Treatment Genetics

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
The Codex specifically states the Treatment is not a permanent physical and mental alteration? Where is that at?

Sorry, I was quoting and responding to your quote and response to shadefalcon saying "Maybe because everyone who has ever taken it don't want to change back?" In other words, I was just asserting that everyone who has ever taken the Treatment didn't want to change back.

Exactly this. And bimbofication is supposed to be the infinitely more likely option.

Nonsense, even full females without a cock have a 75% chance of becoming a Cowmazon if they have the mentality for it. I'd hardly call that infinitely more likely.

EDIT: Then again, Reaha is hyper feminine. Right? Like I mean she used to be a tomboy-oh, right, she only changed physically. Mentally she's still a tomboy with insecurities. Well probably. That opens up a whole bunch of questions about her and the Treatment but eh.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Is this actual canon or simply a mechanical concession for game balance?

The 75% figure is from the game code.  :p  But it makes sense; Zephyr, for example, was dominant even before she took the Treatment. She mentions her thoughts on it in conversation.

I believe when Fen was originally writing up the Treatment he just collected all the variations that weren't explicitly male or female and called them "rare", but that's hardly the case anymore. With that said it's not like we have a large enough sample size to make sure.

I guess at this point, unless Fen cares enough to make a canon-changing decision soon, we'll just have to wait and see how Savin handles Reaha and other writers handle other New Texans.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Is there substantiation for why the Treatment is permanent? I genuinely don't know.

In addition to the unbelievably intense pleasure reinforcement, the nanobots that re-write the Treated person's brain supposedly never leave or go inactive, so any cure would have to combat them in a way that won't fry said brain. On top of all this, not many people or organization that had resources needed to come up with the cure ever had any reasons to do so. Dr. Lessau talks a bir about the possibility of reverting the mental effects, stating that with his experience, a full team of researchers and Steele Tech's budget it can be done to at the very least some success.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015

Not sure if Dom So is just being her dommy self, or if she's actually adressing Reaha's true self and problems...

Probably both.

...Reading that made me think...she visits forums...what kinda forums does she visit? This could solve the mystery of her hobbies in the very least xD  

If that's the reason, fine. But that should be stated very clearly. That way, we can have the canonical knowledge that someone that vehemently opposes the Treatment and is subsequently force-Treated for whatever reason could be returned to normal by... I dunno, maybe friends/family/witnesses that know the individual in question did not want to be Treated, even if their Treated self says otherwise?

And then the great thing is, even if the Treatment was undone and the individual's opinion of the Treatment had actually changed after taking it, they could just go and consent to it at a later date.

So many issues are solved by acquiescing to the fact that the Treatment isn't "permanent" so much as it's "very convincing."

I feel like it would make the whole concept a lot more palatable, and wouldn't really infringe on the fetishes it caters to or the people that like them. But that's just me...

New solution make all new texans of age take the faux treatment for a week, and then give them a month to decide whether or not they want to be treated...Oh wait...I'm not the governor...f*ck...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I think the permanency is merely fir the sake of catering to fans of the fetish its targeting. But personally I really, really wish there were some sort of treatment  equivalent to the mental debimbo potion from CoC. Even if it remains impossible to completely cure the treatment, being able to at least unlock a way to mitigate some of the mental damage without needing to resort to save editing would make the treatment a lot more palatable to a lot of folks I imagine. 

Sorry if I open another can of worms here or put this train on yet another rail... but I honestly do not get what your problem is. You can get a body just like a treated character without any bimbo perks just fine. You can even boost your libido to unreasonable levels without becoming a treated bimbo, or mentally "damaged" in any way. Only real reason I can imagine is, that you want your favourite character to be able to get all the scenes, regardless if it makes any sense and that would be (notice the conditional) stupid. Oh god I should stop making enemies here...

EDIT: Please ignore this. I was just a stupid jerk, sorry 'bout that.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Probably both.

Yeah. And it's glorious.

...Reading that made me think...she visits forums...what kinda forums does she visit? This could solve the mystery of her hobbies in the very least xD

The Nivas Oxonef fan forums, of course. Other than that she just watches porn.

@PyrateHyena: Dude, what are you talking about? Milkman was just saying he wants the Treatment to be reversible.

The Treatment's permanence was handwaved in, and while it could be handwaved out, it won't.
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Aug 26, 2015
Who? What?

A character from Steele Biomedical, and the only cow in the game not connected to the Treatment save for Bovinium Lerris.  She will come with her own custom-made transformative Holstaria, which allows becoming a muscled-up cowgirl that can go full furry, unlike Bovinium.  It also comes with a perk that lets high-tone characters have a fat ass.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
@PyrateHyena: Dude, what are you talking about? Milkman was saying he wants the Treatment to be reversible.

