Treatment Genetics


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well for the carrie and cora scenes the flag it currently checks is if the PC is male treated but the scene text would work pretty well without any edits for any male that can emit pheromones. As it currently stands the only way a male can emit pheromones is by being treated. But if Lupinol pheromones becomes a thing then that scene should probably have it's flag check updated.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yush. Most of NT seems to run on fact their can sniff others pheromones and since only Treatment giving this atm it's easy way to jsut use check for treated or not treated not checking if pheromones was gained other way. Seems I will have with Lupinol (if it get in form I think it will get into the game) more stuff to have fun with.


Aug 26, 2015
I had no idea that perk even existed. First I've heard of it.

It's a passive tease attack booster you get when male Treated.  It should hypothetically be available to zil as well, but I'd be more comfortable with that if it was a pheromone special like vanae milk.  Adding this new purely cosmetic perk to zil rations is an option, of course.


Aug 27, 2015
Well for the carrie and cora scenes the flag it currently checks is if the PC is male treated but the scene text would work pretty well without any edits for any male that can emit pheromones. As it currently stands the only way a male can emit pheromones is by being treated. But if Lupinol pheromones becomes a thing then that scene should probably have it's flag check updated.

Mmm I'm not sure about that. Aside from the pheromones I specifically wrote those scenes from the perspective of a Male Treated (or Cowmazon, I guess?) character. As much as I wouldn't mind them finding a slightly wider audience, there's a bunch of stuff that references having bull instincts and talking like a bro-dude there.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I intended to add Pheromone Cloud to Lupinol, but it's a combat perk so I can't.  The, wait, the male one doesn't unless you count Brute Speech?

Well fuck, can I add it, then?

This . . . please. I totally get that some things should be gated behind treatment and others should be gated behind pheremones. Unfortunately, I don't see this issue going away and it would probably be better to nip it in the bud and do the nasty now rather than when we have 6 more planets worth of potential races that have powerful scent possibilities. On top of all that it's always kind of bothered me that there's not notable scent thing with the dog races particularly those with muzzles. I've only scratched the surface here and you can see that it could easily snowball already. I'd again suggest just taking care of it overall before it gets to be a BIG problem like "we're not gonna go back and remake the whole game" levels.

Regarding the combat bonuses with this. Yes they're there, yes they have some meaning, but they are NOT break the world levels of boost. I was winning every lust based battle long before I got pheromones.
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