Wayfort Discussion


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I find it amusing that you're telling me not to 'spin' Savin's comment about Cait pregnancy in the same breath that you quote the man himself explaining exactly what I was saying, which is that it's outside the scope of the game.
And why is it outside scope of the game? Because Savin wrote it as such. It is not like he had to write like that. Again, there is nothing wrong with it. He has no reason to justify it to anyone why he is not writing some stuff for certain characters. Lets just not pretend that it is out of his control.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
..I have literally no idea where you got that notion from in anything I wrote.
Because you said "He has nothing against writing it" as a way to justify Savins decision. As I said, he has nothing against pregnancy in general. But he is just not interested in writing it for Cait.
Now, sure, he probably has no strong feeling about it one way or another. But saying because "it is outside of the scope of the game" just seems silly to me. If he wanted to write it, he could.But considering his stance on it, he does not want to. And that is that. It has nothing to do with the scope of the project/story/whatever.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Because you said "He has nothing against writing it" as a way to justify Savins decision.
You're reading more into my statement than was intended or is remotely reasonable. Kindly don't put words in my mouth.

Also, what I wrote is exactly what Savin had already said before and said again in this very topic, to you directly. Outside the scope of the game. Reading comprehension, try it sometime.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021
"Outside of the scope of the game" just means that he does not want to. That is it. It has nothing to do with the story or his ability to write it. Am I really to be believe in the game where we can do so much magical stuff that we are not able to fix Caits womb? Especially since we met her god directly? One that is (in)directly responsible for that whole womb thing to begin with? That just seems silly to me. Everything that savin wrote is to justify why she can not get pregnant by anyone and why we will not get to fix it. All of those obstacles came from desire that he just did not want to write that content for her.

"Outside of the scope of the game" =/= "That's not happening, at least not during the game.", in the sense that Cait's narrative reasoning for why she won't be having kids is sufficient (that and starting a family when her friends soul is on the line doesn't seem like the best approach, from her perspective most likely). Once the PC has saved the world and the like, then she'd probably be willing to entertain the possibility of settling down and having kids with the PC - but not a quest to fix her infertility when more pressing matters are at hand (saving the world).

You drop your voice to a quiet whisper for the sake of privacy and pose a very important question to Cait: what about kids? She doesn't seem to be using any kind of protection that you've seen, and even setting aside your trysts, Cait is more than a little promiscuous. Isn't she worried about getting knocked up?

As soon you pose the question, the cat-girl's customary bubbly smile fades — just for a moment before she forces it back. "Nope. We've got nothing to worry about there, Test, you can go ahead and blow as many loads in me as you want. Whole village can for all I care. Anyway, what were we talking about a minute ago?"

Evasive much.

Cait sighs and puts a hand on her belly. "Fine, okay, look, all the young initiates have it done! The temple can reverse it when we're older, you know they sell a matron's womb for a very high price to nobles or merchants or whoever needs a holy heir. That's how me and Calla were born! Of course, since I left the temple without saying a word to anybody, nobody's gonna undo the magic. I'm not an apostate per se but I can't, you know, just go to a temple and-"

"Woah, slow down there," you tell her. "What're you talking about?"

The pink kitty forces herself to halt, breathe, and then look you in the eye. "I'm sterile. All Mallachite temple harlots are. I mean, we've gotta be, right? Otherwise once we're sworn in, we'd just spend all our lives constantly knocked up, or the boys would just be knocking up every woman that came through the temple. And of course Mallachite orgies at the full moon every month mean we'd all mingle and... it's a whole thing. So the day we're supposed to join the temple and start giving ourselves to the parish, a priest comes and casts a spell to dam the river, so to speak. It's called the Brand of the Harlot. Here."

Cait pulls her skirts down and presses two fingers to the bare, pale flesh just above her crotch. There's a slow glow of magic around her fingertips, and then a series of swirling dark lines manifest themselves around them. It looks like a tattoo.

When Cait lifts her fingers, the tattoo vanishes back into her skin. "I left the temple the day I was supposed to join the sacred courtesans, but... well, I hadn't made up my mind about it right when I woke up of course. So I didn't know to stop the Grand Cleric when she came in and put the brand on my womb. I still thought I'd be spending my life there."

Oh. "And you didn't ask her to undo it?"

Cait shrugs helplessly. "No. I thought... well, I wasn't doing much thinking that morning. It's not like I was a slave or something, nobody was compelling me to take the brand or join mom as a sacred slut. I wanted to! And then all of a sudden, I didn't. I barely even packed, I just ran after dad and Calla as hard as I could."