Yes and I do not get it. It makes no sense from my POV. Because, well what I posted earlier.
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Aug 26, 2015
The 75% figure is from the game code.  :p

Yes, but it is still rare--that 75% chance is eligible only if the Steele's tone or femininity are at a certain threshold--otherwise, the bimbo variant is the most likely option. Regardless, these are the chances for the player character, as the chances for NPCs are highly varied based on who is writing them (anything can happen!). However, the consensus is that, overall, cowmazons produced from the Treatment are a rarity.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, but it is still rare--that 75% chance is eligible only if the Steele's tone and femininity is at a certain threshold--otherwise, the bimbo variant is the most likely option. Regardless, these are the chances for the player character, as the chances for NPCs are highly varied based on who is writing them (anything can happen!). However, the consensus is that, overall, cowmazons produced from the Treatment are a rarity.

Yeah, but I mean players that are getting their PC Treated already sorta kinda have them like how they want them to turn out to be. I mean, I know there are some people that really like male to female transformations too, I'm just saying.

With that said, I suppose the actual canon is that it's rare, but doesn't matter since writers will write their NPCs however they want anyway.

@PyrateHyena: I still don't understand. Milkman said he wishes the Treatment was reversible. You said you can get a bunch of the Treatment's effects via other methods. For all we know Milkman doesn't Treat his PCs or want them to be cow-like. With that said I always Female Treat my PC because I like the idea of it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
@PyrateHyena: I still don't understand. Milkman said he wishes the Treatment was reversible. You said you can get a bunch of the Treatment's effects via other methods. For all we know Milkman doesn't Treat his PCs or want them to be cow-like. With that said I always Female Treat my PC because I like the idea of it.

Might be I was just misreading Milkman. I see why one would want the treatment to be reversible in-the-TiTS-universe. What I do not get is, why it should be reversible from a player (as the person that plays) POV.

EDIT: As always I got fired up for no reason at all and did not think through what I posted. Sorry for causing a mess. I will call Carver Catering to clean it up...
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
With the girl and her mom?

This is how we turn TiTS into CoC.

Tell me the story of that girl and her mom.

No no, I just meant that if the canon is that Cowmazons are rare, that doesn't mean Fen is just going to be like "Sorry, we already have Zephyr and Reaha, no more allowed!"

What I do not get is, why it should be reversible from a player (as the person that plays) POV.

More power to the player? Being able to try different variants without save scumming? Like save editing your money is cheating (none that anyone's going to lecture you for that), but save editing an irreversible thing is more for convenience. At least in this context.


Aug 26, 2015
With that said, I suppose the actual canon is that it's rare, but doesn't matter since writers will write their NPCs however they want anyway.

Pretty much. So with that canon, it's safe to imagine that for every cowmazon encountered, there are like eight to ten, or more, bimbos and bulls in the background somewhere. New Texas isn't a small, lonesome town--it's a populated planet with a thriving tourist industry and Steele is only ever in Big T's barn (with the fields as an extension of that), with the rest of the planet's landscapes and other population centers being unexplorable.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
More power to the player? Being able to try different variants without save scumming? Like save editing your money is cheating (none that anyone's going to lecture you for that), but save editing an irreversible thing is more for convenience. At least in this context.

Yes I can see that. I was just making wrong guesses and these guesses pissed me off. I am simply not good at forums. Or at communication. Or any social thing really, but that is a whole different problem.

EDIT: Let's say a seperate problem, not necessarily different.
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Aug 27, 2015
A heavy concentration of cowmazons at T's ranch might even be able to be explained away by the fact that he's the leader-guy. Cowmazons seem pretty capable and competent, more so than the average Treated, so if there was going to be a concentration of them anywhere, it would be where all the important stuff happens. In my mind, at least.

Sounds a good hand-wave.

As others have said, the reason why more of them crop up is because amazons tend to be a bit more interesting to write, with a greater scope of interactions with different PCs. If ever I feel the need to do more bimbo stuff I could pretty much use Carrie and Cora in perpetuity, I don't much see the need to create more vanilla Treated females (aside from the satiating the ultimate bro-bull-douche fantasy of doing, like, six of them at the same time). Whereas with Ramis it felt like there was a bit of a niche that hadn't been done to death yet.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Well, even if writers find bimbo NPCs boring, it's a good thing they're all about them bimbo PCs, right?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
As others have said, the reason why more of them crop up is because amazons tend to be a bit more interesting to write, with a greater scope of interactions with different PCs. If ever I feel the need to do more bimbo stuff I could pretty much use Carrie and Cora in perpetuity, I don't much see the need to create more vanilla Treated females (aside from the satiating the ultimate bro-bull-douche fantasy of doing, like, six of them at the same time). Whereas with Ramis it felt like there was a bit of a niche that hadn't been done to death yet.

There are no proper fem!Treated PC level bimbos in the whole NT character roster. And the only one that comes close is a bugpony, so something of an acquired taste.


