Trapped in Equestria 3.0 {The REAL Rp}


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros blinks, both at the offer, and at the hinting of a technique. Keros can't help but roll his eyes and lower his lids somewhat. Why do I feel like you're going to tear her soul out and interrogate her in her most vulnerable state?" He asked, lightly kicking his foot-paw. However, as he was not paying attention, he lightly kicked the Gryphon in her side, causing her to groan lightly, her eyelids starting to twitch.

Varg, paying attention in watching over her, conveyed a warning via a grunt, getting Keros' attention. His response, once he saw the eye-twitching, was to pull his revolver and aim it at her head, too used to people he hunted waking up to him standing over them, only to try and shoot first. It HAD happened before. "I think I'd like the picnic, dad....But you may wanna pack for four. I know we've had a few fuck ups, but I mean hey, unless they do something REALLY stupid....I don't think they'd need to be OUR problem per se..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"I think I'd like the picnic, dad....But you may wanna pack for four. I know we've had a few fuck ups, but I mean hey, unless they do something REALLY stupid....I don't think they'd need to be OUR problem per se..."

There is a sound of cloth unfolding behind Keros. Behin him, as Varg in high likelyhood sees it happen, not only does a green picnic basket float down to start setting up plates for four along a deep green felt cloth but seated opposite to Keros' spot there is a familiar unicorn currenlty scribbling on a parchment with four large quills that look like they came from a void phoenix, all lightless void and desperation incarnate. 'Considering that fact that you are kicking the tourist who is loitering in a no-loitering zone while a living machine is watching and doubtlessly finding your antics most amusing I am beyond caring whether this is an awkward or socially inappropriate moment,' the necromaner in question answers slowly while arranging the things such as utensils and foodstuffs - all of it in violation of concentional physics given how the bottles hover a full centimeter above the felt matter. 'And to answer your first question I could have done that three hours ago if I felt like bothering to go that far on a task I have little interest left in. And even if it felt spiteful I could easily delegate a Reaper to do its job for once instead of sacrificing my own considerable time on the task in question.'


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Varg looks past Keros, bowing his head respectfully as he sees Bones. "Greetings, sir." He says softly, before walking over, laying next to the picnic and staring at their 'guest'.

Keros, turned slightly at the sound of cloth, and couldn't help but give a warm smile as he saw everything be set up. Physics be damned, he was used to these shenanigans by now.
"Ya know, I could make a comment about you up an ripping the Reapers a verbal new one with a single line, but meh...It's been too long since we were together." He stated softly, nodding to Varg as he respectfully pulled his hat off, walking over and sitting on the verdant cloth. More than one instinct wanted him to give his father a hug, but seeing the parchment and quill, he held himself back, instead pulling his weapons from their holsters and setting them aside with his hat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Ya know, I could make a comment about you up an ripping the Reapers a verbal new one with a single line, but meh...It's been too long since we were together."

That slender and lengty neck blurs its outlines as one arcing neck that ends in a head becomes a cluster of them, each adorned with a flowing mane of darkness: they blend together until a blooming theater curtain floats behind the unicorn who now seems like a single spot of white against a backdrop of a colorless sea.

The first unicorn head angles itslelf to smile warmly with a wide mouth as well as two slitted pupils at the machine wolf. 'Varg, you wonder of steam and gears. Always a pleasure to see you.'

The second head cranes its angular features to lean in and nuzzle the diamond dog, bypassing distance along with time and space all at once. 'Hello son. Spell is active and running, we are practically detached from time, all four of us. We can take a thousand years to solve this if we want '

The third head narrows its eyes upon the gryphoness, its focus chillling in its intensity 'Yet another gryphon form, I see. Well, let us hope this one is less suicidal in its brain power.'

The cluster of remaining heads begin idly peering at the ink scribbles that flow hither-tither-yonder without pause, and only then does it become evident that each protruding horn on the unicorn's head is glowing a soft red hue.


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Knife stomps toward an elderly looking stallion hunched over and covered in tattered robes. "Who do you think we are?" She snarls a bit, smoke rising up a bit from her nostrils as the cigar in her muzzle burns away. "We aren't just mindless thugs who run around, killing innocents and taking their belongings as our own." The female diamond dog raised her paw up, ready to backhand the elder, but slowly got control of herself.

After righting her clothes, a black tank top tucked into charcoal grey fatigue pants, she rolled the cigar around a bit. "You have about twenty seconds to get off my ship, before I have you launched out of one of the main deck guns into the fucking sun." With that she leaned against the railing and plucked the end of her cigar from between her lips, rolling it between two fingers and knocking off the last bits of ash. The stallion scurried off, making his way back to his escort to head back down planet side.