You nod. "Is there any way to undo it?"

The cat-girl snickers, the first bit of that familiar warmth you've seen since she started talking. "No. I mean, I'd like to have kids someday... if I meet the right person... but it'd take pretty stout magic to reverse the spell. I'd have to go — you know what, no I'm not gonna tell you how to undo it. You're the kinda person that'd go on a whole quest to undo the brand just cuz you're a sweetie. Or you wanna put a bun in my oven. Either way, I'm happy the way I am, and I don't need to be getting all knocked up while there's demons trying to steal my friend's soul and my sister's missing. Got more pressing things on my mind than breeding."

"Anyway, if you're done prying into the workings of my uterus, can we talk about something else?"

Also worth noting that any potential kids the PC has had up until now won't even get to know the PC that well, point and case Kinu (although for somewhat different reasoning). The PC can't really "settle down" and be a parent that's there for their kids, which is probably the type of parent Cait would like to be - instead of neglecting her kids because she's still questing - which makes even more sense, since she'd need to go out of her way to fix her infertility in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
You're reading more into my statement than was intended or is remotely reasonable. Kindly don't put words in my mouth.

Also, what I wrote is exactly what Savin had already said before and said again in this very topic, to you directly. Outside the scope of the game. Reading comprehension, try it sometime.
Sorry, my mistake. Got confused for stupid reasons. I though you were implying that it was done out of narative reasons and not because Savin did not want to do it.

Yep, I got confused in context of it and with the wording.

Huh, I thought she was rather popular. I ment to purposly misunderstand you. ^^'
She is popular here, but so is Brint. This forum is such a small percantage of the player base that it is hard to tell what is popular or not for vider audience. Only developers can tell. But I am mostly talking about people that I interact with. A lot of them dislike/do not care about Cait.
Me, I am like you. I like her for what she is but she has a lot of annoyances and I do not find that kind of open relationships appealing in this game. Why settle for sloppy infinity when there are other holes out there in the planes. Learning that we can not get her pregnant just kind of hammers the point.
But I still think she is popular overall. If she was not, she would not be getting so much content I could guess.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2021
I wonder if adding Hawkthorne to your Wayford barony is part of an ending slide or something that actually is going to happen in the game.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
I wonder if adding Hawkthorne to your Wayford barony is part of an ending slide or something that actually is going to happen in the game.
I am pretty sure it would be something for the ending.
It sounds like something that depends on how well you manage the wayford and how much you do for Hawkthorne.
Unless we would actually fight Carmen, but I see little reason to do so at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
how much you do for Hawkthorne.

Literally everything. They're under my rule, even if it is unofficial.

Unless we would actually fight Carmen, but I see little reason to do so at the moment.

Carmen doesn't seem like a fighter and is pretty chill to a fault. Marriage may still be on the table. Just because they changed their plans to the wayfort doesn't mean we can't marry her to consolidate more power.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Literally everything. They're under my rule, even if it is unofficial.
They are not naturally part of the elven realm, so you need to convince them to join - so start questing.. =P
Also, there are a bunch of foreigners who do not yet accept elven rule, you should probably solve that slight issue first..

Carmen doesn't seem like a fighter and is pretty chill to a fault. Marriage may still be on the table. Just because they changed their plans to the wayfort doesn't mean we can't marry her to consolidate more power.
True, but we need to interact with her more.
Also, if we marry her, I think we may not get Hawkethorne for the Barony. It would strengthen her as well, after all.
Depending on how the marriage formalities go, any heir might inherit both baronies though.

...I now want an CoC2 mod for Crusader Kings 3 (or 2).. =D
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2021
They are not naturally part of the elven realm, so you need to convince them to join - so start questing.. =P
Also, there are a bunch of foreigners who do not yet accept elven rule, you should probably solve that slight issue first.
Im sure we can find some ancient rule that says everything there belongs to Queen Etheryn glory be her name.

Carmen doesn't seem like a fighter and is pretty chill to a fault. Marriage may still be on the table. Just because they changed their plans to the wayfort doesn't mean we can't marry her to consolidate more power.
She might even willingly give it up granted she can keep squatting in her crumbling castle and you give it a new lick of paint or something.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
you should probably solve that slight issue first..

I'm already solving every other issue, why not add one more onto the pile.

any heir might inherit both baronies though.

Yeah but if you've played like me, heirs and succession will be a bitch.

She might even willingly give it up granted she can keep squatting in her crumbling castle and you give it a new lick of paint or something.

