie, Haley, Yammy and Mirrin. I'm also going to count Brandy and Gianna.

Tarkus has Shekka, Del (depending on how you treat him), the bat kid, Colenso, Lash and Una at the very least.

Next, Myrellion: Shade, Briha, Taivra, Renvra, Anzhela, Juro, Lyralla and Nezhara, Embry, Emmy, Oserre and Lieve (at the very least)

Canadia Station has Kally and Sylvie, Ushamee, Mabbs and Luca (also that one sub whose name I forgot)

And Zheng Shi is first and foremost a complete battlefield with only a few rare safe zones for the PC and even fewer truly friendly faces at this point.

Of course not all of those characters have intricate or lengthy ways to get to know them, but they're there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
You know I was feeling that someone was gonna run in here and defend everyone.

Linarahnn, I don't mean nothing bad towards you or anyone, but when I meant people who have no personality and I believe what pure runner was trying to mean is that the bimbos are at the front of this.

And if they aren't bimbos they are people quick to fuck you or look like bimbos, and in the end they almost all blur together to be the same in a way.

Sure there are people that are people in the game who have personalities and are all sex 24/7 but we are talking about people more like Fisiana and Mrs.Reasner.

You know the people are kinda more normal in a way.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
No, I get you, but I can't let people forget about the exceptions to the perceived rule. Besides, there's no obligation to engage with any of the characters sexually. The fact that you notice bimbos so much is precisely because you dislike them, but they're not, in fact, the majority, that's the point I was making.

The setting is hypersexualized, yes, but even there, bimbos are the outlier, not the norm. Most characters have an enthusiastic but healthy appreciation for sex and that's fine, especially considering it's a porn game. At least we don't have to deal with a double standard for women and men in terms of how overtly sexual they can be.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Mine ties in with Violent_Peace's, among a few others it seems.

I wouldn't say absolutely hate as per the thread's title, but I dislike how familiar essentially 87% of the content in a game that's supposed to be about space and aliens. I realize that the developers and writers are human, as far as we know, and that humans like humanoid things or things that have human-like aspects but the reality is that if there were aliens species out there the likelihood of them looking anything like us or even having kinda the same shape is slim at best. I also realize that this is fiction and that fictional things have no obligation to conform to anything in real life, but it is a sci-fi and not quite a fantasy settings as CoC was. A quote I like sums it up well, "science-fiction makes the plausible seem possible, fantasy makes the impossible seem plausible." It is plausible that aliens will be completely different to us, it is next to impossible that they will have noticeable similarities.

Convergent evolution has shut me up about this for the most part, but it really needs to get more alien-feeling and out-of-this-world content. The shaft beasts from flexible survival are far more alien than most things in this game, and they're not even actually aliens. Just pointing out an example. Then there's also the fact that most don't like weird stuff, they like conventionally sexy things and only really allow slight differences from the norm for themselves. The Ausar are case in point. Humans, but 50% furry. That doesn't detract from their sexiness though, far from it. There's a reason why monster girls are a popular staple. Yes, yes, we need relatable species to not alienate new-comers, I know. Don't bite my head off on that.

It just bugs me is all. I still enjoy the game btw.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Something that I kinda hate is Uvetos weather, it's cool that it's a bit dynamic over time and it's cool that it's some thing that can drop your health, but I kinda wish I could just like not have to add layers of fur to my character or carry around thermal packs or use a heat belt.

Then it's the battles that you have in the cold with enemies like the mildos who can go berserk when you kick their ass just a little bit.

Kattom showing up there also kinda pisses me off because it's like, bitch really, you don't need some coat or Something?

Then it's the boss fights not on Uveto just some boss fights in general, like the Tarvia and Queensguard one. You keep beating the shit out the queens guard he takes a potion and heals himself if you try to lust beat him he ends up getting taunted by Tarvia and has his lust drop.

Actually just the lust thing in general, I know it's meant to be like a second thing for people to defeat others, but I feel it's more of weight dragging me down than some thing helping me at times. Like if I want to do a certain thing or two I don't have enough lust only like 10 when I need like 30 and then 30 ain't even enough for some characters you need like 3 more in that 30 or sometimes like 40 to fuck someone.

Another thing that kinda gets at me is like everyone is bi besides like 2 characters, I know it's meant to have people not feel left out, but it would be nice to have some more people turn you down because of one reason or another and not just because your genderless.

Personally I feel like there should be special ability attacks or perks that people could learn from others or from just random people or trainers from certain planets or if they have certain things about their physiology.

Like Grayvains should be able to melee attack flying enemies since they have wings and avoid ground based attacks from certain enemies, and a way to get around people from spamming the moves is people running out of energy and people having to do a cool down or have a counter action stop them from doing the move, like the Gryvain can't fly indoors because the room's ceiling is too low.

Also a nice thing to see is more of other races being used around. Like Grayvains, Leithians, saurmarians, and a couple others. I wouldn't mind seeing more than like 3 or 4 races on one planet aside the locals.

Some thing that really does piss me off is that nurse droids aren't on all planets and that there hasn't been a companion that can get rid of stds so you don't have to take the risk of catching sneezing tits or some other std on a planet without a nurse droid or doctor, then having to drop everything to head back to your ship and fly all the way to a planet that has one and risk whatever it is you have getting worst then getting to them and having then deal with it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Another thing that kinda gets at me is like everyone is bi besides like 2 characters, I know it's meant to have people not feel left out, but it would be nice to have some more people turn you down because of one reason or another and not just because your genderless.
I'm personally more than fine with it. Especially if it means that the one character in the game holding the key to the Kink of Your Dreams will be there for you.

Also a nice thing to see is more of other races being used around.
This, please.