Tossing the remnants of the cigar down to the deck and stomping on it, she sighed, running her fingers up and brushing some loose strands of hair out of her face. Her hair probably looking a bit messy after working herself up from just the insulting accusations of the stallion. "Miserable worms. See one ship in the sky and they instantly think you're here to rape and pillage..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The Puppy Succubus affectionately nuzzles her floral Mistress in gratitude before lapping gently at the water blob, indeed parched after all the exertion of the day.

The flaming succubus smiles at the pupcubus, glad to see their little pet enjoy herself. She's quite glad to finally be back in Inferno after they were so rudely interrupted by that moron. She looks around to see if there is possibly something like an ice cream stall where she could get her two loved ones a snack or two. She does not know what the inhabitants of Inferno typically eat, but she's sure they do have tasty things here as well.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros can't help it then, from the nuzzling, his body reacting faster than his mouth can give off a fang-filled smile, arms wrapping around the back of his father's nearest head as he returns the nuzzles, eyes shut in response.

Varg, off to the side, smiles grandly at the head addressing him, steam billowing out of his nostrils harmlessly. "The pleasure is mine, as always, Master Bones." He replied, looking about to the surrounding area, his gears whirring near silently as his inner workings kicked up, earning a half open eye from Keros in the Fire Wolf's direction.

Varg looked back to Bones with both brows raised.
"A thousand years might be a bit off, Master Bones...If my calculations are correct...To us at least, time is almost at a complete stand still." Keros' eyes shot open at this, ceasing his nuzzling so his head could whip in Varg's direction.

"No offense pal, but I'm gonna need a ratio on that, or I'm calling bullshit." He said in immediate reply, before looking back to his father with a smirk. "No offense, dad."

Varg happily grinned mischievously. "I did the math, Keros.....Your paws would rot off before you could put in enough zeros on a super computer to show the time differential ratio. His magic is at that point, remember?" Keros deadpanned as he looked back over to his partner, arm whipping about to point an accusing finger at the mechanical wolf. "You're being serious and yet 'trolling' me, aren't you?" Varg merely grinned, wagging his tail to and fro.

Keros continued to gives the mechanical wolf a deadpan stare for a bit, before rolling his gunmetal colored eyes, turning back to his father, while looking about to see if there was some water amidst the packed picnic about them.
"So yeah...I'll go ahead with the obvious question, dad. What the hell was that thing, and why was it dancing? Some friggin' victory dance cause it got here scott-free or something?"

Varg lowered his head onto his front paws and chuckled. "it probably heard about your need to show off and thought you'd go all power ranger on it so it could get away easily~"

Keros responded by throwing his hat at his partner, who grinned as it landed on his snout.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Keros responded by throwing his hat at his partner, who grinned as it landed on his snout.
Each unicorn head is smiling widely at these antics of the two canines which prompts both of them to nuzzle the canine in question irregardless of how silly or inappropriate it may seem at that time.

'That sprite as you call it is a spirit of friendship. It seeks out those lost in the void to try to rescue them before they fade out forever in that lightless pit that is the void. It appears to be quite stuck around this sphere of existence for its own reason. It is mostly harmless and makes its point to search and rescue, nothing else. It is too strange for most beings to comprehend, and even its best talents often leave those it rescues in relatively poor condition because those lost in the void literally lose themselves slowly until they fade away. The experience is too much for most minds, and that is why no one usually recalls such as experience,' explains one of the heads not busy nuzzling either of the wolves as it rises up to look at the gryphoness as well, yet it pauses when the head on its left levitates some of the delicious food packs out of the basket. It takes a moment to orient a stuffed chicken before one free head that begins ravenously consuming said chicken in pieces. 'It comes from a nameless little place the produces them, and as you might guess it is quite benign. It is sadly very simple in its mind, but it does comprehend its wises act is to not be too involved in the life of whoever it rescues. It is in a way the kindest option available.'


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros can't help but chuckle happily at the nuzzling. Varg's tail continues to wag. Antics will be antics, and it seems that Varg and Keros picked some up together, the two bonding almost like brothers. Keros listens carefully to the explanation, frowning slightly as he tries to recall how he himself was dragged into the void...Yet can't pin that particular memory down, causing him to frown further. "Well, that explains that. The Sprite must've been happy to have gotten her here....But if it's meant for search and rescue, and is simple minded....Then why the hell did she look like she was being mind-controlled when it lead her out? Could she be lost already in all but body?" He asked sadly, looking over to the Gryphoness, whose eyes had twitched once again only moments before. Varg had a similar expression on his features, raising his head as the hat slipped off, also looking to the young Gryphon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
He asked sadly, looking over to the Gryphoness, whose eyes had twitched once again only moments before. Varg had a similar expression on his features, raising his head as the hat slipped off, also looking to the young Gryphon.