"Hey Carmen. You know how things aren't working out for you and your castle is in ruins? Marry me and you get sex and repairs. I can grow a virginal peen for a dowry."
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2021
Yeah but if you've played like me, heirs and succession will be a bitch."
My primary heir would be Kinu, but I doubt she would be interested or she might it would great for the eventual floofpocalypse.

"Hey Carmen. You know how things aren't working out for you and your castle is in ruins? Marry me and you get sex and repairs. I can grow a virginal peen for a dowry.


Dowry Peen included
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
Literally everything. They're under my rule, even if it is unofficial.

Champion is the (frontier) law, Savin dixit. Even if it wasn't the case, I'd vouch for the adventurer that came to solve everyone's shit and kickstarted a population boom never seen since the Godswar.

Im sure we can find some ancient rule that says everything there belongs to Queen Etheryn glory be her name.

Thing is, her ass belongs to the Champion. One thing to remind her of once she's bent over the negotiating table.

Yeah but if you've played like me, heirs and succession will be a bitch.

Under Gavelkind, each one of your children would get approximately one spoonful of land to keep things equal. Probably.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Carmen doesn't seem like a fighter and is pretty chill to a fault. Marriage may still be on the table.

Marriage is still on the table for sure. Consolidating power with various other nobility will not be limited to just the southern equines and a foxo. :p

...I now want an CoC2 mod for Crusader Kings 3 (or 2).. =D

When CK3 came out I spent an inordinate amount of time becoming the sluttiest viking to have ever lived.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Under Gavelkind, each one of your children would get approximately one spoonful of land to keep things equal. Probably.

Anyone who isn't a drider or under Kinu's thumb is screwed then, because they can just pool their shares into the drider princess and Kinu. And that's after the tiny portion all kids are getting in the first place since I've created almost 2 platoons worth of kids.

Marriage is still on the table for sure. Consolidating power with various other nobility will not be limited to just the southern equines and a foxo. :p

Yessssss. Soon the power of horny will allow me to conquer the land. The fools who abandoned horniness for happiness shall not have the last laugh. I shall have happiness through horniness.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Marriage is still on the table for sure. Consolidating power with various other nobility will not be limited to just the southern equines and a foxo. :p
So... we can form our own version of the Swiss Confederacy up in the Marches?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So... we can form our own version of the Swiss Confederacy up in the Marches?

I'm not saying that's definitely one of the endings, but the Marches are based largely on Switzerland and northern Germany sooooo.

I hope that those Salamander are one of those options.
Please tell me that this soft boy is on the menu!?!

No but his daughter is :) https://twitter.com/art_moira/status/1363637989566517251


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I know you meant this as good news... And do not get me wrong, she seems good enough I guess... And this is not the worst way to ruin boys dreams ... But her father looks so much cuter and softer! Does no one in here land have a prince for me to wed? God dammit... Why is every good boy already taken? I need to go and wallow in self pity for little bit.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
I've created almost 2 platoons worth of kids.
My champion solving her inheritance: "Alright kiddos, there´s like, a hundred of you more or less so here´s what are we going to do. Imma go around the Marches fucking all your mothers, the last one standing when I come back get´s everything. Have fun!"


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2020
My champion solving her inheritance: "Alright kiddos, there´s like, a hundred of you more or less so here´s what are we going to do. Imma go around the Marches fucking all your mothers, the last one standing when I come back get´s everything. Have fun!"
Wouldn't that just create more problems in the long term?

Quicksilver Tongue

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2021
I kinda wish Farrah did more in terms of sex than just offer lap dances. It gets kind of repetitive to keep stiffing her on payment....


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
From Succession practices in the Ottoman Empire:

From the fourteenth through the late sixteenth centuries, the Ottomans practiced open succession – something historian Donald Quataert has described as "survival of the fittest, not eldest, son." During their father's lifetime, all adult sons of the reigning sultan obtained provincial governorships. Accompanied and mentored by their mothers, they would gather supporters while ostensibly following a Ghazi ethos. Upon the death of the reigning sultan, his sons would fight amongst themselves until one emerged triumphant. A Prince's proximity to Constantinople improved his chances of succession, simply because he would hear of his father's death and declare himself Sultan first. A Sultan could thus hint at his preferred successor by giving a favourite son a closer governorship. Bayezid II, for instance, had to fight his brother Cem Sultan in the 1480s for the right to rule.

The Champion:

- Endorses polygamy
- Has a harem and a palace
- Is sublime
- Wears a fancy onion hat

Close enough. It could work.

Edit: I demand a fancy and magnificent onion hat to be added to the game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
If we start adding food clothing into the game, it absolutely has to be tied to being a plant person or else being an onion doesn't sound as amusing to me.