Some thing that really does piss me off is that nurse droids aren't on all planets and that there hasn't been a companion that can get rid of stds so you don't have to take the risk of catching sneezing tits or some other std on a planet without a nurse droid or doctor, then having to drop everything to head back to your ship and fly all the way to a planet that has one and risk whatever it is you have getting worst then getting to them and having then deal with it.
You're not alone.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Walking into the Quadomme's webs and getting buggered by a bug (unless I'm playing the character dedicated to that stuff, of course). I like the Bothrioc content, but for a wimp like me it's a bit too extreme unless I'm specifically feeling up for it at the moment.

Anyways, I hate forced transformations. I spent time making my character the way I wanted him/her to look, and I don't want some random scene or disease to mess that up. For example, I think some of Jerynn's scenes are pretty hot, but that bad end is just horrific in my opinion. Also, if I contract something like Furpies or Sneezing Tits. By all that is Evil, I will drop everything I am doing and rush to the nearest medic.
Well, Jerynn's whole angle in the unimaginably wide range of domme flavours is that she assumes direct control of your life once you give yourself over to her, so just don't give in to her. Her Good End is still an End as well, so it's not like you have to live through the rest of the game with the transformations (personally, I made my character who submits to her transform into exactly what she likes, based on her conversations and her ending, because that's what a good sub should do).
As for STDs, Dr. Lash sells STD immunity treatments. I can't recommend it enough, and not only because he's paid me to shill it online.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Walking into the Quadomme's webs and getting buggered by a bug (unless I'm playing the character dedicated to that stuff, of course). I like the Bothrioc content, but for a wimp like me it's a bit too extreme unless I'm specifically feeling up for it at the moment.
I mean, you don't have to lose, just beat 'em up. Or turn on Easy Mode, I guess.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
I hate playing a character with a dick and having to wait to get to Dr Lash to remove their testicles. Why can't we have an item that just removes them without having to get a probe first?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I hate the immersion breaking responses/behaviors from Steele that stems from not being able to simply pick your sexual orientation. For example in my current playthrough, I simply talked to Ciaran and opened his email. Now my Steele is having forced gay dreams about him where my only choices are "naughty" and "nice" both of which lead to sexual scenes. Which means either I bite the bullet or I avoid sleeping off soreness until christmas is over.
Likewise, Kaede's conversation on Uveto has you putting your hand on her crotch, even if you've never had sex with her.

As for the dreams, do you not have a Sleep Fapnia, or are there other dreams you'd rather see instead?

kachowski labowski

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2018
The fact that you have to ass fuck Pippa in order to hotdog her. And the only way to do that is to have a dick that's at least 12 inches(IIRC), but then you can hotdog her if even if your dick loses its length. I personally would have seen something like the PC's dick not being able to reach her hole as an opportunity to create a unique one-off scene available for those players, that way they don't feel completely left out.

Since I'm on Pippa, kinda can't help but notice there's a lack of....large women (and men). By large I mean kinda chubby, maybe chunky. Off the top of my head I'd say there's Huskar Anno (but there's practically no support for her new appearance as she's kinda new), Pippa, Galina and Marina, maybe that rabbit girl on Uveto, and I'll let Ardia slide (barely) onto this list.

I used to hate having to save-scum, but now I shamelessly do it, sue me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Hey what about Resner? She's got a milfy body, would mean that she's a chonky woman if she doesn't have a case of mommy body.

There is also the player, you can become a big woman. But I doubt anyone wants to hear that.

I would say some bimbos could be considered chonky if not just cartoon body with dummy skinny hips and then thick thighs. This is starting to turn into me talking about how body proportions are retarded in tits or just all out bad.

I will admit that alot of shit that seems good in game are few and far between. This game feels like the cake with the good frosting used on like just 2 sides while the rest of the cake is frosted with the cheap stuff.

It's sad that only some of the really good stuff is like done once in a blue moon or like once in a while when a good writer dedicated to a project comes around.


Aug 27, 2015
Luckily we don't have to produce good stuff, because regardless you'll be on here bitching about it all til the end of days.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Luckily we don't have to produce good stuff, because regardless you'll be on here bitching about it all til the end of days.

Funny because I actually like most of your stuff, nothing I can complain about it besides that some people might not be into the sub dom thing that's with Sera.
Jan 3, 2019
I get really tired of running out of space to store stuff.

We get more backpack space... which doesn't make a ton of sense, but sci-fi is magic. I'm cool with it.

However, while we can play "collect them all" on people (who would logically take up a lot of space), we can't even use any of those spare bedrooms to stash more interesting transformatives or unique pieces of kit.

I mean, really. Not even a way to toss a closet full of clothes in the hold where we can't get at it right away?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I get really tired of running out of space to store stuff.

We get more backpack space... which doesn't make a ton of sense, but sci-fi is magic. I'm cool with it.

However, while we can play "collect them all" on people (who would logically take up a lot of space), we can't even use any of those spare bedrooms to stash more interesting transformatives or unique pieces of kit.

I mean, really. Not even a way to toss a closet full of clothes in the hold where we can't get at it right away?
I make Reaha and Ben/Bess store my clothing/armor.
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Jan 3, 2019
Do you have something similar in a gun rack? Maybe something that bolts on to the outside of the ship...

Oh, and my medicine cabinet is overflowing, too.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I make Reaha and Ben/Bess store my clothing/armor.

I thought Ben/Bess had got their clothes from their own catalog. Maybe you were thinking Mitzi?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
It might have been a stealth update but you can give clothing to Ben/Bess for a few months now.

Hmm, going to have to try that. I still have an overflow of weapons that I have to hang on to. I should probably drop the Leithan Compound bow, but it was a gift...

Edit: Son of a gun. Gonna check earlier builds to see if I missed it.
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