'Her entire being has undergone an experience that her kind are not meant to survive,'
comments the head nuzzling Keros just before a second one comes over and nods. 'She is a former human. As you may know, the human brain has a limited ability to perceive and even more limited an ability to comprehend what it sees when that something. Her brain is re-booting after a ratehr heavy number of blue screening. Give her time. To her, time currently passes slow enough that our local universe will end before a minute has passed for her.'

Meanwhile the head by Varg winks its eye at the mechanical wolf. 'Nice commentary there Varg, insightful and witty. Truly, you are one of a kind.'


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros frowns a bit more, and nuzzles the head nuzzling him in return once more, humming thoughtfully. "Hmph....Well, I guess I was one of the lucky ones. You know I'm former human like her. Doesn't help that I was awake through it all....Is it wrong that I feel bad about being the lucky one?" He asked his father, his tail curling to his side as his mind ran through the memories again, from his arrival and first bust in Appleoosa, to everything up till now, noting how....often he's gotten away by sheer luck. He smiles softly and nuzzles the head some more.

Varg, listening to the conversation, can't help by smile softly, and wink back at the head closest to him.
"I've learned plenty from Keros, Master Bones, including the ability to be snide whenever I please~"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Varg, listening to the conversation, can't help by smile softly, and wink back at the head closest to him. "I've learned plenty from Keros, Master Bones, including the ability to be snide whenever I please~"

'Life is what it is. You did not choose who you were born as. Neither did she. Do you choose when it rains, or how the wind blows?' inquires the pair of heads nuzzling the humanoid hound, and one of them elaborates in a more heavy tone 'Let her make her own fortunes via her decisions. All the others chose their own futures, even if they seemed to be set on getting themselves either killed or worse.'

Varg's comment produces a wide smile from the head addressing it. 'Imagine that, a machine that learned the greatest of talents. You make me proud to have designed you, Varg. Never change.'


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros rolled his eyes playfully as he nuzzled the heads, hugging them both and sighing softly. "Fair enough....It'd just be nice to see a newcomer that we don't figuratively throw to the wolves because they go and fuck up. It'd be nice to see some promising new fighters from out of this plane, ya know?" He explained wistfully, smirking ever so fondly as he nuzzled his father's heads.

Varg grins at the head nearest to him once again, chuckling.
"Why, Master Bones, you built and set me to learn and evolve from and around everything I experience! To have been shot at as many times as I have from following Keros, I should think I've atleast picked up on his snide cowboy routine~" Keros almost snapped, rearing his head back and slowly turning it in Varg's direction, glaring death. The dire wolf, burst out laughing at this, pounding the ground with a paw.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Keros almost snapped, rearing his head back and slowly turning it in Varg's direction, glaring death. The dire wolf, burst out laughing at this, pounding the ground with a paw.

The two heads near Keros narrow their eyes to slits before silently glaring at him. Then, after a deep while of total silence, one of them speaks out finally. 'You wanna repeat that, son? About abandoning them?'

The living machine on the other hand is gently nuzzled further by the head beside it before strands of the mane the respective head calls into motion gently scratch the metalline wolf behind its ears as well as under its jaw. "Well someone had to watch out for him. Surely a machine so well created to be a pinnacle of gears and pistons would be able to handle such a challenge."


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros winces, and sighs, breaking away and leaning back against the cloth and grass, staring at the sky. "Bad choice of wording, sorry. My bad..." He said back smacking his face with a paw, dragging it down slowly. "What I mean is, I'm tired of all these newcomers coming in and fucking everything up for themselves. They get new lives, new names if they want, fresh starts, ya know? And yet, they've all, just, up and screwed it all. Every last one...Is it wrong that I find it...Ridiculous?" He asked his father, continuing to stare up at the sky.

Varg, looks over at Keros, chuckling and shaking his head, whilst enjoying the praise and scratches.
"Of course. We work well alone, and better together. And thankfully, I am built to keep up with him, as...quick on the draw, he's always been?" Keros, hearing the subtle pun, groaned and clapped his other hand to his face. "Oh christ, here come the puns..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Oh christ, here come the puns..."