Aug 27, 2015
There are no proper fem!Treated PC level bimbos in the whole NT character roster.

How are you defining that, exactly? Because Amma, Carrie, Cora and Millie all exist.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So I have to ask, and this really just comes from me being ignorant, but how is Amazon Reaha supposed to be attained? My understanding is that she gets the Cowmazon Treatment, but I was also under the impression that she hated the Treatment with a passion. Do you just convince her to do it, or does she get super-stacked via another method?

Yeah, there's a 0% chance of ever convincing Reaha to voluntarily take the Treatment. 

For a while my plan was to have the PC basically force-Treat her (and then get a Very Angry, Very Buff Cow that breaks your pelvis for revenge). However, a talk with Fen earlier in the year has completely altered the plan based on the following "revelation:"

On New Texas, getting Treated isn't optional for citizens. Meaning if you don't do it voluntarily on your 18th Birthday, the government will send people to force you into it. My current plan is that you can bring Reaha to New Texas, and a reunion with her family. If you stay overnight, New Texan jackboots will arrive and literally drag Reaha off in the night. The implication being one of her sisters, or her mother, turned her in. So it's still very much forced, but not done (intentionally) by the PC.

Or it could be done semi-intentionally by the PC by one of the cows cluing you in -- "Hey, keep her here overnight for us, won't you hon?" *wink*

  • Player has to finish curing Reaha so we get that shit out of the way.
  • When exploring career options, bring up her military service.  Reaha presumably complains that she's too soft for that now.
  • Player can go to Cynthia and bring it up, bring her back to the ship to meet Reaha.  Three-way sex scene that helps Reaha come to appreciate how hot Cynthia's beefcake figure is.
  • Player pays out some credits, gets a slightly adjusted dosage of Holstaria made for Reaha.
  • Reaha gets her Treated appearance along with a hefty dom streak awakening from the sense of power, enough so that her Treated scenes aren't out of character.  Without Treatment backing it up, this ego boost is likely rather more fragile, putting her in more of a switch position.  Essentially you get a mix of Cured and Treated.

The reason I wanted to bring it up now, before Treated Reaha was written, is to avoid it being a tacked-on expansion that requires going back and editing in branches later.

Sounds good. Like I said, a lot of her talks and interactions will probably need to be unique for this version, but the sex scenes would probably be compatible.

Is there substantiation for why the Treatment is permanent? I genuinely don't know.

I don't think so. We'll probably find out if Fen and I ever do the "What's actually under Big T.'s mansion" dungeon thing.

My guess is Horrible Alien Parasites, but I have no idea.

Well at least she's compatible with my Steele then xD

Her Cured expansion also mentions her going to online support groups for New Texan refugees. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Bug pony is awesome. I'll fight you in real life right now.

But hey, Aina and the Dryad are also pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
How are you defining that, exactly? Because Amma, Carrie, Cora and Millie all exist.

All of those lovely ladies display only a moderate amount of carefree attitude and absent-mindedness, and while they have high libido, they don't possess a one-track mind. Millie is also forceful enough to be considered closer to Amazon side of the Treatment spectrum.

So none of them are, strictly speaking, bimbos.

Bug pony is awesome. I'll fight you in real life right now.

But hey, Aina and the Dryad are also pretty good.

Never said I didn't share said taste.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
All of those lovely ladies display only a moderate amount of carefree attitude and absent-mindedness, and while they have high libido, they don't possess a one-track mind. Millie is also forceful enough to be considered closer to Amazon side of the Treatment spectrum.

So none of them are, strictly speaking, bimbos.

Amma is absolutely a bimbo. As is Ellie, for that matter.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, there's a 0% chance of ever convincing Reaha to voluntarily take the Treatment. 

For a while my plan was to have the PC basically force-Treat her (and then get a Very Angry, Very Buff Cow that breaks your pelvis for revenge).

If you stay overnight, New Texan jackboots will arrive and literally drag Reaha off in the night. The implication being one of her sisters, or her mother, turned her in. So it's still very much forced, but not done (intentionally) by the PC.

No! That sounds terrible! :c

Yes! That sounds great! c:

No! That sounds terrible! :c

Damnit, I really wanted to Treat her, but I wanted to see both her forced and voluntary paths. So is she still going to be a dominant Cowmazon? How will it affect her relationship with the PC? This takes the creepiness factor up to an 11, in that she's still legally a citizen due to a technicality, but also an indentured servant brought by a tourist and likely friend of Big T. Not to mention my PC's waifu slave. You're at least going to put something like "Reaha really doesn't want leave the ship, but you could force her, if you want." right? Or an option to leave before staying overnight?

@IVIysteriousPerson: Just to make sure, you didn't want to Treat her right? Just don't ever take her to see her long lost family that she hasn't seen in years. Problem solved!
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