'The evils of free will. Look it up. And prepare for horror.' Both heads leer like loons at Keros before they are bapped by two forehooves that reaches with magical assistance. 'Behave, you lot. No scaring the adopted son just to try to make a point!' admonishes one head from the artistic cluster, which makes the bapped pair sulk a touch.

Meanwhile the head petting Varg looks on, clearly hoping for further lycan commentary.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros remained silent, letting forth a slow groan as he heard Varg clear his throat, before sitting up straight, and putting Keros' hat on with expert paw control. After a few moments, his inner gears could be heard whirring, before he started speaking in a mechanical version of the young Dog's voice. "Listen, shit head. Let me put this into perspective. This, is a revolver. More than ONE of the shots it fires is bound for your hide. The real question is, will you take them in between the eyes, or all over the place?" He says, mimicking one of his and Keros' jobs from awhile back, as if proving his point on the 'Snide Cowboy Routine.' Keros, is groaning even more, wishing he had a hole to hide in.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Listen, shit head. Let me put this into perspective. This, is a revolver. More than ONE of the shots it fires is bound for your hide. The real question is, will you take them in between the eyes, or all over the place?" He says, mimicking one of his and Keros' jobs from awhile back, as if proving his point on the 'Snide Cowboy Routine.' Keros, is groaning even more, wishing he had a hole to hide in.

There comes a sound of thunderous applause: the necromancer has conjured an entire legion of spirits that stomp their hooves in approval of Varg's imitation.

'But to he serious, do you have more questions on the topic, or in general?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros sighed in exasperation at his partner and his father, pushing himself to a sitting position again, shaking his head. "Just that lat bit from earlier. Do we tell Anubis, and if so, what per se do we tell him?" He replied, crossing his arms in thought.

Varg, sensing the time for jokes is over, slid the hat from his metal head, and laid back down.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Varg, sensing the time for jokes is over, slid the hat from his metal head, and laid back down.

'That is primarily determined by her,'
the necromancer casually asks as he incresingly focuses on feasting on the increasing amount of foodstuff drawn from the basket, and which he spreads on the four plates set on the felt cloth. Another head makes trashing motions in the direction of the unconscious gryphoness. 'If she chooses to act an ass she goes the way all others before her did: a Reaper will do their namesake, ridding this world of yet another errant string that does not belong. If she minds herself, becomes a piece of the weave and so forth then nothing worse becomes of it except a permanent little marker on her soul as an insurance.'


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros looks towards the unconscious Gryphoness, then to his father and nods. "Well alright then. I'll do my best not to lead her. Hell, probably best if she grows on her own, yeah?" He says with a grin as he looks to the food being brought from the basket with a chuckle. "Did you happen to pack any apples?"

Varg chuckles, getting up and trotting behind Keros, hat clamped gently in his teeth as he lies down behind the diamond dog. Keros nod, gently taking his hat back and putting it off to the side with his guns.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Varg chuckles, getting up and trotting behind Keros, hat clamped gently in his teeth as he lies down behind the diamond dog. Keros nod, gently taking his hat back and putting it off to the side with his guns.

The necromancer nods his flowing mass of a mane to the basket. 'Look it through, son. You will find a granary's fill in there, as will Varg as long as he even tries to look for something edible.'

'As for her choices: they are hers and hers alone to make. You cannot save someone who is determined to kill themselves no matter how you wish, short of taking away their free will. I rather doubt you want to see me do that.' continues the necromancer with a free head while several others are busy nomming on delicious foods, starting with baquettes. 'I can inform Anubis - but you could come along to say hello to your father in law and maybe exchange hugs.' That halts the whole of the necromancer, who looks to be in the peak of a deep question. 'Actually....Keros.... Have you met Anubis? In the flesh, in person?'


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros and Varg looked to each other and shrugged. Keros scooted over to the basket, leaning over the edge as he reached in with a hand. "Watermelon as usual, Varg?"

Varg grinned and wagged his tail happily as Keros pulled a nice full and ripe one out for him, followed by two more, before grabbing three apples. As he was grabbing the fruits, he heard his question, and shrugged again. "Uhm...No, I haven't, dad. I mean, hell, until VERY recently, I didn't even know you and him got married. Varg didn't either!"

Varg turned his expression to an apologetic one, looking to the mass of heads with a shy grin. "We've....Been neck deep in gossip and leads, trying to track down a solid one for the job we are on....We were on it before the, ah....'Reset', actually."

Keros nods in agreement, before scooting over to Varg again, leaning back against him as he summoned his Omni-Blade, cutting a watermelon in half, and giving a half to Varg to eat from, whilst he takes a bite from an apple, looking over the holographic blade. "Wouldn't mind meeting him some time, of course."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Keros nods in agreement, before scooting over to Varg again, leaning back against him as he summoned his Omni-Blade, cutting a watermelon in half, and giving a half to Varg to eat from, whilst he takes a bite from an apple, looking over the holographic blade. "Wouldn't mind meeting him some time, of course."

'Question. Is it work if you enjoy what you do?'
inquires a familiar whisper in return of the pair while its owner noms away on a delicious salmon baquette. 'Or are you getting paid to do something fun? Regarding Anubis, I could give you a short summary or a long story. Either way, I promise you he will be delighted in meeting you and will drop anything from his schedule even judging mortals into afterlife.'


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros nearly spewed chunks of apple at hearing the last bit of his father's replies, managing to clamp his muzzle shut, coughing as he beat his chest a few times, clearly thrown off. Varg rolls his eyes, and kicks out with one of his hind legs, hitting the Dog in the back, helping him get over the chunks of apple trying to go both ways, and swallow them down fully. After a few more coughs, he pats Varg in thanks, before looking to his father again. "Um...Dad? Personally, I enjoy the hell out of my work, far as I can tell, Varg loves it too."

"It never lacks in excitement," Varg chimes in. Keros nods to him slightly as he continues. "But I mean, I can stop and come back later. Something like that....I don't wanna get in the way of his work! I mean, that's WAY more important! I don't wanna be a nuisance." Keros' tone of voice indicated uncertainty. Yet a glimpse into his mind would show that it was not for meeting his father in law. Rather, it's because he has too much respect for the dead, considering who his blood father is now, and a matter of respect for those who are passing on.
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"Oof!" Knife falls into the mud, after trying to tackle a scrawny looking minotaur. "Sonuva..." The green hound springs back up, sprinting after her prey. Grumbling and brushing mud from her chin, each foot fall bringing her thumping closer and closer to her target. "I swear, when I get my paws on you."

Diving through a line of bushes, the mercenary tucked her legs in, rolled and popped into a kneeling position, pistol coming up as she aimed down the sights. "Don't you move a fuckin' muscle." The scrawny minotaur came to a halt, hands shooting up over his head. "Now turn slowly, no funny stuff." The young bull man with one shaven down horn slowly turns, suddenly pulling a sawn-off shotgun from his jacket and playing his gambit. Jacknife stayed cool and popped a shot off, a silent crack from her side as the tiny projectile found it's purchase in her quarry's skull.

"Shit!" She jumped to her feet and stormed over. "You dumb fuck, didn't you hear me warn you." She ran a paw through her hair, growling and kicking the dead minotaur's leg. "Stupid... Fucking hell." Knife holsters her pistol and slowly pulls a cigar from a pouch, lighting it up and taking a quick drag. "Mean't to hit his arm... Damn." The hound turned and went to meet up with her ride, shaking her head slowly. "Need to go get rid of some built up stress."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yet a glimpse into his mind would show that it was not for meeting his father in law. Rather, it's because he has too much respect for the dead, considering who his blood father is now, and a matter of respect for those who are passing on.

The necromancer stares at Keros for a moment. Then each head rolls its left eye to an angle in which they are gazing far to their left to such extent the entire eyeball has shifted in their socket. This lasts for a moment until they all set said eye to roll until each one gazes solidly at Keros. 'I can assure you Keros, and I in fact do so as the famous Wife Of Death: Anubis will be delighted to meet you, and I will insist on it. Any task he is set on is easy to pause, including the judgement. I should know since I reviewed it, revised it, re-wrote the entire process and then saw to every revision that did not bring the desired total result.''


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros watched the eyes on at least ONE of the many heads, taking a slow bite from his current apple once again. Varg continued to nom down some delicious fecking watermelon, seed, skin, and all. Keros listened to his father reassure him, and sighs, smiling slightly as he swallowed down the chewed chunks of apple. "Well...If you're sure dad, then yes, let him know I'd love to meet him whenever he wants. I'll even leave my guns coat and hat at home~" He offers with a wink.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
He offers with a wink.

Keros receives blank looks overall in reply to his offer. The necromancer apparently does not understand what Keros is saying, or is just feeling wordless regarding his offer.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
Keros stares at his father for a bit...Before deadpanning slightly. Varg whacks his leg with his tail. "You're muddling your words again, Keros." Keros shoots the Dire Wolf a look, before rolling his eyes and smirking. "Sorry. Yes, dad, I want to meet him, whenever he is able." He put ti simply, taking another bite from his apple.